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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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They have hounded her.


There is almost never a scene where Lipsa (and many of the others) aren't talking about Kim's problems.  It's endless, and completely UN helpful.  Gossiping about Kim and poor, wonderful, suffering Kyle, on camera, while trying to pretend they give a shit is pathetic.  Be there for her OFF camera.  Talk with her then.  Stage your obvious intervention while you "share" your own stories with addiction privately.


Kim is a public person, but addiction is an illness, and a struggle, and words will follow her, so she will be careful about what she says on camera.  They all know that.  Still, they keep pushing her, and she finally decided to out some of Lipsa personal (and private) issues.  Let's hope she does that to all of them.  Turn about is fair play, right?  Also, Bravo could finally have a storyline that wasn't Kim.

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No matter what "program" Kim is on, it is not working.


I agree, Kim always claiming she is working hard on her sobriety when we have seen otherwise is ridiculous IMO.


I did not hear Eileen, Lisa or anyone ask Kim to name a program or specifics but hear her/them ask more as a general question to see if she had the support she needed.

Wirewrap, you've touched on another thing that irritates me when it comes to this mess with Kim. Her claims that she works so hard on her sobriety drive me nuts because it's insulting to the people who really are working hard at it. It's similar to the irritation I feel ever time Brandi talks about how Kim has too much on her plate and how Kim supposedly has to be everything to everyone and that she's under all of this pressure because of Monty and Brooke's wedding. Kim wants the credit for what she hasn't done and on top of that she gets all mad and hurt when people question the veracity of her claims. Kim is the one who makes it seem like her sobriety is a big deal to her but if somebody shows concern about what she claims to be so concerned about then suddenly that person is out of line. It's frustrating to watch.


Kim also loses me when she claims that she's been this great sister to Kyle and that Kyle is always dragging her in to this or that. Apart from Kyle asking Kim to weigh in on the Camille issue, Kim has herself to blame for why she's ended up being apart of various dramas on the show. 

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The only one telling Kim anyone has spoken about her sobriety is Brandi, not Kyle.

There's no way we'll ever know this.  Wirewrap, if you love me, and I think you do, boo  ;-)  watch Eileen at the 40:20 mark for about 30 seconds.



This is key to why I think Kyle told Kim that people (Eileen in general) are talking about her..


ETA: Also, at LisaV's party, Yolanda tells Kim that people are talking about her.

Edited by ryebread
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Where Eileen really rubbed me the wrong way is when she was asking Kyle what "program" Kim was doing.  If she had sponsors.  But the kicker, "These are the questions Lisa and I are asking."  I'll bet Kyle was even irked by that.  She sure looked it during the whole conversation.  Eileen overstepped her boundaries, right there, imo.  Yes, I understand Kim overstepped all over the place, too, but I'm talking about my opinion re: Eileen's behavior to Kim.


I think Kyle was so caught off guard and irked about that conversation that she told Kim about it.  I think she tells Kim everything.

Sadly, I think by this point in the season Kim and Kyle are rarely speaking.  I agree is Kim thought Eileen's questions were invasive she should have expressed just that.  When I first moved to Napa we would be around a lot grape growers (duh) and I would hear about the varieties the farmers were growing what I learned the first week is you never ask about yield or acreage-it is like asking somebody how much money they have.  I think just being familiar with different sobriety programs doesn't give you the right to ask and being asked doesn't give you the right to be an asshole.  I am sure if Kim said to Eileen, "Eileen that is highly personal it would be like me asking you how much money Vince makes." Or "Eileen I would love to tell you. Do you have a couple of hours? I think I could really show you the light-I have some literature here you might enjoy reading.  I found my higher power and that higher power is ___, meetings are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 pm to 11 pm and I would be honored if you would be my guest.  Thank you so much for the concern." That would be a better conversation changer.  There were several ways Kim could have approached it but she would need to be sober.

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They have hounded her.


There is almost never a scene where Lipsa (and many of the others) aren't talking about Kim's problems.  It's endless, and completely UN helpful.  Gossiping about Kim and poor, wonderful, suffering Kyle, on camera, while trying to pretend they give a shit is pathetic.  Be there for her OFF camera.  Talk with her then.  Stage your obvious intervention while you "share" your own stories with addiction privately.


Kim is a public person, but addiction is an illness, and a struggle, and words will follow her, so she will be careful about what she says on camera.  They all know that.  Still, they keep pushing her, and she finally decided to out some of Lipsa personal (and private) issues.  Let's hope she does that to all of them.  Turn about is fair play, right?  Also, Bravo could finally have a storyline that wasn't Kim.

Kim had no knowledge that they, Lisa R/Eileen had spoken about Kim/addiction other than Brandi, they have not "hounded" her at all IMO. If Kim really does not want her "sobriety" questioned then she has 2 choices, 1, never get high during filming, ever 2, get off the show. That's it, as long as Kim takes something that makes her "high" during filming, her "sobriety" will always be in question and open to discussion among her fellow cast members and we, the viewers. I find it telling that since the reunion, Kim is no longer speaking to Brandi! Did she finally realize that the one keeping her sobriety, or lack of, front and center was really Brandi, because IMO, it was Brandi far more than Lisa R, Eileen or anyone else.

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Still, they keep pushing her, and she finally decided to out some of Lipsa personal (and private) issues.  Let's hope she does that to all of them.

Kim wasn't being pushed at that dinner IMO. Kim is also the one who started bringing up her sobriety at the table. Over and over she was ranting about how she's been sober for three years and not one person there seemed like they believed Kim's claims save possibly Yolanda. Kim could have accepted Lisa's apology and left it at that. 


As far as hoping that Kim outs private issues of all of the other women--if the personal issues of the other women were having a negative impact on Kim then I could understand that. Kim isn't being hurt by this so-called eating disorder of LisaR's. Kim isn't being effected by any so-called problems in the Hamlin marriage.


Dealing with Kim's substance abuse issues was a negative experience for Lisar and IMO that gives Lisar the right to talk about it. Take away the drugs for a moment and you still have a situation where Kim was rude and out of line and Lisar would be well within her rights to talk about it with the other women. It's only natural to discuss what goes on in your life. When you spend an hour plus in a car with a person who is clearly unhinged that isn't something that most people would keep to themselves especially when they know that the whole damn episode was captured on camera.  


Also, two wrongs don't make a right. If Kim thinks it's so wrong and evil to out people's personal issues then why would she want to do that to somebody else especially to a person who has done nothing to her? Umbelina, what has Harry done to Kim to deserve being a *direct* recipient of her wrath? 

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Sadly, I think by this point in the season Kim and Kyle are rarely speaking. 


They've come back before from that and likely will again.  I'll bet they've been on again, off again for most of their lives.  Imo, they are twisted so tight that like Kim says, nothing can tear them apart.  Both of them have told us that no one understands their bond.  I for SURE don't understand them but I think if I were Lisa Rinna (for instance) no matter how on the outs I thought the sisters were, I'd NEVER divulge any personal issues nor diss one sister to the other.  Because the hammer might not come down immediately but it will come down.

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There's no way we'll ever know this.  Wirewrap, if you love me, and I think you do, boo  ;-)  watch Eileen at the 40:20 mark for about 30 seconds.



This is key to why I think Kyle told Kim that people (Eileen in general) are talking about her..


ETA: Also, at LisaV's party, Yolanda tells Kim that people are talking about her.

IMO, Kyle is terrified to say word one to Kim that anyone was talking to her, she knows that Kim will never forgive her especially if Kyle is still talking to that person.


And Yes, of course I love you, all of my PT family, even when we disagree with each other!

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Umbelina, what has Harry done to Kim to deserve being a *direct* recipient of her wrath? 


I don't think Harry deserved being a direct recipient of her wrath but I think he 'earned' it by joining in on this cluster fugazi in the first place.  Now where I think she's wrong is if she's bringing up something about Harry other than his own addiction.  That's just how I feel.  Addiction? Fair game.  Harry's on the show, his wife is dogging Kim about her addiction, well, I agree with Kim that Lisa might just want to worry about her own mess at home.  IF that's what it is.  And I think it is because I've watched that first look clip 5 times (I'm looking kind of dumb with my finger and my thumb in the shape of an 'L' on my forehead) and something about how Kim segues into Harry makes me think it's all about the addiction. 

IMO, Kyle is terrified to say word one to Kim that anyone was talking to her, she knows that Kim will never forgive her especially if Kyle is still talking to that person.


And Yes, of course I love you, all of my PT family, even when we disagree with each other!

Okay, lover, so did you watch?!?

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I don't think Harry deserved being a direct recipient of her wrath but I think he 'earned' it by joining in on this cluster fugazi in the first place.  Now where I think she's wrong is if she's bringing up something about Harry other than his own addiction.  That's just how I feel.  Addiction? Fair game.  Harry's on the show, his wife is dogging Kim about her addiction, well, I agree with Kim that Lisa might just want to worry about her own mess at home.  IF that's what it is.  And I think it is because I've watched that first look clip 5 times (I'm looking kind of dumb with my finger and my thumb in the shape of an 'L' on my forehead) and something about how Kim segues into Harry makes me think it's all about the addiction. 

Okay, lover, so did you watch?!?

By that same thought, where does it stop, the tit for tat using family members? If Kim feels the need to "out" something about Harry, is Lisa R allowed to out/expose Monty's dirty laundry as he has been on the show as well? How about secrets concerning any of Kim's/Lisa R's children? That is a slippery slope Kim is embarking on and I am not sure she cares about the damage others can do to her family as long as she is able to cause Lisa R pain. Once again, as long as Kim gets to inflict pain on others it is justifiable in her warped mind.

Edited by WireWrap
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Folks are always going to look uncomfortable, do and say the wrong things, and generally maybe make things worse for the self-absorbed addict until there is a basic cure and I don't think any of us or them is going to live long enough to see that.  Until then it's going to be this horror or using folks misbehaving and not knowing how to stop and basically killing themselves and those that love them or care for them doing what they do to good or ill effect. And then being blamed for not being sensitive or discrete enough.  Addicts needs to be called out at every opportunity when they are using.  That's just a basic premise.


An understanding of that sad reality is also part of all this and the onus would be on Kim IF she were capable of getting it.  But she's not and it's true that the gals hounding her aren't  going to get her there either cuz they can't make it happen for her.  Only she can.


TB, Influenza, Syphilis, AIDS, Pneumonia, Childhood Ailments that used to kill -- We've had the means to curb these diseases thanks to medical advances and you know -- whatevers.  Not to mention the mental illnesses that can now be treated and curbed to good effect.   We're not there yet with any kind of addiction.  To the intense suffering of millions of folks all over the world -- and the folks who have to live with  the ravages. 


It's basically not honest, and this is my thing with Kim -- It's just not honest to say that you want to work towards getting well unless you can also acknowledge how still basically hopeless it is unless you do just that. Which is why it's hard for folks to point that finger.  Cause we all know there is simply NO cure as of yet -- I do think one day there will be. 


So Kim is definitely in a very difficult place -- but so are her cast mates and her sister -- not to mention her children!  If you wanna claim the ailment on tv then you better be prepared to fully represent what it is to be in recovery and, if you can't, don't lie about it. Either be straight up and let us see you get back on track or get off. 


Just because something is simple doesn't mean it's easy. Just because Kim wants to doesn't meant the rest of the cast has to pretend that she IS doing it out of deference to her.  


And my thing with Bravo isn't even so much that Kim doesn't know how to disguise how terrifically fucked up she gets when she goes overboard as it has to do with the fact that they keep encouraging her to LIE about it in order to keep the job and pump the ratings.  That's just wrong. 


I hope I don't kicked off for saying any of this and also hope nothing gets shuts down.  Terrible season and it can take forever to figure out what is happening in one's own mind in reacting to any of this.  

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I don't think Harry deserved being a direct recipient of her wrath but I think he 'earned' it by joining in on this cluster fugazi in the first place.  Now where I think she's wrong is if she's bringing up something about Harry other than his own addiction.  That's just how I feel.  Addiction? Fair game.  Harry's on the show, his wife is dogging Kim about her addiction, well, I agree with Kim that Lisa might just want to worry about her own mess at home.  IF that's what it is.  And I think it is because I've watched that first look clip 5 times (I'm looking kind of dumb with my finger and my thumb in the shape of an 'L' on my forehead) and something about how Kim segues into Harry makes me think it's all about the addiction.

I would have no problem with Kim wanting to talk about addiction problem of LisaR. That seems fair enough even though I admit that I doubt I'd believe too much in anything Kim has to say about anyone at this point. She basically has no credibility for me anymore. 


All I can say about Kim being comfortable with this tactic is that she'd better not cry or be upset if anybody goes after Chad, Whitney, Monty, Big Kathy, etc. Kim wouldn't put up with anyone bringing out the issues of her loved ones for two fucking seconds. She's a raging hypocrite IMO.

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I don't think Harry deserved being a direct recipient of her wrath but I think he 'earned' it by joining in on this cluster fugazi in the first place.  Now where I think she's wrong is if she's bringing up something about Harry other than his own addiction.  That's just how I feel.  Addiction? Fair game.  Harry's on the show, his wife is dogging Kim about her addiction, well, I agree with Kim that Lisa might just want to worry about her own mess at home.  IF that's what it is.  And I think it is because I've watched that first look clip 5 times (I'm looking kind of dumb with my finger and my thumb in the shape of an 'L' on my forehead) and something about how Kim segues into Harry makes me think it's all about the addiction. 

Okay, lover, so did you watch?!?

Yes I did, hence my post back to you. I stand by my words, that Kyle is terrified to tell Kim anything Lisa R or Eileen said. Kyle would pay a price, a huge price if she told Kim, then dared to ever speak to Lisa R or Eileen in a friendly manner ever again....HUGE! Kim is all about punishing Kyle IMO.

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By that same thought, where does it stop, the tit for tat using family members? If Kim feels the need to "out" something about Harry, is Lisa R allowed to out/expose Monty's dirty laundry as he has been on the show as well? How about secrets concerning any of Kim's/Lisa R's children? That is a slippery  slope Kim is embarking on and I am not sure she cares.

I think if they're over 21 and appear on the show, they're open for discussion.  By us or by them.  I know we all have different lines we draw over what's appropriate to reveal but if it's pertinent to the story at hand as we have here, than my moral compass says it's a go.  For instance, Harry's got an alcohol problem?  Okay to discuss.  Harry's sexuality or fidelity, not okay. 


Hypothetically, if Lisa R was constantly questioning Kyle over cheating on Maurico - because she felt like she had a moral obligation to do so - then, yeah, Harry's infidelity would be fair game at that point.

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I think if they're over 21 and appear on the show, they're open for discussion.  By us or by them.  I know we all have different lines we draw over what's appropriate to reveal but if it's pertinent to the story at hand as we have here, than my moral compass says it's a go.  For instance, Harry's got an alcohol problem?  Okay to discuss.  Harry's sexuality or fidelity, not okay. 


Hypothetically, if Lisa R was constantly questioning Kyle over cheating on Maurico - because she felt like she had a moral obligation to do so - then, yeah, Harry's infidelity would be fair game at that point.

Well, I think we will hear what Kim is talking about concerning Harry before this season is up and if the rumors are true about Adrienne's party, the finale, are true, this fight between Lisa/Kim is far from over.

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I get the point and SO wish that Rinna hadn't lost it like that. But I do understand how and why she did because that was just a whole lot of provocation on top on provocation and unresolved stuff. If Kim can say that she's in 100 percent pain, which I take to mean real psychological discomfort more than actual physical pain, then in my book some of these other broads get to claim the same ... Being angry, as I'm sure Rinna was over a long period of time, is just NO fun and has an effect on the body chemically.

Kim likes to claim the illness and use it or deny it to justify her crazy behavior, depending on what's going on, but can't seem to get that her colleagues are susceptible to their issues too. Why do Kim's issues always have to take precedence over anyone else's? In Kim's mind, because they are her own and everyone else is just supporting cast. Just because she's an addict, doesn't mean that these other ladies don't have their own problems and may not be in need of help and support.

Again, I wish Rinna hadn't gone there and I fully expect her to apologize and do so in a genuine way but I think she was definitely on-edge and baited into going there. And people will. If Kim gets to go there and act out, then by default, it's open to the rest of these ladies. That's another thing Kim might want to consider as she attempts to navigate the world of other people and her part in it.

I understand and respect what you say. But in my opionion, and mine only, I think unless you personally are being physically attacked or see someone physically attacked you don't become physically aggressive. Kim does like to claim the illness and use it or deny it to justify her aggression. I don't condone that either. I don't think anything at all justifies physical aggression just because of anger. 

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They've come back before from that and likely will again.  I'll bet they've been on again, off again for most of their lives.  Imo, they are twisted so tight that like Kim says, nothing can tear them apart.  Both of them have told us that no one understands their bond.  I for SURE don't understand them but I think if I were Lisa Rinna (for instance) no matter how on the outs I thought the sisters were, I'd NEVER divulge any personal issues nor diss one sister to the other.  Because the hammer might not come down immediately but it will come down.

I'm sure that most people assume that 'the bond' that Kim and Kyle share as sisters is like the bond that normal sisters have. Their mother, 'Big Kathy' wasn't exactly June Cleaver. If you read excerpts from the book House of Hilton you will see that those three daughters of Big Kathy were brought up by a profoundly dysfunctional mother who had been married four times. Marry rich, have tons of babies, and get attention at any cost. Throw in the fact that Big Kathy was a stage mother that insisted her teenage daughter 'Little Kathy' to know all about sex, and to learn how to perform, literally, so she asked a young man to give her teenage daughter ‘sex lessons’ in his van. The bond(s) that join Kim and Kyle may not be the fuzzy-good type of bond shared by most sister. We share bonds based on good times and positive memories. I think that the bond that Kim and Kyle share might just be the type of bond that's insidiously negative and unless it's changed miraculously to be a positive bond, then the bond might be catastrophic in the end.

Edited by HumblePi
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I understand and respect what you say. But in my opionion, and mine only, I think unless you personally are being physically attacked or see someone physically attacked you don't become physically aggressive. Kim does like to claim the illness and use it or deny it to justify her aggression. I don't condone that either. I don't think anything at all justifies physical aggression just because of anger. 

 90 percent of me is with you on this ... truly.  I am in agreement ... It's just never good to go there and do that -- just not.  But it does happen.  And I do think that folks need to be mindful of what they say in the way of sheer poison because folks who have been not just physically but emotionally abused will go there when pushed.  But, yeah, for sure.  I was sorry to see that and I lost some major respect for Rinna.  Maybe not respect but something got lost.  It wasn't a good moment. And it turns out it about adultery I'll be even more dismayed.  I've been married a very long time and love my family and not on topic but I'm a Latin American- North American and just don't fully get the infidelity as death of a marriage thing.  A flaw on my part, I'm sure. 

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Yes I did, hence my post back to you. I stand by my words, that Kyle is terrified to tell Kim anything Lisa R or Eileen said. Kyle would pay a price, a huge price if she told Kim, then dared to ever speak to Lisa R or Eileen in a friendly manner ever again....HUGE! Kim is all about punishing Kyle IMO.


From that clip I asked you to watch (and thank you):

Eileen to Kyle:  "Does she have a sponsor? These are the questions that Lisa and I are asking. And if she's in the program, does she have a sponsor?  Is someone checking in on her, is she checking in with them?" 


In tonight's episode Kim accuses LisaR of talking to everyone about her.

She includes Eileen in the accusation.

"And you, too", (indicating Eileen)...."Asking:  Where I go to treatment, do I have a sponsor....."


Interesting that the camera immediately pans to Eileen who asked those exact questions last week. The verbiage is almost identical.

2:20 mark   http://videos.videop...oto0022_dvd.mp4


Imo, Kyle told Kim that Eileen and Lisa were asking those questions about where/if she goes to treatment and if she has a sponsor. It's too coincidental.

I think Kyle tells Kim everything. And maybe that's why she fled like a bat outta hell.


And Yo sat right there and said that she was hearing from people about Kim.  Yeah, we can speculate all day long that it's ONLY coming from Brandi but I think these Hos like to gossip.  About anything.  As long as it's not about them and theirs. 

Edited by ryebread
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90 percent of me is with you on this ... truly. I am in agreement ... It's just never good to go there and do that -- just not. But it does happen. And I do think that folks need to be mindful of what they say in the way of sheer poison because folks who have been not just physically but emotionally abused will go there when pushed. But, yeah, for sure. I was sorry to see that and I lost some major respect for Rinna. Maybe not respect but something got lost. It wasn't a good moment. And it turns out it about adultery I'll be even more dismayed. I've been married a very long time and love my family and not on topic but I'm a Latin American- North American and just don't fully get the infidelity as death of a marriage thing. A flaw on my part, I'm sure.

Well I agree with you 100% on this: "And I do think that folks need to be mindful of what they say in the way of sheer poison because folks who have been not just physically but emotionally abused will go there when pushed." So we're good!

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From that clip I asked you to watch (and thank you):

Eileen to Kyle:  "Does she have a sponsor? These are the questions that Lisa and I are asking. And if she's in the program, does she have a sponsor?  Is someone checking in on her, is she checking in with them?" 


In tonight's episode Kim accuses LisaR of talking to everyone about her.

She includes Eileen in the accusation.

"And you, too", (indicating Eileen)...."Asking:  Where I go to treatment, do I have a sponsor....."


Interesting that the camera immediately pans to Eileen who asked those exact questions last week. The verbiage is almost identical.

2:20 mark   http://videos.videop...oto0022_dvd.mp4


Imo, Kyle told Kim that Eileen and Lisa were asking those questions about where/if she goes to treatment and if she has a sponsor. It's too coincidental.

I think Kyle tells Kim everything. And maybe that's why she fled like a bat outta hell.


And Yo sat right there and said that she was hearing from people about Kim.  Yeah, we can speculate all day long that it's ONLY coming from Brandi but I think these Hos like to gossip.  About anything.  As long as it's not about them and theirs. 

You left off line producers, camera operators and bus boys at PUMP.  We don't know if Kyle was the source but from reading her blog it does not appear as if she is-normally Kyle will take the hit for spreading the word-she already talked about telling Kim about Lisar.  I think all people talk about what happens at their workplace and Kim and Brandi have certainly behaved in such a way to garner co-workers conversation.  If Kim is so confident in her sobriety why doesn't she apologize to Eileen and shut up?  Eileen has given her two on screen opportunities and Kim seems to be the one bitching about Eileen.  It is frustrating to be certain.

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I'm sure that most people assume that 'the bond' that Kim and Kyle share as sisters is like the bond that normal sisters have. Their mother, 'Big Kathy' wasn't exactly June Cleaver. If you read excerpts from the book House of Hilton you will see that those three daughters of Big Kathy were brought up by a profoundly dysfunctional mother who had been married four times. Marry rich, have tons of babies, and get attention at any cost. Throw in the fact that Big Kathy was a stage mother that insisted her teenage daughter 'Little Kathy' to know all about sex, and to learn how to perform, literally, so she asked a young man to give her teenage daughter ‘sex lessons’ in his van. The bond(s) that join Kim and Kyle may not be the fuzzy-good type of bond shared by most sister. We share bonds based on good times and positive memories. I think that the bond that Kim and Kyle share might just be the type of bond that's insidiously negative and unless it's changed miraculously to be a positive bond, then the bond might be catastrophic in the end.

The book was an UNauthorized biography of the Hilton family.  There were many things very functional about Big Kathy, the first being she did a pretty good job as an agent manager when it came to her daughters.  She may not have been a good wife but she did love her daughters.


My friend who grew up with them said that Sylvia Richards was the one who wanted Kathy and Kim's money she was constantly at odds with them for not including her.  She was a bitter, jealous woman who continually made stories up about Big Kathy.  The sex in the van thing never happened and there has never been any secondary source to confirm it.  Just as the idea that Kim was making over a million dollars a year-just someone guessing which is the nature of tabloid style books.  Kim has her issues and I don't think blaming her mommy is going to help at his point in her life.  My problem with it is Kim knows the truth but because these Richards women have this lips zipped pact when it comes to their upbringing an addiction they let it fester.  Instead Kim invites one of the sources from the book back into her life and the thankless bitch makes Kim's dog bite her and is now suing her.

Edited by zoeysmom
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The book was an UNauthorized biography of the Hilton family. There were many things very functional about Big Kathy, the first being she did a pretty good job as an agent manager when it came to her daughters. She may not have been a good wife but she did love her daughters.

My friend who grew up with them said that Sylvia Richards was the one who wanted Kathy and Kim's money she was constantly at odds with them for not including her. She was a bitter, jealous woman who continually made stories up about Big Kathy. The sex in the van thing never happened and there has never been any secondary source to confirm it. Just as the idea that Kim was making over a million dollars a year-just someone guessing which is the nature of tabloid style books. Kim has her issues and I don't think blaming her mommy is going to help at his point in her life. My problem with it is Kim knows the truth but because these Richards women have this lips zipped pact when it comes to their upbringing an addiction they let it fester. Instead Kim invites one of the sources from the book back into her life and the thankless bitch makes Kim's dog bite her and is now suing her.

I'm sorry, who's Sylvia Richards? I've not read the book.

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If Kim is so confident in her sobriety why doesn't she apologize to Eileen and shut up?  Eileen has given her two on screen opportunities and Kim seems to be the one bitching about Eileen.  It is frustrating to be certain.

She's not going to apologize to Eileen because A.) Kim doesn't apologize to anyone sincerely (that I've seen) and B.) because she's pissed. As only Kim Richards can be.


Honestly, if my sister or Brandi or a producer came to me and said, "Eileen told me at a party last night that she and Lisa Rinna were talking about you.  They feel they have a moral obligation to address this.  They want to know IF you're following a "finger quote" program, who your sponsor is and IF you're in contact with them. They think it's all wishy washy."  Yeah, I'd be pissed too. 


That said, my nature is much sweeter and rational than Kimmie's so I would've handled it more graciously. 

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From that clip I asked you to watch (and thank you):

Eileen to Kyle:  "Does she have a sponsor? These are the questions that Lisa and I are asking. And if she's in the program, does she have a sponsor?  Is someone checking in on her, is she checking in with them?" 


In tonight's episode Kim accuses LisaR of talking to everyone about her.

She includes Eileen in the accusation.

"And you, too", (indicating Eileen)...."Asking:  Where I go to treatment, do I have a sponsor....."


Interesting that the camera immediately pans to Eileen who asked those exact questions last week. The verbiage is almost identical.

2:20 mark   http://videos.videop...oto0022_dvd.mp4


Imo, Kyle told Kim that Eileen and Lisa were asking those questions about where/if she goes to treatment and if she has a sponsor. It's too coincidental.

I think Kyle tells Kim everything. And maybe that's why she fled like a bat outta hell.


And Yo sat right there and said that she was hearing from people about Kim.  Yeah, we can speculate all day long that it's ONLY coming from Brandi but I think these Hos like to gossip.  About anything.  As long as it's not about them and theirs. 

 IMO, Kim is referring to when both Lisa R and Eileen talked to her at the reading at Eileen's home. She, Eileen and Lisa R asked Kim those questions to her face before Eileen asked Kyle so Kim already knew what they wanted to know, even Kim is not that dense/forgetful to forget the questions they directly asked her. LOL So, I do not think Kyle has told Kim anything the others have said and Eileen even told Kyle that they had already asked Kim these very same questions in person.


Yolanda only said she has "heard", not that anyone told her. She, Yolanda, was very careful with her words IMO so that she betrayed no one, including Brandi.

Edited by WireWrap
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Kim had no idea that her sobriety would be made into a story this season, and she even says that in her blog.  That when Eileen began to question her in the kitchen, she thought the conversation about the wives being "worried" about her had something to do with Monty dying. 


As soon as she knew, she tried, several times to shut it down.  The others were relentless, and when they tried the intervention at the table in Amsterdam she finally blew up and turned the tables. 


Kim has every right to deal with her own medical issues, and yes, addiction IS a medical issue, away from the glare of the cameras.  What the other wives had every right to do was address specific behaviors, but not to dissect her condition, and gossip endlessly about that, which did divert focus from issues they might wanted to avoid on the show.  That's just not how this works.  Doing it under the fake auspices of "trying to help" is sickening.  If any of them actually gave a damn about Kim, they would have never done this on camera.  Ever.


It was cheap fodder for Bravo, one of the lowest of the low reality show networks.  So getting Bravo a story, and them a paycheck, is worth further destroying a woman who is obviously on the edge and struggling?  To them, apparently so. 

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I'm sorry, who's Sylvia Richards? I've not read the book.

She married Kathy, Kim and Kyle's dad after he and Big Kathy divorced.  And yes, I am calling Kathy a daughter because he legally adopted Kathy so she is by all rights Ken Richards' daughter.  Once somebody legally adopts someone they become their parent not their step parent-it is just something that bothers me when Kathy is set apart as a step-daughter or half sister.  Neither Kim or Kyle ever refer to her as anything but sister.

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There is research that shows this might prevent people from relapsing and then saying fuck it, I might as well go hog wild because I failed.


  This is the very reason I think most are afraid to confront the addict in their lives.  But then an addict who wants to use will use any reason to do so.


 I am glad they are talking about it, I think they should keep it up and hound that drugged up mess all the way to rehab. I think if you have an admitted alcoholic acting like a loon it's more natural to say WTF? than just ignore it. Ignoring it takes years of conditioning.  


 I don't give Lisar a pass for her behavior, the difference, to me, is that Lisar on WWHL admitted that it was wrong and took responsibility, I think she also said it gets worse. BUT she knows and accepts that she was wrong,  Kim cannot and will not address her own behavior.

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Kim has every right to deal with her own medical issues, and yes, addiction IS a medical issue, away from the glare of the cameras.  What the other wives had every right to do was address specific behaviors, but not to dissect her condition, and gossip endlessly about that, which did divert focus from issues they might wanted to avoid on the show.  That's just not how this works.  Doing it under the fake auspices of "trying to help" is sickening.  If any of them actually gave a damn about Kim, they would have never done this on camera.  Ever.



But it is Kim who made the decision to not handle her addiction away from the cameras. She took "one" pill before she knew she was filming and acted like a loon. She doesn't now get to decide that she doesn't like the way her story is going. The dumb ass should've thought about that sooner.  If she didn't and was willing to take such a chance, it tells me she has lost control of her sobriety, and it is completely fair to talk about what we all saw. 


It reminds me of Shannon on the OC show last season. She bitched and moaned about her marriage, treated her husband like total dog shit day after day, and then was irritated to find that other folks were talking about her sorry ass marriage.  Sorry, but that's not how this works. 

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Yolanda only said she has "heard", not that anyone told her. She, Yolanda, was very careful with her words IMO so that she betrayed no one, including Brandi.


But she did confirm that others were talking.  So now Kim's heard it from Yo and Brandi. (and I still say Kyle  ;-P) that people are talking.   In that addict's mind, especially in light that LisaR and Eileen have asked and Eileen has given a lunch in that honor, why wouldn't she (or I) think that it's everybody.  I'm not even an addict and I'd be paranoid that everyone was talking about me.  


Lisa Vanderpump is smart.

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Hi friends!  I haven't been here for a while because I'm so angry with BRAVO.  We had to watch Kim getting her nose fixed, and it was supposedly high drama.  Then, we had to spend an entire season, hanging by our fingernails, over Kim's drinking and rehabilitation.  I don't even CARE about Kim!  Now, we add two cast members, and what is the focus?  You guessed it.  We're back onto Kimmy's little drinking problem.  It isn't that drinking problems aren't important to me (they are), but does nothing else happen in Beverly Hills, especially to the same child star?  She is so pathetic.


I still haven't seen this recent episode, so I'll watch it now.  Maybe somebody throwing a glass will awaken my passion!   Please, tell me there's something funny in it -- or happy! 

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Not too big of a deal, but remember when Kim invites Kyle to see her mother of the bride dress in her home?  She was less than honest about how sick she was and that Kimberly & Chad had also been very sick...and contagious.  Kyle was clear that she was going on a lavish vacation and didn't want to end up sick while away.  Can you blame Kyle?  If I was spending big bucks on a family vacation, I would avoid going to someone's home if they were that sick.  Kim reminded me of those parents who will send sick & contagious kids to school because she has no concern for how it affects other people.  I get how excited she was and she wanted to share the dresses with Kyle.  It would certainly be a disappointment if everyone's sick just before the big day and but a damper on the festivities....However, she tricked Kyle into going there, was that for more airtime??


Oh, snap.


I'd forgotten about that little potential debacle.


Yeah, my opinion of Kim is lower than low at this point.


She could have sent Kyle pics of the dresses and, at that point (before the wedding date was moved up), Kyle could have seen them after they returned from vacation.


Nasty-assed Kim, vile creature that she's revealed herself to be, probably was hoping Kyle would catch whatever bug they all had in order to ruin her vacation.


Sounds petty and juvenile and far-fetched, but it's Kim so I can believe it she'd stoop that low.  

To quote Pink "I'm not here for your entertainment".  Kim has said in THs that she's been around a long time, has been struggling for a long time and doesn't owe anyone any explanations.  Lisar and to a certain extent Eileen are coming off very narcissistic to  me, forcing their "help" and "concern" on someone who clearly doesn't want it in order to appear to be good people on tv.  I think Lisar's and Eileen's behaviour is borderline abusive and stalkerish towards Kim.  As far as the restaurant blow up goes, Lisar is the one that lunged for Kim's throat and then armed herself by breaking a wine glass.  Lisar was violent and out of control and if anyone should be off the show it should be Lisar, ala Porsha from RHoAtl.


I think Kim adds reality to this show that it wouldn't have otherwise and I also think the show has been good for her.  She's come a long way from the hot mess she was in S1 -S3 and hopefully she'll continue on her recovery journey.  Not only do I not want Kim off the show, I would love to have Kathy join!


Porsha remains on RHOA.  She wasn't fired over her assault on Kenya.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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The book was an UNauthorized biography of the Hilton family. There were many things very functional about Big Kathy, the first being she did a pretty good job as an agent manager when it came to her daughters. She may not have been a good wife but she did love her daughters.

My friend who grew up with them said that Sylvia Richards was the one who wanted Kathy and Kim's money she was constantly at odds with them for not including her. She was a bitter, jealous woman who continually made stories up about Big Kathy. The sex in the van thing never happened and there has never been any secondary source to confirm it. Just as the idea that Kim was making over a million dollars a year-just someone guessing which is the nature of tabloid style books. Kim has her issues and I don't think blaming her mommy is going to help at his point in her life. My problem with it is Kim knows the truth but because these Richards women have this lips zipped pact when it comes to their upbringing an addiction they let it fester. Instead Kim invites one of the sources from the book back into her life and the thankless bitch makes Kim's dog bite her and is now suing her.

Oh dear there goes why Kathy/Kim are so attached to hip theory.

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Yeah, there is some deep down hatred between Kyle and Kim.  Inviting Kyle over and not telling her everyone was sick in the house is just one more example of it.


That's why I think they would both benefit from therapy, and where it all began between them as young girls.  It's not about blaming Big Kathy, it's about looking at it honestly and being truthful, and forgiving, accepting that.  Separately, and together.


I've often wondered if Kyle also resents Kim for "leaving" her, when Kim married so young.  That was soon followed by the embarrassment of the mobster marrying their mom, and all of the press that followed during his arrest and conviction when Kyle was in middle or high school, a very vulnerable time when it comes to that kind of thing.  I found out a few years ago that my sister had resented me for "leaving her" when I moved away, and had harbored that for many years.  It was such a surprise to me, and I'm glad we had the chance to talk all of that out.  It made many things much clearer for us, and helped us immensely. 


There is just so much they were dealing with as kids, and frankly, neither seems to have matured much, in some ways still stuck in their teenage years.

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Kim had no idea that her sobriety would be made into a story this season, and she even says that in her blog.  That when Eileen began to question her in the kitchen, she thought the conversation about the wives being "worried" about her had something to do with Monty dying. 


As soon as she knew, she tried, several times to shut it down.  The others were relentless, and when they tried the intervention at the table in Amsterdam she finally blew up and turned the tables. 


Kim has every right to deal with her own medical issues, and yes, addiction IS a medical issue, away from the glare of the cameras.  What the other wives had every right to do was address specific behaviors, but not to dissect her condition, and gossip endlessly about that, which did divert focus from issues they might wanted to avoid on the show.  That's just not how this works.  Doing it under the fake auspices of "trying to help" is sickening.  If any of them actually gave a damn about Kim, they would have never done this on camera.  Ever.


It was cheap fodder for Bravo, one of the lowest of the low reality show networks.  So getting Bravo a story, and them a paycheck, is worth further destroying a woman who is obviously on the edge and struggling?  To them, apparently so. 

I wish there was a way to give this more than one thumbs up. Good post and I totally agree with every word.  (y)

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But she did confirm that others were talking.  So now Kim's heard it from Yo and Brandi. (and I still say Kyle  ;-P) that people are talking.   In that addict's mind, especially in light that LisaR and Eileen have asked and Eileen has given a lunch in that honor, why wouldn't she (or I) think that it's everybody.  I'm not even an addict and I'd be paranoid that everyone was talking about me.  


Lisa Vanderpump is smart.

But she did not name names and Kim assumed based on what Brandi told her and her 1 on 1 with Lisa/Eileen, not, IMO from anything Kyle said to her.


Yeah, there is some deep down hatred between Kyle and Kim.  Inviting Kyle over and not telling her everyone was sick in the house is just one more example of it.


That's why I think they would both benefit from therapy, and where it all began between them as young girls.  It's not about blaming Big Kathy, it's about looking at it honestly and being truthful, and forgiving, accepting that.  Separately, and together.


I've often wondered if Kyle also resents Kim for "leaving" her, when Kim married so young.  That was soon followed by the embarrassment of the mobster marrying their mom, and all of the press that followed during his arrest and conviction when Kyle was in middle or high school, a very vulnerable time when it comes to that kind of thing.  I found out a few years ago that my sister had resented me for "leaving her" when I moved away, and had harbored that for many years.  It was such a surprise to me, and I'm glad we had the chance to talk all of that out.  It made many things much clearer for us, and helped us immensely. 


There is just so much they were dealing with as kids, and frankly, neither seems to have matured much, in some ways still stuck in their teenage years.

Big Kathy was already married to Catain (sp) when Kim got married, she was in fact married to him twice during that time span. She married him before Kathy married Hilton, divorced him before that wedding then remarried him shortly after the wedding. LOL Although I do agree there are jealously issues between ALL the sisters, I think Kim leads the pack in being the most jealous of both Kathy and Kyle. They have the life she has always though/believed she should have, not them. I also think Kyle would go into family counseling with Kim/Kathy but I don't see either of them agreeing to it. Kathy travels a lot and has already skipped out on Kim so Kim is not a priority to her nor is Kyle and Kim would not do it because she refuses to own anything mean/nasty/wrong she has ever said or done....ever!


Again, I really dislike Kim even more because she is making me defend Kyle who I also dislike but find Kim to be far more vile a human being than Kyle has ever shown, she is even surpassing Brandi at this point. JMO

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Kim had no idea that her sobriety would be made into a story this season, and she even says that in her blog.  That when Eileen began to question her in the kitchen, she thought the conversation about the wives being "worried" about her had something to do with Monty dying. 


As soon as she knew, she tried, several times to shut it down.  The others were relentless, and when they tried the intervention at the table in Amsterdam she finally blew up and turned the tables. 


Kim has every right to deal with her own medical issues, and yes, addiction IS a medical issue, away from the glare of the cameras.  What the other wives had every right to do was address specific behaviors, but not to dissect her condition, and gossip endlessly about that, which did divert focus from issues they might wanted to avoid on the show.  That's just not how this works.  Doing it under the fake auspices of "trying to help" is sickening.  If any of them actually gave a damn about Kim, they would have never done this on camera.  Ever.


It was cheap fodder for Bravo, one of the lowest of the low reality show networks.  So getting Bravo a story, and them a paycheck, is worth further destroying a woman who is obviously on the edge and struggling?  To them, apparently so. 


Eh, as soon as Kim chose to bring her sobriety into question by taking "a" pain pill and acting like a lunatic in front of those almighty cameras, she chose her own storyline.


Plus I would never take Kim's blogs as absolute truths on any subject, the biggest subject of which would be her sobriety...Or obvious lack thereof.   

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Kim had no idea that her sobriety would be made into a story this season, and she even says that in her blog.  That when Eileen began to question her in the kitchen, she thought the conversation about the wives being "worried" about her had something to do with Monty dying. 


As soon as she knew, she tried, several times to shut it down.  The others were relentless, and when they tried the intervention at the table in Amsterdam she finally blew up and turned the tables. 


Kim has every right to deal with her own medical issues, and yes, addiction IS a medical issue, away from the glare of the cameras.  What the other wives had every right to do was address specific behaviors, but not to dissect her condition, and gossip endlessly about that, which did divert focus from issues they might wanted to avoid on the show.  That's just not how this works.  Doing it under the fake auspices of "trying to help" is sickening.  If any of them actually gave a damn about Kim, they would have never done this on camera.  Ever.


It was cheap fodder for Bravo, one of the lowest of the low reality show networks.  So getting Bravo a story, and them a paycheck, is worth further destroying a woman who is obviously on the edge and struggling?  To them, apparently so. 

Isn't that kind of what Bravo does is make a storyline out of the lowest common denominators?  I am certain the last thing Yolanda wanted was her daughter to get busted for a DUI the first part of filming but stuff happens and unfortunately for Yolanda it became to date a four part storyline. 


You bring up an interesting point about Kim ASSUMING the women just wanted to talk to her about Monty, which Eileen's husband actually knows Monty, so logical choice, had it not been for the fact Kim had a spectacular face plant at Eileen's Poker Night. I am thinking it retrospect it was probably a good idea they didn't pre-eulogize Monty since almost 10 months after his diagnosis he is still hanging in there.  I guess it is a lesson to one and all that before you ASSUME everyone has overlooked your bad behavior, one should probably verbally confirm or at least do so by e-mail or text. If it comes to light that Kim had texted or e-mailed Eileen, et al about her behavior that is on them. I don't think the women were orchestrating an intervention in Amsterdam because by then they had enough of Kim.  I think Yolanda's unfortunate choice of dinner fodder was the issue.


This is just me, I don't think Kim is any closer to the edge than she was before she started filming and as far as struggling Kim might want to stop ruining her support systems.  I don't think Kyle of Kathy will ever let Kim go hungry or become homeless and sadly, there is nothing anyone can do to make Monty well.

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Porsha remains on RHOA.  She wasn't fired over her assault on Kenya.


You're right, her status was changed to "friend of housewives" but she's still on the show.  I do think something similar should happen to lisar for the attack she made on Kim which was worse than what Porsha did imo.  Porsha dragged Kenya around by her hair but Lisa actually smashed a wine glass, sent glass flying everywhere and had at that point a potentially deadly weapon.  Not cool.

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You're right, her status was changed to "friend of housewives" but she's still on the show.  I do think something similar should happen to lisar for the attack she made on Kim which was worse than what Porsha did imo.  Porsha dragged Kenya around by her hair but Lisa actually smashed a wine glass, sent glass flying everywhere and had at that point a potentially deadly weapon.  Not cool.


I think she threw down the entire glass.  


The shattering glass was obviously dangerous, but as far as I could tell, she didn't palm any of it to use as a shank on Kim.  

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You're right, her status was changed to "friend of housewives" but she's still on the show.  I do think something similar should happen to lisar for the attack she made on Kim which was worse than what Porsha did imo.  Porsha dragged Kenya around by her hair but Lisa actually smashed a wine glass, sent glass flying everywhere and had at that point a potentially deadly weapon.  Not cool.

She was made "friend of" because she refused to share her private life on the show. Both she and Andy have said this. If they kept Teresa Giudice after she man handled Andy, then they aren't going to fire someone over wine or throwing a glass down on a table. Lisa threw the glass on the table, not at Kim and she reached for Kim's chin/face, not her neck. She was wrong to do all 3, which includes the wine toss but she did not throw the glass at Kim nor try to choke her. LOL

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Eh, as soon as Kim chose to bring her sobriety into question by taking "a" pain pill and acting like a lunatic in front of those almighty cameras, she chose her own storyline.


Perfectly put.

Lisa threw the glass on the table, not at Kim and she reached for Kim's chin/face, not her neck. She was wrong to do all 3, which includes the wine toss but she did not throw the glass at Kim nor try to choke her. LOL

Exactly. Big difference between assaulting a person, and assaulting a table! Yes, the glass shattered, and it wasn't ok, but I think the analogy to Porsha is ridiculous.

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But she did confirm that others were talking.  So now Kim's heard it from Yo and Brandi. (and I still say Kyle  ;-P) that people are talking.   In that addict's mind, especially in light that LisaR and Eileen have asked and Eileen has given a lunch in that honor, why wouldn't she (or I) think that it's everybody.  I'm not even an addict and I'd be paranoid that everyone was talking about me.

Even if everyone in the cast is talking about the substance abuse issues that Kim knows perfectly well she has put out there that is no reason for Kim to behave the way that she has. Being angry doesn't give her the right to insult people and aggressively point her finger in people's faces. Kim made her addictions a storyline both by using and by admitting and talking about it on camera. These are facts. People would have been talking about Kim's addiction issues whether Lisar had talked about them or not and I think that is what Kim needs to get through her head.



You're right, her status was changed to "friend of housewives" but she's still on the show.  I do think something similar should happen to lisar for the attack she made on Kim which was worse than what Porsha did imo.  Porsha dragged Kenya around by her hair but Lisa actually smashed a wine glass, sent glass flying everywhere and had at that point a potentially deadly weapon.  Not cool.

Not the same ballpark, not the same league, not the same sport IMO. Quentin Tarantino. Neither incident is cool. I don't think anyone is disagreeing with Lisar being wrong in making the throat gesture and smashing the glass. It's about wanting to Kim to finally, finally take responsibility for her behavior. She claims in the latest episode that she has made apologies when this hasn't been the case. She's flat out recognizing that her behavior wasn't okay and that she *should* apologize but she doesn't do it. 


What Porsha did to that foul beast Kenya (lest anyone think that I'm a Kenya defender) was absolutely way worse than what Lisa Rinna did to Kim Richards IMO. Porsha assaulted Kenya in front of everyone. These women fell to the ground in a violent heap and it took multiple people to break it up. The reactions of the people involved were very different because the situations were very different. Kenya called 911, there were tears, immediate threats about Porsha being fired, etc. On a scale of 1-10 I feel like Lisa/Kim is an 8 with Porsha/Kenya being a 10.

Edited by Lisin
Fixed quotes :)
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On a scale of 1-10 I feel like Lisa/Kim is an 8 with Porsha/Kenya being a 10.

I'd call it Porsha/Kenya a 10 and Lisa/Kim a 5. There was a quick grab at a throat! From across a table! Then they were pulled apart. Based on anger - even, but based on contact? The fight was welter weight class (with Porsha being the heavyweight champ, of course).

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I have Bravo on while I'm cleaning up and just saw the scavenger hunt again. Kim's behavior has been a hot topic and there were many comments about her complaining during the scavenger hunt. She did but I just realized that she didn't complain nearly as much as some of the others. LisaR said she hated it. Kyle and LisaV did too and they were much more vocal about it.

Edited by AnnA
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But she did confirm that others were talking.  So now Kim's heard it from Yo and Brandi. (and I still say Kyle  ;-P) that people are talking.   In that addict's mind, especially in light that LisaR and Eileen have asked and Eileen has given a lunch in that honor, why wouldn't she (or I) think that it's everybody.  I'm not even an addict and I'd be paranoid that everyone was talking about me.  


Lisa Vanderpump is smart.


Excerpt from Kyle's February 25th Bravo Blog:


On the way to Amsterdam, Yolanda invited the women to stop in Calgary, because she and David were hosting a big event for The David Foster Foundation. Lisa R., Brandi, Kim, and I joined Yolanda. Kim had expressed to me privately that she wasn’t happy with Lisa RI told Kim Lisa was worried, and Brandi told Kim she was questioning her sobriety after poker night...


When Kim and I discussed her issues with Lisa R., I told Kim she should pull her aside privately and let her know that while she appreciates the concern, she didn't appreciate her talking about it to other people. I said that Lisa R. would understand, and the issue would be dropped."


It appears Kyle told Kim to tell Lisar that, "she didn't appreciate her talking about it to other people."


Kyle also told Kim that Lisar "would understand, and the issue would be dropped."  We know that didn't work.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
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I have Bravo on while I'm cleaning up and just saw the scavenger hunt again. Kim's behavior has been a hot topic and there were many comments about her complaining during the scavenger hunt. She did but I just realized that she didn't complain nearly as much as some of the others. LisaR said she hated it. Kyle and LisaV did too and they were much more vocal about it.

Lisa V was also joking around, laughing, as did Lisa R and neither complained the whole time. Kim was miserable the entire time, she complained from the start to the finish line and she was VERY vocal to any and all within hearing range and complained more than anyone else IMO. Kyle was not joking around at all but being on a team with Brandi just might do that to her. LOL

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You're right, her status was changed to "friend of housewives" but she's still on the show.  I do think something similar should happen to lisar for the attack she made on Kim which was worse than what Porsha did imo.  Porsha dragged Kenya around by her hair but Lisa actually smashed a wine glass, sent glass flying everywhere and had at that point a potentially deadly weapon.  Not cool.

This is not necessarily directed at you Zulu, tonight when it plays again watch how Lisar hesitates and follow the glass-she kind of pulled her punch.  Still not a good thing to do but I don't believe she retained a shank or cut edge to go forward with.  The ones in the most danger were Lisav and Eileen.


I will say I have a hard time calling it a deadly weapon only because I have seen a tray of wine glass go flying off a waiters tray when the waiter tripped.  No dead bodies.


Where but on a RH forum can one read "dragging around by her hair" and it seems almost normal?

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I don't think Harry deserved being a direct recipient of her wrath but I think he 'earned' it by joining in on this cluster fugazi in the first place.  Now where I think she's wrong is if she's bringing up something about Harry other than his own addiction.  That's just how I feel.  Addiction? Fair game.  Harry's on the show, his wife is dogging Kim about her addiction, well, I agree with Kim that Lisa might just want to worry about her own mess at home.  IF that's what it is.  And I think it is because I've watched that first look clip 5 times (I'm looking kind of dumb with my finger and my thumb in the shape of an 'L' on my forehead) and something about how Kim segues into Harry makes me think it's all about the addiction. 

Okay, lover, so did you watch?!?


I agree that Kim was referring to Harry's being sober for three years, which Lisar had talked with Kyle and Yolanda (I think).  If memory serves, Yolanda actually brought up Harry when she was trying to get the situation under control, Kim heard Harry and took the ball and ran with it.  Not pretty.

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