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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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17 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


Those are your words for her.  Obviously you don't like her.  I think a more objective description of Bethenny's persona might be "controversial."  But to answer your question, no ... I don't think it is an accident. 

Bethenny has managed to make herself so controversial that even people who purport to hate her still clearly find her absolutely fascinating.  They follow her every step, monitor and dissect every word she says, analyze her childhood, pour through her books, etc etc (just as @Motorcitymom described above).   It is this fervor created by her detractors that makes her such a success on the show.  And the show keeps her in the spotlight.  And the spotlight helps keep Skinnygirl in business. 

There is a lot of money to be made off having people think you are a "sex-obsessed, bitter, shrieking harpy," lol. Throw in a few people who actually do like you and pretty soon you are laughing yourself all the way to the bank.

A reputation as someone who makes dirty jokes and yells at people is a small price to pay for everything it has brought Bethenny.  I wouldn't expect her to change any time soon.

Yes, you're right, I don't like her.  To me, she comes off as too abrasive and self-centered, but she's obviously doing something right as a businesswoman to be where she is financially and have the fan base that she does.  Like her or not, she is successful at what she does;  I'll give her credit for that. 

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

We do not know if Bethenny spent anytime with him between the age of 4/5 thru to her teens. Maybe he came out to visit/spend time with her instead of fighting her mom to allow her to fly to see him, maybe he did nothing to see her. Bottom line, we just don't know and I have difficulty accepting her word given her propensity to exaggerate. We only have her side of this and without hearing both/all sides it is impossible to accept her word because of her exaggerations. Oh, and No, I don't expect Bethenny to give us every little detail but she needs to tell the complete story if she is going to tell it. 

Why does she need to give the complete story? Why do people want every single little detail? When some of those details don't mean anything to the narrative of the story to her? It is her story to tell.

There was a woman years ago - maybe 20 or more, I cannot remember - that was kidnapped and held for a few years. And no, just to jump in front of this, I am not comparing her to Beth. But the gal suffered the usual shit. Sexual assault, isolation etc. When she finally escaped, she told her story and of course it was horrible. Beyond horrible. When the abuser was arrested and interviewed, the nutjob talked about how he had tried to make it nice for her. He put up a Christmas Tree, they celebrated other holidays, even took her to an amusement park once when he had sufficiently made her dependent on him. She didn't talk about these "nice" things when she was taking the police though what happened to her because they didn't matter to her. She talked about the horrible stuff, because who the fuck cares about a Christmas Tree? But of course she was asked about it later, and in an interview that I read.The weird thing was, it was like somehow that made a difference. Like maybe she was leaving stuff out on purpose. She said that many people focused on this, and I can see from the perspective of trying to get into his head this might be important to a mental health professional. But the thing is, people who have had trying times and been through a lot don't always go into every little single detail because it becomes confusing for other people. How can this have been so bad if you also had that? How can your dad have abandoned you if he actually came to see you every couple of years and took you to nice places? Or paid for your college? People don't understand all of this and sometimes you don't talk about it because it is just too hard to explain. The story -the whole story - would take years to unravel and explain. 

I think that is what Beth does. To her, she was abandoned, or estranged, or whatever it was to her. The little details that others think important - that she saw him when she was 4 or 5 - aren't relevant to what she went through. And just because they are relevant to someone else, doesn't change her story. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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It is now 2032, little Bryn Hoppy is 22 years old and writes an open letter regarding her childhood:

Well the public met me as a zygote when mom peed on a stick in front of a camera crew.  We saw the "love" between my parents as they pursued a reality TV career.

Mom talks about all the times she moved as a child-well let me tell you I had five different homes between birth and age six.  Not to mention the temporary homes when mom was the "richest homeless person" ever.  I don't blame mom because she decided she had a flipping career in her future.  Dad squatted for as long as possible.  Anybody stop to think I wanted to be neighbors with Blue Ivy, like forever?

So when my parents divorced there was a custody issue.  I guess I should have stepped up to the plate-I was the one not flushing the toilet.  Sorry daddy.

Let's talk about grandparents-try telling your friends you  are going to Hazelton for the weekend they all thought I was in rehab.  I set them straight though and told them, "listen you fucking morons Hazelton is a city in Pennsylvania."

Now let's discuss my name-mom claims all she wanted was "a normal name" in one of her books.  Try living up to an imperfect moniker of a dead uncle.  Does Bryn and Bryan make sense?  Of course not.  No one ever wanted the last name Hoppy.

Dad was all about being there for me.  So dad why did you show up in your criminal trial looking like the fucking Unibomber san the hoodie?  Nothing says stalker like a guy with a scruffy beard in a tacky suit.  Speaking of attire, Grandma Carol, nobody wants a freaking Heidi skirt with rick rack as a fashion statement. Mom quit wearing my pajamas.  Note to dad-get a real fucking job instead of hanging out at an elementary school.  And mom leave the ugly galoot Dennis at home-he was married but definitely a step up from the rapist.

So weekends with mom including having such famous folks as Jamie Fox's crew.  Note to mom-had my first beer bong curtesy of the crew.  The Hamptons were a blast learned to ride horses and discovered mom knew more about horses than my trainer.  Another note to mom-I ain't ever scooping up horseshit.

Weekends with dad, ugh, church, can't convince these rubes I have no desire to be a nun.  Good times-not in Hazelton, an unlimited supply of bacon and chili dogs but damn, staying in dead Uncle Bryan's room-major downer.  Dad's room smelled like dirty basketball socks.

Mom thought it was a good idea to see her mom and stepdad.  No Bueno. 

High school graduation was interesting.  Arrived in the Hamptons with my boyfriend.  Some strange dude named Andy Cohen kept putting his arm around my guy.  What a perv.

Dad's child support ran out.  Seems he is now selling religious jewelry for Mario Singer.  Visited Gram and Gramps Hoppy at their assisted living facility.  They have a two bedroom, the second bedroom a shrine to dead Uncle Bryan.  Creepy.  Ran into a woman who calls herself the Ramonacoaster.  She was wearing these long bizarre blonde hair pieces and dressed in some white macramé frock.  She has been under the knife so many times her eyes won't close.  What the hell is she talking about when she mentions Twitter and Instagram.  And who in the hell is Diane Sawyer?   She also told me she had three dates for  the big dance on Friday night.  Very strange the straw and Ensure with Pinot cocktail.

So now as I head out to Hollywood I hear there is real money for an actress who is willing to take her clothes off.  Love you mom and dad.


Edited by zoeysmom
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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


Those are your words for her.  Obviously you don't like her.  I think a more objective description of Bethenny's persona might be "controversial."  But to answer your question, no ... I don't think it is an accident. 

Bethenny has managed to make herself so controversial that even people who purport to hate her still clearly find her absolutely fascinating.  They follow her every step, monitor and dissect every word she says, analyze her childhood, pour through her books, etc etc (just as @Motorcitymom described above).   It is this fervor created by her detractors that makes her such a success on the show.  And the show keeps her in the spotlight.  And the spotlight helps keep Skinnygirl in business. 

There is a lot of money to be made off having people think you are a "sex-obsessed, bitter, shrieking harpy," lol. Throw in a few people who actually do like you and pretty soon you are laughing yourself all the way to the bank.

A reputation as someone who makes dirty jokes and yells at people is a small price to pay for everything it has brought Bethenny.  I wouldn't expect her to change any time soon.

That is exactly the right word fascinating. Although nowadays, it does not take much.

She has zero incentive to change. She is materialistic to a fault and she is getting richer because she has such a poor personality.

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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I believe that Bethenny takes a kernel of truth and twists it into something else to suit her purposes. Again, I do think she had a tough/rough childhood but I don't believe her dad shut her out of his life, I believe her mother was/is mentally ill but I don't believe she was an uncaring/unloving/unsupportive parent all the time, just for starters.

It's interesting to me that when it comes to Tinsley you talk a lot about the cycle of abuse, but you seem completely unaware of how it's mirrored in the dynamics behind parental abuse. Of course her mother wasn't uncaring ALL the time. That's why it's such a complete and total mindfuck. If she was just 100% awful all the time it would probably not have fucked her up as badly. You know, kind of like how a domestic abuser isn't awful all the time. I don't see you guys in Tinsley's thread calling her a liar by omission because she's not going into detail about that time Nico was thoughtful and drew her a bath because she was tired... Because it's not relevant to the topic discussed.

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6 hours ago, WireWrap said:

 Was her childhood really bad, it's possible but it is just as possible that she has made it sound worse than what it really was.

I think she made the facts of her life sound worse, not the emotional state she was forced to live in ("forced" because she was a child and without options).  I don't think the things Frankel did made him a good father, but he also wasn't a deadbeat dad who walked away without a second thought. If she'd said "Living with him made me feel even more alone" or "So he walked me down the aisle, big fucking deal - here comes the bride and her emotionally distant father" or "He sent a ticket instead of coming himself" or  "My mother was a stone cold drunk -- birthday parties by Betty Crocked" -- that gives me both fact & feeling -- but why leave the audience with the impression that you never saw your bio father, and your life was so devoid of structure that your never had a single childhood event?  That's why she's an unreliable narrator for me now - and I understand lots of people aren't bothered by any of it, but I find it  -- and what I see as a larger pattern of deception -- troublesome,

4 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

This example is being used as a way to argue that Beth's dad was actually involved. 

I don't think I argued he was involved --  if I did, sorry, that was lack of clarity on my part -- I think I said he didn't disappear without a backwards glance. More a case of deadbeat dad vs deeply disconnected dad.


****************changing gears briefly***************

Happy 4th of July, you glorious bastards! 

Edited by film noire
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2 hours ago, Leroux said:

Bethenny didn't live with her father on her teens, Bethenny lived with her mother and stepfather all throughout her HS years in a boarding school but she probably had to comply with visitations of some sort, much like most kids of divorced couples have to do. By the time she was 18/19 and just graduated from HS her mother and Parisella split out and got divorced, Parisella walked away and this is what Bethenny was mad at him for, even though he was not the biological father, that is the position that Bethenny gave him and he just walked away leaving her with Bernadette. Bethenny has always said that she had more of an emotional connection with John than her mother or father, economically they provided for her but emotionally not so much. 

Bethenny wanted to try her hand at acting and her father was on the West Coast so that is when she reunited with him, he allowed her to live in his house, his girlfriend was almost the same age as Bethenny so they got along well, but as far as her father there was no attempt on his part to have any kind of meaningful relationship with Bethenny, no emotional connection so after living with him for a short while she got her own place and got on with her short-lived acting career, these are the time when she was a nanny for the Hilton sisters.   

While there might be an occasional picture of Bethenny with a birthday cake, we do not know if this is just a fluke, something threw together at the last moment, maybe it pales in comparison to what her classmates had and that is how Bethenny remembers it. Bethenny has said that while everybody went back home for vacation, she rather go to her friend Terry's house. That speaks volumes to me. 

If what Bethenny has mentioned is not enough, the proof is in the interviews that Bernadette has given, she is vicious, her words speak loud and clear more than anything Bethenny has ever said. 

I didn't know that she lived with her father in LA for a while.  In A Place of Yes, she talks about her dad visiting her at college in Boston, and says she saw her father four times in fifteen years.  And then the next paragraph she flash forwards to a couple of years before his death.  It comes across that she never saw him in between.  No mention of her living with him.  No mention of him walking her down the aisle. 

While I don't think everything has to mentioned.  Living with him again at some point is significant.  And him walking her down the aisle is also significant.  I think she has this need to be the victim.  I'm not saying she didn't have a bad childhood but I think she paints her own picture to suit her needs. 

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15 minutes ago, Atwood said:

It's interesting to me that when it comes to Tinsley you talk a lot about the cycle of abuse, but you seem completely unaware of how it's mirrored in the dynamics behind parental abuse. Of course her mother wasn't uncaring ALL the time. That's why it's such a complete and total mindfuck. If she was just 100% awful all the time it would probably not have fucked her up as badly. You know, kind of like how a domestic abuser isn't awful all the time. I don't see you guys in Tinsley's thread calling her a liar by omission because she's not going into detail about that time Nico was thoughtful and drew her a bath because she was tired... Because it's not relevant to the topic discussed.



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29 minutes ago, Atwood said:

Of course her mother wasn't uncaring ALL the time. That's why it's such a complete and total mindfuck. If she was just 100% awful all the time it would probably not have fucked her up as badly. You know, kind of like how a domestic abuser isn't awful all the time. I don't see you guys in Tinsley's thread calling her a liar by omission because she's not going into detail about that time Nico was thoughtful and drew her a bath because she was tired... Because it's not relevant to the topic discussed.



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28 minutes ago, Atwood said:

I don't see you guys in Tinsley's thread calling her a liar by omission because she's not going into detail about that time Nico was thoughtful and drew her a bath because she was tired... Because it's not relevant to the topic discussed.

I guess I'm one of the "you guys", so to be crystal clear: I have no doubt Bethenny Frankel had a crazy mother, deeply disengaged father, an abusive stepfather and felt unloved and uncherished because of all of that.  I have no doubt she had moments of happiness in Aspen and Europe (treats given possibly as maternal tests) with her mother, followed by her mother being emotionally abusive -- that up and down being part of the abuse cycle itself (Bethenny as good girl/bad girl so Bernadette could justify hurting her daughter ) --  I have no doubt  about any of that, but I do doubt the facts as she presented them about where and how all that shit went down - and (for me) that is relevant. 

Edited by film noire
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My whole problem with Bethenny saying she was "raised by wolves" is how unfair that is to wolves.

To think wolves would raise such a horrible harridan is just terrible and beyond belief.


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and she is getting richer because she has such a poor personality.

Nah, she is getting richer because she knows how to play the game. And play it extremely well. Unlike Jason, who seems to be best at stalking and harassing.

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18 minutes ago, film noire said:

I guess I'm one of the "you guys", so to be crystal clear: I have no doubt Bethenny Frankel had a crazy mother, deeply disengaged father, an abusive stepfather and felt unloved and uncherished because of all of that.  I have no doubt she had moments of happiness in Aspen and Europe (treats given possibly as maternal tests) with her mother, followed by her mother being emotionally abusive -- that up and down being part of the abuse cycle itself (Bethenny as good girl/bad girl so Bernadette could justify hurting her daughter ) --  I have no doubt  about any of that, but I do doubt the facts as she presented them about where and how all that shit went down - and (for me) that is relevant. 

That doesn't explain why Beth's critics haven't claimed Tinsley is a liar by omission like they have about Bethenny.  

It does appear Beth is subject to a different set of rules.

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4 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That doesn't explain why Beth's critics haven't claimed Tinsley is a liar by omission like they have about Bethenny.  

It does appear Beth is subject to a different set of rules.

Exactly. Many want Beth to clear up her story.  In some ways it almost looks like people expect for her to. Even though she is on a reality show that folks can decide whether to watch or not watch. She isn't setting public policy that will impact our lives. But there seems to be some demand for her to stitch it all up so that everyone is clear on every detail. Will the same be expected of Tinsley? I am sure that if folks peruse the internet long enough they can find a place or two where she has omitted something, diminished something, or maybe flat out told a different version of something. Maybe because things look differently now that when she said the original thing, maybe because it wasn't an important element to her, or maybe because the thing might make her look bad. Who knows? But I guarantee a person could find such a thing if they looked hard enough. The question becomes, why would people have such expectations of Beth in their interpretation that she is trying to garner sympathy and not the same for Tinsley? If she is not being 100% honest about where and when things went down (and sorry, I don't think that she is, but I don't care one bit because the girl was beaten by a d-bag) than will people have the same demands for her? 

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15 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Here is my thinking on this...  It is Bethenny's story to tell. She might have been in a place back in the first go-around on RHONY where she just didn't want to get into it. It was easier for her to say "I don't have parents" than to get into all the sordid details. Later on, she might have gotten to a place emotionally where she felt like she could discuss and share a bit more. Plus, a book is bit more of a safe space and cathartic to write. So, she shared more details as she came to a place where she felt comfortable doing so. That's her right. She doesn't owe us every single little detail of her entire life from the very beginning. I wouldn't unload every single sob story of my life in the first five minutes that I have met someone because then you are thinking that I'm a mess. Hell, how much criticism was Tins getting for sharing her arrest with people from the minute she met them? 

I think you really have a point here.  My forty y/o cousin has spent most of his life presenting as an only child.  He does not speak of his 9 y/o sister who drowned when he was 7.  And he certainly doesn't talk about the fact that he was in the same boat that flipped and killed her.  My aunt doesn't talk about her daughter, and has no pictures of her hanging in the house.  That pain is still so raw, but I guess some will only see the lies, and think they are horrible people who like to play victim. 

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19 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That doesn't explain why Beth's critics haven't claimed Tinsley is a liar by omission like they have about Bethenny.  

It does appear Beth is subject to a different set of rules.

Tinsley has been on half a season.  I give her slack.  But I also think that Tinsley wants to move on from the abusive relationship.  I don't think she is going to make it the ongoing storyline that Beth has for years.

Beth has been on realty shows for years and has written at least one book about her childhood.  I liked Beth a lot her first rodeo on RHNY and then it started going downhill with the spinoff.

Edited by breezy424
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16 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That doesn't explain why Beth's critics haven't claimed Tinsley is a liar by omission like they have about Bethenny.  

It does appear Beth is subject to a different set of rules.

If Tinsley had done the same thing (said Nico left her life when actually she went to live with him, and that was the impression she gave for three years, then corrected that in a book) I'd still believe Tinsley was abused --  just as I believe Bethenny was -- but I'd also be just as troubled by the facts going missing.  

Edited by film noire
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 In some ways it almost looks like people expect for her to. Even though she is on a reality show that folks can decide whether to watch or not watch. She isn't setting public policy that will impact our lives. But there seems to be some demand for her to stitch it all up so that everyone is clear on every detail.

She also hasn't been arrested...

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It was said that B knows her mother has a mental illness and she should display compassion for that, but I totally disagree.  I was raised by a mother with a mental illness (who has never and will never get help), and as an adult, I am well aware of the fact that it is an illness and a factor sort of beyond her control.  I say sort of because she COULD get some help for it, but won't, and that's on her.  Now, I lived through a bunch of shit from it as a child, and while I can say rationally, now, well, that's because mom is x, y, z, honestly?  It's her problem.  It doesn't make it right and it's not my job to go back and excuse it by being compassionate.  I can be compassionate all day long and accept that the behavior was likely due to an illness, but it was STILL wrong and I still shouldn't have been in that position.  So, yeah, I've moved on and accepted that people do the best that they can with what they have, but I think it's going too far to expect that a child who grows up with someone with a mental illness should somehow be able to overlook everything that happened in the name of compassion, particularly when the person still behaves that way, as Bernadette appears to.  

Or, put another way, if someone is a raging alcoholic and beats their family when drunk, you can say, ok, this is part of their disease.  But, it doesn't make the beating ok.  

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27 minutes ago, BBHN said:

She also hasn't been arrested...

Speaking of being arrested (and such), I wonder how long before for the Griftin' Granny (and her traveling stamp!) will be dragged into court for what she tried to pull.  Sorry, "allegedly" tried to pull. 

How long has Beth's lawsuit against those lawyers been going on?  I wonder if there have been any depositions yet.  That is when she will get the ammo she needs to haul Old Lady Hoppy into court.  

I shudder to think how Jason would react if that day ever really arrives.  Bethenny is going to need a fleet of bodyguards...

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1 hour ago, Atwood said:

It's interesting to me that when it comes to Tinsley you talk a lot about the cycle of abuse, but you seem completely unaware of how it's mirrored in the dynamics behind parental abuse. Of course her mother wasn't uncaring ALL the time. That's why it's such a complete and total mindfuck. If she was just 100% awful all the time it would probably not have fucked her up as badly. You know, kind of like how a domestic abuser isn't awful all the time. I don't see you guys in Tinsley's thread calling her a liar by omission because she's not going into detail about that time Nico was thoughtful and drew her a bath because she was tired... Because it's not relevant to the topic discussed.

Wait until she crosses Lu.  

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Speaking of being arrested (and such), I wonder how long before for the Griftin' Granny (and her traveling stamp!) will be dragged into court for what she tried to pull.  Sorry, "allegedly" tried to pull. 

"That house be ours!" is what she said.


Edited by BBHN
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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That doesn't explain why Beth's critics haven't claimed Tinsley is a liar by omission like they have about Bethenny.  

It does appear Beth is subject to a different set of rules.

It is quite simple. Beth is not likeable.

Tinsley so far has not lied and comes across as childish.

There is some serious B's fatigue as well.

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17 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Speaking of being arrested (and such), I wonder how long before for the Griftin' Granny (and her traveling stamp!) will be dragged into court for what she tried to pull.  Sorry, "allegedly" tried to pull. 

How long has Beth's lawsuit against those lawyers been going on?  I wonder if there have been any depositions yet.  That is when she will get the ammo she needs to haul Old Lady Hoppy into court.  

I shudder to think how Jason would react if that day ever really arrives.  Bethenny is going to need a fleet of bodyguards...

GriftMaw has set her stamp down for now. Cursive is no longer part of the US curriculum. On her days with Bryn she has been busy teaching her cursive. Well mainly teaching Brynn how to sign her own name. Not sure why the scrap papers they use look like legal documents

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12 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

It is quite simple. Beth is not likeable.

Tinsley so far has not lied and comes across as childish.

There is some serious B's fatigue as well.

She has thousands of people on twitter etc that love everything she does.  So she is likeable to some.  Not to others.

Tinsley has told a couple of real big whoppers about her life in Palm Beach.   If I could find the blind columns in the PB local rag I would post the link.  I'm counting on the TMZ's of the whole to dig them up.  But I don't think lies on a reality show are that big a deal.

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26 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Speaking of being arrested (and such), I wonder how long before for the Griftin' Granny (and her traveling stamp!) will be dragged into court for what she tried to pull.  Sorry, "allegedly" tried to pull. 

How long has Beth's lawsuit against those lawyers been going on?  I wonder if there have been any depositions yet.  That is when she will get the ammo she needs to haul Old Lady Hoppy into court.  

I shudder to think how Jason would react if that day ever really arrives.  Bethenny is going to need a fleet of bodyguards...

I wonder if he will maintain his famous silence that garners so much praise if that day does arrive?

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

That doesn't explain why Beth's critics haven't claimed Tinsley is a liar by omission like they have about Bethenny.  

It does appear Beth is subject to a different set of rules.

TO quote Dorinda, "there are pictures."  Tinsley has a photographic history of her abuse. 

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23 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

GriftMaw has set her stamp down for now. Cursive is no longer part of the US curriculum. On her days with Bryn she has been busy teaching her cursive. Well mainly teaching Brynn how to sign her own name. Not sure why the scrap papers they use look like legal documents

"Here, Bryn ... these are some blank checks you can use to practice signing your name.  Don't worry about filling out the other lines, I will do that later! "

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15 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

She has thousands of people on twitter etc that love everything she does.  So she is likeable to some.  Not to others.

Tinsley has told a couple of real big whoppers about her life in Palm Beach.   If I could find the blind columns in the PB local rag I would post the link.  I'm counting on the TMZ's of the whole to dig them up.  But I don't think lies on a reality show are that big a deal.

Why were her talk show and radio show  cancelled then?

Edited by LIMOM
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1 minute ago, LIMOM said:

Why were her talk show and radio show  cancelled then?

Talk show because it didn't get ratings.  Radio show because she only promised Andy to do one season.  He talked about it in his book like it was a favor she did him.  Some people like her and some don't.  Pretty much the same for anyone in the world.  She obviously is better at some things than others.

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2 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Talk show because it didn't get ratings.  Radio show because she only promised Andy to do one season.  He talked about it in his book like it was a favor she did him.  Some people like her and some don't.  Pretty much the same for anyone in the world.  She obviously is better at some things than others.

Wendy Williams managed to stay on the air.

This speaks volume about Beth's likeability factor.

And she had Ellen producing the show. So there was a huge machine behind her.

Edited by LIMOM
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I wonder if he will maintain his famous silence that garners so much praise if that day does arrive?

Worry not, there will be plenty of anonymous sources being quoted...

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7 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

"Here, Bryn ... these are some blank checks you can use to practice signing your name.  Don't worry about filling out the other lines, I will do that later! "

Griftmaw: Bryn we’re going to play with the post-it flags today. Remember what I taught you?

Bryn: My hand hurts. This isn’t fun anymore. I did my initials next to the stickers like you said. I did 10 pages already

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Wendy Williams managed to stay on the air.

This speaks volume about Beth's likeability factor.

And she had Ellen producing the show. So there was a huge machine behind her.

Yes and Julia Louis-Dreyfus had a show that only lasted one season as well. What an unlikable bitch she must be too.

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9 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Yes and Julia Louis-Dreyfus had a show that only lasted one season as well. What an unlikable bitch she must be too.

And Katie Couric and Joan Rivers. Their shows lasted longer, but ultimately they had poor ratings. And they were much more famous people with careers rooted in being on TV and interviewing folks. Still, they couldn't make it.

The bottom line is that Beth's show just wasn't very good. 

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14 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Wendy Williams managed to stay on the air.

But Katie Curic failed.  Queen Latisha failed.  For every WW there are four that fail.  Wendy has actually talked about it.  It's a rough business.  I don't put that on Bethenny at all.

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2 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

And Katie Couric and Joan Rivers. Their shows lasted longer, but ultimately they had poor ratings. And they were much more famous people with careers rooted in being on TV and interviewing folks. Still, they couldn't make it.

The bottom line is that Beth's show just wasn't very good. 

The Talk how was a bad fit for Bethenny.

When she did Reality TV she could say whatever she wanted and it could be bleeped out with a pixel over her mouth. On a talk show, they don't do that, she had to be very careful with what she said. The audience is also very different - daytime vs cable nighttime. I would say if it was anything like the Ellen Show she had children in the audience.

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Griftmaw: Bryn we’re going to play with the post-it flags today. Remember what I taught you?

Bryn: My hand hurts. This isn’t fun anymore. I did my initials next to the stickers like you said. I did 10 pages already

Bryn: And why can't we ever do this in daddy's home in New York? Why only in Pennsylvania?

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15 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Bryn: And why can't we ever do this in daddy's home in New York? Why only in Pennsylvania?

Griftmaw: I'm sorry Bryn, we'll take a break for now. Get ready, Floppaw will take you for a walk in the park

Bryn: Nooooooooooooo!


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41 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

The bottom line is that Beth's show just wasn't very good. 

It was so stilted and dull. She should have done a sex & relationship show with a sexpert sidekick-- a fresher, female-centric Dr. Drew & Adam Corolla  ("Get my jock off: How to give a great blow job" "Moms and anal: no shit, Sherlock"  "Talk to your own hand: Meow"--  Catskills meets sex skills -- she would've been great in that kind of venue).

Edited by film noire
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Griftmaw: I'm sorry Bryn, we'll take a break for now. Get ready, Floppaw will take you for a walk in the park

Bryn: Nooooooooooooo!


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1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

Talk show because it didn't get ratings.  Radio show because she only promised Andy to do one season.  He talked about it in his book like it was a favor she did him.  Some people like her and some don't.  Pretty much the same for anyone in the world.  She obviously is better at some things than others.

Raising hand - I listened to Bethenny's radio show on Sirius

Loved it - she had Julie (her first assistant), Andy, Carole, Ramona on.

PS when she was on she said the show was an experiment, and she didn't know how long she could do it because of her SKG obligations

Edited by KungFuBunny
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Bryn: How come I can't ever see you and Daddy at the same time anymore, Griftmaw?

Well Bryn, Daddy has to stay in New York and I have to stay in Pennsylvania.  We can't travel across state lines anymore because our ankle bracelets set off an alarm and your mommy will call the police to have us taken away and locked up.

Now pick up the pen, honey ... we need to finish this up so we can meet Daddy at the state line in an hour.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

PS when she was on she said the show was an experiment, and she didn't know how long she could do it because of her SKG obligations

Andy's book was peppered with him getting people to have shows on his channel, Radio Andy.  He spent almost as much time talking B into it as he did talking Cher into it.  So I wasn't surprised she didn't renew.

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