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[SUNSETTED] Cast In Other Roles: That's Fake Me. This Must Be Fake Mine.

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I couldn't help noticing that in spite of critical praise, endless promo, and supposedly being younger, fresher, and more in tune with the new CW than SPN, iZombie got the same ratings. It tells me several things - that Flash is not a good lead-in, that Agents of Shield will continue to hurt other genre shows, and that Rob Thomas is still a little too in love with the sound of his own voice to make dramas as good as they could be.

So, apparently Misha has been in a web series called 


Divine The Series and he's been playing a character name Father Christopher.  What the hell?




Yeah, they did it a few years ago. Many Supernatural crew members were involved in the series. It was mostly the vision of Ivan Haden, the VFX supervisor through S7, if I recall properly.



Here's more info: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Divine:_The_Series

Edited by DittyDotDot

Okay, I kinda have to eat my words in the SuperNormal thread about Jeffery Dean Morgan. I just finished watching S4 of Shameless (yes, I know I'm really behind the times) and JDM shows up in the last episode and I totally stayed conscious. Granted he had maybe 2 minutes of screen-time and hardly any of it was focused on him, but he didn't talk with his really slow country drawl-ness I've usually noticed in him previously. I was really pleasantly surprised.


Now, I'm kinda thinking I would totally love a JDM reappearance on Supernatural and not just because it would probably delight Jensen, but I legitimately am curious what he would do with John differently now. Sheesh, am I not just wishy-washy much?

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I checked the last couple of pages on this thread to see if this had already been mentioned, and I didn't see it, so I thought that I would mention seeing Mark Pelligrino on the (completely confusing so far) show Secrets and Lies. The first episode seemed good, but then things got confusing for me pretty quickly.


Edited to add: No Mark Pelligrino is not on Secrets and Lies. He is on The Returned as Demented Daisy mentions below. I guess my brain decided to take a nap for a moment... or maybe watching The Returned confused it so much, I forgot what show I was watching. I saw that last episode twice (the second time it was on in the background) and I still don't know what's going on. I only know that that little kid is creepy as hell... and it might just be me and that Supernautral has warped my brain, but I would not let him anywhere near me. I would be no, no , no... you keep wandering the hall kid, you're not coming in my apartment.

Edited by AwesomO4000

Watching Aldis Hodge (Jake) in Rectify right now!


I checked the last couple of pages on this thread to see if this had already been mentioned, and I didn't see it, so I thought that I would mention seeing Mark Pelligrino on the (completely confusing so far) show Secrets and Lies. The first episode seemed good, but then things got confusing for me pretty quickly.


Something about Secrets and Lies just didn't gel for me. Gave up on it after the second episode.

He's also on the (also completely confusing) The Returned.  I'm trying to keep up with it, but maybe my brain is fried after Bates Motel.  ;-)


ETA  Stupid autocorrect.  Stupid me for not proofreading properly.  ;-)


D'oh! That's the one. I got my completely confusing shows mixed up. Mark Pelligrino is on that one, not Secrets and Lies. Though I think The Returned is winning in the WtF is going on department so far - by a nose.


And brain fry after Bates Motel is completely understandable. That show - it's like I'm both on the edge of my seat for and at the same time dreading what's going to happen next.


And stupid me, for not checking IMBD before posting.


Something about Secrets and Lies just didn't gel for me. Gave up on it after the second episode.


I'm actually behind on that show, because when it moved to Sunday, it's on at the same time as a bunch of other things are happening - one of them being The Walking Dead * - and those things generally win out. I remember being intrigued by the first episode, so I'll catch up on On Demand and see if I give up as well like you did.


* Gotta see what happens with Carl, though it's getting set up to be a finale that I'm both going to be fascinated by and dread, because WtF Rick and Carol, are you loosing your freakin' minds? Think of poor Carl and his baby sister... sorry, sorry that show makes me lose it sometimes. The episodes now are ones filmed in a town about 20 minutes away from mine... and they really did wall off an entire neighborhood for filming - that's not a set.

Something about The Walking Dead didn't hit me right, either. I think AMC shows are maybe not my "thing," just in general. Didn't like Breaking Bad or Mad Men, either. They're all just so macho.


I'm starting to think that I have a serious, life-threatening allergy to macho.


Sundance is killing me, though. Rectify is fucking amazing (PLEASE WATCH IT because I have things to discuss), Red Road is nearly as good, and I even liked that miniseries, One Child. Plus, the network does not shy away from packing their productions with eyecandy. Especially Red Road. GODDAMN but Jason Momoa has never looked so good, and that's saying something. Well OK, gotta change the subject before I have to start fanning myself.

Didn't like Breaking Bad or Mad Men, either.


I didn't even try those. I know they are likely great shows, but the subject matter didn't interest me.


And I can understand some about the macho - I stopped watching Sons of Anarchy partially for that reason. However, I loved Rescue Me in all of it's macho, somewhat chauvinistic glory * - mostly because it was so wrong and bizarre, and the characters intrigued me. Tommy Gavin in all of his messed up glory is still a favorite character of mine and I loved all his firehouse friends as well.


* (I say somewhat, because surprisingly sometimes the women on the show seemed to get away with more than the men did at times, including Tommy's crazy-ass former-still-sorta-mistress pretty much raping him - twice - the second time trying to kill him afterwards by burning the house down around him while convincing him later that it was his fault. Not only did she get away with that, she got the insurance money for the house. That woman was Teflon.)

Something about The Walking Dead didn't hit me right, either. I think AMC shows are maybe not my "thing," just in general. Didn't like Breaking Bad or Mad Men, either. They're all just so macho.


I'm starting to think that I have a serious, life-threatening allergy to macho.


Sundance is killing me, though. Rectify is fucking amazing (PLEASE WATCH IT because I have things to discuss), Red Road is nearly as good, and I even liked that miniseries, One Child. Plus, the network does not shy away from packing their productions with eyecandy. Especially Red Road. GODDAMN but Jason Momoa has never looked so good, and that's saying something. Well OK, gotta change the subject before I have to start fanning myself.


Heh, are you suggesting Dean crying his single manly tear isn't macho? ;) 


I am so far behind on Rectify. I've been waiting FOREVER for S2 to show up on Netflix, S1 was just beautiful and, as you said, amazing, IMO. I added Red Road to my queue a week or so back, but wasn't sure how soon I wanted to delve into it.


I haven't watched Breaking Bad yet and only managed to suffer through S1 of The Walking Dead, but I loved Mad Men--well the first two seasons anyway. It's a slow burn of a show and mostly plotless, so I understand why it is hard for people to get into it, though.

Heh, are you suggesting Dean crying his single manly tear isn't macho? ;)


Honestly, sometimes I *do* find that kind of thing overly macho, in that I sometimes find it self-important and self-indulgent.


SPN:  putting the "wang" in wangst. :P


I am so far behind on Rectify. I've been waiting FOREVER for S2 to show up on Netflix, S1 was just beautiful and, as you said, amazing, IMO. I added Red Road to my queue a week or so back, but wasn't sure how soon I wanted to delve into it.


Rectify's second season *is* on Netflix! That's how I watched it. It appeared only a few days after I finished S1, which was a happy surprise.


I'm delighted that Sundance is putting their shows on Netflix -- I read that Rectify was only getting ~250K viewers last season, but I'm sure they're going to pick up a lot of new ones now. Even as television-obsessed as I am, I hadn't heard a word of it until I saw it on my Netflix recommendations list, and *still* didn't watch it for a long time (because the picture of it was just Daniel standing there looking dopey, which wasn't all that appealing) -- but now I absolutely love it and can't wait to see what happens when it comes back in July!


Same thing for Red Road, I'll definitely be paying attention for S2. (It's not nearly as meditative as Rectify, and I don't think it's *quite* as well done, but it's still really pretty great).


I haven't watched Breaking Bad yet and only managed to suffer through S1 of The Walking Dead, but I loved Mad Men--well the first two seasons anyway. It's a slow burn of a show and mostly plotless, so I understand why it is hard for people to get into it, though.


The reason I disliked Mad Men was because I wanted all the characters to DIAF, all those arrogant pieces of shit. It made me genuinely angry to watch it, so I gave it up for the sake of my blood pressure :P

Rectify's second season *is* on Netflix! That's how I watched it. It appeared only a few days after I finished S1, which was a happy surprise.


I should've clarified...I know it's available for streaming, but I'm holding out for the disks because: 1) I don't have an unlimited internet connection (I live in a very rural area, the options are extremely limited); and a show like Rectify, I want to watch at the highest quality--because it's so pretty--which eats up my data usage; 2) I want to watch it on my TV and not my laptop, again, because it's so pretty. I might have to break down and just watch it online though, but I'm trying to be patient. Some shows are just worth it and others not so much.

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I should've clarified...I know it's available for streaming, but I'm holding out for the disks because: 1) I don't have an unlimited internet connection (I live in a very rural area, the options are extremely limited); and a show like Rectify, I want to watch at the highest quality--because it's so pretty--which eats up my data usage; 2) I want to watch it on my TV and not my laptop, again, because it's so pretty. I might have to break down and just watch it online though, but I'm trying to be patient. Some shows are just worth it and others not so much.


Now I must get it - and I too want the DVDs for my hubby (who saw the series while flying cross country - it was available to watch on the plane). And I am intrigued, because all the "pretty" is in my town, and there are many areas of it that are indeed pretty.


Watching Aldis Hodge (Jake) in Rectify right now!


Interesting. Does he look a bit older (since it's been quite a few years now)?

I should've clarified...I know it's available for streaming, but I'm holding out for the disks because: 1) I don't have an unlimited internet connection (I live in a very rural area, the options are extremely limited); and a show like Rectify, I want to watch at the highest quality--because it's so pretty--which eats up my data usage; 2) I want to watch it on my TV and not my laptop, again, because it's so pretty. I might have to break down and just watch it online though, but I'm trying to be patient. Some shows are just worth it and others not so much.


FWIW, I think you should still stream it! Because this season is actually even better the second time around. You'll still enjoy watching it on disk, I'm sure. Though I'd also recommend doing an S1 rewatch before starting in on S2, because the events of the first season lead directly into the second.


AwesomO, since you're living in the place where this show is set -- this is so piddly, but does it irritate/confuse you how some of the actors say "I heard that!" funny, as though they literally heard something, not like they're agreeing with something someone else said? It's such a silly, nothing thing -- I didn't even know you *could* say that funny! -- but I'm always bemused whenever they do it. Daniel and Amantha are the repeat offenders. Luckily, Aldis Hodge says it correctly :P


Speaking of:


Interesting. Does he look a bit older (since it's been quite a few years now)?


He doesn't look all that different, really. I mean, he does look a little older, but he basically just looks like himself still.

Been re-watching 'Arrow' and who shows up in 1.3 as Max Fuller?  None other than "Dash" aka Marcus Rosner! with blonde hair....(eww) He looked much better in SPN with dark hair.  I really loved Dash and I thought Rosner had a lot of charisma. 


I wouldn't mind seeing him in a spinoff. How much fun would that be? A rich smarmy newbie learning about hunters? Dash wanted to know more about them before Dean shut him down. I would LOVE it if Dash showed up again. I think that would be a million times more fun than Cole and his brooding. We get enough of that with Dean and Sam. 


OHHH maybe Dash could finance the boys! Dean you didn't think that shut down through, man!

Edited by catrox14
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Oddly similar to Alan Tudyk's and Nathan Fillion's Con Men.


eta: Oops, posted before watching their clip. Guess the guys were aware of the unfortunate timing of Alan and Nathan's  launch. Good for them for bringing it up and dealing with it.

Edited by Reishe
  • Love 1

Oddly similar to Alan Tudyk's and Nathan Fillion's Con Men.

ROB AND Richard address this on their crowd funding page. They said they learned about the other just before this came out. Pretty sure there is no plagirism of shenanigans on Richard and Robs part if that is what you are implying.

A funny thing happened the day we finished our teaser. THAT VERY DAY, another project-- with a similar premise and very similar name -- launched a crowd funding campaign. It didn't quite fly under the radar either - it made a big splash in the press and raised record setting amounts of money.

Rob and Rich reflected (got drunk), took a long walk (talked each other off a cliff) and ultimately decided (still drunk) that this situation was much like an episode of their own show. The Rob and Rich of "Kings of Con" would totally have to deal with something like this. But would they quit? No! They would just come up with a new title and forge ahead. After all, the show must go on... because that's what it says in their appearance contract!

The bottom line is we believe in this project. We believe this we have something special to share with you. It is an idea fueled by our love for this family of actors, fans, and the crazy unlike-any-other universe that we that we are blessed to be a part of.

There are risks, of course. But nothing we can't overcome. We might have to change the name (we did) or leg wrestle Nathan Fillion (our money is on Fillion), but we will make this. And you will see it. And we will be in it (probably). Kidding. We're in it. Unless Rich recasts the role of Rob.

Edited by catrox14

No, I wasn't implying anything. I have nothing but good opinions about all four of these guys, and I wish them all success. When you look at the two treatments, they're coming at the subject of fan cons from different angles. It was just really weird timing, that's all. Sometimes coincidences happen and all you can do is marvel.

Edited by Reishe
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Just saw Charles Malik Whitfield (Victor Henriksen) on a commercial for a Tyler Perry show called "If Loving You is Wrong".  It's on the OWN network, if you want to check him out.


EDITED TO ADD:  Just saw Kim Rhodes (Jody Mills) in a commercial for Verizon internet service.

Edited by patty1h

So....DC Comics is now saying they will have a live action version of the Red Hood. I swear to gods, if Jensen doesn't get that part....I will probably cry.  He was a GREAT Jason Todd in Batman: Under the Red Hood animated feature.  And a fan helpfully put together a fan made trailer. 




I'll just be over here....freaking out because of how much I want this, since Jensen will apparently never get Batman....


After seeing Benny again and seeing Ty over on iZombie, I was curious to see what he's been up to lately.  It seems he and Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Mills) have been over in England shooting a TV show there.  It's scheduled to be released in the UK in September, no idea if we'll see it here.




edited to add the link that I forgot.

Edited by Altered Reality

Catrox said: I think for Jensen any role in any of those films would have been a pretty great thing. Poor guy seems to always be in the running like seriously but just is one step away.  And that's a shame.  When I think about all the different things he's done with one character, there is no reason he can't play any other role on the planet.


I was confused about Michael Shanks not getting good roles when he was at his peak and I am also dumbfounded by Jensen not being sought out for meaty leading man roles in Hollywood.  He is great-looking and a wonderful actor.  Maybe talent doesn't count for as much as I would hope?


Just bought two DVDs to watch because of my Supernatural craze.  Misha's Stonehenge Apocalypse is one of the worst movies I have seen. How did anyone actually like it, other than to make fun of it?  I wish that he had a more action-oriented role, but it seemed like it was tailored for someone "older" who didn't do anything but talk and drive.  Torri Higgensen, who I had liked on Atlantis, was awful.


My Bloody Valentine 3D was the first slasher/horror movie I have ever seen.  I didn't watch SPN when it first came on because it scared me, but after 9+ seasons of it, I am immune to gore.  Anyway, I thought the movie could have used some humor, and I wish that the woman who played Tara Benchley had been the love interest, but it was a pretty interesting movie.  I kept thinking I know how the ending would HAVE to happen - not going to spoil it - and right up until the end I wasn't sure they were going to end it properly.  There was only one narrative choice that made sense and they took it.  I was cheering at the reveal.  I just wish Jensen would get parts in better movies.


Whoot! to the Galavant renewal...hope it stays goofy!


While not cast in other roles, looks like Sera Gamble is working for a show that's been picked up by SyFy: http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/magicians-syfy-lev-grossman-series-1201486728/. Seems a tad snooty to call it a "grown-up" Harry Potter to me. And, I never read the Harry Potter books nor saw any of the movies.

Edited by DittyDotDot

And starting "grad students" are what 21, 22, 23 at most? Call me an old lady, but that's not "grown up." I started grad school at 21, and didn't consider myself all that "grown up" per se, and I wasn't even a typical college student (I also worked part time and paid my own rent, tuition, and bills). At least not in the "worldly" sense, since college is still somewhat sheltered. And if they were in high school in Harry Potter - I don't know for sure; I haven't read the books or seen the movies either - wouldn't that put them at 17 or 18 near the end. That's only a few years difference.


So I'm not seeing how a wizard show about grad students qualifies as a "grown up" Harry Potter.  And hey, you kids get off my lawn!

  • Love 3

And starting "grad students" are what 21, 22, 23 at most? Call me an old lady, but that's not "grown up." I started grad school at 21, and didn't consider myself all that "grown up" per se, and I wasn't even a typical college student (I also worked part time and paid my own rent, tuition, and bills). At least not in the "worldly" sense, since college is still somewhat sheltered. And if they were in high school in Harry Potter - I don't know for sure; I haven't read the books or seen the movies either - wouldn't that put them at 17 or 18 near the end. That's only a few years difference.


So I'm not seeing how a wizard show about grad students qualifies as a "grown up" Harry Potter.  And hey, you kids get off my lawn!


I was 27 and definitely an adult when I started grad school (28 when I quit, lol. HATED. IT.). But even in retrospect, I think I was already an adult at 21. What do people mean when they say someone is an "adult," though? Honestly asking, because everyone probably has a different definition.


Well anyway, not that I'm likely to watch The Magicians. I got about three pages into the book. IIrc, it was more like a modern Chronicles of Narnia than an "adult" Harry Potter imo, but I guess Narnia isn't as popular as Harry Potter right now and has all those awkward religious/Christian connotations. 

Congrats to Sera Gamble, in any case.

I was 27 and definitely an adult when I started grad school (28 when I quit, lol. HATED. IT.). But even in retrospect, I think I was already an adult at 21. What do people mean when they say someone is an "adult," though? Honestly asking, because everyone probably has a different definition.


I should have clarified. I more meant grad students who went straight through from college to grad school - like Sam would've done. Did you take some time off to work before grad school and/or before college? And I agree about grad school. I didn't hate it, but my Masters was enough. No matter some of my family's complaints, I didn't want to go on for my PhD. I didn't need it - or the hassle - for what I wanted to do. And I loved my job while hubby-to-be went on for his PhD... much better than grad school.


As for what I think of when I imagine "grown up" at least in terms of a show... I guess it's likely tone. For example, a show that would have lots of characters crushing on people, worrying about impressing the "cool kids," arguing over boyfriends / girlfriends, trying to decide what they wanted to do with their life, etc. (i.e. somewhat typical teen and/or college stuff) would not be "grown up" to me. A show where people already are in their careers, have or have had an established relationship if that's what they want and had the opportunity for or don't have that kind of relationship if they decided they didn't want one or didn't have the chance, have lived on their own paying bills and having responsibilities, and have more matured goals other than "How can I get Suzy to go out with me" or "How can I get Bobby to notice me" would be a more "grown up" show, in my opinion. If a show is full of older-aged people who are still acting like non-grown ups, it still doesn't qualify for me as a grown-up show. So for me, if you are going to call yourself a "grown up" Harry Potter, I wouldn't want to be seeing the characters competing for a woman's affection or trying to get the most academic / peer / "cool kid" approval or "what am I going to do with my life," because for me that doesn't qualify as a "grown up" thing.


Heh - I think the best way to give an example would be from the 200th episode of Stargate SG-1. In that episode, the gang was trying to think of "cover shows" (a movie to replace the show which had gotten canceled, so they could blame any leaks of real stuff on that show) and one of the examples was an awesomely cliched "teenage / young person" version of Stargate with all of the angst and "young people-ness" that kind of show would entail. I found it extremely amusing and by the time they got to the young guy talking about how he didn't think Mitchel liked him any more and his girlfriend blurts "I'm pregnant" - cut to the real gang all going "No" I was laughing my butt off. If you want to see the scene here it is: Younger, edgier Stargate. Now that is an extreme example, of course, but that's pretty much in the general vein of what I'm talking about.

A show where people already are in their careers, have or have had an established relationship if that's what they want and had the opportunity for or don't have that kind of relationship if they decided they didn't want one or didn't have the chance, have lived on their own paying bills and having responsibilities, and have more matured goals other than "How can I get Suzy to go out with me" or "How can I get Bobby to notice me" would be a more "grown up" show, in my opinion.


For me, it's not about the characters' maturity or the stability of their lives, it's more about their role in relation to other people. Maybe it's more (too?) abstract, but I think of it like:

  • in kids' entertainment, the "real" adults in the story are not considered the peers or dependents of the main characters.
  • in kids' entertainment, someone/something else is ultimately supposed to be responsible for the main characters.


In Harry Potter (up until the last book, anyway) imo the characters aren't considered the "real" adults' peers or considered responsible for the "real" adults' well-being, and the main characters themselves are ultimately the responsibility of some of the adults/institutions in their lives. So imo Harry Potter is kids' entertainment. (Not a dig at it, or to say that it's *solely* for kids. I mean it's "kids' entertainment" in terms of its genre).


In SPN, imo the characters are considered the peers of the other adults in their world, they are considered responsible for the well-being of other people (including adults), and they aren't anyone else's responsibility. So I think SPN is adults' entertainment -- even though the Winchesters are, if anything, LESS mature than the main characters in Harry Potter.


Obviously, though, kids can (and do) enjoy the show, just like adults can (and do) enjoy Harry Potter. Though probably kids and adults enjoy different aspects of the same story, or even see the story altogether differently?


Anyway, I honestly have no idea where The Magicians comes out in all that, though, because I only read a little bit of it, and it seemed too much like a Narnia knock-off, so I quit.


I should have clarified. I more meant grad students who went straight through from college to grad school - like Sam would've done. Did you take some time off to work before grad school and/or before college?


Mmmmm it's complicated. Family issues have played a big part.


I should probably go to therapy or something about it, but instead I always ultimately turn to the one who *truly* raised me -- television. :P

Well, I'm over 40 and not sure if I would consider myself an adult, if that helps you rue. ;)


Actually, I've been on my own since I was 17, but still...



I resemble this remark :D  I'm also over 40 (yeah, by more than a bit) and was on my own at 17 but honestly I refuse to grow up and always have. 


But I get the question, I don't think age really has anything to do with it. The whole concept of what is  "grown up" can be sorta fluid. People develop and grow at different rates and honestly, backsliding (so to speak) isn't that unheard of, mid-life crisis anyone ;D


And declaring one's self to be a "grown up" version of anything?  Well, If you have to say you are, you probably aren't :D

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