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On August 4, 2016 at 0:14 PM, ByTor said:

Being that Harry & Joss are former brother/sister in law, those two better not dare say a peep about Kate & Dr. Shoeguy!

I don't understand why Scott even cares about having Harry and Joss's blessing. If it was Kate wanting the blessing that would make sense (even though your point that Harry and Joss really have no standing to complain that it would be too complicated for Kate to date Scott is totally true), because Harry's her brother and it would be understandable if she didn't want things to become strained between them. But Scott?

Also, from the way Scott talks, if I hadn't seen the previous seasons I would think that Joss must've left Harry for Scott at some point, or cheated on Harry with Scott, because Scott talks as if Harry has reason to hate him when it's really the reverse. I vaguely recall Scott punched Harry or something, but since Harry punched Dom he should be able to understand.

Harry is a jerk, though. So, he's A-OK with working with a guy who condones his "favorite" nephew abusing his girlfriend? This is one of the reasons rape culture continues to exist, because it's way more important to Harry to be in with Jonathan than to call out the guy on his attitude, and he thinks Joss is the one being selfish. I was happy when Joss called out Reza and Jonathan for the abuser and condoner/enabler they respectively are.

Sigh. Just when I was enjoying Jason George and wondering if the writers could find a place for Dom on the show by making him April or Karen's new love interest, they reveal that Dom's married now. Hi Jason George! Bye Jason George! He was so much better than all the current love interests. I cannot understand why the April/Marc relationship is still going. I know Ricky Whittle has gone on to bigger, better things, but they surely can find someone better than Marc.

  • Love 1

Harry is a jerk, though. So, he's A-OK with working with a guy who condones his "favorite" nephew abusing his girlfriend? This is one of the reasons rape culture continues to exist, because it's way more important to Harry to be in with Jonathan than to call out the guy on his attitude, and he thinks Joss is the one being selfish. I was happy when Joss called out Reza and Jonathan for the abuser and condoner/enabler they respectively are.

He was also terrible with the whole Savi/Joss fallout, it's why I could never get into his character at all,it also doesn't help that he's just not interesting at all.

April’s mom extends her stay at April and Marc’s place, but puts more of a rift in their relationship. Unbeknownst to Karen, Lydia creates an online dating profile using Karen’s photo, which leads to Karen meeting up with a guy. Kate decides to move out of Harry and Joss’ place, and Harry becomes furious when he discovers Joss knew about Scott and Kate’s relationship and deliberately withheld it. Joss begins taking pills to deal with her anxiety and stress, which leads her down a dangerous path.

And after a bunch of previouslies most people can barely remember occurred (Joss confronting that singer in order to rep her career, Karen's nanny issues, Harry's tv show with Rocco 'douchebag' DiSpirito, drunk Grandma, etc.) we find out that it was Grandma that was in a car accident last episode and she has broken her wrist.  And Grandma is coming for an extended stay -- because it worked out so well last time.

And Grandma starts off her visit by proclaiming she wasn't drinking during her car accident (that doesn't mean she wasn't already drunk before getting in the car, just saying) and she doesn't want to hear any AA crap from Mark.  Way to start off your convalescence stay.  Seriously, she only has a broken arm

Joss is complaining that Variety isn't taking her calls (Variety ignores the world-renowned publicist Joss Carver -- how dare they ?) and her new client, Stacy North, that singer from several episodes has gotten into a Twitter war with someone (and they manage to namedrop Vimeo along the way -- I wonder how much Vimeo paid for that little plug).

Joss apparently doesn't understand how the whole Internet works, because she wants her assistant to stop her client from being able to send out anymore tweets.  How would her assistant do that exactly ?

For some reason Kate, who has shown absolutely no photographic talents previously, is taking pictures of Shoeguy in order to update his medical practice website when Kate gets a message from Harry to call him.  Kate somehow has a big fancy camera and camera bag -- how is she affording all this stuff while working at April's store ?

Joss comes home early to regale Harry with the tales of the trials and tribulations of repping Stacy North, and Joss states that if she knew the problems of her client she never would have pursued.  So prior to Joss, either this Stacy North person had no social media presence before she hired Joss -- or Joss was just too stupid to do a little background research to discover that Stacy is a trainwreck before pursuing her as a client and destroying the career of her previous PR rep ?  And I doubt it was the former.  Because Joss is just that good at her new job.  I'm just surprised that Joss doesn't plan to sleep with this married man Stacy is sleeping with to blackmail him somehow (because that worked out so well in S3).

Harry tells Joss that creepy Jonathon is having a benefit and they have to go because of the whole Reza thing -- and Joss says that he doesn't "have to work with him".  Uh, yeah, he kind of does since that seems like part of the deal Harry had to make to keep her ass out of jail.  Joss truly is an idiot.

April takes her mother to the doctor's office to discuss her broken arm which won't need surgery, but the doctor wants to discuss something else -- apparently Grandma has late stage cirrhosis of the liver.  And while they do need more tests Grandma will likely need a liver transplant.  April asks the dumbest question ever -- "how does this even happen ?".  Really April, your mother has been a closet alcoholic for most of your life and you really don't know how she could get cirrhosis of the liver ?  Really ?

April tells Karen about Grandma's condition and how it might be the beginning of the end -- you just know that Grandma is going to ask for a liver donation from April or Lucy at some point.  You can see that coming down the road.  Karen offers the sage wisdom that maybe this is the wake up call Grandma needs.  It boggles my minds that Karen has a university degree with stupid ideas like that -- there's no way Grandma is going cold turkey, and Karen should know that.

Karen thinks her nanny is trying to poison Vivian -- because why not, over some bullshit about expired baby food.  Karen is so neurotic why would she even have expired baby food in the apartment ?  Oh noooees, the nanny fed Vivian solid food without asking Karen first.  Seriously, what is up with Karen't hair -- is it a wig ?  Karen is going to get April to help validate whether she is crazy or not when it comes to her nanny.  Talk about the blind leading the blind.

Harry and Mark discuss Grandma's health issues and Joss' Jonathon issues over sandwich making.  As guys do.  And Mark says that at some point he will have to choose between Joss and Jonathon, which doesn't go over well with Harry.

Meanwhile, back at the center of the PR universe, Joss' client Stacy North pays a visit looking a little less stylish than she did at the club, and she is an absolute train wreck -- all over some guy she's having an affair with (so I guess he's married or engaged, otherwise it would just be dating).  Stacy complains about WAY too many Twitter notifications -- does she know that she can turn those off, right ?

What is the deal with the giant buttons on Joss' pants ?

And apparently Joss is a MD now as she takes away prescription meds from her client.  WTF ?  Stacey thanks Joss and says "she's the best".  Umm, how about no. And Stacey follows it up by saying that Joss is almost worth the money --  bit of a back-handed compliment there.

Mark and April discuss Grandma's health issues in the early morning after Mark kicks over some cymbals as they are sleeping on an inflatable mattress in the music room -- a mattress that proceeds to spring a leak.

Kate sashays into the living room and has a chat with Joss about Taco Guy -- who is really Shoeguy -- and Joss is all super enthusiastic for Kate and her new found man, even asking how the sex is.  Really, I just don't see these two at the "sharing intimate sex details" level of a relationship.  As Kate tries to come clean, Joss' client ends up doing something viral again only this time in video format while Kate gets a text from Shoeguy saying that he wants to tell Joss about their relationship.  And this show decides to ride the coattails of an existing Ariana Grande viral faux pas about licking baked goods -- really writers, you couldn't come up with anything original ?

Breakfast time at April's house and Grandma is cooking pancakes.  Vegan pancakes, that are apparently hard as rock.  Grandma proceeds to claim it is her new lifestyle and how she couldn't sleep on April's bed because it was SO uncomfortable.  And she is going to beat this cirrhosis problem -- probably not so much.

Joss talks with Stacy North about repairing her good name by volunteering at a food bank, and to use that to artificially inflate her her download numbers.  Whatever.

April is visiting Karen and she can't find anything wrong with the nanny -- so yeah, Karen really is crazy and couldn't even diagnose herself, she's that shitty of a therapist.

Harry rides his Ducati that he got from creepy Jonathon to the big benefit party solo since Joss ain't coming.  And some hottie/movie star named Kristin greets Harry at the entrance and swoons about how good his cooking/travel show is.  Great, Harry has a groupie, that won't complicate things with Joss at all. </eyeroll>.  And Kristin wants Harry to do a private cooking session for her and some friends (there won't be any friends) and is willing to pay him $15K that Harry immediately says yes to.  And instead of leaving, since she was on her way out, Kristin returns to the benefit as she has some questions for him.

Mark comes home with some takeout food just in time to hear Grandma fall down somewhere in the house, and as Mark rushes to her aid he finds that she is three sheets to the wind.  Yep, Grandma's new lifestyle apparently includes more binge drinking.  Her excuse is that she just had one drink -- for the pain.  Lifelong alcoholics don't get falling down drunk after one drink.

Grandma tries to use the old I'm-dying-and-don't-know-when-I-will-have-my-last-drink excuse -- after one day of sobriety.  One !!

Harry returns how from the benefit with a gift bag in hand as Joss complains about having a tough time spinning Bagelgate.  Whatever.  Harry is a little tipsy, and says that he took an Uber home -- so did he just leave his ridiculously expensive Ducati with the valet overnight ?  Seriously ?  That is mind-boggling stupid.

Harry tries to tell Joss about his night, but Joss is having none of it because her night sucked, and that Harry should start thinking about work and Joss like church and state.  And just to further hammer home the point that Joss wants nothing to do with creepy Jonathon in any way whatsoever she turns down Harry's offer of a swag bag from the benefit.  Because she has the PTSD, dontcha know.

Karen decides to have lunch with the nanny, Lydia, in order to get to know her baby-poisoning plans, ummm, to get to know he better.  Lydia moved around a lot in her youth as an Army brat and hasn't had a date in 3 years.  When baby Vivian starts crying, the nanny leaps in action (since it is her job and all).  Karen has this green top on with oddly positioned slits down the front -- not a good look.

Harry unpacks his stuff in Kristin's kitchen and she offers him some wine -- and she somehow magically fills one wine glass half full with white wine without pouring between camera angles.  And it gets awkward when Kristin sniffs his berries, as Harry casually drops that he's engaged causing Kristin to state that it's not a date.  Sure it's not.  And then the half full wine glass (and the empty glass beside it) disappear completely off the countertop.  

Kristin tells Harry to prep for his pending great leap forward into stardom.  And Kristin has Joss' number pegged -- about Joss making Harry feel shitty for his success.  Harry needs to dump Joss for Kristin ASAP. And Kristin's friends never do actually show up so we have no idea if they ever came over (and it is never mentioned again).

Mark helps build up April's confidence to confront Grandma about putting her into rehab. Grandma confesses that she needs to shape up finally after all the crap she has put April through in her life, but she wants to stay the hell out of rehab and really needs April in her life, which is all just a big con so that she can keep drinking.  I can't believe April is falling for this.

Joss is still working on mending Stacy's reputation -- and somehow Shoeguy walks into her office unannounced and with no warning.  How does that work exactly ?  Did he say he was the Fedex guy ?  Joss is pretty shocked that Shoeguy is actually in her office.  And Shoeguy drops the bomb that he's dating Kate and that he is in fact Taco Guy.  Shoeguy comes clean that Kate is just temporary filler for what he really wants (that's Joss, why I have no idea) -- and that Joss shouldn't be with Harry if she isn't happy.  Wow !! Kate really can pick 'em.   And Shoeguy proceeds to kiss Joss after stating he is still in love with her -- and after several seconds of a deep lip lock only then does Joss break the kiss.

Apparently, there's a window.  A window of opportunity.  Can't wait until Kate finds out the Shoeguy is playing her.  Because Shoeguy is ready to dump Kate pronto, but Joss convinces Shoeguy to let her talk to Kate.

Karen takes Vivian to April's store -- to tell her that she is keeping Lydia the nanny.  And Karen is wearing this terrible red outfit -- it's basically a mini-kimono being worn as a dress.  Karen finally admits that she's afraid Vivian will love the nanny more than her.  Really ?  Does Karen not know the whole concept of a nanny is to spend all the time raising your child that you are unable to care for her due to work commitments.  Man, she is dumb.  And apparently Karen has severe mommy issues, since her mother never told her that she loved Karen enough.  Oh FFS !  She's a therapist and she has never figured that out before.

Stacy North goes to Joss' office to tell her about the success of working at the food bank, but Stacy learns absolutely nothing from this experience and is back in contact with the married man she was hooking up with.  And Joss' prescription for Stacy is Impact Class -- because it has done wonders for Joss and her anger issues.  </sarcasm>  Stacy asks for her meds back, but Joss says she flushed them -- only she really didn't and is going to start taking them for herself.

April goes to the backyard with gifts for Mark to break the news that Grandma is staying put -- because she NEEDs April.  April tells Mark that they weighed the pros and cons of going to rehab (when did that happen exactly ?). Mark is convinced that Grandma is playing April, and April says the she may sound naive (nope, April, you really are that naive).  Grandma is dragging Mark's sobriety into this, and April takes the opportunity to remind him about his dream of becoming an addition counselor that fell to the wayside once his music career took off again.  Mark relents and says he will help, but it's not going to go well because Grandma is an alcoholic.  Mark knows that for sure.

Joss meets Kate at an outdoor cafe because talking about this at the house might be a little bit awkward -- and Joss tells Kate she knows that Shoeguy is Taco Guy. Joss tries to drop hints that Shoeguy is not the man for Kate, and Kate is just not getting it so Joss tells Kate that her relationship with Shoeguy is not ok in their books and she can't see Shoeguy anymore.  And that Shoeguy will not call her anymore.  Which prods Kate to say that she thought Savi was the bitchy sister.  Oh, snap !!

As Mark talks to Grandma about attending some AA sessions, Grandma goes on the attack about Mark's lack of financial contributions (or any help around the house for that matter).  Apparently Grandma is holding a grudge against Mark for ratting her out the last time she visited.  And she will do what she can to make sure Mark won't be around much longer.  Does Grandma know that Mark banged the lead singer of his band last episode ?  She's got to have some sort of leverage in her back pocket.

According to Kate's phone, she hasn't had a text message from Shoeguy since in nearly 3 days.  But correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Shoeguy come to Joss' office today (since Joss was wearing the same blue dress), which would make it a Monday.  Which means that Shoeguy stopped texting Kate 3 days before his meeting with Joss.  This makes no sense -- did Shoeguy go out of town for the weekend ?  This means Shoeguy willfully stopped communicating with Kate for a couple of days before confronting Joss.  Seriously, this makes no sense at all.

Meanwhile, Lydia the nanny logs into a dating web site (called Heartduet, since apparently eHarmony wouldn't pony up the dough for product placement on this show) with the user name shygirl45 -- and uploads a sexy picture of Karen reclining against a red padded wall into her profile from Karen's computer (even though that photo really doesn't seen to scream "shy girl" at all -- when Karen returns home from work.   So we know it's a Monday, and Karen took Vivian to April's shop wearing the same red mini-dress earlier in the day, so that means Karen wore that outfit to her therapy sessions.  I hope they weren't sex therapy sessions, as she may have motivated another couple or two to break into her office and bang each other on her desk. Again.

As Harry sits down on their bed, he decides that this is the time to have a talk with Joss.  Joss claims that she doesn't fit in with Harry's quest for fame and the perks (remember Joss was really down on all the free perks in Vegas, and that was before she kicked the crap out of Reza).  Of course, Joss doesn't want to talk about the real reason she has the PTSD, and she needs to stop with the lies.  And now Joss has the sads, as a single tears rolls down the side of her nose.  But Joss can't take the pressure of the situation and bolts for the kitchen, has what appears to be a panic attack, and dives straight into the meds she took from Stacy without even reading the pill bottle or finding if there are any side-effects (pills that are stashed in a bin on the top shelf next to the peanut butter).  Seriously, whatever happened at Calista Raines' house with Wilson had better be both completely surprising and pretty devastating -- because if there is no payoff to all this buildup it is going to suck.

Joss is just so unlikeable now I'm hoping Harry ditches her and hooks up with anyone else, like Kristin for example.


April's mom pays her a visit, which stirs up trouble; Karen is unsure about her new nanny; Harry struggles with fame; Joss discovers her ex-fiancee is dating Kate.

The PR dept. at ABC really is full of crap as pretty much everything in this episode description is nonsense -- April's mom doesn't just "pay a visit" because that makes it sound like she came over for dinner when in fact she is recuperating after a car accident where she was injured, Karen just isn't "unsure" about her new nanny she thinks that Lydia is actively trying to kill her child and thinks that baby Vivian will love the nanny more than her (and therefore baby Vivian won't love Karen much at all, which really doesn't square with the fact that Karen's mother was just terrible), Harry doesn't seem to be struggling with fame at all but Joss seems to be the one with the fame-based issues and has problems with all the perks of success (because of her dislike of Jonathon and his nephew Reza), and Joss doesn't "discover" her ex-fiancee is dating Kate but her ex-fiancee comes out and tells her directly to her face (and that he is still in love with her and just toying with Kate to get back with Joss).  "Discovers" makes it sound like Joss accidentally overheard a conversation or mistakenly read an e-mail/text message/tweet not meant for her.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Lee4U said:

Guess Joss is a "my way or the highway" sort - she is completely intolerable and annoying.  Liked her the first year - but now the entire show is just so miserable and depressing.  They could throw in a tiny bit of fun stuff or even, heaven forbid, a bit of humor - I'm out.

And completely incompetent especially for someone in her line of work, she can't seem to do anything right at all.  I'm sure they'll probably try to explain this all away with her PlotTSD.

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, Free said:

He was also terrible with the whole Savi/Joss fallout, it's why I could never get into his character at all,it also doesn't help that he's just not interesting at all.

I could understand a person having to deal with their boss being a horrible person because they need the job, but Harry is playing it like Joanthan is totally fine for protecting the nephew. If he showed a little conflict when he was talking to Joss, it would come across much better.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

I could understand a person having to deal with their boss being a horrible person because they need the job, but Harry is playing it like Joanthan is totally fine for protecting the nephew. If he showed a little conflict when he was talking to Joss, it would come across much better.

It's part of why I could never get into Harry/Joss, their drama is contrived and they're most likely going to explain it away with Joss' PTSD.

  • Love 1

Wow,  Joss was a completely asshole to Harry this episode.  So because he chose to focus on the career he wants, without her awful PR/party planning skills to help him fail, she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore? She's so ridiculous.

It was also really bitchy how she approached the sister-in-law to tell her about shoe guy.  It was really unnecessary for her to be that rude in that situation. 

  • Love 3

I could see Harry having an issue if Scott was the one who dumped Joss, because he wouldn't want the same thing to happen to the sister. But Scott treated Joss really well. Harry has no reason to be upset with him. Scott should be the one who has a problem. 

Now Joss does have reason to be concerned, since Scott told her he was really in love with her. But she went about it really badly. I used to like Joss.

  • Love 1
On August 10, 2016 at 4:26 PM, KaveDweller said:

But Scott treated Joss really well.

I thought it was disturbingly controlling the way he tried to spring a surprise wedding on her on the day that was supposed to be their engagement party. He didn't care at all that she might have liked to have a say in how or when she gets married, it was all about what he wanted. Huge red flag, IMO.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I thought it was disturbingly controlling the way he tried to spring a surprise wedding on her on the day that was supposed to be their engagement party. He didn't care at all that she might have liked to have a say in how or when she gets married, it was all about what he wanted. Huge red flag, IMO.

Okay, that's a good point, I also thought the surprise wedding was kind of creepy. I guess I just meant he didn't cheat on her or break or heart or anything. He made Joss happy, just not as happy as she thought Harry would make her. There shouldn't be a reason to hate him.

Edited by KaveDweller
On 8/10/2016 at 10:44 AM, NutMeg said:

Sure, it's ok to date/get engaged to your sister's husband, but absolutely a a no-no to date your brother's fiancée's ex. Sure, she ditched him for your brother, but didn't said brother kind of ditch one sister for the other? 

Exactly, it's just really annoying at this point.

On 8/9/2016 at 9:59 PM, luckyroll3 said:

Wow,  Joss was a completely asshole to Harry this episode.  So because he chose to focus on the career he wants, without her awful PR/party planning skills to help him fail, she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore? She's so ridiculous.

It was also really bitchy how she approached the sister-in-law to tell her about shoe guy.  It was really unnecessary for her to be that rude in that situation. 

She's terrible at PR even though it's her job.

She had no business telling other people what to do, especially given how she got with Harry to begin with.

  • Love 3

Minimal previouslies this week -- weird.

As Harry gets a thorough thrashing of his fashion sense from a consultant, Kate drops the bomb on Harry that she is moving out so that she can continue to hide the fact that she is dating Shoeguy.  I'm curious where Kate is getting all this money from -- she has only been working at April's shop for a few days (2 weeks tops).  Harry protests but Kate doesn't want to talk about it (now where have we hears that before).

Lydia the nanny continues to ignore Vivian and update her Heartduet profile on Karen's computer -- and is still using Karen's picture.

Karen comes home and sits down at her computer, and we are made to think she has discovered Lydia's dating profile -- but no, she has discovered that Jacob has gotten married.  Jacob ... her former business partner who ratted Karen out to the Psychology boards but for some reason Karen refers to as an "ex-boyfriend of mine".  Ummmm, no.  When was Jacob ever her boyfriend ?

Harry encounters Joss in the bathroom where Joss discusses her day consoling her client/trainwreck Stacy.  Joss seems to act all nonchalant like last night's talk in bed never happens but Harry changes the conversation to Kate and her weird behavior.  And Harry suggests that Joss talk to Kate and Joss is less than enthused.

As Harry leaves, Joss is right back into the pills.  Does Joss know that once the pills are gone she can't get more because they are prescription meds ?  And that's a pretty small pill bottle.

And we find out from that this episode was directed by the actor that played Karen's manny, Jerry O'Connell.

After threatening Mark last episode, April, Mark and Grandma are out having a loverly dinner -- and Grandma picks up the check.  Grandma says that the past couple of weeks have been tough on Mark and April and its her way of saying thanks.  

Seriously, two weeks have gone by since last episode.  I'm not buying that.  She was only at April's house for 2 days max at the end of last episode.  And after her threat to Mark, he should have been long gone by now.

And now Grandma wants to help pay April's mortgage -- for 6 months.  Because she is all about contributing while she stays there since Mark is a deadbeat.

Joss returns home to find Kate in the kitchen on her MacBook (how did Kate afford that ?  April must really pay well), and Joss says that Kate has been avoiding her all week.  Again, they are trying to convince us that a lot of time has gone by since last episode.  Why exactly ?

Joss blocks Kate from leaving the kitchen -- I'm just surprised that Joss didn't kick the shit out of Kate, since Joss has the PTSD dontcha know.  Kate accuses Joss of scaring off Shoeguy -- I guess Joss was right about Shoeguy not calling Kate back.  Kate is so bad at picking men.  Kate is just glad she didn't tell Harry about her dating Shoeguy because then she would also tell Harry what she REALLY thought of Joss.  Oh, snap.

Kate leaves after telling Joss that she can't hide the fact that she isn't really a nice person from Harry forever.  Joss has been simply horrible this season, kind of like last season, so Kate is pretty much bang on in her assessment.

April is folding Lucy's laundry ..... again .... I'm just surprised another condom didn't fall out of a pocket.

April is still oblivious to the animosity between Mark and Grandma -- you would think Mark and April would have talked about this in the intervening WEEKS since last episode, but no.

Stacy the singer/trainwreck shows up at Joss' house wearing some bright red shorts complaining about not doing the photoshoot because of script issues or some bullshit.  Apparently Stacy has been going to Impact class without Joss (oh nooooeeesssss !!) and taking Jackie the Impact instructor's life advice.  And Stacy also has large bruises on her body, but she thinks they are kind of cool.

Lydia cajoles Karen into having some wine under the guise of "talking" but really Lydia wants to pump Karen for info for the dating profile.  Seriously, when was Jacob her ex ?  Blah, blah, blah, something about Lydia's online dating -- heck, she's probably been conversing with Shoeguy online by this time.

I guess this show couldn't swing a deal with apartments.com -- so Kate is using aptrent.com, and is looking at apartments in the $1100-$4700 range (how can she afford these I have no idea).  And apparently Kate will only live at apartments with a '555' address as we see listing for 555 Figueroa and 555 Grand Ave. that both have 4-digit postal codes (5555) and contact phones numbers chock full of '555' with 555-555-0123, and 555-555-0146.  And then there's 5555 Wilshire Blvd in LA with a postal code of 5555 and phone of 555-555-0145.  and 555 Washington Blvd. in Culver City that somehow has the same 5555 postal code.

Apparently Panorama City in LA is where you go to live if you want to get murdered according to the Randy.  Kate convinces Randy to go apartment shopping with her.  And it is all so boring.

Karen is attending spin class and the guy that Lydia was chatting with on HeartDuet shows up, and takes the bike right next to Karen for about a minute before the class ends.

Harry and Mark go clothes shopping with Johnathon's fashion consultant from the start of the episode.  In order to upgrade Harry's look and all, but Mark bails because he's broke and a bum and can't afford anything.

What is the deal with Karen's hair ?  When Adam introduces himself after class her hair looks brown and possibly green, and bluish from behind.  Adam asks Karen if she wants to go for lunch sometime.

Harry shows sup at April's house with a couple of boxes of chicken wings.  Mark comes clean that he was a bit of ass because Marjorie isn't impressed with Mark's band and all.  Much like everyone else.

Karen shows up at April's store to discuss her dating dilemma with Joss and April -- because Karen is such an idiot when it comes to dating she has no idea what to do.  Joss says that a friend is just a stranger that you haven't slept with yet, but even April calls her on that stupid statement.  Karen finally blurts out that Jacob got married, and April and Karen act like they even remember who Jacob is.

Joss blurts out about her problems and "all this Kate stuff", which causes her to tell all about Kate banging Shoeguy.  And she drops the bomb that Shoeguy is still in love with her.

Kate and Randy are checking out yet another crappy apartment that apparently is in high demand, and Kate just has to tell Randy that she is banging Joss' ex -- and the she very ham-handedly breaks a lamp (it is so badly acted), and then they cheese it out of the apartment.

Grandma and April are at the doctor's office discussing her latest test results -- and Grandma lies through her teeth that she has given up the booze.  Unfortunately Grandma isn't sick enough to put her at the top of the transplant list -- which April thinks she is being punished for not being "sick enough" -- and then the doctor says to have patience, hold tight and pray for rainy days and lots of motorcycle riders.  FFS !! That's a little morbid.

As Lydia is pining away at her online dating web site waiting for Adam to chat with her, Karen comes home early and tells Lydia about the guy that hit on her at spin class.  As Karen goes in to check on Vivian, Lydia finally gets a chat message from Adam, and Lydia tells him that she can't connect with him anymore since he "broke the rules".

Kate is relaxing at Harry's house after a stressful day of apartment hunting to tell Kate that a real estate agent called about the lamp she broke.  Turns Kate has been drinking, and doesn't feel like playing 50 questions with Harry.

Joss has a chat with Jackie while stretching at Impact class to go easy on Stacy.  Jackie wants to talk about Joss' issues, but Joss doesn't want to talk about it (since she has the PTSD dontcha know).

April and Mark discuss Grandma's monetary offer, and April brings up the fact they could use the money which is a bit of a slap on Mark for not 'contributing'.  April goes to sleep in a huff.

It's morning and Joss is back on the pills -- one question, if it's been two weeks since she confiscated those pills from Stacy, how are there any left in the bottle ?  Harry comes into the closet to hang his new clothes as Joss tries to hide pill bottle from him.  Funny thing, Joss was all against the free perks when they went to Vegas but doesn't say a word about Harry's new overly expensive chef wardrobe.  Not a peep.

Harry decides to start kissing Joss -- it's almost like that awkward bedtime conversation about them going in different career directions last episode never happened, and as Joss distracts Harry with the promise of sex in the bedroom so she can hide the pill bottle in a shoe.

Karen meets Adam and they pretend like they are starting from scratch and don't know anything about each other.

Kate is having a minor panic attack since Shoeguy blocked her number, but Kate is so tech savvy that she blocks her caller ID and Shoeguy answered the phone.  What will she do ?  Randy makes some weird 3 legged dog analogy to try and explain Kate's troubles which doesn't work at all.

As April tells Mark about what's for dinner, Mark decides that this is the time to "talk".  Mark explains that he doesn't want to continue to have Grandma under April's roof, and he thinks he should move out.  Maybe he can move in with Kate.  Or is Mark going to move back into the RV ?  April gives him an ultimatum if he is in or out on their relationship -- and Mark says that he is out.  Wow, that seems to have gone south really fast.  And now April has the sads .... and is just a little upset as she upends a bowl of veggies.

Harry and Kate talk about Kate's plans not to just move out, but to possibly move back to Australia.  But Harry finally manages to get Kate to tell him about Shoeguy.  Needless to say, Harry is pretty pissed and gets even more pissed when he finds out that Joss knew and didn't tell him.

Grandma finds April crying on the back porch, and consoles her about Mark -- that it will all pass by with time.

Karen returns home from her date with Adam to find Lydia playing with Vivian when there is a knock at the door.  Who could it be ?  It's Adam with the dessert that Karen forgot.

Harry confronts Joss about Scott -- and Joss tries to spin her lame ass excuses but Harry 's not buying it.  Then Joss gets a text and leaves -- must be pretty important to ditch Harry in the middle of the fight. I'm just surprised she didn't kick the shit out of him.

April is still moping about Mark (get over him already, he's not worth it).  Seriously, Mr. Sobriety has fallen off the wagon over his April/Grandma issues -- that's all it took.  Meanwhile, Kate packs her bags and leaves -- finally !!! --- as Joss keeps pounding down more and more pills while sitting behind the wheel of her car.  She gets out and goes in to the Impact class gym where there is a memorial for dead Marisol -- a character I don't even think we met on-screen, so it's kind of hard to get broken up about the fact that she died off-screen.  I couldn't pick Marisol out of a police line-up.  And Joss confirms that she has fully bought into the Impact cult of Jackie.  This ain't going to end well.

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Seriously, Mr. Sobriety has fallen off the wagon over his April/Grandma issues -- that's all it took. 

I don't think he did actually. He took the bottle out of the brown bag, and there was a close-up of the label, which said "orange soda". I think it was a stupid fake-out because nothing else about the episode was interesting.

So the mortgage on April's downsized house is $5k/month? I know LA is expensive, but yikes! No wonder April's stressed.

That was Wilson Cruz as Harry's stylist, yes? I loved him on My So-Called Life so many years ago, but I hate it when he plays a gay cliche.

  • Love 5

Okay, I need my memory refreshed. Why are Harry and Joss so weirded out about Scott? I get why Kate might have felt awkward about revealing that they were dating, but wasn't Joss the one that left Scott at the altar for Harry? Scott was the "wronged party", not Harry. Other than being a little odd, I really don't remember Scott doing anything wrong. Am I forgetting something?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TVForever said:

Okay, I need my memory refreshed. Why are Harry and Joss so weirded out about Scott? I get why Kate might have felt awkward about revealing that they were dating, but wasn't Joss the one that left Scott at the altar for Harry? Scott was the "wronged party", not Harry. Other than being a little odd, I really don't remember Scott doing anything wrong. Am I forgetting something?

Forced obstacle/conflict, same would happen with Savi had her awkward departure not happened.  Harry and Joss are the cheaters so the awkwardness should be on them so...


8 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Minimal previouslies this week -- weird.

As Harry gets a thorough thrashing of his fashion sense from a consultant, Kate drops the bomb on Harry that she is moving out so that she can continue to hide the fact that she is dating Shoeguy.  I'm curious where Kate is getting all this money from -- she has only been working at April's shop for a few days (2 weeks tops).  Harry protests but Kate doesn't want to talk about it (now where have we hears that before).

Lydia the nanny continues to ignore Vivian and update her Heartduet profile on Karen's computer -- and is still using Karen's picture.

Karen comes home and sits down at her computer, and we are made to think she has discovered Lydia's dating profile -- but no, she has discovered that Jacob has gotten married.  Jacob ... her former business partner who ratted Karen out to the Psychology boards but for some reason Karen refers to as an "ex-boyfriend of mine".  Ummmm, no.  When was Jacob ever her boyfriend ?

Harry encounters Joss in the bathroom where Joss discusses her day consoling her client/trainwreck Stacy.  Joss seems to act all nonchalant like last night's talk in bed never happens but Harry changes the conversation to Kate and her weird behavior.  And Harry suggests that Joss talk to Kate and Joss is less than enthused.

As Harry leaves, Joss is right back into the pills.  Does Joss know that once the pills are gone she can't get more because they are prescription meds ?  And that's a pretty small pill bottle.

And we find out from that this episode was directed by the actor that played Karen's manny, Jerry O'Connell.

After threatening Mark last episode, April, Mark and Grandma are out having a loverly dinner -- and Grandma picks up the check.  Grandma says that the past couple of weeks have been tough on Mark and April and its her way of saying thanks.  

Seriously, two weeks have gone by since last episode.  I'm not buying that.  She was only at April's house for 2 days max at the end of last episode.  And after her threat to Mark, he should have been long gone by now.

And now Grandma wants to help pay April's mortgage -- for 6 months.  Because she is all about contributing while she stays there since Mark is a deadbeat.

Joss returns home to find Kate in the kitchen on her MacBook (how did Kate afford that ?  April must really pay well), and Joss says that Kate has been avoiding her all week.  Again, they are trying to convince us that a lot of time has gone by since last episode.  Why exactly ?

Joss blocks Kate from leaving the kitchen -- I'm just surprised that Joss didn't kick the shit out of Kate, since Joss has the PTSD dontcha know.  Kate accuses Joss of scaring off Shoeguy -- I guess Joss was right about Shoeguy not calling Kate back.  Kate is so bad at picking men.  Kate is just glad she didn't tell Harry about her dating Shoeguy because then she would also tell Harry what she REALLY thought of Joss.  Oh, snap.

Kate leaves after telling Joss that she can't hide the fact that she isn't really a nice person from Harry forever.  Joss has been simply horrible this season, kind of like last season, so Kate is pretty much bang on in her assessment.

April is folding Lucy's laundry ..... again .... I'm just surprised another condom didn't fall out of a pocket.

April is still oblivious to the animosity between Mark and Grandma -- you would think Mark and April would have talked about this in the intervening WEEKS since last episode, but no.

Stacy the singer/trainwreck shows up at Joss' house wearing some bright red shorts complaining about not doing the photoshoot because of script issues or some bullshit.  Apparently Stacy has been going to Impact class without Joss (oh nooooeeesssss !!) and taking Jackie the Impact instructor's life advice.  And Stacy also has large bruises on her body, but she thinks they are kind of cool.

Lydia cajoles Karen into having some wine under the guise of "talking" but really Lydia wants to pump Karen for info for the dating profile.  Seriously, when was Jacob her ex ?  Blah, blah, blah, something about Lydia's online dating -- heck, she's probably been conversing with Shoeguy online by this time.

I guess this show couldn't swing a deal with apartments.com -- so Kate is using aptrent.com, and is looking at apartments in the $1100-$4700 range (how can she afford these I have no idea).  And apparently Kate will only live at apartments with a '555' address as we see listing for 555 Figueroa and 555 Grand Ave. that both have 4-digit postal codes (5555) and contact phones numbers chock full of '555' with 555-555-0123, and 555-555-0146.  And then there's 5555 Wilshire Blvd in LA with a postal code of 5555 and phone of 555-555-0145.  and 555 Washington Blvd. in Culver City that somehow has the same 5555 postal code.

Apparently Panorama City in LA is where you go to live if you want to get murdered according to the Randy.  Kate convinces Randy to go apartment shopping with her.  And it is all so boring.

Karen is attending spin class and the guy that Lydia was chatting with on HeartDuet shows up, and takes the bike right next to Karen for about a minute before the class ends.

Harry and Mark go clothes shopping with Johnathon's fashion consultant from the start of the episode.  In order to upgrade Harry's look and all, but Mark bails because he's broke and a bum and can't afford anything.

What is the deal with Karen's hair ?  When Adam introduces himself after class her hair looks brown and possibly green, and bluish from behind.  Adam asks Karen if she wants to go for lunch sometime.

Harry shows sup at April's house with a couple of boxes of chicken wings.  Mark comes clean that he was a bit of ass because Marjorie isn't impressed with Mark's band and all.  Much like everyone else.

Karen shows up at April's store to discuss her dating dilemma with Joss and April -- because Karen is such an idiot when it comes to dating she has no idea what to do.  Joss says that a friend is just a stranger that you haven't slept with yet, but even April calls her on that stupid statement.  Karen finally blurts out that Jacob got married, and April and Karen act like they even remember who Jacob is.

Joss blurts out about her problems and "all this Kate stuff", which causes her to tell all about Kate banging Shoeguy.  And she drops the bomb that Shoeguy is still in love with her.

Kate and Randy are checking out yet another crappy apartment that apparently is in high demand, and Kate just has to tell Randy that she is banging Joss' ex -- and the she very ham-handedly breaks a lamp (it is so badly acted), and then they cheese it out of the apartment.

Grandma and April are at the doctor's office discussing her latest test results -- and Grandma lies through her teeth that she has given up the booze.  Unfortunately Grandma isn't sick enough to put her at the top of the transplant list -- which April thinks she is being punished for not being "sick enough" -- and then the doctor says to have patience, hold tight and pray for rainy days and lots of motorcycle riders.  FFS !! That's a little morbid.

As Lydia is pining away at her online dating web site waiting for Adam to chat with her, Karen comes home early and tells Lydia about the guy that hit on her at spin class.  As Karen goes in to check on Vivian, Lydia finally gets a chat message from Adam, and Lydia tells him that she can't connect with him anymore since he "broke the rules".

Kate is relaxing at Harry's house after a stressful day of apartment hunting to tell Kate that a real estate agent called about the lamp she broke.  Turns Kate has been drinking, and doesn't feel like playing 50 questions with Harry.

Joss has a chat with Jackie while stretching at Impact class to go easy on Stacy.  Jackie wants to talk about Joss' issues, but Joss doesn't want to talk about it (since she has the PTSD dontcha know).

April and Mark discuss Grandma's monetary offer, and April brings up the fact they could use the money which is a bit of a slap on Mark for not 'contributing'.  April goes to sleep in a huff.

It's morning and Joss is back on the pills -- one question, if it's been two weeks since she confiscated those pills from Stacy, how are there any left in the bottle ?  Harry comes into the closet to hang his new clothes as Joss tries to hide pill bottle from him.  Funny thing, Joss was all against the free perks when they went to Vegas but doesn't say a word about Harry's new overly expensive chef wardrobe.  Not a peep.

Harry decides to start kissing Joss -- it's almost like that awkward bedtime conversation about them going in different career directions last episode never happened, and as Joss distracts Harry with the promise of sex in the bedroom so she can hide the pill bottle in a shoe.

Karen meets Adam and they pretend like they are starting from scratch and don't know anything about each other.

Kate is having a minor panic attack since Shoeguy blocked her number, but Kate is so tech savvy that she blocks her caller ID and Shoeguy answered the phone.  What will she do ?  Randy makes some weird 3 legged dog analogy to try and explain Kate's troubles which doesn't work at all.

As April tells Mark about what's for dinner, Mark decides that this is the time to "talk".  Mark explains that he doesn't want to continue to have Grandma under April's roof, and he thinks he should move out.  Maybe he can move in with Kate.  Or is Mark going to move back into the RV ?  April gives him an ultimatum if he is in or out on their relationship -- and Mark says that he is out.  Wow, that seems to have gone south really fast.  And now April has the sads .... and is just a little upset as she upends a bowl of veggies.

Harry and Kate talk about Kate's plans not to just move out, but to possibly move back to Australia.  But Harry finally manages to get Kate to tell him about Shoeguy.  Needless to say, Harry is pretty pissed and gets even more pissed when he finds out that Joss knew and didn't tell him.

Grandma finds April crying on the back porch, and consoles her about Mark -- that it will all pass by with time.

Karen returns home from her date with Adam to find Lydia playing with Vivian when there is a knock at the door.  Who could it be ?  It's Adam with the dessert that Karen forgot.

Harry confronts Joss about Scott -- and Joss tries to spin her lame ass excuses but Harry 's not buying it.  Then Joss gets a text and leaves -- must be pretty important to ditch Harry in the middle of the fight. I'm just surprised she didn't kick the shit out of him.

April is still moping about Mark (get over him already, he's not worth it).  Seriously, Mr. Sobriety has fallen off the wagon over his April/Grandma issues -- that's all it took.  Meanwhile, Kate packs her bags and leaves -- finally !!! --- as Joss keeps pounding down more and more pills while sitting behind the wheel of her car.  She gets out and goes in to the Impact class gym where there is a memorial for dead Marisol -- a character I don't even think we met on-screen, so it's kind of hard to get broken up about the fact that she died off-screen.  I couldn't pick Marisol out of a police line-up.  And Joss confirms that she has fully bought into the Impact cult of Jackie.  This ain't going to end well.

The writers can't get Karen's past relationships right, more of April/Mark's boring drama where they'll probably be forced back together even though it didn't take much for him to get out, and more of the same Harry/Joss nonsense.

19 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I don't think he did actually. He took the bottle out of the brown bag, and there was a close-up of the label, which said "orange soda". I think it was a stupid fake-out because nothing else about the episode was interesting.

I thought that was the funniest part of the episode. Not that the episode was very funny, but it did make me laugh. It was such an over dramatic shot, followed by revealing it as orange soda.  Do adults drink orange soda? That had to be a spoof of themselves.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Free said:

That or ABC's production budget cuts.

I took it to mean that was the kind of apartment she could get with her budget. Who cares,  anyway? She needs to just go away.  At least Calista had real drama. This is purely manufactured. 

3 hours ago, Milks26 said:

This show gets more boring and ridiculous with each passing week

I seriously wonder if the actresses are happy with this crappy storytelling they are forced to recreate?

I hate Kate with a passion. If the show gets renewed - I hope she's gone

Yes! Go away,  Kate. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Free said:

Forced obstacle/conflict, same would happen with Savi had her awkward departure not happened.  Harry and Joss are the cheaters so the awkwardness should be on them so...


The writers can't get Karen's past relationships right, more of April/Mark's boring drama where they'll probably be forced back together even though it didn't take much for him to get out, and more of the same Harry/Joss nonsense.

April & Mark were heading for a breakup before Mama came to stay. April isn't the brightest but I still think she could do better. Mark is sweet but he's too unfocused. Not a good example for Lucy. Whatever happened to the little boy -  Lucy's brother? He never comes to visit? Isn't that where Mark came from? 

Joss needs help. She & Harry have clearly drifted and I find her character to be inconsistent. Did she start her PR firm while she was in jail? 

I wasn't aware Karen had any exes for the duration of the show. Just a patient,  his son,  the guys she slept with anonymously, and a married couple,  one of whom was her doctor. I was surprised to hear she had an ex lol.  Didn't realize her former colleague who reported her was an ex lol.  What a nut. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, love2lovebadtv said:

April & Mark were heading for a breakup before Mama came to stay. April isn't the brightest but I still think she could do better. Mark is sweet but he's too unfocused. Not a good example for Lucy. Whatever happened to the little boy -  Lucy's brother? He never comes to visit? Isn't that where Mark came from? 

Joss needs help. She & Harry have clearly drifted and I find her character to be inconsistent. Did she start her PR firm while she was in jail? 

I wasn't aware Karen had any exes for the duration of the show. Just a patient,  his son,  the guys she slept with anonymously, and a married couple,  one of whom was her doctor. I was surprised to hear she had an ex lol.  Didn't realize her former colleague who reported her was an ex lol.  What a nut. 

April and Mark just don't feel like they're on the same wave length, Joss had PlotTSD to make all of her actions convenient to the plot.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, TVForever said:

Okay, I need my memory refreshed. Why are Harry and Joss so weirded out about Scott? I get why Kate might have felt awkward about revealing that they were dating, but wasn't Joss the one that left Scott at the altar for Harry? Scott was the "wronged party", not Harry. Other than being a little odd, I really don't remember Scott doing anything wrong. Am I forgetting something?

I've been trying to figure this out also. She happened to meet him at the taco truck joss introduced her to.  Which makes perfect sense and is no fault of her own. If I was in Kate's shoes I would have been worried that he's still into joss considering he said he got married hastily because of a failed relationship. I would have been concerned about that even before I knew joss was his ex and then even more concerned knowing joss is the ex. No idea why Harry or Joss should have a say in that,  though. They (especially Joss) offended him,  not the other way around. It's just an unfortunate situation and no fault of Kate's. Though she's a grown woman but still manages to fall in love with any guy she meets. Kate's hits.  How are she and Karen not BFFs? 

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

In that case they really should have gotten Alyssa Milano back. That could have given the season a real storyline and spared us Kate, cirrhotic grandma, and many other of this season's contrivances.

I WISH they would bring back Savi.  It made no sense whatsoever for her to disappear off the face of the earth like that.  Imagine if she came back. There would be some real drama with Savi, Joss and Harry. 

12 hours ago, Free said:

April and Mark just don't feel like they're on the same wave length, Joss had PlotTSD to make all of her actions convenient to the plot.

PlotTSD...perfect name for her BS

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, love2lovebadtv said:

I WISH they would bring back Savi.  It made no sense whatsoever for her to disappear off the face of the earth like that.  Imagine if she came back. There would be some real drama with Savi, Joss and Harry. 

PlotTSD...perfect name for her BS

It's because Alyssa left, that's why it's been so awkward ever since and the writers scrambled to move on from it.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, love2lovebadtv said:

April & Mark were heading for a breakup before Mama came to stay. April isn't the brightest but I still think she could do better. Mark is sweet but he's too unfocused. Not a good example for Lucy. Whatever happened to the little boy -  Lucy's brother? He never comes to visit? Isn't that where Mark came from? 

Joss needs help. She & Harry have clearly drifted and I find her character to be inconsistent. Did she start her PR firm while she was in jail? 

I wasn't aware Karen had any exes for the duration of the show. Just a patient,  his son,  the guys she slept with anonymously, and a married couple,  one of whom was her doctor. I was surprised to hear she had an ex lol.  Didn't realize her former colleague who reported her was an ex lol.  What a nut. 

I'm pretty sure Karen did date Jacob for an episode or two.  Or at least slept with him.  The ran into each other and started talking and he admitted being in love with her, and she seemed into it. Or did I dream that? Because when he got that job offer in another city he asked her to move with him. That would have been really weird if they weren't dating.

22 hours ago, love2lovebadtv said:

I've been trying to figure this out also. She happened to meet him at the taco truck joss introduced her to.  Which makes perfect sense and is no fault of her own. If I was in Kate's shoes I would have been worried that he's still into joss considering he said he got married hastily because of a failed relationship. I would have been concerned about that even before I knew joss was his ex and then even more concerned knowing joss is the ex. No idea why Harry or Joss should have a say in that,  though. They (especially Joss) offended him,  not the other way around. It's just an unfortunate situation and no fault of Kate's. Though she's a grown woman but still manages to fall in love with any guy she meets. Kate's hits.  How are she and Karen not BFFs? 

I could understand Harry and Joss feeling weird if Kate brought Scott to their house or wanted to double date. But she isn't trying to do either of those things. Harry's reaction was really over-the-top. 

  • Love 2

Yes, Karen and Jacob dated for a bit. As they were reconnecting she learned that that one patient of hers that she was treating back in S2 (the one who gave her the idea for picking up men under assumed names) was in love with/dating Jacob and she and Jacob felt bad about getting together when the patient was such a mess. The patient eventually found out and it worked out, but then Karen and Jacob broke up about something else, I don't remember what.

I doubt Alyssa Milano has any interest in returning to the show even though it's back in LA. First, while the writing has never been anything better than mediocre, this season is a new low. Second, the Savi character was trashed pretty thoroughly when she was written off and I can see AM not wanting to deal with that mess.

I wasn't surprised by Harry's reaction to Kate/Scott because he does think that everything should be run through him and that if he doesn't approve that should be the end of it. Which isn't to say that Kate and Joss aren't assholes too, in their own special ways, but they're all assholes. I hope Kate follows through on her thought of moving back to Australia and thus off this show.

I'd be more thrilled by April and Marc's breakup if I thought it was actually going to stick, but the show seems to want the Marc character to be a regular, for no reason I can see. When April and Marc were having their whole thing about him wanting to move out but stay a couple and she saying that either he continues living with her or they break up, I was dying for her to ask him how he plans to pay for his own place (or RV or whatever - I don't know if he still has it, but there are costs associated with a RV, too). If it turns out that he's going to get a job, then his whole thing in this episode was extra stupid of him because the main issue was that he wasn't bringing in any money and April was stressed about finances while Marc felt guilty - though not guilty enough to actually go and do some paid work, of course, just guilty enough that he wanted April and April's mother to stop making him feel guilty. If he has to go get a job now that he's moved out, he could've just stayed in the house and gotten a job and thus fixed 75% of his conflicts with April without them breaking up. He's such a man-child and I really wish they'd let April move on from him. Her mother can be horrid but I was gleefully cheering her where Marc was concerned.

So Karen's nanny might go psycho? Yawn. Where have I seen the new man? The actor looks familiar.

  • Love 5

So the mortgage on April's downsized house is $5k/month? I know LA is expensive, but yikes! No wonder April's stressed.

I really don't get why Marc can't get a job and contribute, especially since he decided that he would not be going back to school.  


I'd be more thrilled by April and Marc's breakup if I thought it was actually going to stick, but the show seems to want the Marc character to be a regular, for no reason I can see. When April and Marc were having their whole thing about him wanting to move out but stay a couple and she saying that either he continues living with her or they break up, I was dying for her to ask him how he plans to pay for his own place (or RV or whatever - I don't know if he still has it, but there are costs associated with a RV, too). If it turns out that he's going to get a job, then his whole thing in this episode was extra stupid of him because the main issue was that he wasn't bringing in any money and April was stressed about finances while Marc felt guilty - though not guilty enough to actually go and do some paid work, of course, just guilty enough that he wanted April and April's mother to stop making him feel guilty. If he has to go get a job now that he's moved out, he could've just stayed in the house and gotten a job and thus fixed 75% of his conflicts with April without them breaking up. He's such a man-child and I really wish they'd let April move on from him. Her mother can be horrid but I was gleefully cheering her where Marc was concerned

THIS! I really wish they hadn't portrayed April's mother as such a witch, because it makes it look like Marc's spoiled and selfish behavior was actually justified.  I know the writers love Marc and want us to think that April is lucky to have him (and sadly, a lot of viewers feel that way too), but in reality, he really doesn't deserve April,, and this episode solidified that even more. It couldn't have been easy for April....letting her ailing alcoholic mother live with them, given their strained relationship, and instead of giving April the support she needs, Marc heads for the hills as soon as things get difficult. Suddenly, Daniel doesn't seem so bad. Like you, I wish I could celebrate the breakup, but I'm pretty sure Marc will be back (probably when he runs out of money) and then April will have three children to take care of. 

Edited by FrancesL
  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Black Knight said:

Yes, Karen and Jacob dated for a bit. As they were reconnecting she learned that that one patient of hers that she was treating back in S2 (the one who gave her the idea for picking up men under assumed names) was in love with/dating Jacob and she and Jacob felt bad about getting together when the patient was such a mess. The patient eventually found out and it worked out, but then Karen and Jacob broke up about something else, I don't remember what.

If I remember correctly it had to do with her banging her patient and his son.

18 hours ago, FrancesL said:

I really don't get why Marc can't get a job and contribute, especially since he decided that he would not be going back to school.  

THIS! I really wish they hadn't portrayed April's mother as such a witch, because it makes it look like Marc's spoiled and selfish behavior was actually justified.  I know the writers love Marc and want us to think that April is lucky to have him (and sadly, a lot of viewers feel that way too), but in reality, he really doesn't deserve April,, and this episode solidified that even more. It couldn't have been easy for April....letting her ailing alcoholic mother live with them, given their strained relationship, and instead of giving April the support she needs, Marc heads for the hills as soon as things get difficult. Suddenly, Daniel doesn't seem so bad. Like you, I wish I could celebrate the breakup, but I'm pretty sure Marc will be back (probably when he runs out of money) and then April will have three children to take care of. 

The part I don't understand is that April's mom is a judge, and has been for a long while -- there's no reason she has to convalesce at April's house, she could just pay for a nurse to visit regularly.  Plus, she only broke her wrist yet is still well enough to make pancakes in the morning, and heft a suitcase and unpack her things since she still has one working arm (which is probably her gavel arm, so she shouldn't even have to miss any work).

I broke my right arm when I was a teenager (full cast from hand to shoulder), and it didn't stop me from doing my regular chores -- beginning the very next day -- just had to be a little creative doing two-handed activities one-handed.

4 hours ago, ByTor said:

If I remember correctly it had to do with her banging her patient and his son.

And Jacob ratted her out to the Psychology Boards and got her license suspended for about 6 months -- which isn't exactly endearing behavior for a fuckbuddy.

6 hours ago, ByTor said:

If I remember correctly it had to do with her banging her patient and his son.

That, and Jacob getting her suspended for it, happened in S1. In S2 Karen got her license back and took on the new patient who turned out to be dating Jacob and the whole story with Karen and Jacob being together and the ramifications with the patient happened then. I still can't remember why they broke up. Knowing this show, I'm sure it was something stupid.

1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

The part I don't understand is that April's mom is a judge, and has been for a long while -- there's no reason she has to convalesce at April's house, she could just pay for a nurse to visit regularly.  Plus, she only broke her wrist yet is still well enough to make pancakes in the morning, and heft a suitcase and unpack her things since she still has one working arm (which is probably her gavel arm, so she shouldn't even have to miss any work).

It's not that she's convalescing per se, it's that she wants the emotional/mental support of having her family around her. In a way I think she's right; she's probably less likely to start drinking again than if she were living on her own, coming home to an empty house every night. (Plus she's worried about how much time she has left, so it's also natural that she'd want to spend as much time with her daughter and granddaughter as possible.) I was skeptical in the last episode about whether she actually meant anything she was saying about not drinking anymore, but in this episode she has indeed stopped drinking, though how long that lasts remains to be seen.

Whitney414, thanks for IDing the actor - that's indeed where I know him from!

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

And Jacob ratted her out to the Psychology Boards and got her license suspended for about 6 months -- which isn't exactly endearing behavior for a fuckbuddy.

Not for you or me, but Karen has weird taste in men. See......every male character we've seen her with.

But she and Jacob dated after that. They broke up because he got a job somewhere far away.

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"Something much more dangerous" as the camera cuts to Lydia -- is Lydia going to stab Karen's new boyfriend while he's banging Karen ? 
Come on, would Karen bang the new boyfriend with Lydia and Vivian in the apartment ?   Umm, probably.

Now Joss is stealing pages from Karen's prescription pad now.  And she's probably going to get Karen's MD suspended in the process -- that will dovetail nicely with her 6-month Psych board suspension.  Joss has crossed a line there.



Marc focuses on his music and bonds with Sofia.

And the bond in this case is that Marc needs a place to crash -- plus, didn't he just bang her a few episodes ago ?



Meanwhile, Lydia tries to ruin Karen's new romance

Is she going to make it look like Adam tried to feed baby Vivian expired baby food ?  Because that almost got Lydia fired.



April makes a decision after observing her mother's display of intolerance

Really ? April makes a decision. Did Grandma also find a condom in Lucy's jacket ? And that's what she's intolerant of -- teen sex.  Because I doubt her intolerance has ANYTHING to do with booze.



and Joss deals with the death of a friend from her impact class.

Seriously, did 'Marisol' even have any screen time to show that Joss even knew her ?  That's right the episode description can't even remember her name.

Double-checked, and it turns out that 'Marisol' was on screen for a grand total of 8 seconds in the 3rd episode this season -- and had one line.  It's not even listed as a screen credit on Tamiko Brownlee's IMDB page.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:


and Joss deals with the death of a friend from her impact class.

Seriously, did 'Marisol' even have any screen time to show that Joss even knew her ?  That's right the episode description can't even remember her name.

This!  Joss heard that her "friend" was in the hospital twice and never once even visited her.  Now she's devastated.  <eyeroll>

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