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How The Magic Works: Episode Thread & Rewatch Info


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3 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

Thanks :) . I’m likely missing out some important things as @gonzosgirrl noted in the post above since I’m not pausing while listening and just taking note of what stands out. So I’m probably missing something said while note taking. So I’d definitely recommend others listen too when they get a chance ;) 

I don't have the dvd's for all the seasons yet.  (I'm working on it!  Mainly for the deleted scenes.  I always enjoy watching those.)  But even the ones I have (and I can't remember which seasons they are because I haven't bought them in order) I haven't listened to the commentaries.  Usually because I'll have just watched the episode, and then the deleted scenes, so I don't feel like going back through the entire thing again just to listen to the commentaries.  Nice to know that it is worthwhile to do though. 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I don't have the dvd's for all the seasons yet.  (I'm working on it!  Mainly for the deleted scenes.  I always enjoy watching those.)  But even the ones I have (and I can't remember which seasons they are because I haven't bought them in order) I haven't listened to the commentaries.  Usually because I'll have just watched the episode, and then the deleted scenes, so I don't feel like going back through the entire thing again just to listen to the commentaries.  Nice to know that it is worthwhile to do though. 

I’m currently finishing up what I jokingly call the mega ultimate rewatch! I’ve rewatched every season, every special featurette included on the blu rays and read every episode thread here on previously. I just have the commentaries for Bloodlines and the Episodes commented on for s10-12 to go and then I’m finished! Since I’ve been rewatching since April it’s about bloody time! Lol 


I plan to take a break from tv watching (outside my normal shows) to recover from this rewatch ;) And then I intend to begin a first time watch of the Arrowverse early March. 

Edited by Wayward Son

Dang, that is an intense mega ultimate rewatch!  Lol!  I tried joining in/started a rewatch, but I'm still faltering in S8.  And that's just watching the eps on Netflix (easier than dealing with the discs.  lol) not doing all the extras also.  I also go distracted by another short 4-season series on Netflix.  But I'm almost done with that, so I can get back to the episodes.  I'd definitely need a break after all that! 

  • Love 2

And now I am officially finished my mega ultimate rewatch! Here are my main Takes from the remaining commentaries! 


Main Takes from Blade Runners 

• Ross Lemming thinks Jensen is great at ironic looks. Buckner stated Jensen is great at working with very little when needed. 

• Ross Lemming states she and Buckner gravitate towards the mytharc episodes as opposed to the villain of the week. They enjoy the continuation of an on going storyline within them, and the fact they tend to explore all the key players and can be used to explore all those developing relationships. 

•The writers of Supernatural try to add in additional elements, such as the cougar being hot for Dean, to exposition scenes in an attempt to make them less boring for the viewer. 

• BuckLemming’s writing process is as follows. They’ll sit in the room together bouncing back and forth ideas, they’ll then take these ideas to the higher ups for approval, they will then split the script in half and write half each. Once that is done they exchange pages and correct each other’s mistakes. They then have their first draft. 

• The longest part of writing an episode is discussions with Carver and Singer on what plot points they need to include in the episode. 

• Buckner find the relationship between Crowley and the boys fascinating. Crowley is the most physically powerful and yet the mutual dependence means he won’t act on it. 

• Ross Lemming states Dean feels the connection between himself and the blade.  It clarifies to Dean his DNA is that of a killer on some level. Buckner states they’ve played with Dean having a killers nature and this sealed the deal. Sheppard comments on the parallel between Crowley’s blood addiction and the possibility of the blade’s affect on Dean. 

• Ross Lemming talks about how Dean is constantly at war with himself. He is not comfortable with who he is feeling guilt, shame, or responsibility. Sheppard states Dean internalises such feelings while Sam puts them out there more. 

• According to Sheppard, Alaina stated she got more hate mail for touching the impala at the end of this episode than anything else Abbadon did.


Main Takes from Mother’s Little Helper

• When he first wrote this episode Carver joked that every Adam Glass episode opens with a wife killing her episode as he also did this in other episodes including Southern Comfort. He joked it was a fantasy of his. 

• The title ‘Mother’s Little Helper’ has multiple meaning such as 50s housewife, Rolling Stones and other ways that are revealed throughout the episode. 

• Misha was not asked to direct. He asked to direct as it was something he had wanted to do for a long time. Misha joked that he wished they’d written Sam and Dean more lightly in the episode so he didn’t have to work with J2 as much. 

• J2 only worked together for one day this episode. During this day they really amped up the pranks including hitting Misha in the face with a pie while he was directing. 

• Bob Singer shadowed Misha for the first day of directing to make sure he didn’t mess up. Misha felt this made him nervous and mess up, but overall it was good that Bob was there as he was given several interesting tips. 

• Misha joked(?) that he felt Crowley and Dean had developed steamy, heated erotic tension this season. Glass jokingly responded “jealous?” 

• Misha jokingly asked Glass “do you think you’ll go to hell for writing this demon nun episode?” And Glass replies “I think I die and go to a Chinese restaurant”. 

• Misha talks about how different handling the script as an actor and a director is. As an actor he tends to hone in on what he needs to know for the character of Castiel. However, as a director he has to consider the overall episode and the way various threads intertwine in a way that he’d consider acting as an actor. 

• Misha and Glass talked about wanting to give the episode an early season feel and bring back the darker visuals. Misha says he watched several Kim Manners episodes as prep for this episode. 

• The carpark Dean and Crowley speak in is a recycled set from Watchmen the show has been using since season 5. 

• Crowley was originally going to describe him and Dean as “BFF” but Mark Sheppard strongly felt he wouldn’t say that. He’d say besties instead. 

• Misha joked that they should make a demon exorcism app and earn a lot of money from it. 

• In order to get the effect of the soul moving one of the grips held a tennis ball sized light and moved it around the room. Misha joked that it sounds like cheating and they should have used a real soul.

• Adam Glass states the final shot of Abbadon watching the nuns from the back of the car was not included in the script. 


Main Takes from Bloodlines 

• They filmed three days in Chicago for this episode. Bob Singer found it a lot of fun. 

• Bob Singer comments on how the casting team work hard to give each character a distinct look, which makes them easily distinguished from the other characters. They compare it to other shows with a cast of pretty young characters where it is hard to tell who is who. 

• Since this episode was intended to act as a backdoor Pilot they found it extremely difficult to decide how much to use Sam and Dean for it. 

• Ennis was originally an established Chicago hunter. However, they decided most hunters on the show we’ve met have been established and it would have been more fun to explore him learning about this world. 

• They brought the Ferry in especially for the scene where Ennis returns to the scene of his girlfriend’s murder. 

•According to Bob Singer, the head of the vampire killed by Dean in the club was the 120th head chopped off over 9 seasons. 

• With regard to the scene where David appears at Ennis’ house Bob Singer states; the magic of film Costa is outside a door in Chicago and Lucien is on stage in Vancouver. 

• The pictures of Irv’s son who had been killed by monsters was actually pictures of the first AD’s son Clint. 

• Dabb’s favourite shot of the episode was when Irv rises after the arrival of Ennis and the Winchester brothers. 

• The idea of mob families came from consideration of the difference between city monsters and country monsters. In a small town with 12,000 people deaths are noticeable and hard to cover up forcing the monster to keep moving. However, it would be a lot easy to stick around undetected in a city of three million.


Main Takes from The Hunter Games

• Ross Lemming revealed that Ruth Connell auditioned with an American accent and did it so well they thought she was actually American. They actually asked Ruth could she handle a British accent, specifically Scottish, and she smiled before speaking with her genuine accent. 

• John Badham states one of his favourite thing about the episode was the fun dialogue. 

• Curtis Armstrong recently celebrated his 40th anniversary as an actor, and he’d consider Supernatural in the top 5 of everything he has ever done largely due to the dialogue. 

• Badham is impressed by Jared and Jensen and how they never appear bored of the roles and do not phone in.

• J2 have very different approaches to the role. Jared analyses the script, makes copious notes and is very methodological, Jensen on the other hand prefers not to know things until he has to know it. He prefers to focus on the feel of the scene and how he thinks the character would react in that moment. 

• Eugenie Ross Lemming states that Metatron has a charm that means in a dysfunctional way you can’t help but like him. Curtis Armstrong refutes this and the others seem surprised. Ross Lemming describes those who dislike Metatron as misguided. 

• Badham talks about the difference between role of the DP in America, England and Canada. In the United States system the DP is in charge of everything to do with the camera such as sets up and he will tell the operator how to work the cameras, in the British version the director and the operator work out the set up and the DP will light what they tell him to light. Canada is a hybrid and has a bit of both. Badham tends to get input from the operator and director even though he is ready to do set ups. 

• Mark Sheppard had a lot of input in to how the scene where Crowley got the first blade from his coffin. It was Mark’s idea to do a shot over the coffin and then the reveal. 

• Curtis Armstrong states he isn’t a very visual person and would not feel comfortable in the role of director. 

• Curtis Armstrong loved working with Jensen.

• Curtis Armstrong talked about the decision to have Dean’s actions while torturing Metatron mirror Metatron’s actions before he killed Dean. 

• “The River ends at the source” is in reference to Cain as the source of the mark holding answers.


Main Takes from About A Boy

• During his introduction Robbie Thompson joked “I’m Robbie Thompson and I play Sam Winchester on Supernatural” 

• One of the hardest things for Felicia Day was the need to constantly switch between curly and straight hair. 

• Robbie Thompson comments on how Jensen really brought it (Deans inner conflict) when he is handling the first blade before they leave the bunker. 

• Felicia Day was really complimentary about the visual effects surrounding Dark Charlie. 

• Scriggia complimented Felicia Day on the change in physicality between Dark Charlie and the regular Charlie. 

• The scene in the bar where Charlie explains things to Sam and Dean was one of Robbie Thompsons’ least favourite scenes. It was originally much longer as he wanted to include lots of references to what she did in Oz. He eventually cut it to two and a half pages and it was cut further by Scriggia during filming. 

• When Dean and Charlie are in the bar Charlie took a shot, which Felicia had issues with filming. In one take she ended up spilling it all over her face. She was surprised, and amused, when she learnt Scriggia chose to take the whole shot part out.

• Robbie wanted a scene where the two Charlies fight. Bob Singer said they can have a scene together and can’t touch. Robbie Thompson quipped “Oh so this isn’t Orphan Black I guess”. (Quick personal note, but Felicia Day has nowhere near the same acting level of acting as Tatiana Maslany nor does anyone on this show for a that matter). 


Executioner’s Song

Sorry guys, but things kept coming up during the episode and I could not focus enough to write notes so no main Takes for this episode. 


Main Takes for Baby

• Jensen really wanted to wear short shorts and they assume it was method acting for him.

• This was Bobby Thompson’s sixteenth episode. 

•cThe BM scenes are one of Robbie Thompson’s favourite to write. They are the moments they can slow things down and really explore the characters. 

• Robbie Thompson had a few versions of this episode one with and one without the inclusion of Castiel. Originally they were going to have Sam do the research, but decided Cas would be better because they could use the comedy scene later in the episode. Jeremy Carver also wanted to keep Cas’ story of recovery alive even if he wasn’t visually there. The phone was intended to be an avatar of Cas for the episode. 

• The scene of Sam and Dean listening to Knight Rider in the impala was vague in the script. Robbie Thompson didn’t want to tell Jared and Jensen how to portray Sam and Dean just being Sam and Dean. 

• Wright’s greatest hint to actors is that when they are interacting with other characters eye contact is the most important thing. He also often instructs the actors to slow down and play the scene. He commented on the fact that actors are surprised by this as they’re usually told to speed up. Wright strongly feels though it is his job to create the scene, but he can only do that if he has proper intimacy to work with. 

• According to Robbie Thompson, the scene of the girls joyriding the impala, or the “Ferris Bueller” scene came from Jeremy Carver. 

• Robbie Thompson joked with Misha before the episode. “You are really going to love this episode! You’re going to work really hard and ‘phone it in”. 

• So many of the moments in the episode were unscripted and totally Jensen being Jensen. One example he gives is Dean being like “oh shit the beer” before he placed the head into the green cooler. 

• Robbie Thompson commented that this episode gave the writers the confidence to pitch more open drive scenes they wouldn’t have pitched before. 

• Wright loved that they kept the blood on the impala window. 

• The shot of Sam running after the car stolen by the woman was a VFX shot. 

• Kripke used to refer to the episodes where a MOTW would suddenly turn into mytharc as a Mythalone.


Main Takes for Just My Imagination  

• The opening of this episode is one of Speight Junior’s favourite openings of Supernatural. He finds hooves for hands creepy. 

• Richard Speight thinks with the amount of alcohol Sam and Dean drink it is feasible for a groggy, hung over Sam to not notice an array of treats for a prolonged period of time. 

• Klein and Speight talked about fans loving single layer Winchester’s (Sam in a shirt) and that fans thanked him for showing Dean’s knees. 

• Jenny Klein pitched the general idea of imaginary friends season before hand. It was Andrew Dabb who suggested he should be Sam’s friend and a friendly character. 

•VThe imagery of Sam and Dean changing outfits in the impala, in broad daylight, in the middle of a street, with passerby’s such as mums and strollers amused RSJ. 

•cRSJ and Klein’s favourite scene of the episode was Sam, Dean and Sully in the bedroom discovering Sparkle’s corpse. 

• It was Jeremy Carver who suggested that Sparkle’s blood should be glittery rather than just regular blood only Sam, Dean and Sully can see.

•CThe big duck shown in the scene with the mermaid was RSJ. It was given to his son as a first Christmas present. 

• They had initially considered making Sully darker and the monster of the episode. Klein wanted this episode to call back to Sam’s Pilot comment about being handed a gun when he was scared of the thing in the closet at the age of nine. 

• The boy named Fletcher was named after RSJ’s son. They joked about wetting the bed and while real life Fletcher isn’t a bed wetter everyone has at some point in their lives. 

• Jenny Klein considers Sanna to be a subset of fairies. 

• It was Robin from the props department who suggested that they include the little green army man from Swan Song in little Sam’s hotel room. 

• RSJ and Klein loved how Jared and Nate played out the talk between Sam and Sully in the garage. 


Main Takes from Don’t Call Me Shurley

• Robbie explained that the opening of the episode was actually formed by the editing team. His initial opening was the title revolution episode 46 (the number of episode Kripke had worked on, including comics, at that point) and a writer having writers block. Then they’d show us the writer was Chuck. 

• Rob Bendict stated he was told by Kripke he was God at the end of season 5. However, he was told not to say and to let the fans have their theories. 

• Robbie Thompson said there was an internal debate about explicitly making Chuck God. He felt a lot of trepidation and said “if we’re doing this please don’t kill him. Let’s not be the show that kills God” 

• Curtis Armstrong is working on an autobiography of his own and all the discussion about them on the show have influenced his real life thoughts. Robbie joked about “Meta Metatron”. 

• The bar scene which ends with Chuck throwing the original script into the air was the longest dialogue scene on the show to date according to Bob Singer’s calculations. 

• According to Rob Benedict, Misha told him he kept the hotel room key from his first episode on the show as a keepsake. Curtis Armstrong kept one of the books from the scene he was first revealed. John Bring typed the words that appeared on Chuck’s scene during the editing process. 

• Curtis Armstrong revealed that he cried when he first read through the script and got to the line where Metatron tells Chuck he doesn’t care if he was just the angel closest to the door. 

• Originally Chuck was going to pin Metatron against the wall, but Bob Singer came up with the idea of blasting him out the door. 

• Curtis and Bob focused on Metatron and Chuck as an abusive father and son relationship. Curtis said from Metatron’s warped perspective it was better to be abused than abandoned. 

• Robbie Thompson confirmed when Dean breathes in the smoke that he made the decision to die with his brother. It was also Amara he was referring to as a dick. 

• Robbie Thompson felt the Samulet had to be there as its fate was one of their biggest plot holes. He also felt it was an important symbol of the core relationship of the show.


Main Takes from Rock Never Dies

•cSpringfield made the decision to play Lucifer as though he viewed himself as an abandoned child, as no one see themselves as evil. He also thought it was more interesting that way.

• Gruska and Springfield talked about how different the music landscape is now. It’s all but impossible to get new rock music on the radio, but the old stuff is being played plenty. They also talk about how DJs could make their favourite songs popular by playing them while now DJs can only play what they’re told. 

• Rick Springfield was born in Australia, joined bands at the age of fifteen and moved to America when he was twenty one. 


Main Takes from Family Feud 

• Eugenie Ross Lemming claims that the title was due to their desire to focus on the shows central theme of family. The families in question are Sam/Dean/Mary and Crowley/Rowena/Gavin. 

•cWhen they filmed the LOTUS scene where they banish Lucifer Mark Sheppard took great care knowing how important it would turn out. 

• According to Ruth, when Misha took over the role of Lucifer in season 11 he contacted Mark Pellegrino for advice on how to take the character. He advised Misha that Lucifer views everyone as little puppets he likes to toy with. 

• According to Ruth, when they were filming The Hunter Games Rowena eyes rolling back was the special effect, which took longest to produce. 

• Ruth likes to see Jared and Jensen in their suits. 

• Eugenie Lemming praised Jensen’s ability to use slapstick in a subtle manner, which entertains, but doesn’t distract from the overall story. 

• Ruth stated before filming she set aside two days and watched 14 episodes of the show. She actually thought Rowena was going to be Crowley’s ex and Gavin’s mum before it was revealed she was actually Crowley’s mum. 

• Demons see Organised religions as marketing and Lucifer has been falsely marketed. The scene where Dagon tries to persuade Kelly angels and the Winchester’s are the bad guys was meant to convey that each side sees things differently. 

• Ruth feels the actor who played Gavin had a great Scottish as his father was Scottish. 

•VFiona is Ruth’s middle name. 

• Ruth stated that when Jensen is directing its a quiet set. Everyone’s getting on with things quite efficiently in a zen way. 

• Eugenie Ross Lemming stated that when Jensen started to direct the crew wanted to protect him from the stresses of the role to an extent. Now that he has done it so often they don’t do this and Jensen has actually established quite a chill atmosphere. 

• Brad Buckner joked he has never been colder than when he was in Edinburgh. Ruth joked back that she has been in LA too long and has gone soft. 

• The scene where Gavin volunteers to sacrifice himself for Fiona was a difficult scene to film. Jared was in a “funny mood” in the sense he kept making Ruth laugh. 

• Ruth, Buckner and Lemming feel that Sam, Dean and Rowena have developed an intimacy. Even if they don’t like each other deep down there is a grudging feeling of respect and fascination. 

• Rowena finds Sam and Dean very handsome. 

• Ruth felt it was nice Sam and Dean were able to do the spell to send Gavin back and unite him and Fiona. She felt it would have been too much to have made her be the one to do it.


Main Takes from The British Invasion 

• Eugenie Ross Lemming find that the show finds actors of calibre for the villains, and that makes them want to explore them even deeper in their scripts such as Mick’s background. 

• Adam Fergus joked to Jensen “is there any vodka?” And they ended up using it as a line from Mick in the actual episode. 

• The scene where Lucifer licks the floor was created in the writing room. Fans of Lucifer will be able to see even at his most ‘submissive’ it was full of defiance.

• Buckner mentioned Misha asking Mark Pellegrino for Lucifer advice. He reveals Lucifer “wants to have sex with everyone and kill everyone”. 

• Ross Lemming states she feels Ketch had a semblance of a soul. Haydn states Ketch has 2-4% of one. He stated while Ketch had natural inclinations which were deadlier than Mick’s he had also been conditioned much harder.

• BuckLemming played out the scene where Crowley introduces Lucifer to the demons in their office. They showed how they wanted the scene to look. Ross Lemming jokes “we were a bit bigger than these guys (Mark P and Mark S)”. Buckner joked “we were really selling it”. 

• Haydn Jones offered kudos to Adam Fergus for building empathy for Mick and beginning to show his cracks. 

• Ross Lemming states Renny never earned their affection. She didn’t feel bad about what happened to him because “he was such a twit.” 

• Buckner states Sam Smith told him fans were going to be so mad that she had sex with Ketch still wearing John’s wedding ring. They thought for many fans John is the only one for Mary. 

• Haydn Jones is playing a weird bastardised version of love from Ketch’s end with Mary. 

•Adam Fergus played Mick as though he saw Hess as a wicked stepmother. 

• BuckLemming wrote a flashback scene featuring Ketch, Mick and Lady Toni together. They would have been put out over night somewhere cold and awful and they have to survive. We’d have seen how the three children dealt with this and that would be a template of who they grew up to be. 

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

 Ross Lemming states she and Buckner gravitate towards the mytharc episodes as opposed to the villain of the week. They enjoy the continuation of an on going storyline within them, and the fact they tend to explore all the key players and can be used to explore all those developing relationships. 

see also: LOLOLOL CANON and plot contrivances. Man, that's funny to me.

9 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

• Ross Lemming states Dean feels the connection between himself and the blade.  It clarifies to Dean his DNA is that of a killer on some level. Buckner states they’ve played with Dean having a killers nature and this sealed the deal. Sheppard comments on the parallel between Crowley’s blood addiction and the possibility of the blade’s affect on Dean. 

And folks wonder why Dean fans are pissed at Buck Lemming.

12 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

 Eugenie Ross Lemming states that Metatron has a charm that means in a dysfunctional way you can’t help but like him. Curtis Armstrong refutes this and the others seem surprised. Ross Lemming describes those who dislike Metatron as misguided. 

Well, I would describe most of her writing as misguided so we're even. UGH.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

• Eugenie Ross Lemming find that the show finds actors of calibre for the villains, and that makes them want to explore them even deeper in their scripts such as Mick’s background

...and then kill them off....LOL okay Eugenie.

16 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

 Ross Lemming states Renny never earned their affection. She didn’t feel bad about what happened to him because “he was such a twit.” 

Who is Renny??

17 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

• Buckner states Sam Smith told him fans were going to be so mad that she had sex with Ketch still wearing John’s wedding ring. They thought for many fans John is the only one for M

She was wearing his wedding ring? Didn't she put it on a necklace and she took the necklace off? I'm so confused by this. LOL

18 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

• BuckLemming wrote a flashback scene featuring Ketch, Mick and Lady Toni together. They would have been put out over night somewhere cold and awful and they have to survive. We’d have seen how the three children dealt with this and that would be a template of who they grew up t

OMG that sounds horrible. No, BL we don't care about the WeeVillains. I didn't care about their stupid Hogwarts School of Murder either. I liked Mick but not becaues of his backstory but because he redeemed himself and then they killed him.

1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

Buckner states Sam Smith told him fans were going to be so mad that she had sex with Ketch still wearing John’s wedding ring. They thought for many fans John is the only one for M

This just shows how completely out of touch they are, BuckLemming and Smith. Did anybody even notice Mary's ring? Did anybody really think she should be loyal to a dead husband for... reasons? How about she was a mother who couldn't stand to be around her sons because it was too hard? How about she was sleeping with the most psychotic of the organization that kidnapped and tortured one son and tried to murder the other outright? Gah, I can't with these people.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This just shows how completely out of touch they are, BuckLemming and Smith. Did anybody even notice Mary's ring? Did anybody really think she should be loyal to a dead husband for... reasons? How about she was a mother who couldn't stand to be around her sons because it was too hard? How about she was sleeping with the most psychotic of the organization that kidnapped and tortured one son and tried to murder the other outright? Gah, I can't with these people.

It really is remarkable the disconnect. I didn't notice it. I wouldn't have cared either because John is dead. What a weird thing for them to be worried about LOL

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, catrox14 said:

...and then kill them off....LOL okay Eugenie.

Not always.... We’re still suck with Lucifer after all :( LOL. 



Who is Renny??

Did I spell it wrong? Renny was the British Man of Letters Eileen accidentally killed. 



She was wearing his wedding ring? Didn't she put it on a necklace and she took the necklace off? I'm so confused by this. LOL

Hmm, maybe I misheard that part of the commentary or misunderstood it. I’ll go back and double check it at some point later today :)


@catrox14 Got the exact quote. Don’t worry I know you weren’t demanding it or arguing with me. It just would have bugged me until I checked whether I’d got it wrong or not LOL. 


Buckner: “I remember Sam telling me, she said “they’re going to be so mad at Mary because she’s still wearing, uh, John’s ring and they just, she can have no one else but John for a lot of the fans” 


So the confusion might have come from it being John’s ring mentioned rather than Mary’s wedding ring? 

Edited by Wayward Son
7 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

Buckner: “I remember Sam telling me, she said “they’re going to be so mad at Mary because she’s still wearing, uh, John’s ring and they just, she can have no one else but John for a lot of the fans” 


So the confusion might have come from it being John’s ring mentioned rather than Mary’s wedding ring? 

I think 'wearing John's ring' isn't meant as literally wearing his ring, rather the ring given to her by him. It's a colloquialism of sorts, from times when wives were seen as 'belonging' to their husbands (and a lot of cheesy love songs, lol) -- will you wear my ring, she's wearing my ring, etc. 

  • Love 2

What's even more hilarious about Sam's take on that is that she doesn't really seem to grasp that John is quite divisive in fandom. And that some probably thought Mary deserved better than John so her sleeping with Ketch wouldn't matter.

Also, what the hell is she hearing from fans that gives her this idea that Mary couldn't be with another man after John died? That's the weirdest damn thing she's said yet about Mary! LOL

  • Love 4
On 2/5/2018 at 7:59 PM, Wayward Son said:

Ross Lemming revealed that Ruth Connell auditioned with an American accent and did it so well they thought she was actually American. They actually asked Ruth could she handle a British accent, specifically Scottish, and she smiled before speaking with her genuine accent. 

I just watched ep with Rowena the other night while with a friend, who doesn't really like SPN that much (sometimes - I think she does, but doesn't want to admit it. ;) ) You know how people will sometimes pick at something trivial when they want to find fault but when you call them on it, they have nothing to say?  Well, when Rowena was on, she commented that her 'accent was terrible.'  (As if by attacking the acting, she'd get me to watch a different show that she wanted to watch.)  I told her that was the actress' real accent, as she is Scottish.  My friend's reaction was: "oh..."  Lol! 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I just watched ep with Rowena the other night while with a friend, who doesn't really like SPN that much (sometimes - I think she does, but doesn't want to admit it. ;) ) You know how people will sometimes pick at something trivial when they want to find fault but when you call them on it, they have nothing to say?  Well, when Rowena was on, she commented that her 'accent was terrible.'  (As if by attacking the acting, she'd get me to watch a different show that she wanted to watch.)  I told her that was the actress' real accent, as she is Scottish.  My friend's reaction was: "oh..."  Lol! 

Well to be fair to your friend Rowena’s accent isn’t quite Scottish either. The commentary later said Ruth was asked to create a sort of in between accent. She was on the Family Feud commentary and I actually found her natural accent much nicer than Rowena’s tbh haha

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Well to be fair to your friend Rowena’s accent isn’t quite Scottish either. The commentary later said Ruth was asked to create a sort of in between accent. She was on the Family Feud commentary and I actually found her natural accent much nicer than Rowena’s tbh haha

Rowena's accent was always exaggerated by Ruth. She has always acknowledged that fact. 

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Well to be fair to your friend Rowena’s accent isn’t quite Scottish either. The commentary later said Ruth was asked to create a sort of in between accent. She was on the Family Feud commentary and I actually found her natural accent much nicer than Rowena’s tbh haha

Oh well, my friend really was just picking at the show in order to get me to watch a different one!  That's why she gave up so easily.  Lol!

It's kind of weird to me that Ruth was asked to create some sort of in between accent when her own would/should have been fine.  hm.

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Just now, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Oh well, my friend really was just picking at the show in order to get me to watch a different one!  That's why she gave up so easily.  Lol!

It's kind of weird to me that Ruth was asked to create some sort of in between accent when her own would/should have been fine.  hm.

She didn't say why. I would have assumed it was to ensure she was easily understood by an American audience. However, if @catrox14 is right and she was actually told to exaggerate the accent further maybe they wanted to emphasise how 'foreign and different' Rowena is to the others around her? 

1 hour ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

It's kind of weird to me that Ruth was asked to create some sort of in between accent when her own would/should have been fine.  hm.

I'm guessing it's for a number of reasons. One, to be more easily understood by American audiences. Two, because Rowena may be Scots, she hasn't actually lived in Scotland for at least a couple hundred years, so her accent would reflect the different places she's been living--not to mention there are different Scottish dialects and back when she was living in Scotland they would've been stronger. Three, it's part of Rowena's character to be exaggerated and over-the-top. 

So, I can understand why they asked her to work out a hybrid accent. The funny thing is, her accent never bothered me, but her way over-the-top mannerisms did at first. Once she toned some of that down, I grew to love her. But her accent always felt natural to the character for me.


ETA: It's funny to me that Ruth has gotten so much crap about her "fake" accent, but no one mentions that Crowley never had a Scottish accent except the one time he possessed Kevin's mom. ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot
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12 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

ETA: It's funny to me that Ruth has gotten so much crap about her "fake" accent, but no one mentions that Crowley never had a Scottish accent except the one time he possessed Kevin's mom. ;)

Why would Crowley have an accent? Wouldn’t he speak the way his current vessel speaks and his vessel isn’t Scottish?

1 hour ago, DittyDotDot said:

The funny thing is, her accent never bothered me, but her way over-the-top mannerisms did at first. Once she toned some of that down, I grew to love her. But her accent always felt natural to the character for me.

At first, everything about her - the accent, the hair, the wardrobe, the acting - seemed way over-the-top to me. I like her much more now that she's toned it down substantially, and I'd be even happier if she'd soften the accent to make it more true to life. It seems the TV industry thinks us dumb 'Muricans love exaggerated accents.

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I'm not sure where this might belong, but seems like the re-watch thread might be right for it. TNT is running a March Madness bracket for favourite episodes, and will air the final four. Click to open the thread, then "Like" or "Retweet" accordingly to choose your fav among the contenders. Looks like this tweet is only the left side of the bracket.

Taking a look at the episodes in the bracket, I have to wonder if TNT wanted a certain outcome.  Kind of like singing competitions, they often pick contestants they know they are going to throw out. 

On the subject of re-watch, I will be so glad when The Alienist finishes up on TNT.  For a while TNT can beat us to death with some other show that they want to promote the wholly annoying crap out of. 

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1 hour ago, sarthaz said:

TNT at it again. Cruising through Season 6, "Appointment in Samarra" ... and BAM!  "Home"

I know! The interns are fooling around again. They really shouldn't leave them unsupervised. LOL

Last week or so they skipped "Point of No Return" - of course that could be because it really wasn't a point of no return, so they decided not to show an episode that had no meaning. ;)

Edited by FlickChick
Another thought - hard to keep them for more than a minute. :(
6 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I know! The interns are fooling around again. They really shouldn't leave them unsupervised. LOL

Last week or so they skipped "Point of No Return" - of course that could be because it really wasn't a point of no return, so they decided not to show an episode that had no meaning. ;)

Dude, so that wasn't just me!!  I sometimes miss a stray scene here and there while ... y'know ... working, but I thought I somehow totally missed this entire episode.  I was pissed, because I love the 2001 room and Zach's finale.

I re-watched up though season five again. I decided to skip season six and just watch Columbo, in the morning,  on the Hallmark Mystery channel.  I was going to tune back in again when season 7 comes around again because I haven't seen it in a while.  It's kind of odd if they are back to "Home". Was it a one - off or are they re-running it from there?

Did this happen? What were the "Final Four" episodes?

On 3/14/2018 at 12:57 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm not sure where this might belong, but seems like the re-watch thread might be right for it. TNT is running a March Madness bracket for favourite episodes, and will air the final four. Click to open the thread, then "Like" or "Retweet" accordingly to choose your fav among the contenders. Looks like this tweet is only the left side of the bracket.

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According to my listings, they're jumping all over today--MBV now, next Don't Call Me Shurley, Baby and Just My Imagination.  I think they're just pulling randomly (maybe the scheduler's favorites?)  Tomorrow I think they go back to our Regularly Scheduled Programming.  Maybe they're just checking if anyone is watching/noticing/caring.  

I wouldn’t pick any of those four


- Faith

- In My Time of Dying

- Jus in Bello 

- On the Head of a Pin 

- Lazarus Rising

- The Song Remains the Same

- The End 

- The Man Who Would Be King

- Death’s Door

 - Executioners Song

- Inside Man 

- The Prisoner

- Brothers Keeper

- Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 


are all much, much better episodes IMO particularly the ones in bold. 

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2 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

They are the March Madness "Final Four".  Fan picked episodes. 

I can understand My Bloody Valentine and Baby. Those are two of my favorites as well. But the other two... I don't get. 

Ah, thanks.  I wasn't keeping up with the selection and didn't know this was when they'd be shown.  

33 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

I think whomever tallies these things up on Twitter - didn't. I don't believe that the final four would turn out to be one episode from season five and the other 3 episodes all from season 11. 

It was a weird way to do a poll, IMO. Unless you opened the thread of the first tweet, you didn't see the others (at least on my T/L). I can get on board with Baby, and MBV is a personal fav of mine and always in my top few eps, but the other two? Nah, not even in my top 50. Everything is subjective though.

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