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S32.E18: It's Always Sunny in South Africa


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I don’t know what’s more pathetic, Kyle thinking addition and subtraction are taught in college, or his anemic threat against everyone who didn’t cheer for him. 

I really like Kam and I agree with Cara that she has what it takes.  Her I checked my work was adorkable.  Too bad the accountant/teacher/unemployed father couldn’t say the same. 

  • Love 12

Well, at least the finish line in sight. I know, we'll probably get the final result after a two-part Reunion, but it's almost over. We got this, then the inevitable CT wedding special, and then we don't have to give a crap about BMP for a few months.

And it's not a Challenge unless Shane gets hosed. Think about it . . . Nelson covered less "ground" last week, but Shane made more of an effort to meet him than Sylvia. Brad & Kyle draw the Double Cross, and they elect to have Shane/Nelson and Johnny/Tony fight each other. And it's purely physical, where Tony alone could have beaten Shane and Nelson. I'd feel bad, but Shane is such a pain in the ass. I'm glad he's gone. And I'm sorry for Nelson for having Shane as a partner. The guy does come to compete, but if Challenge gods exist, they do not like Shane at all.

Brad & Kyle pick the Double Cross, select Kayleigh & Kam . . . and then junior high school math takes them out. Well, it takes Kyle out. Wanker. Total wanker. Such a wanker. Of course Cara Maria would run to Paulie. And K/K live on . . . to lose the Purge mission. Well, I'm happy they took out the Bearded Buttheads. Brad's kids will have to keep depending on Tori, because their dad is still a dumbass.

Hey, Johnny has total trust in Tony! Translation: "If the Rivals III twist happens and I get to choose, I will fuck him over. Hey, I got a brand to protect. I'll flip off his kids and wave the check in their faces." That's how I read it.

Bye, Kyle! On your bike, mate!!

ETA: In honor of the episode title:

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 3

Yeah they pull out a physical Armageddon.  Sure they wouldn't pit a guy-guy team vs. a guy-girl or girl-girl team in a physical challenge but this matchup favored Tony and Johnny because of body weight.

You wouldn't see a boxing or wrestling match of people of different weight classes but in the Challenge, they don't make that distinction.

And isn't it convenient that they give Johnny a physical elimination against two smaller opponents, followed by another physical challenge after which there's no more voting?

Of the remaining competitors, Joss is probably the best overall athlete, Nelson may be the strongest and Cara may be the smartest, especially when it comes to puzzles.  Johnny is probably the quickest to figure out the best strategy for a challenge.


If they do the rest of the challenges without voting it would cut down on a lot of the drama, which would be out of character for this show.  

But if the remaining challenges require running and upper body strength, there's one guy-guy team left.  Ugh.

They must do the interviews way after the shooting is done because Natalie’s chin was scraped all to hell during the challenge but smooth during the interview and it didn’t look like there was makeup over it.

The fact that I was thinking about that must mean that I was rather bored.  

Honestly at this point I am rooting for Ashley and her ratty-ass extensions to lose and otherwise, eh.

This format is not conducive to Cara winning with Marie.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Drogo said:

Pretty inconsiderate for Cara to continuously announce how attracted to Pauly she is all season knowing he's in a relationship. 

Not that Paulie's great; these shitbags deserve each other.

“Shitbag” is a little much for Cara Maria. How about “Hot Topic’s no. 1 customer?” The only thing that has benefited that chain more are the “Daddy’s Little Monster” shirts.

Yeah, I’m usually on Cara Maria’s side . . . but Paulie?!? ?

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 2

Didn’t really care who won between Brad and Kyle or Kam and Kayleigh.  Usually like Kam but Kayleigh is too annoying.  I really don’t understand why so many woman are attracted to that slime ball Kyle, he’s gross and stupid.

Bye Shane, will not miss you at all.  Will miss Nelson a little, since I waver back and forth on liking him.  When he has the power I usually don’t like him.

I’m already annoyed at those previews, both Cara Marie and Paulie are scum.  And I never want to hear Cara bragging about how much she cares about girl power ever again.  

  • Love 5

Ugh. Sylvia. Ugh ugh ugh.  Few things are more annoying to me than someone who does nothing and then takes credit for the win when their partner did everything.  She is the most nothing of all the challengers, she talks such big game and she is a nasty mean girl but she has barely done anything in her many (too many) appearances On this show.  Yes I know she won a thing or two (law of averages) but nothing that gives her the right to crow the way she does.  Girl, when Joss pushes the boulder the whole way and you do nothing but stagger behind him and occasionally touch it with your pinky, please just thank your partner for saving you again and then shut up.

  • Love 11

I’ve watched these challenges since their inception, faithfully.  This is the only season that I hate. 

I hate the format. I hate the people. I hate the redemption house. I hate the fighting. I hate how long it’s taking. I hate all of it. Everything. Hate.

I will watch next season, but I really need for it to be nothing like this one.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, scrb said:

Has this season had more episodes?

It feels long but I'm not sure.  Maybe all the Redemption House activity has added episodes or feels like it.

I also think that the reformatting makes things feel much longer too. Instead of having some kind of conclusion at the end of each episode with an elimination battle, we get continuations that run on into the next week and it just seems like it's never ending. I do think the Redemption House also played a factor in this season seeming long to me as well. 

  • Love 1

Lol at John and Tony finishing behind TWO girl/guy teams. I thought Natalie/Paulie passing Ashley/Hunter and John/Tony while going uphill was pretty impressive. 

I don’t think we’ve ever seen so many production personnel during a challenge before. It was interesting to see TJ running the course as well. Nice of him to come down the hill a bit to cheer Kam/Kayleigh on to the finish. If anybody, looking at you John, needs help with how to lose gracefully, Kam and Kayleigh just showed you how.

Watching the opening is strange because most of the people they show in it left so long ago it feels like they were from a different challenge.

  • Love 7
On 11/7/2018 at 8:27 PM, scrb said:

Has this season had more episodes?

It feels long but I'm not sure.  Maybe all the Redemption House activity has added episodes or feels like it.

It’s definitely long. They filmed it for longer than they film most challenges because of the redemption house and the format, and having either a challenge or elimination in each episode has stretched it even further. I imagine we’re not finishing up until December, and we’ve been watching this since July. In my opinion, it’s excessive at this point. I find myself more tuned out each week. This is my least favorite challenge since Invasions. I find it unfair, completely inequitable, and not particularly fun. Though to be honest, part of it is the format, part of it is the poor planning for gender equalizers, but a big part of it is the cast. There are just so many odious people on this—not fun villains but actually really unkind and offensive people who validate one another into thinking their behavior is okay. It’s not.

20 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Lol at John and Tony finishing behind TWO girl/guy teams. I thought Natalie/Paulie passing Ashley/Hunter and John/Tony while going uphill was pretty impressive. 

Not to defend John, because blugh, but I think based on what we saw that their rock was heavier as an equalizer. Joss was basically batting his rock uphill by himself and Johnny and Tony were both shoving their rock and getting nowhere. Ashley is crazy and pretty athletic, but no way is she the equivalent of Tony or John in a pushing competition, and she and Hunter were making good progress relative to the boys as well. 

I think this season proves that the Challenge just can’t make me like Johnny. He always ruins any goodwill I have for him. His derogatory nickname for the young bucks is offensive (because obviously the worst insult he can give them is that they’re women) and not even clever.  I mean, the young bucks is an objectively dumb name. That’s the best he can do with it?

  • Love 4

I forget exactly what Hunter said, but it was along the lines of TYB having had to fight so long and hard and I remember yelling at the screen to STFU because he'd only shown up like 2 days ago and I've already been watching this show for 2 1/2 years.  I love the challenge, but damn, I don't think this one is ever going to end.  Also, I can't stand Hunter and his comb over.  Why doesn't he just take some of Ashley's raggedy hair and put that on top of his head while she's standing next to him?  It would look about as realistic as the bangs he's combing up from the nape of his neck now.  

  • Love 4

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