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S02.E05: A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries

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3 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I agree.  I wish that kids who may not be "book smart" could understand that there's all kinds of "smarts."

That was why I was so happy to hear Missy say, in the previous episode in which the young genius girl and her family visited, that she and Georgie are smart in other ways compared to Sheldon.

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On 10/19/2018 at 10:13 AM, Gummo said:

Can we just change the name (and focus) of the show to "Young Missy"? 

Maybe the young Sheldon actor will compose some embarrassing tweets and be removed from the show - kidding, just kidding.

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This episode was awesome and I can't really add much more than what was already said, but I thought it was interesting that George had his sights set on a fishing boat, as opposed to putting the money in college funds (like he'd promised) or using it to buy something the whole family would enjoy. I feel like the show is subtly laying the groundwork for Things That Happen In The Future, not only with George's selfishness, but Mary's refusal to acknowledge any dysfunction in their family. 

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On 10/20/2018 at 10:22 AM, anna0852 said:

If my kid had made that 'generous' crack, I'd made him leave the table. It's letting things like this slide that are building Sheldon into the adult we know he's going to become.

Sheldon's comment regarding his sister is just another brick in the road to Dicktown, population: Sheldon. 

On 10/20/2018 at 10:57 AM, ChitChat said:

I agree.  I wish that kids who may not be "book smart" could understand that there's all kinds of "smarts."  I think kids can get discouraged if they feel like they can't keep up with the kids who seem to learn quickly.  It took me a long time to really understand the different ways in which we all learn and how to best implement my particular way of learning for me.  I'm glad the researcher told Sheldon that, even though he thinks it's "poppycock!"   

I wish Mary and George were a little more encouraging to Missy and Georgie with their school work, but as I've said before, information was rather limited back in the day.  We didn't have the luxury of Googling every single question we had.  It wasn't until years after I was out of high school that I read an article in a magazine about how we all learn differently (visually, hands-on, etc.), that that was an eye-opener for me.  I wish I had that information when I was in school.  That would've helped me tremendously in how I approached studying.  Having said that though, I don't think Georgie has any interest in school, so I don't think there's any amount of encouragement that's going to motivate him.

Georgie may not be good at book learnin', 


but he grows up to own a chain of successful tire stores, and he was able to help support the family (especially Sheldon away at school) after their father died. He appears reasonably happy (multiple marriages notwithstanding).

On 10/20/2018 at 4:47 PM, BitterApple said:

This episode was awesome and I can't really add much more than what was already said, but I thought it was interesting that George had his sights set on a fishing boat, as opposed to putting the money in college funds (like he'd promised) or using it to buy something the whole family would enjoy. I feel like the show is subtly laying the groundwork for Things That Happen In The Future, not only with George's selfishness, but Mary's refusal to acknowledge any dysfunction in their family. 

While I think George might want the boat, I don't think he would actually use the test money to get it,


since we've seen that the George of Young Sheldon is thus far not anything like the late George of Big Bang Theory.

 If anything, they've shown George to be pretty patient, especially when dealing with his mother-in-law, who constantly berates and insults him, but then comes to him for help because her drinking and gambling got her in trouble with the law.

While George, Mary, Connie, and the twins went to Houston for the testing, did they just leave Georgie home alone for the entire day? A teenager with free rein in an empty house?


I wonder if this is the testing that Mary had done to Sheldon to prove he wasn't crazy (as Sheldon & Mary have both referenced in Big Bang Theory).

Edited by SmithW6079
Sooo many BBT spoilers. Those episodes have already aired.
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4 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

While George, Mary, Connie, and the twins went to Houston for the testing, did they just leave Georgie home alone for the entire day? A teenager with free rein in an empty house?

I'm glad they didn't drag him along.  Nothing would have made me angrier or more resentful then having to give up my Saturdays when there was no benefit to me in it at all.

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10 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

Sheldon's comment regarding his sister is just another brick in the road to Dicktown, population: Sheldon. 

Lol!  That's pretty funny.  At least Sheldon got his comeuppance on the ride home when Mary told him it wasn't all about him, and when the researcher told him there were other kinds of smart.  I hope Mary will continue to give Missy the much-needed attention she deserves.  

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33 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

While George, Mary, Connie, and the twins went to Houston for the testing, did they just leave Georgie home alone for the entire day? A teenager with free rein in an empty house?

Why on earth not?  Isn't he like 15?

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On 2018-10-19 at 2:56 PM, 2727 said:

I've been having Alexa read books to me and one character referred to the other as Mississippi Jones instead of Miss Jones. I thought it was some joke between them that I had missed but then I started on another book and that character was Mississippi Smith. D'oh! The characters are Ms Smith and Jones. Which of course Alexa knows is the abbreviation for the state. 

When Missy started talking about S T Louis, I immediately thought of my sad-sack GPS which seems incapable of pronouncing all the French streets in my area and sometimes just confuses me more than helps. All the streets with saints, are referred to as S T Mary, for example.

The kids were fabulous and it was nice that they showed how street smart Missy is.

Edited by AEMom
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2 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Lol!  That's pretty funny.  At least Sheldon got his comeuppance on the ride home when Mary told him it wasn't all about him, and when the researcher told him there were other kinds of smart.  I hope Mary will continue to give Missy the much-needed attention she deserves.  

I was disappointed that Mary was short with Sheldon in the car. She could have used the same words in a kinder tone. Mary is at least partly at fault for indulging Sheldon and implying that he is more important.

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As I was watching this episode, I couldn't help but wonder if this is what they always referred to on TBBT:


My mother had me tested.

Edited by AEMom
Spoiler, not quote
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On 10/19/2018 at 3:49 PM, Katy M said:

So, if you were reading a book with a character named Al, would be Alabama?  If someone says something like "You can't do that to me?" would it come out "You can't do that to Maine?"  "HI, Jack."  "Hawaii, Jack."  "Stop letting your id rule you."  "Stop letting your Idaho rule you."  "Get in here now."  "Get Indiana here now."

"Ohio, Smithers...  did you Oklahoma this loan request?"

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Well this episode was just delightful. Everyone's covered how great Missy/Reagan was, but I have to give props to Iain as well - his utter happiness at the beginning of the testing followed by his impatience and annoyance as the tests continued were spot-on and just so, so Sheldon!

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9 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Maybe because he's a teenager whose shown his judgment is not always the best? 

He's going to be a legal adult in 3 years.  If you cant leave him alone for a few hours now, you've already failed as a parent.

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21 hours ago, CherryAmes said:

Agreed.  I think they're also making a pretty strong case that Missy has no real interest in school either.  And while I know at least partly they're doing this to contrast with Sheldon's super-smartitude, it's also pretty realistic to me.  Not everyone is interested in school, a lot of kids are marking time until they get out.  It's only then that at least some of them realize that a little book learning might have been a damn good idea!

And this is where parents come in.  Not every kid in college was a straight "A" student in high schoole.  There are also trade schools that concentrate on a specific career or interest a child might have aptitude in.  It's also possible that since Georgie and Missy aren't the IQ genius in the family that have inadvertently gotten the message "They aren't smart enough to go to college" which is sad.

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13 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

"They aren't smart enough to go to college" which is sad.

I found it interesting that George appealed to Mary about letting the kids take part in the study by talking about their college educations.  Neither of them said "Sheldon's college fund" or anything like that so it was clear that they expected both twins to go to college.  Which I thought was a nice little touch.  

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1 hour ago, CherryAmes said:

I found it interesting that George appealed to Mary about letting the kids take part in the study by talking about their college educations.  Neither of them said "Sheldon's college fund" or anything like that so it was clear that they expected both twins to go to college.  Which I thought was a nice little touch.  

That may be what they plan, but it might not be the impression they are giving the children.  Also, George is planning on buying a fishing boat, not putting it in their college funds so George was conning Mary into agreeing.

I have a friend I've known since kindergarten.  She has three older sisters.  The second to oldest one was getting into trouble (real trouble - drinking and driving, kicked out of school, etc.) before she was thirteen.  She got kicked out of one high school, they sent her to boarding school, she got kicked out of that school, they sent her to another boarding school which she got kicked out of.  My friend wanted to go to one of the boarding schools, and her parents told her there was no need for it.  My friend's response was, "So unless I get arrested or kicked out of school, I don't get anything special?"  Up to that point, the parents had no clue their other three daughters resented them or their other sister.  They were so focused on the problem child, they forgot about their other children.

Mary, George and MeeMaw all seemed shocked/surprised/sad when Missy talked about being on her own team.  I believe they will all fall back into their old habits quickly enough, and Missy will continue to be on her own team while Sheldon gets the majority of the attention.

Edited by TigerLynx
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5 hours ago, Katy M said:

He's going to be a legal adult in 3 years.  If you cant leave him alone for a few hours now, you've already failed as a parent.

Then they've failed as parents, since we know from a voice over that George gets married for the first time at 18 years old.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

Mary, George and MeeMaw all seemed shocked/surprised/sad when Missy talked about being on her own team.  I believe they will all fall back into their old habits quickly enough, and Missy will continue to be on her own team while Sheldon gets the majority of the attention.

Probably true but, sadly, a bit of a moot point considering what we know is going to happen to the Cooper family in the not too distant future.  Whatever family dynamic exists now is going to get blown out of the water all too soon.   Sheldon may get a lot of attention but I liken this to the kind of attention any special needs child would get.  It may not seem fair to the other kids in the family but it's a reality of what happens.  I like that this show isn't pretending Sheldon had parents who managed to strike an ideal balance - we know the Sheldon from BBT had to come from somewhere!

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5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Then they've failed as parents, since we know from a voice over that George gets married for the first time at 18 years old.

And that affects his ability to take care of himself for five hours how?  

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6 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Then they've failed as parents, since we know from a voice over that George gets married for the first time at 18 years old.

I was wondering about that - are we ever told if Georgie has children?  I got the impression he didn't and if that's the case then getting married at 18 may be unusual but it's not really a sign that he screwed up - I'm assuming people would see marrying this young as screwing up if he married because he got a girlfriend pregnant.

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On 10/19/2018 at 2:56 PM, 2727 said:

I assumed Missy told the doctor she was the overlooked child because she knew her parents were watching. Emotional manipulation is her wheelhouse.

I've been having Alexa read books to me and one character referred to the other as Mississippi Jones instead of Miss Jones. I thought it was some joke between them that I had missed but then I started on another book and that character was Mississippi Smith. D'oh! The characters are Ms Smith and Jones. Which of course Alexa knows is the abbreviation for the state. 


On 10/19/2018 at 6:49 PM, Katy M said:

So, if you were reading a book with a character named Al, would be Alabama?  If someone says something like "You can't do that to me?" would it come out "You can't do that to Maine?"  "HI, Jack."  "Hawaii, Jack."  "Stop letting your id rule you."  "Stop letting your Idaho rule you."  "Get in here now."  "Get Indiana here now."

Guys, ixnay on the Alexis, Siri, Karen and Cortana jokes. Do we really want to risk offending her?

See Terminator, The, film series. 


Or should we assume Skynet, et al, has the social intelligence of Sheldon?

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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On 10/20/2018 at 10:22 AM, anna0852 said:

If my kid had made that 'generous' crack, I'd made him leave the table. It's letting things like this slide that are building Sheldon into the adult we know he's going to become.

I just saw this in a commercial for YS that was on a show I had PVR'd - it looked to me like this was meant to be an aside - a comment that the audience hears but the people on stage don't.  No one reacted to it which made me think not that they didn't care what he said but that they didn't hear it.

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Loved Missy getting the better of Sheldon. I lol'ed when the lady scientist came back with her hair down after Missy pointed it out her colleague was sweet on her! And that she couldn't answer because the camera was running

On ‎20‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 6:00 PM, Sarah 103 said:

I was thinking about how well Missy can read people. Can you imagine how amazing she's going to be in a few years when boy/girl issues start becoming a big thing at school?



She doesn't have trouble finding dates. Showing judgement on who she picks, on the other hand...

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