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Jesus God, Leah!!

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I assume he just demonized Leah to Miranda to appease her/turn attention away from his own cheating ways. After all, Leah wasn't Miranda's brand new spouse. That's why I turn the side eye at his complaints about Leah sometimes... Yes, they're often true, but it's not like he takes better care of Ali in the wheelchair/disability department, and how much of his complaints are continued proof to Miranda that he loves her and not Leah? I'm not saying he doesn't want custody of his kids, but that's got to be a facet of it. 

  • Love 1

I think Corey's complaints about Leah are valid.  I see Jeremy echoing them now that he isn't defending her in his duty as her husband.  Leah was absolutely a trainwreck who was harming his children.  I believed Corey when he said that when he heard there was an accident in town on the scanner...he worried it would be Leah and the girls.  Anytime I have seen Corey with his children...it's clear how much he absolutely adores them.  I am sure it breaks his heart to hear the stories the girls would tell when they came to stay with him and Miranda on the weekends.  

However, I also think he likes or liked sleeping with Leah.  So, he did. I don't see that with him anymore, so let's hope he learned his lesson.  At this point, if Corey could blink and have Leah removed from the planet...I think he would.  I still think Corey should thank his lucky stars that Miranda forgave him and took him back.  I woulda put his things out on the curb....and I still kinda frick fracken adore him.

  • Love 6

I think they're true, but he never stood up to her much until after he married Miranda. He says that's because she gave him a backbone...I assume it's because she gave him hell (deservedly).

He does love his kids. Most halfway decent parents do (and he's no parent of the year). Only on this show does that make you awesome...why do I watch this again??

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 3

Can you imagine the sickening feeling you would get in the pit of your stomach if your kids got up in the morning and were all happy that 1. you were up with them, and 2. you made them breakfast?  My guess is they didn't even have to 'prompt' the girls for what their time with Leah was like, unlike some of the parents on this show grilling their kids about their time with the other parent (looking at you, Chelsea).  The girls being surprised at something resembling a normal day was probably enough.

  • Love 6
Just now, Lm2162 said:

I think they're true, but he never stood up to her much until after he married Miranda. He says that's because she gave him a backbone...I assume it's because she gave him hell (deservedly).

I assume it is because Leah gave him something else....or at least the promise of it.  *wink wink nudge nudge*  

I also don't think it's untrue that Corey was kind of afraid of Leah when it came to all things parenting.  She was the mom and she has custody.  What she said goes.  Family court was never gonna touch that.  It wasn't until he got married to Miranda and Leah just completely fell apart that he realized that if he went to court that the judge might actually side with him.  Until then...he worried if he pushed her too much, he might lose what little time with his kids he did get.  I wish he went earlier or at least started documenting things earlier, but let's face it...Corey is kinda simple.  I think it took having Miranda to take him by the balls and tell him to stop being afraid...and get in there and fight the good fight for his kids (and at the same time...Leah turned into a pill addicted wreck).  

If Leah didn't get hooked on the pills...I think she'd still be leading Corey around on a leash because she could.  

  • Love 7

I'm not shaming Leah more than her sex partner for partaking in a consensual sexual affair with Corey. We saw him chasing her repeatedly, time and time again, trying to get her back from Jeremy (she did not seem like the aggressor at all in that relationship), and he was the only married one at the time of their affair. He was equally if not more to blame. If he wasn't ready to be faithful due to custody issues, desire, lingering feelings, drama, etc., he shouldn't have gotten married and involved another person. 

I also keep thinking of the scene where she told him about Robbie and he angrily asked her, "Did you keep your ring on while you did it?" If I were Miranda, I'd have turned that right around on him. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I'm not shaming Leah more than her sex partner for partaking in a consensual sexual affair with Corey. We saw him chasing her repeatedly, time and time again, trying to get her back from Jeremy (she did not seem like the aggressor at all in that relationship), and he was the only married one at the time of their affair. He was equally if not more to blame. If he wasn't ready to be faithful due to custody issues, desire, lingering feelings, drama, etc., he shouldn't have gotten married and involved another person. 

Nope.  He probably shouldn't have.  They both got with one another when they were with other people.  

It's no excuse and wouldn't fly with me...but in this respect, I see Corey very much like the male version of Chelsea.  Corey saw being with Leah and having his family back.  Corey knew being with Leah meant being with his girls.  And so I am not making Corey some poor saint who just wanted to tuck in his girls at night...I think he also liked fucking her.  Repeatedly.  

  • Love 6
Just now, Lm2162 said:

Before he married, yes. After? He was just being a cheating whore. I doubt he thought fucking Leah in the back of his truck would make them get back together any more than Leah did. He had literally just had a public wedding. If Adam got married, Chelsea wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole. 

Well they both are cheating whores, so I think we're splitting hairs. Leah just has much more practice at it.  

  • Love 3
Just now, Lm2162 said:

Right, of course they both are. People are just more willing to call women that than they are men, despite displaying the same behavior. 

Or maybe people call Leah on it more because she is a repeat and chronic offender.  She isn't being "slut shamed" (not that I think she is) because she is female.  She is because she's cheated on every relationship she has been in since the viewing audience has known her.  

  • Love 11

I don't remember Cory chasing Leah. I remember Leah using guilt on Cory for not trying harder to keep their family together. Leah would do this at the drop-offs. She'd use that time to start laying it on thick, reminding Cory it was the truck issue that caused their break up, not her cheating with Robbie. 

I agree with the comment about loving the kids, as if that is something spectacular. Leah should be loving her kids. That's a given. How she goes about loving her kids is a different story. 

Nik Sac it is pretty sad when the basics of child-rearing are missing in Leah's household. Her kids are happy to be having breakfast SERVED to them instead of them having to fend for themselves. Growing up, going to McDonald's or to a local restaurant was something that made me a happy kid.  A delicious homemade breakfast was the norm in my house unless I chose to eat cold cereal. 

  • Love 11

Oh, he definitely chased her-- they showed texts, calls, him repeatedly saying he wasn't over her ("why can't I get over your little ass?") while she expressed  uncertainty, and asking her to break up with Jeremy.

She is not the main cause of their affair. I think that's the slut shaming part. The main cause was both of them. And he was the only married person at that point.  There's no good guy in an affair. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 1

Who is slut shaming Leah?  

Leah cheated on Jeremy while she was married to him. 

Cory still had desires for Leah. I do not think he got over her. I remember one text that was shown (sent by Cory), but I do not view that as Cory chasing after her.  Leah letting Cory know she was missing her family, then reminding him how he did not fight harder for that family, was a door that opened up her feelings to which Cory responded.

IMO that is not the definition of chasing someone since it was clear Leah wanted Cory back in her life as she proclaimed after her miscarriage. She made it clear on the reunion show. She made it clear when she dumped Jeremy and ran to Cory. 

  • Love 7

They had a meeting where Leah said she wasn't sure and Corey said he still wanted her and hadn't gotten over her and asked her not to get back with Jeremy. She broke up with Jeremy because Corey brought up having feelings and asked her to talk at one of the dropoffs. She claimed on the reunion show that Corey was hitting her up and he didn't deny it in any way. I tend to think it was at the very least an extremely mutual back and forth. 

Just pointing out that we have no proof she cheated on Jeremy. I believe she did, but we don't know it for sure like we do that she cheated with Robbie on Corey or that Corey cheated on Miranda. They both admitted it on television. The thing with Robbie was never discussed again and Jeremy posted that cryptic "things happen in our marriage no one knows about" thing recently. I don't know, that marriage was screwed from the start. IMO Jeremy was a terrible partner and so was Leah. They got together out of lust, infatuation, quickly got over it but already had a kid, same old story. They'd have divorced regardless. He stayed away as much as possible...not that I can blame him, but he's the one who got himself into the mess. 

20 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

So the willchair is back. Let's see how long it lasts this time. Adderall ran right over & treated it like her own personal jungle gym.

And it took Leah about 5 minutes to start in on the "Ali don't use it until you tried walking first..." so that lets you know how much she wants Ali using the wheelchair.  

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, truelovekiss said:

My thoughts on the Corey, Leah and Miranda relationships:

I think that real, lifelong relationships and lasting love is based on choices.  To quote Snow from "OUAT," "if true love was easy, we'd all have it."  Lasting love requires sacrifices, compromise and dedication.  This is a reason why so many young couples don't work out.  It's not that they don't love each other enough, it's that they're not both ready to make the sacrifices that relationships require.  I think Corey was ready to make those sacrifices, not because his love for Leah was so strong, but because he loved his daughters so much.  Corey knew back then (and said as much in 16&pregnant) that he didn't want to break up with Leah, because he knew that he would lose his daughters.  He knew that in the ass backwards world we live in, that courts would almost always side with Leah, and he wouldn't be able to be a daily presence in his children's lives without her.  I think that he is more like Chelsea and Kailyn, in that he was more in love with them being a family than he was with his children's other parent.

Now factoring in Miranda, I think her relationship with Corey is based more on mutual love and respect, especially since they waited awhile before having a child together.  Leah and Corey happened more by accident.  Miranda chose to marry him knowing his history, and she chose to stay with him after he cheated on her.  That was one hell of a choice she made for love.  I'm not sure if she was pregnant at that point, but if she was, I'm sure it factored into her decision to stay with Corey.

What is OUAT?  

I really, really miss words. A lot. 

  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Right, McKay.

Going by that logic (being paid), each time Leah bitches and says shit about Cory, it must be a lie because she is getting paid. 

Yep, yep!


Grandma Sandy confirmed it, too. Remember? She told all kinds of stuff before she figured out everyone could see everything she wrote on Facebook.  It's in an Ashley article, too.  (About Grandma Sandy confirming) I'd link it but I'm not on my laptop. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Yep, yep!


Grandma Sandy confirmed it, too. Remember? She told all kinds of stuff before she figured out everyone could see everything she wrote on Facebook.  It's in an Ashley article, too.  (About Grandma Sandy confirming) I'd link it but I'm not on my laptop. 

Oh yeah. That was some funny shit. Haha

Thanks to you for finding and sharing all the links and outside info. We learn more from all of that info than watching this show! 

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, hawkey said:

"Once Upon A Time"

I miss words, too :)

Thank you.  I don't understand using initials like that, unless somebody watches that show how are they supposed to know what it means?  I'm not singling out this particular poster, just using it as an example.  Have I mentioned how much I miss words? 

I just watched Leah's 16 and Pregnant, she did something that all of these moms do that pisses me off.  After they broke up Leah and Corey met for dinner and he said he wanted the girls over night and she just immediately, flat out said no.  Who do they think they are that they think just because they are the mom that they have that authority?  The dad is just as much an equal parent as the mother and unless there's a danger to the child, I don't think the woman has the right to just say no to a request like that. 

  • Love 9

Even if we disregard the deer cam incident, which I believe happened, Leah cheated on her spouse when she and Cory hooked up. 

Grandma Sandy! LOL Good times. She did not get paid for all those rantings since Facebook is free. She must be telling the truth!

3 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

And it took Leah about 5 minutes to start in on the "Ali don't use it until you tried walking first..." so that lets you know how much she wants Ali using the wheelchair.  


The two siblings could not wait to jump on it. I give it three months.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

I just watched Leah's 16 and Pregnant, she did something that all of these moms do that pisses me off.  After they broke up Leah and Corey met for dinner and he said he wanted the girls over night and she just immediately, flat out said no.  Who do they think they are that they think just because they are the mom that they have that authority?

What made the whole thing even more idiotic was that Leah was more then fine, when they were living together after the twins were born, leaving her newborns with Corey at night while she traipsed her ass to her hillbilly teen social gatherings. She's been playing the super mom card from the start but her actions have always been contradicting.

  • Love 7

Miranda fell for Corey, I think, because of --- surprise, surprise --- his "celebrity," as someone else kindly put it.  I have said from day one that Corey has trouble expressing himself and, when he does, it falls short of anything coherent. Again, ... putting it nicely. Corey has always held that soft spot in his heart for Leah; say what you wish, but it appears to be very much the case.

Regarding Miranda and Corey's seeking  custody of the twins:  I believe money played a part, and I suspect Jeff, Corey's dad, may have been a significant player in encouraging Corey to seek custody. I don't see Miranda as a key figure in what transpired, but I certainly understand how her involvement in the mess was inevitable and almost unavoidable. 

Speaking of the custody situation, they may call it whatever they like -- primary physical custody, or primary legal custody, etc., etc., --- but the decision on custody seems balanced to me, on both sides. Leah gets what she wants, in a sense. Not having to get up so early to get those kids to school, for starters.  Sorry, 6:30 a.m. is unnecessarily early, especially with the long travel time - and bad weather days -  taken into consideration.  The Agreement states that  Corey has the kids for four(?) weekdays, during which they are in school much of the day -- and Leah gets them every weekend when there is no school, but when there are kids' commitments, such as cheerleading and gymnastics, that Leah will need to ensure they fulfill.  Was there any mention of what happens in the summer when school is not in session? Will the same schedule be enforced?

It remains to be seen how all of this will work out once Miranda has the baby.  It won't be easy, that's for sure, even if the twins are in school much of the day.  Will this arrangement still feel like a wish come true?  And will it be that much easier for Miranda to get three kids ready to go each morning, when one is disabled and the other is a little baby?

  • Love 2

The one I read was posted Dec 10, 2014 on the Ashley.  I searched Robbie Kidd and the status grandma posted is at the bottom of the page. She says they both cheated, meaning Leah and Jeremy. Remember, Robbie lived with Leah's brother so it would be super easy to do.  


Too bad Sandy and Victoria caught on and locked up their Facebook accts. That was some juicy entertainment. 


You're welcome on the links. I like finding good stuff. I can't sleep like normal people so I read until I get sleepy. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4

Miranda fell for Corey, I think, because of --- surprise, surprise --- his "celebrity," as someone else kindly put it.  I have said from day one that Corey has trouble expressing himself and, when he does, it falls short of anything coherent. Again, ... putting it nicely

Has Miranda really acted in such a why as to imply that she is mainly with Corey because of the "celebrity" aspect, though? Hell, she really hasn't even appeared on the show that much and hasn't been trying to grab attention else where. I suppose Corey's "celebrity" could've helped in making her more aware of him, but nothing else has implied to me she is in it for the fame.


It remains to be seen how all of this will work out once Miranda has the baby.  It won't be easy, that's for sure, even if the twins are in school much of the day.  Will this arrangement still feel like a wish come true?  And will it be that much easier for Miranda to get three kids ready to go each morning, when one is disabled and the other is a little baby?

They had the baby a while ago. I assume they are doing what many parents with 2 or more children do: as best as they can. Many parents have babies, children and toddlers, even one or more with special needs, and manage to do a decent job at the everyday tasks. Corey and Miranda seem way more routine oriented then Leah is with her three, so I'd say once they had one set up with the girls and new baby, they were probably fine.

  • Love 13
12 minutes ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Miranda fell for Corey, I think, because of --- surprise, surprise --- his "celebrity," as someone else kindly put it.  I have said from day one that Corey has trouble expressing himself and, when he does, it falls short of anything coherent. Again, ... putting it nicely. Corey has always held that soft spot in his heart for Leah; say what you wish, but it appears to be very much the case.

Regarding Miranda and Corey's seeking  custody of the twins:  I believe money played a part, and I suspect Jeff, Corey's dad, may have been a significant player in encouraging Corey to seek custody. I don't see Miranda as a key figure in what transpired, but I certainly understand how her involvement in the mess was inevitable and almost unavoidable. 

Speaking of the custody situation, they may call it whatever they like -- primary physical custody, or primary legal custody, etc., etc., --- but the decision on custody seems balanced to me, on both sides. Leah gets what she wants, in a sense. Not having to get up so early to get those kids to school, for starters.  Sorry, 6:30 a.m. is unnecessarily early, especially with the long travel time - and bad weather days -  taken into consideration.  The Agreement states that  Corey has the kids for four(?) weekdays, during which they are in school much of the day -- and Leah gets them every weekend when there is no school, but when there are kids' commitments, such as cheerleading and gymnastics, that Leah will need to ensure they fulfill.  Was there any mention of what happens in the summer when school is not in session? Will the same schedule be enforced?

It remains to be seen how all of this will work out once Miranda has the baby.  It won't be easy, that's for sure, even if the twins are in school much of the day.  Will this arrangement still feel like a wish come true?  And will it be that much easier for Miranda to get three kids ready to go each morning, when one is disabled and the other is a little baby?

We have already seen Cory getting the girls ready in the morning. It seems a given that the both of them will work as a team -as many parents do - in order to ensure the girls are properly cared for while in their custody.

Not sure what the deal is with some (not you directly) thinking this was something Cory and Miranda did to spite Leah. This was not a wish as much as it was something that had to be done for the sake of the children. Cory made many offers to help Leah with getting the girls to school, therapy, and medical appointments. Leah declined.

When a judge ordeed Cory to have primary custody for a majority of the week because Leah failed at the basics of parenting, to me, that does not constitute the Simms having a "wish" as much as it means they knew Leah was an addict.

Reminder: The girls were not suddenly dropped in Miranda's care. Miranda has been their step-mother for a while now. The new custody arrangement added another day to the already existing schedule. Miranda has been caring for the girls just like a mother. Her having a newborn does not mean she won't have help. Leah had all kinds of help. She still does. Who is to say Miranda does not get help from her family?  Plenty of women have newborns and children to care for on a daily basis as SAHM. Miranda is no different. The difference between her and Leah is, Miranda is no addict and the girls are well cared for in her care and custody. 

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Right, McKay.

Going by that logic (being paid), each time Leah bitches and says shit about Cory, it must be a lie because she is getting paid. 

Of course she is. I don't trust a single one of them more than the other. 

1 hour ago, Mkay said:

The one I read was posted Dec 10, 2014 on the Ashley.  I searched Robbie Kidd and the status grandma posted is at the bottom of the page. She says they both cheated, meaning Leah and Jeremy. Remember, Robbie lived with Leah's brother so it would be super easy to do.  


Too bad Sandy and Victoria caught on and locked up their Facebook accts. That was some juicy entertainment. 


You're welcome on the links. I like finding good stuff. I can't sleep like normal people so I read until I get sleepy. 

I would not be surprised by both of them cheating at all. They were barely spending any time together and neither of them have any patience or morals. That would explain his recent Instagram post more. I wondered why he seemed to be almost defending Leah and vaguely mentioning "things that happened in our marriage" instead of doubling down. If it's true she cheated and she was the only one who did, why not say "we broke up because she cheated" with a public audience that you know mostly despises Leah, instead of ambiguously denouncing the "haters" and saying, sometimes things just don't work out? That doesn't sound like an innocent man to me. 

I forgot about tattoo model Melissa.


Class acts, everybody. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 3

For all the faults Jeremy has, maybe he just didn't want to feed the vultures. He knew Leah was an addict. He may not have wanted to push her more to the edge. We cannot speak for him. There are many answers to any "Why" question. I cannot read Jeremy's mind. I do know that it makes no sense to publicly defend himself just to appease the haters. That is Leah's job. 

  • Love 4

They seem to have quickly realized it was a mistake. Their marriage was always pretty unstable. I didn't remember that Leah and Corey broke up and got back together two weeks before the wedding, either. Jesus. Hopefully Jeremy takes his time before the next ring and Leah stays or becomes single and goes to a lot of therapy (no bacon slap needed). 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Even if we disregard the deer cam incident, which I believe happened, Leah cheated on her spouse when she and Cory hooked up.

Grandma Sandy! LOL Good times. She did not get paid for all those rantings since Facebook is free. She must be telling the truth!


The two siblings could not wait to jump on it. I give it three months.

I was reading through all the posts and I was going to say Corey and Miranda got married after Leah and Jeremy. I remember wondering when the reunion aired if "Monkey" yelling Leah realized she had just admitted to cheating on Jeremy.

I'd forgotten about Grandma Sandy. What is with that family and their "The truth will be revealed" mantra.

  • Love 8

I forgot about the Grandma Sandy and Mama Dawn rants. I just desperately want to help them all learn to read. 

I forgot about Brittany Musick and her texts with Leah too. I can't keep all these different sex partners straight. My question is, why get married at all if you both just want to screw around? It seems like a lot of effort and stress when you could just...do that. 

  • Love 7
31 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I forgot about the Grandma Sandy and Mama Dawn rants. I just desperately want to help them all learn to read. 

I forgot about Brittany Musick and her texts with Leah too. I can't keep all these different sex partners straight. My question is, why get married at all if you both just want to screw around? It seems like a lot of effort and stress when you could just...do that. 

I have been asking myself that question. I just do not get it. 


43 minutes ago, Evie said:

I was reading through all the posts and I was going to say Corey and Miranda got married after Leah and Jeremy. I remember wondering when the reunion aired if "Monkey" yelling Leah realized she had just admitted to cheating on Jeremy.

I'd forgotten about Grandma Sandy. What is with that family and their "The truth will be revealed" mantra.

Yes, Cory and Miranda were married after Leah and Jeremy. So, when Leah sat there all smug as she put Cory on blast, she seemed ignorant to the fact that she also cheated on her spouse. It takes to to have sex. Leah of all people should know this.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, SPLAIN said:

I have been asking myself that question. I just do not get it. 


Yes, Cory and Miranda were married after Leah and Jeremy. So, when Leah sat there all smug as she put Cory on blast, she seemed ignorant to the fact that she also cheated on her spouse. It takes to to have sex. Leah of all people should know this.

Maybe it's a cultural thing? Everyone around them seems to marry/divorce/have babies/whatever almost as quickly. 

Leah's a total cheater. I just can't bring myself to feel as bad for Jeremy as I did for Miranda. Poor thing. She really seems like a kind person. I felt bad for Corey when she cheated because I think it did break his heart, but I'm not sure why because he was 1) dodging a bullet and 2) broken up with her two weeks prior. 

  • Love 4

Let me try to take a stab at it. The cultural thing may be the best reason. Perhaps the idea of  being alone or not having kids is looked upon as a taboo? LOL Best to have kids to hopefully ensure child support for 18 years after the marriage fails. Marriage is the ultimate goal here. One cannot date too long. One must get hitched or at least live together to give the appearance that one is serious about the relationship.

  • Love 6

I know this is NOT going to be a popular statement, since thereare a lot of big Chelsea fans here. But...

Does anyone else feel like Cole looks kind of freaked out, the more Chelsea talks about how "we're getting mawwwwied" and "that baybeh fever?" I'm sure he loves her and Aubree. And I'm sure part of it is discomfort at having his life be fodder for MTV. But I know someone slightly freaked out by commitment when I see it. Now I'm absolutely sure they'll go through with it and he'll be happy he did. But right now, he looks very stressed.

  • Love 4

What's wrong with Leah's face this season? 

Jesus God, what's wrong with all their faces???  These 20-somethings have had more work done on their faces than most 40 year old moms I know!  Chelsea's lips are taking over her face, and Jenelle had trouble even talking on one of the aftershows because her over-inflated lips kept getting in the way.  These girls are too young for all this crap.  With the exception of that rat's nest on top of her head, Chelsea used to be a really cute girl.

  • Love 12

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