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Murdoch Mysteries - General Discussion

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34 minutes ago, Trey said:

With the addition of a new detective, are we going to lose Detective Watt?  I hope not, I really like him.

If Julia starts an affair with Dr. Dixon I am quitting the show.

He's a special constable.. I did enjoy him and it felt properly progressive of Murdoch to offer him the job... But still realistic enough to say that he wouldn't have all the powers of a detective eventho he's already qualified.. I didn't catch pieces of last season... So I'm confused as to the bad blood between Dr. Hart and Murdoch... I did notice that Dr. Ogden didn't mention her moment ( and she was definitely a part of whatever was happening)  and instead  decided to speak on Dr. Hart,  I too hope they don't put Julia in a rough situation... Looking fwd next week.. And hopefully the return of Brakenreid's daughter eventually 

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30 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

So I'm confused as to the bad blood between Dr. Hart and Murdoch.

Dr. Hart planted some evidence on a body at the request of bad guys in the case against John Brackenreid.  Murdoch realized she was the only one who could have done it and, in the last episode, told her he knew what she had done.  Since he had no evidence he couldn't really do anything about it, just let her know he knew and that he would be watching her. I don't know if he told anyone else or not but it doesn't seem like it.

35 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

( and she was definitely a part of whatever was happening)

I don't think she was doing anything more than comforting a despondent Dr. Dixon and she certainly seemed taken aback when he tried to kiss her.  But, I wonder why she didn't tell William. 

14 minutes ago, Trey said:

don't think she was doing anything more than comforting a despondent Dr. Dixon and she certainly seemed taken aback when he tried to kiss her.  But, I wonder why she didn't tell William. 

I would agree except for how long they just stared at each other before his attempt... If as soon as she consoled him and they started to separate from the hug.. He tried I'd say sure but they separated and then just stared at each other for a few beats... Still I hope they don't make a big thing of it

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Wow, everyone was unhappy this episode. Brackenried was angry because he was chewed out, William got the brunt of his bad temper along with Crabtree, Julia was refused the surgery, and Henry needs more money. And then there's Dixon.

If the show needs to spice things up, I'd rather William and Julia adopt a school age child rather than Julia have an affair.  It took so long to get them together, I don't want them breaking up.

I hope Brackenreid's daughter comes on the show, maybe to work in the morgue. Miss Hart (not a doctor) came on abrasively, then back-stabbed Julia and finally planted evidence to get ahead in her career. At this point, she's irredeemable.

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On 9/24/2019 at 11:20 AM, Trey said:

If Julia starts an affair with Dr. Dixon I am quitting the show.

I hope they don't go there either. Having said that, they can give her some internal conflict being drawn to both. Too bad I couldn't see William being open to other partners in the marriage - and I doubt the audience would be either.

Nice to see Higgins being useful for once, even if he didn't plan to be. But overall, I just wasn't taken by this episode. I am looking forward to seeing what they will do with Robert Parker.

Turns out the Homestead Riot was a real thing.

Edited by marina to
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42 minutes ago, marina to said:

Turns out the Homestead Riot was a real thing.

They do like to bring in historically accurate events whenever they will fit.  I like that about the show.  My husband has always been interested in unions, strikes and the Pinkertons so we knew about that riot although I don't think I knew it was called the Homestead Riot.

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I too loved Murdoch's headset.

At the end, my roommate said, "so they're retconning last year's godawful Hallowe'en episode into Crabtree's new book?"

All in all, much better episode this week. Was good to see some returning faces. (Hi Raoul!) The episode just flowed better. And I approve of Parker being used the way he was. I think he's going to be a great addition to the team.

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I'm stateside so I'm behind until Season 13 airs here or gets put on DVD.  Currently catching up on Season 12.

I would love to see an episode in which Julia, Emily Grace, Rebecca James, and Violet Hart all work together on a case.  When the characters left, I know the producers always said it would be possible for Emily and Rebecca to return for a guest episode, but it hasn't happened yet.  I would love to catch up with both of them and see what has been happening in their lives.

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

Rebecca has been back once.  She is now married and her husband was in some sort of trouble.  Of course, they got him out of trouble:).

Ah right, I do remember she came back once after her husband was accused of murder, it was in the same season though.  I can't remember what the interaction between Violet and Rebecca was.  Did Violet look up to Rebecca as a black female doctor or did Rebecca share any advice for Violet?

Im glad to see Watts is back! I’m glad to see he still just cannot stand straight! (in one scene, he was holding onto the door jamb in an effort to lean over more. We stan.) And I’m glad they confirmed something I thought about him for a while. 

good episode, hard episode. The Inspector had a history of being majorly homophobic and that hasn’t changed. 

i think the acting crown does to Daniel tonight. He portrayed a lot of emotion very subtly. You could tell this case, these circumstances were killing him but he couldn’t do anything. 

(Side note, the guy who played Jack is a guy I met via the Toronto Swing Dance scene. Charming guy, irl.) 

This case had me guessing. They were leading me to think it was one of the lovers, but they were hitting it too hard. I knew it had to be a stamp person. 

I liked this episode. Im interested to see how Watts’ story line plays out. 

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5 hours ago, allonsyalice said:

And I’m glad they confirmed something I thought about him for a while. 

I never suspected. Of course, during this episode his manner did indicate he might be gay.  Still, I was surprised at the ending.

What is Julia up to? That's the second time she's been sort of underhanded with William.  She just better not have an affair with Dr. Dixon.

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Brackenreid was such an asshole in last night's episode. You'd think he'd have grown over the years what with Emily and thinking about what his own son might be. Maybe during the season Young Brackenreid would make a return visit from his time in the theatre and come out to his parents. Then lets see how the elder would really deal with it.

Good to see Watts return last night. The ending with him was rather surprising. I can see him caught up in a blackmailing scheme later on in the season.

7 hours ago, Trey said:

What is Julia up to? That's the second time she's been sort of underhanded with William.  She just better not have an affair with Dr. Dixon.

That would be a series suicide if Julia were having an affair. The MM community would not put up with that. I think it's more likely that Dixon becomes compulsively obsessed with her.

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1 hour ago, Victor the Crab said:

That would be a series suicide if Julia were having an affair. The MM community would not put up with that. I think it's more likely that Dixon becomes compulsively obsessed with her.

I was thinking that Dixon would try to start up an affair (stupid move on his part) and Julia would reject him and then he'd be all obsessed with her. 

but Julia willingly having an affair? bad. After all we went through for her and Murdoch to actually get together? I'd stop watching. 

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On 11/5/2019 at 5:22 AM, allonsyalice said:

(Side note, the guy who played Jack is a guy I met via the Toronto Swing Dance scene. Charming guy, irl.)  

He did look familiar to me. Pretty sure I've seen him at a dance.

On 11/5/2019 at 11:22 AM, Trey said:

What is Julia up to? That's the second time she's been sort of underhanded with William.  She just better not have an affair with Dr. Dixon.

What I'm seeing is her being attracted to an attractive man. I don't think she's going to have an affair (the way she's telling him to behave tells me that) but just because you're married doesn't mean you stop being attracted to other people. So she's wrestling with those feelings. That's an interesting note to play. Having said that, I agree that her having an affair would kill the show so I doubt they're going there. Just really hoping Dixon doesn't become another guy obsessed with her. That's played out.

On 11/5/2019 at 7:06 PM, Victor the Crab said:

Brackenreid was such an asshole in last night's episode. You'd think he'd have grown over the years what with Emily and thinking about what his own son might be. Maybe during the season Young Brackenreid would make a return visit from his time in the theatre and come out to his parents. Then lets see how the elder would really deal with it.

I'm not surprised he was playing bad cop for most of the episode. He's always used what leverage he has over suspects pretty heavy-handedly. His talk at the end showed some growth for him (and respect for the detective whose career he was ending) by not laying any formal charges but not enough that he was willing to risk his people for it. He does have a valid point that a lot more people could get in trouble if they covered for him and it got out. The station house has to be his first responsibility. 

I'm also sure he felt some degree of betrayal about his butcher. After all, he prides himself on his observation and he didn't see it? Had to have shaken his world a little bit. In the end, we're still talking early 20th century and being gay was illegal. Brakenreid has always followed the laws even when he hasn't wanted to. So I didn't find him really over the top here.

Really nice to see Watts again. I missed him. And I'm also not surprised by the ending. As my roommate put it, "He's always been a character on the margins. Now we see why he's on the margins."

Edited by marina to
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I've noticed that, when George is not in the episode,  Higgins is relatively competent.  That was quick thinking on his part to drive the fellow with the eye patch straight to the station house.

And now, what's up with the klepto neighbour?

Brackenreid is still quite impressed with Dr. Hart.  I wonder when William is going to let him know what she did last season.

And they  countered Brackenreid's  harsh behaviour last week with benevolent behaviour this week.  It was nice to see him help out the young fellow and Higgins at the same time.

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HOOOOOO-BOY!!! That's all I can say about this episode!

Well, not exactly. I think everyone will assume Julia will start an affair with Dr. Dixon after the episode closed with them staring at each other. But I still have my doubts she'll go through with it. Why destroy the franchise with an illicit affair? So much to think about to take us into the new year.

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13 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:



So much happened in this episode! I did not think Julia would really go through with euthanasia - I thought it would turn out that the nurse or Dr. Dixon or even a family member would have done it.  But Julia said she did it, so I guess she did.  I wonder if their marriage can survive this. Or the possible ensuing affair with Dr. Dixon.

I knew Murdoch should have told Brackenreid about Dr. Hart.  Now Brackenreid has inadvertently given ammunition to the enemy. 

Effie Newsome is just a little too pushy for my taste. I don't know how George's book got published so fast that it was out for sale so quickly.  I did laugh at the fellow reading it calling it "absolute rubbish".

The only other bright spot was George telling Watts that his "money troubles" were safe with him.

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

But Julia said she did it, so I guess she did. 

Not to mention we saw her do it.

Totally agree about Effie.  Poor George's love interests have been getting worse and worse over the years, and I feel like the two actors have zero chemistry.

I was clapping my evil little hands together in glee when Dr. Hart didn't destroy her original report.  (I love the actress, what can I say?)  This is the kind of drama I enjoy in the show, not the William/Julia marital angst.

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I found myself feeling for Violet Hart this week. I don't blame her for wanting to keep some ammunition. She knows Murdoch is gunning for her. She also knows she wouldn't have the job she is eminently qualified for if she didn't try what she did at the end of last season. And I think that's why she agreed - she owes Brackenreid for what John went through. This was a chance to even the scales. She also had no problem supporting euthanasia in Dr Osler Regrets or covering up for Dixon in Bad Pennies.

Maybe she's supposed to be the villain but I just see someone who though no fault of her own would not be considered for the job she currently holds. Fair play would have never worked for her. Brackenreid said as much. I keep coming back to, "what was she supposed to do?"

I don't think Julia is going to have an affair with Dixon. But right now she needs someone to understand why she did what she did and help her through the aftermath and William made it very clear he's not going to be that person. She can do that without it becoming sexual. However, kudos to the writers for creating a realistic situation to create tension in the relationship. All season long, we've seen William struggling to understand the new world Julia is moving in and not giving her the support that she needs. We've seen Julia not cut him any slack or give him time to catch up.

This is nothing new for either character, which is the great thing about it. Their love has always papered over the very real clash of values they have in some areas of their lives. (Not all, as they share a sense of justice, a willingness to do what it takes to get to the truth, a desire for betterment of society, and both love geeking out on finding solutions to riddles.) I know they will eventually get back together because otherwise would be suicide for the show but this gives the characters something to play that will hopefully lead to growth for both. 

And god, I hate Effie. She isn't aware of the feelings of others, which is fine. Just don't pretend that you do or try to make them conform to your ideas of what they should do.

And poor Watts. Glad George has his back but I'm sure this isn't the end of his challenges.

As for the previous ep, that was so much fun! As a theatre director, there was so much goodness there for me. I actually snorted when I heard, "directing can't be that hard".

As a note, I'm confident that the critic character is based off of Richard Ouzounian, former theatre critic at The Star who was infamous for giving gushing reviews for people he liked, no matter how bad they were, and was vicious to those he didn't. Loved Watts questioning what he adds to the process!

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I don't think Julia is stupid enough to have an affair because she is at odds with Murdoch, at least I hope she behaves in an adult way. And he should realize who he is that he married and that she's always gone her own way whether it was against the law or not.

I have no sympathy for Miss Hart. Julia hired her as her assistant even though she had no medical education, and after being trained she proceeded to stab Julia in the back in order to take her job. She planted evidence to implicate Brackenreid Jr. in order to advance her position, and she won't hesitate to hurt anyone else to get ahead. I understand that every show needs a villain but I cannot like her.

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I thought this was a very good episode.  I'm glad nothing happened between Julia and Dr. Dixon. And I'm glad she and William are talking, albeit rather slowly.  But the love is still there between them.

Rocco Perri was a real Mafioso, who disappeared one day in 1944 when he went for a walk and never came back.  His body was never found.  His wife was Bessie Starkman who showed up in an episode of Frankie Drake Mysteries. Bessie Starkman was murdered in 1930.

I figured all along that the son, Jacob, was the one behind the murders.



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On 1/7/2020 at 11:29 AM, Trey said:

I figured all along that the son, Jacob, was the one behind the murders.

So did my roommate. I suspected so as well, just couldn't get why the hitmen would be after him. Once they said it was to eliminate witnesses, it made sense.

Was very happy to see my friend Gord Rand being a baddie. He's so good at it, which is so different to who he is in real life. He's also a great writer and director.

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200th episode. What a great episode!

I loved seeing all the geniuses who have been on the show before, plus a few new ones. I had to look up Ernest Rutherford.

Sally Pendrick finally got what was coming to her.  Glad James is still alive.

I really had to laugh at the contempt Edison and Henry Ford were subjected to. They've never been treated with much respect before but this was really over the top. Especially Edison who fully deserves it.

There were so many great scenes I probably can't even remember them all.  One of my favourites was Brackenreid getting them free by bashing the guard over the head after everyone else pooh-poohed his plan as being too simple.



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On 1/14/2020 at 9:50 AM, Trey said:

This from me, Davey1:

I just saw this episode and cannot understand something. If the elevator was in the building of the symposium, then how was it possible that they woke up in the elevator that was far away from Toronto. Presumably Sally Pendrick's lab was in the basement of the symposium building. Any explanations anyone?

This is from Trey earlier:

200th episode. What a great episode!

I loved seeing all the geniuses who have been on the show before, plus a few new ones. I had to look up Ernest Rutherford.

Sally Pendrick finally got what was coming to her.  Glad James is still alive.

I really had to laugh at the contempt Edison and Henry Ford were subjected to. They've never been treated with much respect before but this was really over the top. Especially Edison who fully deserves it.

There were so many great scenes I probably can't even remember them all.  One of my favourites was Brackenreid getting them free by bashing the guard over the head after everyone else pooh-poohed his plan as being too simple.




Edited by Davey1
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Nice little milestone episode. It got a little goofy at times, but I did enjoy seeing all the past non fictional characters in one setting. And the return of Sally Pendrick seemed quite perfect for this episode, and I too am glad she got what was deserved of her.

On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 10:54 PM, Davey1 said:

I really had to laugh at the contempt Edison and Henry Ford were subjected to. They've never been treated with much respect before but this was really over the top. Especially Edison who fully deserves it.

Funny thing about Edison and Ford. They became very close friends, with Edison being a childhood idol of Ford's. If the MM writers had understood this, they would have had them hang around together during the symposium.

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