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Murdoch Mysteries - General Discussion

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6 minutes ago, Grundoon59 said:

I agree - I was hoping that it was going to be one of the women coming to the rescue but every one of the them would have had problems doing it.  Julia was definitely wrong to confront him by herself.  BTW - I may have missed something not having seen the three prior episodes but do we know why Mrs. Hart got so upset - was it just the stress of the accident/working on live bodies or something else?

No. I really think it was about working on living bodies. Maybe later we'll find out she had some kind of scary mishap in medical school.

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3 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Season 15 - Episode 4 - Blood on the Tracks


Grundoon59, thanks for including the Season and episode information.  (And the many others who have also done so.)  It makes it so much easier to follow as the season extends and also for those of us who won't be seeing the episodes for a few months.

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Season 15, Episode 5 LOVE OR MONEY, first aired October 18, 2021

Not as good as last week's episode but still pretty good.  It's always a hoot when one of George's aunts shows up.

Brackenreid sure enjoyed his brief stint as actor - his love of acting/theatre has been a thing since the early years of the show.

Effie seems to be recovering from her trauma and the train accident.  It is nice to see her and George happy together.

And Julia is in trouble again.  Of course, she was in the right but diplomacy has never been her strong suit.  I wonder how this will all work out.


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Season 15, Episode 5 - Love or Money

I too enjoyed this episode with little moments from all the favorite characters.   Watts as the fake bank teller was a particular good one. 

Funny you should mention taking a moment to recognize Brackenreid @peacheslatour, my trying to recognize moment was with the actress playing George's aunt.  I knew that I knew her - such a distinctive face/voice.  Finally almost at the end of the show, the penny dropped.  While I have seen her in many things, she will always be the Mayor from Little Mosque on the Prairie to me (which is a good reminder to continue my rewatch of that show).

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Debra McGrath looked like she was having a hoot playing George's Aunt Zinnia.

I wish Julia had apologized by saying "I'm sorry that you failed to properly diagnose the patient so that I had to interfere to operate on her." Women's College Hospital was established in 1883 so I wonder if Julia is headed there next.

I get a little chuckle every time Brackenreid is mentioned as the coach of the volleyball team (previous episode) because a few years ago I was walking along the boardwalk and saw Thomas Craig playing beach volleyball with (his?) kids.

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Season 15, Episode 5 - Love or Money

Now that was more of fun I look for with this series! Love how Murdoch gets to have some fun - he was utterly sparkling when Zinnia mentioned he had some larceny in him. And Thomas gets to go over the top! 

Add me to those who want to see Julia end up at Women's College.

But seriously, George. Did you not think your Auntie was going to try to pull one over on you?

Edited by marina to
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Season 15, Episode 6 - I Know What You Did Last Autumn

Enjoyable but not my favorite of the Halloween themed episodes.  I enjoyed that pumpkin carving contest (including eventual winner) and George's journey with the pumpkin seeds.  But the clown mystery was not my cup of tea - still it was well done and the cast seemed to be having a grand time with it. 

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21 minutes ago, Grundoon59 said:

Season 15, Episode 6 - I Know What You Did Last Autumn

Enjoyable but not my favorite of the Halloween themed episodes.  I enjoyed that pumpkin carving contest (including eventual winner) and George's journey with the pumpkin seeds.  But the clown mystery was not my cup of tea - still it was well done and the cast seemed to be having a grand time with it. 

Did we ever get to see Murdoch in costume?

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1 hour ago, Grundoon59 said:

I think it was left to our imagination,  Julia talked about it but I don't think we ever saw it (which was disappointing if it was supposed to be a companion to Julia's costume).

He was about to put it on when they were called away. Let's see, Dracula was published in 1897 and Murdoch is set in what, about 1906 - 7? I really wanted to see him as a vampire.

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Monday's Halloween episode was certainly better than the last one they did, which was quite strange and bizarre.

Hard to imagine someone as expressive as Watts would have a hard time carving out a pumpkin.

And Julia's witch costume was quite sexy for its time. She certainly fills it out quite nicely!

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Season 15, Episode 7 - The Incorrigible Dr. Ogden -

I enjoyed it but it felt a little disjointed to me with different characters moving in their own story lines with not as much interaction as usual.  That being said, there were many positive elements for me. 

I found myself liking Mrs. Hart far more than I have previously - her reactions to Brackenreid's questions about hats and his rhyming slang were wonderful.  Plus I also liked her working with Murdoch on the case.

It was good seeing Margaret again and I liked Thomas' efforts to cheer her up.  My heart broke for her by the end.

Milo Strange was an interesting addition - I think I will like him in small doses.  It was certainly good to see Watts smiling again. 

The main story with Julia kept my interest - what an awful place the reformatory was.  I have to wonder how quickly I might have been labelled an Incorrigible back then. 

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The main story with Julia kept my interest - what an awful place the reformatory was.  I have to wonder how quickly I might have been labelled an Incorrigible back then. 

My husband is half Native American/half Scots Irish. I remember hearing some guy with a certain viewpoint on the radio say that marrying someone not of your race was worse than murder. I would definitely be locked up there.


Milo Strange was an interesting addition - I think I will like him in small doses.  It was certainly good to see Watts smiling again. 

I loved him! And you're right about Watts. I said the same thing to my husband.

Edited by peacheslatour
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Season 15, Episode 6 - I Know What You Did Last Autumn

A definite improvement over last year's Halloween episode. This one was a lot of fun. I laughed at Crabtree discovering pumpkin spice coffee. I didn't guess the murderer but boy did it make a ton of sense. I too wanted to see William's outfit!

However, we get it, Jordan is a baby genius. Did we really have to give her the pumpkin prize? 

Season 15, Episode 7 - The Incorrigible Dr. Ogden 

After the episode, my roommate did some research and it turned out that I grew up not far from there. And since it didn't shut down until 1969, it was there during my lifetime. So happy I wasn't living during that time. And seeing what could brand you incorrigible helps me understand my mom a little more.  I always wondered why she was so worried about other's opinions but if this was the fate in store for you if you were branded a bad girl, I get it. What the victim did seems reprehensible but as I thought on it, she too was just trying to survive. She needed money so she wouldn't be forcibly sterilized. How moral would I be under those circumstances?

Milo was fun and I do hope we get more of him. Just not too much. Agree with everyone it was good to see Watts smile. Also appreciated the follow up with the situation with Bobby.

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Season 15, Episode 8 - Murdoch Knows Best

This was so much fun. Peter Kelehan's real life wife, Leah Pinsent daughter of Charmian King and Gordon Pinsent)  played Terrence Meyers wife, and I really liked all the twists and turns and hidden room.

As someone who serves the traditional soup at Christmas, it was spot on for me..


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Season 15, Episode 8 - Murdoch Knows Best

It was a perfect antidote to my gloom over it getting darker earlier due to the end of Daylight Savings time.  I liked the main story line as well as the secondary. 

I enjoyed Murdoch, Brackenreid and Julia reacting to Meyers' "civilian life" and working together to solve the murder at the house party through all the twists and turns.  But even more I liked Watts and Crabtree teaming up to solve the kids' mystery - especially Watts being almost giddy at glimpsing Milo on the street and Crabtree stepping up to help the team.  All the actors got to have their moments to shine. 

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I don't know what to think of last night's episode. So Terrence Meyers was really an alias? I guess that makes sense given the line of work he was in. But how does one explain what his own family was thinking after he disappeared in that rocket ship, then spent time on Borneo where he landed, from a few seasons ago?

15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Peter Kelehan's real life wife, ah Pinsent daughter of Charmian King and Gordon Pinsent)  played Terrence Meyers wife, and I really liked all the twists and turns and hidden room.

I had no idea Leah Pinsent was married to Peter Keleghan. I hardly recognized her. Funny thing though, I thought the guy playing the son, Junior, was Keleghan's real life son. Turns out, NOT!!!

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Season 15, Episode 9 - The Lady Vanishes

I think I have had enough of the Newsomes of Mimico to last a life time.  Except for Ruthie, of course. At least she was ready to go to prison to keep her brother out, because he wouldn't survive prison and she would.

Good for Julia for taking the job where she could do most good. The times just weren't ready for her to win a lawsuit in court, even with Effie as her lawyer.

I never posted about the Halloween episode but I wanted to say that, right up until the reveal of the murderers, I was hoping it would turn out to be Killer Clowns from Outer Space.

Edited by Trey
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Season 15, Episode 9 - The Lady Vanishes

I kind of agree with you @Trey about the Newsomes but I did like everyone else's reactions to them and particularly Murdoch's face every time he talked about "Mimico".  I figured out some of the plot points in advance but that did not take away from my enjoyment while viewing.

This season I find myself liking Mrs. Hart and Miss Cherry far more than in previous seasons and I appreciate how the show is working them into more story lines - it looks like next week will be featuring Miss Cherry.  Ruthie is also growing on me - some of her reactions last night while remarking about what kidnappers do and prison life were priceless. 

I feel fortunate that I get to watch this season live while knowing I will enjoy it again when it becomes available for streaming.  Still enjoying it immensely while mourning for Frankie Drake. 

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Season 15, Episode 7 - The Incorrigible Dr. Ogden 

An excellent episode. I love when Julia gets stuff to do because she is smart and an awesome detective as well as doctor. It's just a shame that she doesn't do as much now that she's no longer part of the Station House. Julia and William should set up a husband and wife detective agency.

A new man for Watts? Please let it be so!!

Season 15, Episode 8 - Murdoch Knows Best

Here I spent the whole episode thinking that this was some sort of test Terrence Meyers set up for Murdoch and co. Loved seeing Julia do more detective work again. I love Julia, giant dork as she is, and she needs more to do! 

TERRENCE MEYERS HAS A SECRET ROOM BEHIND A BOOKSHELF!!!!!! He is now instantly my favourite minor character of all time ❤️ (sorry James Pendrick, if you build yourself a secret room, you'll be #1 again).

Season 15, Episode 9 - The Lady Vanishes

Oh Lord, I'm with Murdoch on being done with Newsomes and Mimico. I wish Rupert and Lucinda had managed to off each other, or at least both ending up in jail. 

Do like Julia getting drunk and trying to change the world with Effie. 

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About last week’s episode. Uhh…wow. If I don’t have to hear from the Newsome clan ever again, I’d be happy with it!

I was just watching A Very Merry Murdoch. Never saw it before, but I must say, I quite liked Ed Asner’s performance as Kris Kringle, as well as Peter Mansbridge’s cameo as the mayor’s aid. Mansbridge has quite the sense of humor on him!

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Season 15, Episode 10 - Drawn In Blood

Another enjoyable episode for me with a novel weapon.  Early on, I was pretty sure who the killer was but enjoyed the twists and turns to find out the motive. 

As I said previously, I am liking Miss Cherry far more this season than previously and I thought she handled her elevated role in this episode well.  Her face as she emptied out her satchel was marvelous - I kind of love her "the world will provide a pen" philosophy.  George's reactions were the icing on the cake (I was so close to writing cherry on the sundae). 

I also enjoyed the continuing Milo-Watts relationship and am a little bit worried about Mrs. Hart with the woman seeking her out (again not sure I would have cared about Mrs. Hart as much in prior seasons - well done show!)


@laredhead - I have not heard anything about when episodes will be available in the U.S. but am interested since I wasn't able to watch some of the early ones this season on CBC when they aired.  Anyone else have any info?

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2 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

@laredhead - I have not heard anything about when episodes will be available in the U.S. but am interested since I wasn't able to watch some of the early ones this season on CBC when they aired.  Anyone else have any info?

If you live in Canada, you can go to CBC Gem to get the latest MM episodes. They usually post right after the new episode has been shown!

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Ep 15.10 - Drawn in Blood

Another great episode! I lost it when William solved the mystery and it went to that little cartoon sequence. I also loved that George wouldn't let Miss Cherry steal the pen at the end.

8 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Her face as she emptied out her satchel was marvelous - I kind of love her "the world will provide a pen" philosophy. 

As a compulsive pen thief, I can 100% relate.

Julia is the best, getting all into being a suspect, wanting to be interrogated and handcuffed. She's such a dork, I love her. 

Watts approaching Brackenreid asking for advice and Brackenreid reluctantly helping was pretty sweet too. But I'm a little confused. Is Watts not over Jack, and that's why he's hesitant to move on to Milo Strange? Or is he really just looking for a friend? I just want Watts to be happy! And for more people to call him Llewelyn.

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EP 15.11 The Night Before Christmas.

Loved this episode. So much fun.

I did not see the twist at all. I loved the secret passages. I always wanted to live in a house with secret passages and rooms. 
Loved the orphans and the puppy. Puppy love!❤️❤️❤️😻

And Julia is pregnant!❤️❤️








Edited by Pepper the Cat
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Ep 15.11 The Night Before Christmas

SUCH a great Christmas episode! I guessed that the servants were in on it right away, but it was fun watching it all go down. Plus, everyone got a chance to be awesome! Even Ruth, who was only moderately annoying 😂.

Yay that Watts got to be part of the episode, even though he wasn't on the couples trip. He and Mrs. Hart worked together really well. I thought Mrs. Hart might adopt the adorable orphans at the end, but it was so sweet she got them presents. Plus, the puppy got home! 

That union suit George wore did not leave much to the imagination 🤣

Add a white noise machine to William's list of inventions 🤣🤣

And I don't care how improbable it is, JULIA'S GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!! 

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Ep 15.11 The Night Before Christmas

9 hours ago, auchic said:

And I don't care how improbable it is, JULIA'S GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!! 

Very improbable (retconned from being impossible back in the early seasons)  but it is wonderful news.  Surely this time all will go well.  I couldn't stand it if anything happens to the baby.

I loved this episode.  A little bit spooky and scary, lots of humour. Loved Effie telling the butler that she and George were "recently wed". I would have loved a house with secret passages too.  Heck, I would have loved just a doll house with secret passages.

I wonder how much the orphanage (with three residents already) will figure into the rest of the season.

We almost didn't need a second storyline but I did enjoy Watts and Mrs. Hart working together with the orphans to find the lost puppy's home.  You can't go wrong with a storyline that includes Christmas, orphans, and puppies!

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Episode 15.11 - The Night Before Christmas

Like everyone else who has posted so far, I really enjoyed this episode.  It was a delightful holiday treat.  I suspected the servants (or at least one was involved) but since I missed part of the exposition related to the timeline of the house given while they were in the sleigh, I didn't really peg them in their exact role until the reveal.  I loved Effie and George working together, Thomas trying to place the accent, Margaret taking charge of the dinner and the pairings that ended up giving chase.  I even chuckled at the tableau. 

I especially loved the Watts/Mrs. Hart story line since I was bummed that they were not on the trip (it was actually my first thought when I saw the preview last week).  I liked Mrs. Hart prodding Watts to action after loosening him up with drink plus kids and a puppy - cute but not cutesy. 

The only bummer is the wait till January for another new episode.  Guess I will have to binge past seasons which is not a hardship at all. 

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21 hours ago, auchic said:

I believe it will this time because Hélène Joy is pregnant in real life!

Well that explains everything! I can't imagine the show's big wigs were thrilled with this news, seeing as this'll screw everything up regarding Julia being a sterile woman who's last attempt at conceiving a child failed. How can they make this baby survive, given how attempts at helping women who are having trouble giving birth successfully are at least 50 years away, and still make it seem somewhat believable?

They can't! This could prove to be a jump the shark moment with this series!

Wasn't that fond of the visit to the mansion by most of the cast. But I did enjoy the other storyline where Miss Hart and Watts help out a threesome of triplets and a puppy on Christmas Eve. I liked seeing this side of Miss Heart helping out the orphans and puppy, and getting Watts to be less Grinchy!

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Well that explains everything! I can't imagine the show's big wigs were thrilled with this news, seeing as this'll screw everything up regarding Julia being a sterile woman who's last attempt at conceiving a child failed. How can they make this baby survive, given how attempts at helping women who are having trouble giving birth successfully are at least 50 years away, and still make it seem somewhat believable?

I knew something bothered me about this and you have articulated exactly why.

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6 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

 How can they make this baby survive, given how attempts at helping women who are having trouble giving birth successfully are at least 50 years away, and still make it seem somewhat believable?

They can't! This could prove to be a jump the shark moment with this series!

I don't know if I'm the best one to comment on this, as I've become a MM fan rather recently and haven't seen every episode.

But Julia clearly has the equipment (so to speak) necessary to have a baby, since she did get pregnant previously with the help of the fertility specialist lady. Yes, that ended in a miscarriage, and yes, it's believed she can't carry a pregnancy to term, but the medical knowledge back then was hardly as extensive as now in diagnosing these things. And even now you hear stories about miracle conceptions, pregnancies that defy the odds, etc. Likely? No. Possible? Sure, why not.

And after fifteen seasons of all sorts of tongue-in-cheek, anachronistic, and down right silly stories, is an improbable pregnancy seriously the moment this show jumps the shark?

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13 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I don't know if I'm the best one to comment on this, as I've become a MM fan rather recently and haven't seen every episode.

But Julia clearly has the equipment (so to speak) necessary to have a baby, since she did get pregnant previously with the help of the fertility specialist lady. Yes, that ended in a miscarriage, and yes, it's believed she can't carry a pregnancy to term, but the medical knowledge back then was hardly as extensive as now in diagnosing these things. And even now you hear stories about miracle conceptions, pregnancies that defy the odds, etc. Likely? No. Possible? Sure, why not.

And after fifteen seasons of all sorts of tongue-in-cheek, anachronistic, and down right silly stories, is an improbable pregnancy seriously the moment this show jumps the shark?

I can accept a lot of things out of this series. Pendrick's revolutionary inventions getting squashed because of some kind of sabotage is one. Many famous or soon to be famous people popping up and getting involved is another. But this?

No matter the storyline, MM has always maintained a high level of respect for the history that the show takes place. Something like this is an attempt to stick ones thumb into the eye of the viewer, and I'm not one that appreciates that. The only way out of that situation would be if Julia has another miscarriage. Otherwise, I'd end up losing a lot of respect for the series going forward. I don't like having my intelligence insulted like that!

A surprise pregnancy at Julia's age is not uncommon as the body shoots out the remaining eggs in a rush before menopause hits and they'rewasted. And we never knew why Julia couldn't get pregnant other than she had had an abortion years ago, whether there was scar tissue or where. So I'm willing to accept this twist as long as it doesn't interfere in the storylines.

And William did have that dream many seasons ago, of him and Julia camping with a son.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

A surprise pregnancy at Julia's age is not uncommon as the body shoots out the remaining eggs in a rush before menopause hits and they'rewasted. And we never knew why Julia couldn't get pregnant other than she had had an abortion years ago, whether there was scar tissue or where. So I'm willing to accept this twist as long as it doesn't interfere in the storylines.

And William did have that dream many seasons ago, of him and Julia camping with a son.

And the time machine. 

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