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S13.E03: The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies Reboot

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Dee, Mac's Mom, Mrs. Kelly, Artemis, and The Waitress all in one episode. Hilarity ensues. God, I was loving this from minute one with Mrs. Mac's antics. The only thing that nearly broke me was all the vomiting. It's like the one thing I can't stand seeing.

This was definitely supposed to be a meta commentary on women-led reboots like Ghostbusters, right? The original episode was fantastic, and I thought this one was pretty good, too.

I was wondering if Frank was stowed away somewhere (because like this show would leave out the rest of the gang), and lo and behold, he was. I should've realized that scene in the trailer with him in the bathroom was from this episode.

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Oh, snap! The Gang went to the Super Bowl!! They didn't watch the game and riot in the streets of Philadelphia, overturning cars and climbing up greased poles. Nope . . . they went to Minneapolis to see the Eagles win their first-ever Super Bowl.

Is it fucked up that was the part of this episode that hyped me the most? I get it . . . lots of studios are doing stuff that are basically "Core Concept, But With Women," and that triggers a lot of people, but not in terms of cynicism. Boggs II is basically a metaphor for that, and it stands on its own as a good episode. But . . . the Gang went to the actual Super Bowl, and they probably caused so much havoc. And they had a run-in with the Waiter/Drink Slave, which only adds to the hype that episode will get. Shit, it might be a two-part finale with most of the tertiary people crammed in that, along with Dennis revealing how he left North Dakota. Also, maybe the Dennis Fuck Doll.

I should've guessed that Mrs. Kelly would "win," and she'd end up on the same baseball field as her boy did, alongside Mrs. Mac. Gail the Snail was an unpleasant surprise. Of course she's be in first class and out-drinking Dee . . .  because the show thrives on the misery of its lead characters, and Gail the Snail is just that much The Worst. Even worse than Waitress getting hammered enough to get horned up and bang Frank in the lavatory. He also bangs Mrs. Kelly,, because of course he does and Mrs. Kelly puts out easily enough.

How did Artemis cause a massive puke fest? I missed that part. I also like how she was more into selling her bullshit stuff. BTW, great timing showing a commercial of The Cool Kids with Artemis in there. Synergy!!

Nice job dropping in Martina into Dee's drunken haze. I wonder if the real deal was asked. And, natch, Boss Hogg returns. That was also funny.

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I was underwhelmed but loved the constant lampshading  thruout the ep. After reading the comments here about the ep possibly being a commentary of "chick remakes", I think I am appreciating it more. Leave it to Frank to hide in the bathroom as an easy way to get banged. I was totally expecting Dennis to be the person in first class who tried to ruin everything, possibly wearing a ridiculous disguise. Sorry to say, I didn't recognise Drink Slave, but I assume he was in the ep with her using an expired Groupon deal. I didn't catch whar Artimis said was in her bogus cleansing drink, but damn that was funny! Hey, she's going to be in another show on Fox! 

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I was wondering though, how an all female flight works. That would have to be private charter wouldn't it?  I can't see an airline restricting allowed passengers that way.  Or maybe they do?  I actually know very little about commercial flights. 


I love the line where Mac's mom said something like "Why are all the coloreds sitting with the whites and not in the back of the plane?"  Then Dee's reaction to this insane out of touch racist statement was just surprise that she was talking so much.   Seriously, has that character ever before said a sentence with more than 3 words?

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I just accepted the concept of an "all female" flight (even tho it would be in grave danger of crashing ?), but thought it might have been a cynical promotion for suckers attending the march in California (which I assumed was a fictional event for the story), much like Artimis's New Age merchandise. I sppse it could have a private chartered flight, but who would know Dee and want her to join them? ? 


OK, that was pretty funny when Charlie's mother started freaking out  after hearing the crew would be all females.

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I loved this ep, even more than the original version. I was skeptical at first, since I think Ep 1 of this season was awkward and weak without Dennis, but having all the oddball female characters together totally worked for me. Didn't even feel the guys' brief appearance was needed - the Facetime thing was meh, and not sure Frank's appearance was necessary (though I did enjoy his shirt). I actually thought The Waitress was going to try banging a woman (or two to beat Dennis' record) with one of Artemis' crystals.

Loved the reappearance of the Gugino's waiter, and that Charlie's mom won it - keeping it in the family!

And while on the gross-out train, I laughed my ass off when everyone started puking. I thought it might be less funny on a second watch, but I was still doubled over. (But then I also find hilarious the scene in SP's Earth Gets Cancelled when Cartman keeps farting on Kyle. "Okay, okay, it's funny again. Hehehe!" I'm a 10-year-old boy at heart )

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I liked The Waitress better when she was more the "straight man" contrasted to the cruelty and stupidity of The Gang.  I don't like that they've dragged that character down into the sewer with the rest of them.

Dee's seething disrespect for the flight attendant dude was funny.  The pukefest at the end was very much not funny.

I like that Bonnie Kelly is like this perfect encapsulation of the opposite of everything feminism is about, but she was on a plane to this big feminist rally.  She distrusts women, distrusts their competency to do anything that is not in the service of men, distrusts women's ability to function without men, and is utterly helpless without a man.  She was so terrified of the fact that both pilots were women, and was sure that would result in a fatal crash.  A male character who was this misogynistic would not be as funny (although it would work in this show), but Bonnie's crippling self hatred is comic gold.

Edited by Ray Adverb
Added some more stuff. Didn't feel like making a new post.
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I definitely liked the episode, probably a bit more than the previous two. I felt like everyone was more in character and recognisable to me (ironic considering this episodes was just Dee and a bunch of side characters). I loved how Artemis's gross out humour comment came back at the end, I thought that was hiliarious and gross. Downward spiral Waitress is my favourite waitress, and I adore Artemis. I thought it hit the nail on the head in terms of deconstructing the typical 'female reboot' without being preachy. 

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My favorite episode of the season so far, although that's not the highest of bars. Great how the selection of characters enabled them with so many different ways to be awful.

8 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Isn't that the fate of anyone who meets The Gang?

Yeah that's my favorite thing about them, how they corrupt everyone else. I used to hope we'd get Bruce again so they could thoroughly ruin a previously good man. But given what we've since learned about Stephen Collins' real life, it's probably better to not use him.

Edited by Amarsir
9 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

not sure Frank's appearance was necessary

But it was because it was part of the meta commentary to have someone cameo from the original.

9 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

I liked The Waitress better when she was more the "straight man" contrasted to the cruelty and stupidity of The Gang. 

She's always been a raging alcoholic though; so this wasn't OOC. I was actually disappointed she crashed so hard. I did love how she tried to make out with Dee. I love her haircut. She and Artemis' flower and makeup were just gorgeous. 

9 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

The pukefest at the end was very much not funny.

I don't think it was meant to be. Artemis called out what she was doing at the start of the episode as part of her meta commentary (which I loved because I love everything she does.) 

I was disappointed in the lack of Dee in the last episode, so I was glad this was mostly all her here. 

8 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Isn't that the fate of anyone who meets The Gang?

Does Artemis though? She's always kind of there but seems to be ok. She made $300 on the flight, and never really got dragged into Dee's plot. She did bang Frank, but she seemed to be in control of herself the whole time, and she helped Charlie with the musical!

The whole "pussy horse" or "race the pussy" whatever it was joke killed me. 

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Artemis has always been presented as a character that was, from moment one, insulated from The Gang. I dont know if “insulated” is the word I want. But she’s always been a separate type of crazy. Much like the McPoyles. She’s bleaching her asshole and selling crystals and just dropping in with The Gang now and then. 

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1 minute ago, ganesh said:

Dee certainly wasn't too happy with her running commentary on the plane. 

I think that's what is always so great when Dee tries to go off on her own and do her own thing.  She has no control with the guys, and she picks other train wreck women that she also has no control over, like in Who Pooped The Bed?  She just wants her own thing, but she's so dysfunctional on her own that she's never going to get what she wants, and it is amazing.

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