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TDS 3.0: Season Four Talk

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A new calendar year, and still more face time for Kosta. Ugh!

Quite a segment regarding R Kelly. Great music, but a piece of shit. Roy really nailed him.

Malala has been a fascinating woman throughout her life. The fact that she's grown more in her role as a spokesperson for women's rights worldwide is even more impressive.

Good thing I stay up to watch through to the MoZ. What are they showing on CC that allows TDS to go past the 30 minute mark.

Hey, MoZ made it on the end of my DVR! And it’s the American Water Ghost being her lovely self! 🙄 Honestly, if you walked into a room and saw her scuttling on the ceiling, would you be shocked?

Thinking of @Victor the Crab watching Michael Kosta. The field piece was good, though . . . Switzerland has guns and uses them recreationally, and it’s not cause from alarm. I know Kosta was playing Ugly American, but I’d be jumping from the gunfire as well.

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I know it was probably scripted but the part with the kids trash talking Kosta was hilarious. 

I put Kosta in the same category that I put Jason Jones and Jordan Klepper back in the day.  I really didn't care for the clueless entitled white frat-boy schtick.  I realize they were playing a character, but since I have dealt with that character in real life for nigh unto, well, let's just say quite a few decades, I don't find the character funny even when I know that the bit is intended to mock the character.  But all three of them have done some amazingly good field pieces, and Kosta's examination of Swiss gun culture is an example of that.   

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Yeah, it looked to me like they didn't have a second segment prepared, or something happened, so they just put up an extended "between the scenes" segment.   Which I didn't mind.  I usually enjoy those segments when they are posted on the web, and it was interesting to hear Trevor's take on having his eyes opened a bit by a discussion on the web.  It's almost as if interweb discussions could be a vehicle for good, rather than just serving as an intellectual septic tank.

ETA:  Aaannnnd immediately after hitting the send button on the "intellectual septic tank" remark, it occurred to me that I'm posting on an interweb discussion board.   So, present company excluded, of course.  Y'all know I mean those OTHER people on OTHER discussion groups right?

Edited by Hooper
trying to extract myself from an intellectual septic tank of my own making
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Hey, the show got expanded by five minutes! I think you still need the DVR cushion, though.

Once again, the president embarrasses. Having Derek Waters (one T? Two?) doing a mini-Drunk History with the president’s incoherent talk of President Lincoln (followed by fawning over  Gen. Grant), using the correspondents to play that out was brilliant.

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I hadn't heard that Lincoln "lesson" from Trump before. Yikes. It was worse than a 3rd grader's history report.

Trevor's impressions of Trump always crack me up. And I loved when he ran around the studio yelling "AWWWWWWWWWW!" after the oh-snap joke. 

For some reason I had taken Drunk History off my recording list. I think some of the episodes from last season just hadn't impressed me much. But after seeing this episode (and some commercials) I put it back on. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Football to the groin is always comedy gold. 

I don't know why Trevor and others say "running against Trump in 2020." There's no guarantee he finishes the term, and if he does, I'm not sure he makes it out of the primary.

Does Trevor not know how Drunk History works? He seemed to think the actors were drunk too and not just the narrator. 

No offense to Derek, and he just might have been tired from putting together the skit, but that wasn't a particularly insightful interview. 

I thought the cast did a good job in the skit. I always like when Trump says the "not many people know". No, we all did. 

Between the "EGG WHITE POWER" gag and the "that's what you said about my birth certificate" rebuttal to Obama not being able to disguise himself as Julian Castro, I was wondering if Trevor was auditioning to replace Amber on the "Jokes Seth Can't Tell" segment of a totally different late night comedy show. 

I haven't watched the full version of the interview online, but if the part they broadcast was the best of the interview, that was a real snooze.  To be fair though, most guests don't have to write and act in a fairly long second segment (which I thought was terrific), and then be all perky and insightful for the interview as well. 

I like watching Drunk History. And I thought the Drumpf History bit was quite clever - I mean, how can you listen to this orange oaf and not think he's on some sort of substance. I just wish Derek Waters didn't reveal to us how the sausage was made. How can someone remain drunk for eight hours straight? I can't! (Lord knows I've tried)

I'd like to know when they're going to create Drunk History Canada for us hosers. They made a show for Brits, why not us? We're great at comedy (naturally), we cherish our history, and we love us some drinky drinks. We have our own beer, we created Canadian whisky, and we created our own cocktail, the Ceaser - made with Clamato juice, vodka and lotsa spices. If they can make Iron Chef Canada, then they can make Drunk History Canada.

  • Love 2

The episodes of the British version I saw were unwatchable. I think the problem was that the narrators narrated too much instead of making up dialogue that the actors could mouth.

But I would watch Drunk Canadian History, eh? The Tim Horton*'s episode could be epic. And the Richard riot. And the various attempted invasions by the US in the 19th century and Canada kicking ass in 1812, etc. Isn't there something about a Christmas tree sent to the US every year? And they could spend an episode on the fantastic people of Gander. 

I remember what a shock it was when Tim died--he was on the Sabres at the time and they were my home team (although my heart belonged to Montreal)--and then seeing how the donut shop took off and seemed like they were on every corner overnight.

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, ABay said:

The episodes of the British version I saw were unwatchable. I think the problem was that the narrators narrated too much instead of making up dialogue that the actors could mouth.

That's a really key skill. The Trump skit was funny, but it was hard for the actors to talk much because Trump can't actually speak. That would be a great skit with the right narrator. Grant was a drunk and finished bottom of the class at West Point, so it's a compelling story. 

On 1/15/2019 at 11:52 AM, Hooper said:

 I haven't watched the full version of the interview online, but if the part they broadcast was the best of the interview, that was a real snooze.  To be fair though, most guests don't have to write and act in a fairly long second segment (which I thought was terrific), and then be all perky and insightful for the interview as well. 


On 1/15/2019 at 12:33 PM, ganesh said:

I watched the online broadcast, and there wasn't much to the interview. I don't know if maybe Trevor wasn't too clear on the show and wasn't able to form questions accordingly. 

I would think the most likely explanation is that there was a lot of pressure from his bosses at the network network to hit certain points and promote the show, and that's not really something Trevor is comfortable with or enthusiastic about possibly combined with Derek being a better writer than an interview subject.

4 hours ago, ABay said:

But I would watch Drunk Canadian History, eh? The Tim Horton*'s episode could be epic. And the Richard riot. And the various attempted invasions by the US in the 19th century and Canada kicking ass in 1812, etc. Isn't there something about a Christmas tree sent to the US every year? And they could spend an episode on the fantastic people of Gander.

How about the Avro Arrow? Or the Great Canadian Flag Debate of the early 1960s? THAT would be worthy of a Drunk History episode.

About last night's episode. I think Trevor missed a golden opportunity regarding Drumpf and the fast food burgers he served to the Clemson players. He could have suggested that it was all a ploy on Drumpf's part to save all the leftover burgers for himself, then have them in his bedroom so he could say, with the style of voice Trevor uses to mock Drumpf, "AT LAST, YOU'RE MINE! ALLLLL MIIIIIINE!!! (NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM!)"

  • Love 3

Hee! Any excuse for NOM-NOM-NOM from Trevor.

There were a few lines from last night that I really liked. One was that the Pentagon was downgraded to a square (w/graphic). Also, "Trump loves Wall Street. He thinks that's where you buy a wall." And the stage instructions on Trump's State of the Union address: "finger gun, bouncy ball finger gun, draw the blinds, bring it home with the accordian."

  • Love 4

Yo Trev. We Canadians may be friendly, but if Drumpf ever considered the possibility of making us pay for his border wall, we'd haul him off to Ottawa in the dead of winter, strip him down to his skivvies, tie his limbs up to a hockey net parked on a frozen Rideau Canal, and take turns firing slapshots at his wide ass body.

Loved all the different freaky facial expressions of Giuliani on the MoZ. He is truly a bizarre individual in the nicest way possible.

  • Love 6

The commentary on Buzzfeed is a little disingenuous. They didn't actually just make up whatever. 

And give me a break, adults in charge. You let a bunch of kids wear Maga hats. What did you think was going to happen? They got yelled at by a bunch of people who don't like racism while you were on your way to the "pro life" march. No, with playing the victim.

And so what if the guy walked to to him? That's not a smile. The guy showed exactly who this kid was. 

This may be the first time they went viral, but it's certainly not the first time they behaved like this. 

Edited by ganesh
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Trevor did a between the scenes segment on the issue too. He was kind of like "teenagers are going to be teenagers" but I don't think that flies. If they didn't possess the self-awareness of all of them wearing maga hats would do in a public environment, then they shouldn't be allowed go go on a field trip. Of course, the root problem is the adults. They allowed it. 

Yes, the Black Israelites (or whatever they're called) were harassing the teenagers, but the teenagers were mocking the Native American elder. They weren't "dancing along" to the song. They were doing tomahawk chops and making fun of the drumming and singing. I believe the main teenage boy said in his PR statement that the elder walked right up to him, right to his face. Well, the elder has said that he was trying to make his way up the steps but the boys were blocking his way. In his culture people step aside to let their elders pass.

One thing I will say is that this incident shows how different people (meaning the participants) can view the same experience differently. I'll take the boy at his word that he thought the elder stood there to confront him and was trying to stare him down. The boys didn't know the elder was trying to diffuse the situation. However, they were completely disrespectful.

Although I try not to visualize it too much, I did like Trevor miming Trump jacking off.

I'll have to watch I Am the Night. That looks interesting.

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I, like Trevor, also never heard Robert Mueller speak. But it was funny of Trevor to try and attempt what he sounds like with different voices and accents. But I beg him PLEASE don't bring in Gilbert Gottfried to do a voice over for Mueller. That should be reserved for those deserving of mocking, like Jared Kushner.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I'll take the boy at his word that he thought the elder stood there to confront him and was trying to stare him down. The boys didn't know the elder was trying to diffuse the situation. However, they were completely disrespectful.

Let's pretend that's the truth. You just stand there? The kid wasn't like, "uh, what's he doing? Let me get out of the way here." There wasn't any looking around to anyone 'what should I do?' He was acting like he was at a weigh in for a boxing match (or mma). 

This was just weird flag to plant on the media 'rush to report' issue. When you're at the point where one of the kids is ripping off his shirt so they can 'do their chant.' Come on. 

  • Love 2

Trevor isn't being totally above board with Buzzfeed. The Meuller team said 'parts were inaccurate'. Buzzfeed released all the documents they had on the story. I'm not aware of them retracting the entire article. Could they have made an error? Yes. But I don't think this is the tabloid sensationalism it's being made out to be. 

While the non call on pass interference was nothing short of egregious, it didn't 'cost the Saints a trip to the superbowl' as the video said. They still had another play after that. *Then* they had the ball first in OT and kept taking shots down the field leading to an INT. THEN they couldn't get a stop on the Rams. 

I don't think you should review anything because it's ruining the game, but hey, don't let the game come down to the refs. Play better. 

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