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Criminal Minds In The Media: Media Liaison

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I personally find this whole situation dumb, anyways.  Instead of paying actors their worth, they force them to work below wage or walk.  And if they walk - or get released - they fill the vacancy with someone else [who still has to get paid, even if less than previous actor].  Real cost-saving efficiency, geniuses.

This isn't GoT or a similar type of show, frequent cast changeover isn't going to help build or maintain what fanbase is left.  Do what it takes {within reason} to maintain status quo in the core cast and keep soldiering on.  Shouldn't take a rocket scientist brain surgeon to follow that plan.

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7 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I personally find this whole situation dumb, anyways.  Instead of paying actors their worth, they force them to work below wage or walk.  And if they walk - or get released - they fill the vacancy with someone else [who still has to get paid, even if less than previous actor].  Real cost-saving efficiency, geniuses.

It's not morally right, I would agree, but from a business standpoint, it makes perfect sense. Why pay someone their "due" if you can find a cheaper performer who can play the same role?

I think the thing that gets me about this situation is that you can't really argue that JJ and Garcia haven't been as integral to the cast as Reid or Luke have been (at least I can't make that argument). This show is supposed to be designed so that the team shares the spotlight equally- to a certain extent- so not paying everyone equally just doesn't make sense, especially when they have stuck on with the show for so long.

Edited by Danielg342
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I started leaving regular feedback with CBS way back when they first made JJ into someone unrecognizable. I left very, very  lengthy feedback after memorable episodes like the execrable 200 and the magnificent Mr Scratch. I'm not at all sure that they take too much notice of fan feedback - the only real evidence has been how they have managed to rein back JJ and make her likeable again.

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29 minutes ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

They should know what the majority of fans are going to say. Bring back Aaron Hotchner. 


I actually sent them a detailed feedback a couple of weeks ago (right after Red Light aired) but this time was much simpler. Three words:

Matthew Gray Gubler.



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2 minutes ago, ReidFan said:


I actually sent them a detailed feedback a couple of weeks ago (right after Red Light aired) but this time was much simpler. Three words:

Matthew Gray Gubler.



I'd support him being fired too ;)

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1 hour ago, ReidFan said:


I actually sent them a detailed feedback a couple of weeks ago (right after Red Light aired) but this time was much simpler. Three words:

Matthew Gray Gubler.



I would be even more succinct, and bring it down to two words:  Spencer Reid.  

If MGG was bringing anyone other than Spencer Reid to life, I don't know that I would be watching.  For me, Spencer is, and has been, the most intriguing and engaging character on television in forever.

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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:


I actually sent them a detailed feedback a couple of weeks ago (right after Red Light aired) but this time was much simpler. Three words:

Matthew Gray Gubler.



They need to use him more. He's a very talented actor. Red Light proved it. Give him some meatier stuff to work with. And I want Hotch back. 

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That's an interesting way of going about things - asking for fan feedback and advertising on Twitter. I would think the feedback would be rather similar to the comments that are on Twitter after every episode.

They will also probably get a lot of "bring Hotch back" ridiculousness that will drown out legitimately helpful comments.

Of course, with something like this you always run the risk of the squeaky wheel getting oiled.

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Oh, and bring it back to Criminal MINDS. You know, intelligence and well-written. Not "twelve year old girl and soap opera fantasy. Which means cut down the action scenes and no more of this Charlie's Angels bullcrap. " And it's not the Unsub Show.  Lay off of the new characters and quit screwing over the old ones. Which means Rossi, Reid, JJ, and Garcia. 

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1 hour ago, secnarf said:

That's an interesting way of going about things - asking for fan feedback and advertising on Twitter. I would think the feedback would be rather similar to the comments that are on Twitter after every episode.

They will also probably get a lot of "bring Hotch back" ridiculousness that will drown out legitimately helpful comments.

Of course, with something like this you always run the risk of the squeaky wheel getting oiled.

"Ridiculousness"...interesting opinion. So in your view, those people, of which there are AlOT, their opinion and feedback is 'ridiculous'?.  Nice. I suppose it must suck that a season later and despite the best efforts of so many, the character and actor are still so badly missed, across the fandom.  The fandom which exists beyond forums. 

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7 minutes ago, PMPA said:

"Ridiculousness"...interesting opinion. So in your view, those people, of which there are AlOT, their opinion and feedback is 'ridiculous'?.  Nice. I suppose it must suck that a season later and despite the best efforts of so many, the character and actor are still so badly missed, across the fandom.  The fandom which exists beyond forums. 

Yes, it is my opinion that sending feedback demanding that Hotch return is ridiculous.

It's not like he was written out as a creative decision (or an economic decision) that the writers or showrunners made. If it was up to them, and if not for the events leading up to his departure, he would still be there. Missing Hotch and wanting the character to be remembered rather than avoided are different than demanding he return. It's entirely out of the show's control that TG isn't there, so yes, I think sending them feedback demanding that he return is ridiculous. I also don't see the point in filling out a feedback form simply saying that you miss Hotch, since again, it's out of their control, but I suppose it depends how that is phrased.

Actual constructive feedback about how Hotch's departure has been dealt with is something that actually is within the writers'/showrunner's control and so is not what I would categorize as ridiculous.

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18 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Yes, it is my opinion that sending feedback demanding that Hotch return is ridiculous.

It's not like he was written out as a creative decision (or an economic decision) that the writers or showrunners made. If it was up to them, and if not for the events leading up to his departure, he would still be there. Missing Hotch and wanting the character to be remembered rather than avoided are different than demanding he return. It's entirely out of the show's control that TG isn't there, so yes, I think sending them feedback demanding that he return is ridiculous. I also don't see the point in filling out a feedback form simply saying that you miss Hotch, since again, it's out of their control, but I suppose it depends how that is phrased.

Actual constructive feedback about how Hotch's departure has been dealt with is something that actually is within the writers'/showrunner's control and so is not what I would categorize as ridiculous.

Then they need to honor Hotch and give him the respect he is DUE. If Gideon can get a whole tribute episode despite MP's actions, then Hotch should get one too. Funny how they don't want us to forget about Gideon and Morgan, but they want us to forget about Hotch despite being the Unit Chief for 11 years. 

And yes, I do want him back. 

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I haven't read anything that makes it seem likely Hotch will return, but I do think the writers have had plenty of time to come up with a proper tribute for the character. 

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1 hour ago, secnarf said:

Yes, it is my opinion that sending feedback demanding that Hotch return is ridiculous.

It's not like he was written out as a creative decision (or an economic decision) that the writers or showrunners made. If it was up to them, and if not for the events leading up to his departure, he would still be there. Missing Hotch and wanting the character to be remembered rather than avoided are different than demanding he return. It's entirely out of the show's control that TG isn't there, so yes, I think sending them feedback demanding that he return is ridiculous. I also don't see the point in filling out a feedback form simply saying that you miss Hotch, since again, it's out of their control, but I suppose it depends how that is phrased.

Actual constructive feedback about how Hotch's departure has been dealt with is something that actually is within the writers'/showrunner's control and so is not what I would categorize as ridiculous.

Except they are not the ones asking for our feedback but rather the network itself. And yes no doubt they are bound to receive feedback regarding both Morgan and Hotch. In which they will deal with it in 1 or 2 ways. CBS either ignores it or in some cases they may attempt to reason with some of them as to why what they are asking for is just not possible.

However the network is also bound to receive feedback from fans who, although they may miss Hotch and/or Morgan, realize it is a done deal, and therefore  they are likely to send feedback regarding other things. Such as the need for there being some vast improvement when it comes to the over all writing of this show.

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Not sure why everyone is acting like this is a 'new' thing. They've always had this. Or sorry, not 'always', but for at least the last... 5 or so years? 

I guess they just started advertising it.

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I get people like Hotch but can you imagine asking this writing team to prepare a fitting tribute? He was fired for attacking one of the writers, whatever your views on it asking the colleagues of the man attacked  to give him some glowing tribute is disrespectful at best. 

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of the TG situation I find it astonishing that some people actually still seem to confuse the character with the actor. The character at least deserves recognition within the context of the show.

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9 minutes ago, AutisticSpoonie said:

I get people like Hotch but can you imagine asking this writing team to prepare a fitting tribute? He was fired for attacking one of the writers, whatever your views on it asking the colleagues of the man attacked  to give him some glowing tribute is disrespectful at best. 

I think you might have confused him with someone else.  Aaron Hotchner is a character in a TV show. His only interaction with television writers is that he depends on them to bring him to life.  

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13 hours ago, Willowy said:

Not sure why everyone is acting like this is a 'new' thing. They've always had this. Or sorry, not 'always', but for at least the last... 5 or so years? 

I guess they just started advertising it.

Well yes it is true that this is nothing new. But Tari what makes it different is that they now appear to be trying to solicit feedback from the CM fandom in addition to what they are already getting on social media. And the reason I feel that it's this, rather than a case of them merely advertising,is because I checked the twitter accounts of all the other CBS dramas and none of them appeared to have been asking for feedback. So as far as CBS' dramas go this seems to be something that is exclusive to CM. Now I did not check any of their FB pages, but it stand to reason that if there was nothing about it on their twitter accounts then it is likely there wasn't anything on their FB pages either. 

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I'm guessing they're going to realize what a terrible idea this is in about 5 minutes. The haters are going to have a field day, spamming away. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but that's kind of rare in this fandom. Some viewers would rather sneer and scream.

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44 minutes ago, Willowy said:

I'm guessing they're going to realize what a terrible idea this is in about 5 minutes. The haters are going to have a field day, spamming away. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but that's kind of rare in this fandom. Some viewers would rather sneer and scream.

But would not this give a chance for those who do have some constructive criticism, whose voices are often drowned out on social media, more of a chance of being heard.

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10 hours ago, AutisticSpoonie said:

I get people like Hotch but can you imagine asking this writing team to prepare a fitting tribute? He was fired for attacking one of the writers, whatever your views on it asking the colleagues of the man attacked  to give him some glowing tribute is disrespectful at best. 

As others have stated, Hotch didn't do anything wrong. It is my opinion that asking the writers to treat a character with respect and have other characters deal with his departure in a realistic way is simply asking them to do their jobs. Hotch was never my favourite character (though I don't have anything against him) and I haven't really missed him, and I'm okay with them not mentioning him again, but it's not really realistic and I do think the character deserves more of a tribute than he got. If the writers cannot put aside their feelings about an actor in order to write appropriately for a character (or group of characters), then they do not deserve their job.

2 hours ago, MMC said:

But would not this give a chance for those who do have some constructive criticism, whose voices are often drowned out on social media, more of a chance of being heard.

My concern is that constructive criticism will be drowned out in the feedback form as well. After all, they advertised it on Twitter, so they're going to attract the same people.

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Yes MMC, secnarf's fear is mine, too.

Or they'll use it as an excuse to stop listening to fans altogether. Like "Hey, we tried, and all you guys did was throw shit."

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But if we let this prevent us from sending any sort of constructive criticism are we not in fact helping the haters to be able to drown us out much the same way they already drown us out on social media.

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MMC, there probably is no downside to posting. I did. If these folks don't use what the saner of us pose, it's either because: 1) they don't recognize well thought-out opinion; or 2) they want the yell of opinion no matter what it says, sane or no. If the latter, they just want to serve the mob. If the former, they want to discern, and will suss the constructive from the masturbative, and it will be helpful, possibly.

Saying nothing = not heard

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How they can possibly justify paying Cook (at least) less than Gubler is mystifying. She's been around as long and does around the same amount of work. Her character is at least as popular. There's clearly no reason for this except the obvious one.

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8 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

Yup. As the great Harry Neale once said, "you miss 100% of the chances you don't take".

way OT, but

Harry Neale borrowed that from Wayne Gretzky :)

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CTV in Canada released its broadcast schedule and it continues to own the Canadian rights to both CM and Designated Survivor.

Last year, this wasn't a problem- CM was at 9, DS at 10- but this upcoming season, with CBS moving CM to 10PM (and ABC not moving DS), CTV has decided to put CM at 8PM on Wednesday.

So I'm wondering if us in Canada will get to watch the new episode two hours before the U.S., like we did a few seasons ago (I believe up until S9 CM aired the day before), or if the new CM episode will air a week after it does in the U.S. I haven't been able to find that info myself, so anyone knows, feel free to share.

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CTV is airing at 8 pm the same episode that CBS will be airing at 10 pm (I saw this on their news yesterday so I downloaded their programming schedule  and then fired off an email to a friend who works at CTV)

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