formerlyfreedom May 17, 2014 Share May 17, 2014 As crews prepare to head to the Bairdi grounds, a mayday call from a sinking ship prompts a dramatic at-sea rescue. On the Cape Caution, Bill's greenhorn is looking for a way out, while Edgar on the Northwestern takes a big risk at his first time as captain. Link to comment
Soopertater May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I finally discovered why some fishermen(women) refer to bairdi as Tanner, etc. Tanner crab are referred to scientifically as chionoecetes bairdi Snow crab are referred to scientifically as chionoecetes opilio Another species (Grooved crab) are chionoecetes tanneri Learn something new every day. Link to comment
merylinkid May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 (edited) Letters to the Deadliest Catch Crew: Dear Sig: I love you to death but stop micromanaging your brother. He is not going to see things through your eyes because he is not you. Accept this fact. Let him make his own mistakes just like you once made your own mistakes. Dear Elliott: If you don't pay your child support, you probably should not be on national tv where it is pretty easy to figure out how much money you are making. And no you are not a badass because you refused to roll down your window to accept the papers. You are just a douche. Even the crab know you are a douche and stay far away from you. But, good job on rescuing those guys. Dear Greenhorn on the Cape Caution: What. The. Fuck? You have a warrant out for your arrest so you have to get off the boat? Really? And yes everyone laughed at you when Captain Bill called to check your story. Dear Junior: At this rate, the only way you will be a legend on the Bering Sea is as a cautionary tale of killing yourself through overwork. You have a relief captain. Use him to fish baridi while you go get your back fixed. Your health is more important than your quota. Yes it is. Really. Plus we didn't need to see you puking from pain. Edited May 21, 2014 by merylinkid 11 Link to comment
Soopertater May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Can't disagree with anything said above. My sentiments. 1 Link to comment
BusyOctober May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I have disliked Elliott since he showed up, but I'm wondering if he really owes that much in back child support or is his ex trying to increase what she gets based on any changes in his financial situation? I don't know how child support orders work other than the court tells you what to pay and the custodial parent can ask for more if the ex's income increases. If that little self-important shit truly owes his kids the money, he is stupider than I ever thought. Everyone in Alaska knows you, your ferret face and your boat (as an aside- at least he's stopped mentioning every Goddamned time his mug is on camera how he's a boat owner, youngest boat owner who ever sailed the seas, he's a captain who owns his own boat- ad nauseum). Trying to run from a State Trooper on a small island??? Stop professing your love for your kids if you aren't providing for them. Man up, go to court and get it settled. Unless he has been abusive or is currently doing drugs, most courts will arrange visitation if he really wants to see the kids so badly. Pay for a good attorney, get off the cell phone for 10 solid minutes and focus on your family. And that's the other thing (among 8 million) that bug me about Elliott. On past episodes this season he's talking about how he can't wait to go see his kids and his "wife". Last week he said how he loves Val, can't wait to see her blah blah blah. Dude, she's just not that into you! Especially if you are short changing her children every month. So in your mind you may have a "wife" and kids sitting by the fire waiting to welcome you home, but I don't think it exists. 2 Link to comment
merylinkid May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Stop professing your love for your kids if you aren't providing for them. preach it. I have actually said this in court before. I absolutely hate dads that claim they will do anything for their kids but aren't paying child support when they have the money to do so. 2 Link to comment
Neurochick May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I don't get why Elliot didn't go see his kids anyway, just because he got served. He got on the phone with one of his children and told them that it was because of their mother that he wasn't coming to see them. I didn't like that at all. Now, I have known some women who ask for child support and spend it on themselves, even if they have another boyfriend taking care of them and giving them money; but I don't know what this case it. Elliot should have just rolled down the window and said, "okay, got to get a lawyer," case closed. That said, I also don't get some of these wives. They marry fishermen and then get pissed off because they're gone all the time. I'm like, "honey, then don't marry a fisherman, he's not going to change for you." 2 Link to comment
Curious5 May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I admit that I have watched every season and perhaps for me The deadliest Catch has run its course. I had not watched from the beginning this year. Last night was slow so I caught up on episodes 3 and 4 and watched the current 5. Maybe I'm just burnt out but it seemed most of it was the same old, same old. No sleep, no crabs, oh - crabs! The Junior deal with pain was stupid. The problem is no one can see pain or prove it. Seemed like a lot of whining going on. This is the guy who lies and backstabs other captains he supposedly made deals with last year. Now we are suppose to care about him? Keith has been a jerk with an anger problem - for years. He would backstab anyone and has over the years on the show. I do like Mouse but for God's sake - stand up and punch Keith out. This is once again an old old plot line. Elliot is a jerk, always has been and I feel no compassion for him. Wild Bill? Just been ripping your son for years and mocking him - can't be such a fat ass and make me believe you have ever done a hard day's work in the last ten years. Ever heard of Weight Watchers? Don't have a clue why Jake is back on the Northwestern but he's another idiot that could leave tomorrow. Guess he could cry again this year and the viewers will feel bad for this boy man. Sorry - maybe I should have had breakfast before getting online.... I do like Sig and the crew but they can't carry a whole season. Sorry but there just isn't enough plot to hold this pass this season. Link to comment
terrymct May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 (edited) I have disliked Elliott since he showed up, but I'm wondering if he really owes that much in back child support or is his ex trying to increase what she gets based on any changes in his financial situation? I don't know how child support orders work other than the court tells you what to pay and the custodial parent can ask for more if the ex's income increases. If that little self-important shit truly owes his kids the money, he is stupider than I ever thought. Everyone in Alaska knows you, your ferret face and your boat (as an aside- at least he's stopped mentioning every Goddamned time his mug is on camera how he's a boat owner, youngest boat owner who ever sailed the seas, he's a captain who owns his own boat- ad nauseum). Trying to run from a State Trooper on a small island??? Stop professing your love for your kids if you aren't providing for them. Man up, go to court and get it settled. Unless he has been abusive or is currently doing drugs, most courts will arrange visitation if he really wants to see the kids so badly. Pay for a good attorney, get off the cell phone for 10 solid minutes and focus on your family. Did you catch the little part where he was on the phone with one of his kids talking about trick or treating? He told the child that he wants to be there with her (I think it was his daughter, not sure, though) but that Mommy won't let him. Yeah, that's classy right there and a completely healthy way to raise your kids. That said, I also don't get some of these wives. They marry fishermen and then get pissed off because they're gone all the time. I'm like, "honey, then don't marry a fisherman, he's not going to change for you." This isn't really about his going fishing to earn a living. It's about Elliott screwing around with another woman and not taking care of his children. Edited May 21, 2014 by terrymct 3 Link to comment
Neurochick May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 That said, I also don't get some of these wives. They marry fishermen and then get pissed off because they're gone all the time. I'm like, "honey, then don't marry a fisherman, he's not going to change for you." I wasn't talking about Elliot when I mentioned above, I was speaking just in general. I thought both Elliot and Val were, at one point, seeing other people. I remember Elliot talking to Val and saying something to the effect that she was going with one of his friends. I think both of them leave a lot to be desired. Elliot's the douche but Val picked him. Link to comment
walnutqueen May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 I am tired of Elliot's nasal whingeing about everything, and his douchy disposition. The rescue was good, but I dislike him enough to wonder if he would've been so quick to respond if they weren't his buddies (and the cameras hadn't been aboard). I know, that is the worst thing to think of a fisherman, but Elliot doesn't strike me as much of a fisherman, since he hates every minute he spends out crabbing. Junior can take his whiny ass away from me, too. Herniated discs hurt. I get that. Shut up and deal. (This is coming from a person who popped 2 vicodin and an oxy at 4 am just to be able to shower and get to a job that exacerbated my herniated neck discs and shoulder/arm/elbow & wrist injuries; the guys I worked with never heard me moan & groan). Meh, I just don't like the guy, either. Like Curious5, I should've had some brunch before posting. :-) 1 Link to comment
Soopertater May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 Elliott should not so be afraid of law enforcement--he's pretty used to dealing with them. 2012--Neese has a TRO against him in Homer for threatening his baby mama Valerie Gunderson. She alleges that he even called her mother and screamed, "If I can't have her, no one can!" 2011--Neese arrested in Homer for violating a previous TRO. 2011--Boarded by ADFG during blue crab offload, cited for undersize crab. over 5% of his total offload was confiscated. I believe the final monetary penalty was $9000. A local TV report interviewed one inspector who said it was the most undersized crab he had ever seen. 2010--Arrested for breaking into Valerie's residence and destoying furniture and other things. 2006--Arrested for assaulting Valerie (he would have been 24 years at the time). 3 Link to comment
gryphon May 21, 2014 Share May 21, 2014 (edited) Did you catch the little part where he was on the phone with one of his kids talking about trick or treating? He told the child that he wants to be there with her (I think it was his daughter, not sure, though) but that Mommy won't let him. Yeah, that's classy right there and a completely healthy way to raise your kids. Indeed. This struck me as very manipulative. But pretty typical for him. If he's not paying to support the kids, his claim that "he would do anything for his kids" does not ring true. Get off the boat and heal, Jr. He may have been puking from both the pain and the pain killers--some of those can bring on nasty nausea too. This episode frustrated me--the only thing that cheered me up was Edgar. And Mac saying, "If this pot is full of crab, I'm going to spend all this money foolishly." hee. Edited May 21, 2014 by gryphon 3 Link to comment
walnutqueen May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 And Mac saying, "If this pot is full of crab, I'm going to spend all this money foolishly." hee. If memory serves me correctly, a fisherman and his money are easily parted. ;-) Link to comment
terrymct May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 Elliott should not so be afraid of law enforcement--he's pretty used to dealing with them. 2012--Neese has a TRO against him in Homer for threatening his baby mama Valerie Gunderson. She alleges that he even called her mother and screamed, "If I can't have her, no one can!" 2011--Neese arrested in Homer for violating a previous TRO. 2011--Boarded by ADFG during blue crab offload, cited for undersize crab. over 5% of his total offload was confiscated. I believe the final monetary penalty was $9000. A local TV report interviewed one inspector who said it was the most undersized crab he had ever seen. 2010--Arrested for breaking into Valerie's residence and destoying furniture and other things. 2006--Arrested for assaulting Valerie (he would have been 24 years at the time). The Discovery Channel had to have an inkling of some of this before they brought him into the show. Basically, he was brought in to be a walking disaster and guaranteed drama. 2 Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 Elliott's incredibly ignorant declaration that he would not have rescued any other captain is easily the worst thing I have ever heard on DC. I've seen every ep. How he can walk any dock up there without having someone punch his lights out is beyond me. Mike Rowe didn't insist on some narration as to how that tool's statement went against absolutely any decent ethos ever espoused on DC? Think about the implications of that statement! He specifically rejects the mariner's code! Even if he were pridefully joking, which is likely, he should have been squished like a cockroach by Rowe and the Disco production team. Good to know that in the "worst season" season in years, the NW grossed $1.4 million. Nice business to be in if that is considered bad! If Keith got a similar payout from his cannery, the Wizard grossed ~$750K. Tell me again how he "lost" $172K. Thank God the crew of the Arctic Hunter were saved. 1 Link to comment
merylinkid May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 I think they lost the money in dock fees and such when they were idled waiting for the permits. They plan X number of days at the docket getting ready to go out. Waiting for the permit office to open added to those days which cut into the budget. Rather than making the projected amount based on their quota, the contracted price, minus their expenses, they had higher expenses. The only way Keith cut his $3 million dollar debt in half was by running a tight budget. The government shutdown wreaked havoc with that budget. Link to comment
Fostersmom May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 Elliott's incredibly ignorant declaration that he would not have rescued any other captain is easily the worst thing I have ever heard on DC. I kinda get was Elliot was saying about this though. He could have very well sunk his own boat being in that shallow of water, hitting the bottom like he did. If he had torn a hole in the bottom of his boat and they started sinking, then it would have been 2 crews going down. I don't think he was meaning he would just let some other crew go down because he didn't care, but that he took extra risks for his own boat and crew because of his friendship. Not that I want to keep defending him, but his crew member said something interesting about the child support issue. It sounded like he wasn't being served for BACK child support, but a lawsuit for it. The crew guy said something about Elliot having paid the bills. Is it possible that Elliot and Val didn't have a formal support order in place and he was paying for the house and bills, but now Val was suing for more? I'd like to believe his father wouldn't be helping him skip out on his kids. Other than for Disco influenced drama, I can't for the life of me figure out why Wild Bill is so dead set on keeping his worthless greenhorn. You can't tell me Bill couldn't have found another guy to replace him there in Dutch. Or have arranged for one to meet him there. And not for nothing, if an employee wants to quit, you can't hold them hostage there on the boat to keep it from happening. Bill's lucky Tinkerbell is dumb as a post and didn't call the police himself and say he was being held against his will. 1 Link to comment
walnutqueen May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 The way I see it, you are either a seaman, or you aren't. A seaman follows the code and rescues any poor soul they can. If it is worth taking a risk for a friend, it is worth taking the risk for anyone. At least, that's what every seaman I ever knew told me. 1 Link to comment
rainsmom May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 Didn't Bill say the kid had a contract? I expect if the kid leaves, there will be a financial penalty. Link to comment
millennium May 24, 2014 Share May 24, 2014 Maybe I'm a terrible person, but I couldn't help thinking "Hmm, Elliott needs a quick $50,000," when Elliott sent his aging father into the raging ocean. Also had to laugh when Elliott was in the truck arguing with the trooper and you can hear Elliott ordering the cameraman in the backseat to stop rolling because "This has nothing to do with Deadliest Catch!" Do you think Elliott would come off as less douchey if he didn't wear that stupid hat all the time? Junior seems to be putting his ego ahead of the ship's best interests. I'm no fisherman, but if I were, I don't think I'd want to be working the deck of a ship where the captain's that distracted by pain. Sig Hansen is appearing at a local theatre here several months from now to talk about Deadliest Catch. "An Evening with Sig Hansen" or something like that. Doesn't that guy have enough money? Great work by the cameraman who got those interior shots of the Arctic Hunter's destroyed wheelhouse. 2 Link to comment
clod May 25, 2014 Share May 25, 2014 (edited) Great work by the cameraman who got those interior shots of the Arctic Hunter's destroyed wheelhouse. You're right about that, especially seeing the water pour in through the window. when the rescued crew was all on board and out of their survival suits, the camera panned across the group. they were just standing silently, looking stunned. Edited May 25, 2014 by clod Link to comment
Sean May 25, 2014 Share May 25, 2014 when the rescued crew was all on board and out of their survival suits, the camera panned across the group. they were just standing silently, looking stunned. I'm sure on the one hand they were happy to be safe and sound, and on the other they were thinking "oh ****" , our season is over, how are we going to pay our bills?" . I hope they were able to find positions on other boats -- Capt. Bill should have taken one of them and left the greenhorn in Dutch. I also hope the boat's owners had a good insurance policy. Link to comment
WookieeCookieez May 28, 2014 Share May 28, 2014 My understanding of the Elliot & Val situation is that while they're "on again", he lives with her and the kids. At that point he likely figures he's paying for things while he's there and the formal support payments are moot. Val may even be on board with this mentality. The problem seems to be that when they break off again, she wants the money that was meant to be paid consistently. The amount of their baggage could likely sink a ship & it's a shame that they both carry on the way they do around their kids. 1 Link to comment
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