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Big Brother Fantasy Game

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36 minutes ago, mertensia said:

How did I go up? I'm not even sure what I'm doing.

Four safe players, one of whom was picked for Veto.  Same thing I did, albeit with a different cast.

Good for 15 pts, which would be a nice, solid episode…except that Sam accounted for 16 all on his own, so we actually fell further behind those teams.  Well, slow and steady wins the race, right?  

(Or leaves you meandering home in mid-pack.  One of the two…)

Ah, a rollicking 15th out of 23!  That's what happens when 12 people have the new HoH on their teams, and you…don't.  Ah, well, when Analyse reveals herself as a comp beast, I'll have the last laugh on all of you!  Ha!



Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  44 pts (+10; Nick wins HoH)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, Kemi, David, Jessica, Nicole):  14 pts (+2; Kemi evicted, -3; Jessica survives eviction vote, +5)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  68 pts (±0)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  6 pts (±0)


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  25 pts (-3 pts; Kemi sent to Camp Clapback)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  54 pts (+10; Nick shoots tosses that [non-] poisoned arrow!)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  27 pts (±0)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  26 pts (+5; Jessica not evicted)

Nice battle for last there, but "Taylor" is killing it so far.  Moreso than even the actual TS.  (I mean, two #2 songs isn't bad, but I'm ready for "Old Town Road" to hit the road [/OT])

Credit Where Credits Due

First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  33 pts (±0)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 22 pts (+7; Nick in charge, +10; Kemi movin' on up, -3)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 42 pts (+5;  Jessica wins vote, +5)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  35 pts (±0)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  14 pts (+2; Jessica not evicted, +5; Kemi evicted, -3)

I do prefer Kat and Nicole to Ratabella and Christie these days, so some intangible pts for that, I guess.

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (27), Jack (21), Nick (16), Jackson (14) =78 pts

Now all-male with Nick booting Christie from the squad.  And thus explaining why my all-female team is doing so "well".

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Kathryn (3) = -6 pts

At least Jessica's 5 pts for surviving push her past Kat.  Nothing against Kat, just that the four worst scores being the three "comeback kids" and Jess would have been Not a Good Look, so…

And, now and forever…

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  38 pts (+10; Nick's archery proves as skilled as his choice of former HGs)

So, this means I'm doing worse than I would have (38 v. 34) if I'd simply been told which of the HGs love Mrs. Nickson and based my picks solely on that.  Dang it, Jess, where were you when I needed you??  Sigh.

  • LOL 1
On 7/17/2019 at 12:56 PM, IndyMischa said:

As seen on Twitter, Ovi did a RHAP shoutout, and then apologized to anyone who drafted him. 😂 😂 

Heh-heh, awesome.  If it makes Ovi feel better, he's no more of a point-sucker than his two fellow Camp Jack Hates You internees.  They all have "scored" -3 so far.  

What's interesting (to me, anyway) is that they all reached that total via different routes.


…was banished (-3) and that's it.


…won a power (+5)…got nominated (-5, cumulative total 0)…and then evicted (-3, total -3),  whereas…


…was banished (-3)…but returned (+5, total 2)…was safe in Week 1 (+3, total 5)…got nominated (-5, total 0)…and then evicted (-3, total -3)

All roads lead to -3, it appears.

What's more, while Cliff is currently at 1 pt, Jessica is at 0 and will join the others at -3 if evicted.  But by a different route than any other:


…was banished (-3)…returned (+5, total 2)…was safe Week 1 (+3, total 5)…was nominated Week 2 (-5, total 0)…won the vote against Kemi (+5, total 5)…and now nominated once more (-5, total 0).  


Regular post to follow.

Edited by Halting Hex


Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  49 pts (+5; Christie wins Cockroach comp)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, Kemi, David, Jessica, Nicole):  4 pts (-10; Cliff, Jessica nominated, 2x -5)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  68 pts (±0)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  6 pts (±0)

As much as I hate to say it (especially since they're relatively-decent folks, IMO), it appears we sussed out the "unpopular" group pretty well.  The HGs we 23 made pariahs (by only selecting the five of them a combined eight times (out of the 92 picks we made, total) comprise two evictees, the two current nominees, and Nicole, who frets she's a target.  

It's as if we knew Jack before we even met him.  Sigh.

[Insert "Welcome to Big Brother!" .gif here]


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  30 pts (+5 pts; Christie crushes cucharachas)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  54 pts (±0)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  22 pts (-5; Cliff nominated for segregation)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  21 pts (-5; Jessica nommed, anon)

Credit Where Credits Due

First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  33 pts (±0)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 17 pts (-5; Cliff Hogg proposed for slaughter)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 42 pts (±0;  Christie finds diamonds, +5; Jessica gets a stockingful of coal, -5)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  35 pts (±0)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  9 pts (-5; Jessica gets the team's fourth nom in three weeks…oy)

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (27), Jack (21), Christie (18) Nick (16) =82 pts

Christie's WhOmp win pushes her past Jackson and Nick and busts up the boys' club, once more.

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Jessica (0) = -9 pts

Jessica returns to zero, and may join the group at -3, if evicted.  Isn't it strange how David, Ovi and Kemi all have the same score?  No wonder Jack probably thinks "those people, they all look alike"…

And, now more than ever…

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  43 pts (+5;  Christie is Queen of the Roach Motel)

20 seconds to air! Nice!

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

The other 50% is curled up crying about how I want to punch almost everyone who got me these points in the face, because they are horrible. 

Fun fact:  the one member of Katesus7's team that she probably doesn't want to punch, Kat, is the anchor on the group, having pulled a whopping 3 pts.  Meanwhile our three lovely HoHs have accounted for the remaining 55 of Katesus7's chart-co-topping 58 pts.  

And so it goes.

Edited by Halting Hex
Plurals ≠Possessives
  • Love 2
On 7/18/2019 at 6:09 PM, IndyMischa said:

Is a 69 joke inappropriate? Because there is zero chance of me letting this opportunity go by.

Well, if you could get your team to pair off and start using their mouths for something productive, it would definitely improve this season, IMO.  (Not to mention liven up the Feeds, no doubt.)

28 pts out of the lead.  Not that these 15-pt eps are bad, necessarily, but I'm definitely treading water.  Time for AnalFleas to start winning stuff, already!

Update for Veto ep only:


Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  61 pts (+12 pts; Christie picked for Veto, +3; non-HoH members safe, 3x3)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, Kemi, David, Jessica, Nicole):  5 pts (+1; Jessica saved from block, +3; Nicole backdoor, -5; Jessica safe, +3)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  83 pts (+15; Jackson picked for Veto, +3; all safe, 4x3)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  20 pts (+14; Kat picked for Veto, +3; Kat wins Veto, +5; girls safe, 2x3)


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  34 pts (+4 pts; Christie picked for Veto, +3; Nicole nominated, -5; Staten Islanders safe, 2x3)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  63 pts (+9; Jackson picked for Veto, +3; Sam/Michie safe, 2x3)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  36 pts (+14; Jack safe, +3; Kathryn picked for Veto/wins Veto/safe, +11)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  36 pts (+15;  Jessica saved from block, +3; all safe, 4x3)

Again, a nice race, except that "Taylor" is a Grammy or two in front.

Credit Where Credits Due

First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  34 pts (+1 pt; Jack & his Jill are safe, 2x3;  Nicole…not so much, -5)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 28 pts (+11; Kat maxes out, +11)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 57 pts (+15;  Christie picked for Veto, +3; Jessica saved by Veto, +3; non-Crapbackers safe, 3x3)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  50 pts (+15; Jackson picked for Veto, +3; all safe, 4x3)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  21 pts (+12; Jessica off block, +3, and then safe, +3 more; Nicole takes her spot, -5; Kat makes it possible and was herself picked and then safe, +11)

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (30), Jack (24), Christie (24),  Jackson (20)= 98 pts

Jackson regains his spot by being a Veto pick & then safe, whereas Nick gets no further benefits from his HoH.

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Cliff (1)= -8 pts.

Jessica's 6 pts for being rescued and then safe move her out of here; Nicole was a Veto pick in Week 1 (+3), and then safe twice (2x3) before this week's backdoor (-5), so she's currently at 4 pts.  

And now, brown cow (or something like that…)

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  63 pts (+20)

Jess-Fans 63, Hex 54, for those keeping track.  Oy.

Edited by Halting Hex
  • LOL 1

From 15th the last time I checked my placing, all the way up to…14th.

Slow and steady wins the race.  (Or…chokes on dust and gets laughed at.  One of the two.)


Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  61 pts (±0)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, Kemi, David, Jessica, Nicole):  17 pts (+12; Cliff evicted, -3, wins buyback, +10; Nicole wins eviction vote, +5)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  83 pts (±0)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  20 pts (±0)


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  39 pts (+5 pts; Nicole doesn't get mad, she gets even, +5)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  63 pts (±0)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  43 pts (+7; Cliff sent to Camp Comeback, -3; Cliff Comes Back, +10)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  36 pts (±0)

Credit Where Credits Due

First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  39 pts (+5 pts; Nicole doesn't want to die, +5)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 35 pts (+7; Cliff's outta here!, -3; Not so fast…, +10)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 57 pts (±0)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  50 pts (±0)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  26 pts (+5; Nicole "on a raft", but stays afloat, +5)

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (30), Jack (24), Christie (24),  Jackson (20) =98 pts

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Jessica (6)= -3 pts.

Both nominees gain enough pts to pass Jess, again.

And now for something completely the same:

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  63 pts (±0)

Is there a keyboard shortcut for the "strikethrough"?  (The way "command-B" gets you bold)  Because otherwise, running up to the top of the reply box everytime I need to designate a (permanent) evictee as such will make me feel like a yo-yo.  Thanks in advance.

Edited by Halting Hex

Stats Queen (the only player with Cliff) is happy.  Many others (including those who picked a Jack for DE boot) are less so.

Me?  I racked up a big 0.  Could have skipped the ep entirely.  But nah.


Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  61 pts (±0 pts)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, KemiDavid, Jessica, Nicole):  27 pts (+10; Cliff wins HoH)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  73 pts (-10;  Jack & Son nominated, 2x -5)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  20 pts (±0)


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  39 pts (±0 pts)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  58 pts (-5; Jackson gets "pawned". Or pwned.  We'll see.)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  48 pts (+5; Cliff beats Jack for HoH, +10;  Cliff puts Jack up, -5)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  36 pts (±0)

Credit Where Credits Due

 First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  34 pts (-5 pts; Jack nominated)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 45 pts (+10; Cliff's moving on up)

 Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 57 pts (±0)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  45 pts (-5; Blockhead hits the block)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  26 pts (±0)

High and Low

Current "Perfect" TeamSam (30), Christie (24),  Jack (19), CLIFF (18) =91 pts

Cliff becomes the first HG to move from the Imperfect to the "Perfect" list, both by winning HoH and by cutting 5 pts off of Jackson's score with the nomination.  That's gangsta!

(Except that Cliff doesn't know this game exists.  But still.)

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Jessica (6)= -3 pts

And now for something completely the same:

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  63 pts (±0)

I'm not changing the tagline until they change their score.  So there. :)

Edited by Halting Hex
Fixing addition errors and additional errors in previous posts
  • Love 2

Hey guys!

Heads up that the results from last night's veto episode will be delayed. Some life things got in the way and I don't expect those results to be posted before tonight's eviction, so you might get a double whammy of points this weekend (maybe this time, I'll actually stay on top of it and get it done before Sunday). 

Also, note to anyone who has Jessica on their draft team: it seems like I did forget to add 3 points for safety after the veto ceremony, so those teams will see an additional three points already tallied, once the results from Wednesday's episode are posted. 

  • Love 3

Additionals for Veto episode only.  Or "The episode where Bella started taking all 10 of us down with her."  Tiger Momma Wang isn't the only one who's disappointed, Isa!



Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  64 pts (3 pts; Holly safe [even from Veto-pickage], +3; Nick safe, +3; Christie Have-Not, -1, but safe, +3; Bella NOT safe, -5)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, KemiDavid, Jessica, Nicole):  33 pts (+6; non-HoHs safe, 2x3)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  88 pts (+15;  Snackson and Tommy H-N, 2x -1; Sam picked for Veto, +3; Jackson wins Veto, +5; all save Jack safe, 3x3)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  31 pts (+11; Kat H-N, -1; KatSis [Everdeen?] picked and safe, 2x2x3)


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  50 pts (+11 pts; Staten Islanders on slop, 2x -1; Staten/Long Islanders safe, 3x3)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  58 pts (+16; Jackson NEED FOOD!, -1; Sam picked for Veto, +3; Jackson wins Veto, +5; remaining team safe, 3x3)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  53 pts (+5; Kat slopped, -1, picked, +3, safe, +3)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  36 pts (+7; Anal picked for Veto, +3;  Bella backdoored -5, others safe, 3x3)

Credit Where Credits Due

 First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  43 pts (+9 pts; Sis plays Veto, +3; women safe, 2x3)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 53 pts (+8; Kathryn Have-Not, -1; Kathryn picked, +3; Kat/Nick safe, 2x3)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 68 pts (+11; Christie sent upstairs, -1; Sam picked for pool games, +3; all remaining remain safe, 3x3)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  52 pts (+7;  Jackson, Tommy Haves-Not, 2x-1; Jackson wins Veto, +5; Isabella nominated, -5; all others safe, 3x3)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  37 pts (+11; Kathryn H-N, -1, veto pick, +3, and safe, +3; other actives also safe, 2x3)

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (36), Christie (26),  Jackson (22) Jack or Kathryn or Nick (19) = 103 pts

Jackson rises from the pool to kick Cliff back off the team; Jack's treading water, so Kat and Nick catch him;  if Kathryn can take the spot, the team will be gender-balanced for the first time all year.

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Isabella (7) = -2 pts

Asian girl replaces Latina on "colorful" team.  Yeah, NaGL indeed. :(

Now I need them, more than ever:

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  75 pts (+12;  Slop, slop, more slop, 3x-1; Kat picked for Veto, +3; all safe, 4x3)

I'm totally getting crushed by the Jess-fans now.  Oh, Hex, where is thy Queen?

"Trashabella gets binned" episode stats later tonight.

  • Love 1

And it's Bye-bye Bella! One day longer, one day whiter :(


Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  61 pts (-3 pts;  Bella hits the bricks)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, KemiDavid, Jessica, Nicole):  33 pts (±0)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  93 pts (+5; Jack survives eviction!  PARTY! Or, y'know…not)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  31 pts (±0)

Every group has now lost a player…except the lunkheads we picked as DE targets.  Which I guess proves us correct…no double eviction yet, none of them gone.  Sigh.


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  50 pts (±0 pts)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  58 pts (±0)

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  58 pts (+5; More Jack.  Oh, joy.)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  33 pts (-3; Ratabella squeals no more.)

Who says the evictees this year are boringly predictable?  One member of each region has been booted, from sea to shining sea.  Diversity!

Credit Where Credits Due

First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  48 pts (+5 pts; the House remains Jack's Shack)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 53 pts (±0)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 68 pts (±0)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  49 pts (-3;  Michie engineers the eviction of his own "partner"!  That's gangsta!)

(Except that Jackson doesn't know about the design of the credits, of course.  Facts are so boring.)

And likewise, we've now lost one from every quartet.   That's got to be against the odds, I'd think.

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  37 pts (±0 pts)

Standing still, but still gaining on me.  As Bella drags me down, down, down…

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (36), Christie (26),  Jack (24), Jackson (22) =108 pts

AquaSham surfs past Kat and Nick and reclaims 3rd place.

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Bella (4) = -5 pts

Black, Indian, black, Chinese.  God Bless America. (Sigh.)

And now for something completely the same:

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  75 pts (±0)

Again, the pro-Jess forces hold steady…while the pro-ME forces sink down to a tie for 16th place.

When I was tied for 4th (after the two-part premiere, mostly caused by my being able to pick Christie after she'd already won HoH), I told you "take a picture, it won't last."  I wasn't lying, was I?  

If I could make money betting against myself, I'd make a decent amount of money, I guess.

Well, the good news is that Holly won HoH and she's on my team, so that's 10 pts for me.

The bad news is that Holly is the most-popular HG in this game, so 14 of the other 22 players get those pts, too.

Fucking Jackson!  Why couldn't he have shut up and let Holly throw it to AnalFleas?  I'd still get the pts, but I wouldn't have to share so much!

Ah, well, AnalySis can always win next week, I suppose.  It's probably a questions comp (HoHs have been, in order, endurance, questions, physical skill, questions, and endurance, so questions seems logical), and that should be right up Anal's…oh, wait.  Never mind. 😦

(But on the plus side, the full selection of emojis is back!  Yay!  Dance! 💃)



Popular Kids (Holly, Nick, Bella, Christie):  63 pts (+2 pts;  HoHlly wins HoH, +10; Nick gets nommed, -5; Christie gets poisoned [we should be so lucky…], -3)

The three surviving "Populars" have each won HoH.  So I suppose there's something to be said for "consensus wisdom".  (If you ignore Bella, that is.)

You Can't Sit with Us!  (Cliff, KemiDavid, Jessica, Nicole):  33 pts (±0)

Team DEstiny ("Michie", Tommy, Jack, Sam):  85 pts (-8; Tommy is icky and annoying, -3.  Er, Tommy's punishment is.  I meant his punishment. [Honest]; Sam hits the block, -5)

The Irrelevant?  (Kathryn, "Sis" Analyse, Ovi):  31 pts (±0)

Oh, AnalFleas.  So close…and yet, so lame.


Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk!  (Nicole, Kemi, Tommy, Christie):  44 pts (-6 ptsl Staten Island [finally?] under quarantine, 2x -3)

"Taylor Swift" (Nick, Sam, Ovi, Jackson):  48 pts (-10; Northern chorus nominated, 2x-5)

Hey, didn't you guys use to have a lead?  Somebody's looking likely to hit the Old Town Road, soon.

South (David, Jack, Kathryn, Cliff):  58 pts (±0)

West…ish (Jessica, Holly, Bella, Analyse):  43 pts  (+10; HoHlly rides to the rescue…but they're still in last.)

Credit Where Credits Due

First Quartet (Analyse/Ovi and Nicole/Jack):  48 pts (±0 pts)

Second Quartet (Cliff/Kathryn and Nick/Kemi): 48 pts (-5; Nick might not stick)

Third Quartet (Christie/Sam and Jessica/David): 60 pts (-8; Christie gets splotchy, -3; Sam gets blocky, -5)

Fourth Quartet (Jackson/Isabella and Tommy/Holly):  56 pts (+7;  Tommy is bad to touch, -3; Holly is untouchable, +10)

Hex v.  Hexself

My "Shadows" (Jessica, Kathryn, Kemi, Nicole):  37 pts (±0 pts)

High and Low

Current "Perfect" Team:  Sam (31), Jack (24), Christie (23),  Jackson or Holly (22 each) =100 pts

Aww, "Jolly" are tied in the standings! It's like they're soulmates!  (Don't mind me, I'll be over here, vomiting…)

Current Perfectly Imperfect Team:  David (-3), Ovi (-3), Kemi (-3), Bella (4) = -5 pts

Now boarding on Track #6:

Team Good Taste (Nick, Kat, Tommy, Christie):  64 pts (-11; Nick nominated, -5; Tommy, Christie contaminated, 2x-3)

And with that, I'm exactly tied with the Jess-fans.  Intriguing.

Edited by Halting Hex
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