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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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On the one side, we have Bayleigh telling Sam that Winston has been taking his nomination very well and that he's had a positive attitude about it.

On the other: Winston being paranoid and Brett talking him down again.

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Watching BBAD, I’m struck by what a terrible social game Winston has. Even when on the block, he secludes himself with only one or two of his own alliance, trying to elicit some sympathy from them, but continuing not to acknowledge his own shitty game and just talking trash about others in the house. At least Bro Brett has been out and about socializing with others, though they may not be up to the high standards of the “Bros”.  

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So, I'm impressed to have woken up to see some houseguests awake. What surprises me most is that Sam's awake! She's typically in bed early! 

She's chatting with Brett right now, which makes me smile. I gotta figure out what kind of stuff happened while I was asleep.

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Man, I just watched the entirety of the Sam/Brett conversation. Now Brett's in the shower, still chatting with Sam. I'll be honest; I've never seen him this chatty...with any girl. Usually he's too busy flirting and touching them and he'll tell his stories and everything, but with Sam, there's none of that romantic or sexual tension so it's just two friends having a nice life chat at 5am.

Winston now needs to go so Brett can continue to strengthen his relationships. Winston had to be asleep for Brett to work on his social game, or Winston has to be chatting with someone else. Brett is saddled with Paranoid Winston, who he has to calm down every hour. 

Plus, now I feel like Brett actually likes Sam. He seemed tired, but actively engaged in talking with her. He even talked to her about showmances.  

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I honestly think most of the houseguests like Sam. I think only Kaitlin and Winston do not.

Brett even told Winston that Sam was the sweetest girl he had ever met.

and I like how she talks with everyone. She even had a nice conversation with Swaggy a few hours ago

she reminds me a lot of Donny. ?

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I didnt hear this but I like this.


1:25 AM BBT – Rachel tells Angela that if something goes wrong with this plan then it wouldn’t be so bad for one of the L6 guys to go first.

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10 hours ago, kellog010 said:

Fessy and Rockstar talking about Tyler. They are onto him too.

Tyler using the veto is going to hurt him more.

This fills my heart with glee!

10 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

The thing is- who beside Fessy on Sacred 6 can win a competition that requires any athleticism whatsoever? How exactly do they plan on getting the power to even put Tyler up? Not all HOH comps are crapshoots like the one Kaitlyn won. Some actually involve skill. 

They're not all physical though. I mean there could be questions comps, before and after comps, memory comps, etc. Although I do feel like they do less of them now. But still, not every comp will be physical. Now it's hard to tell right now if any of Scared 6 will be good at non-physical comps, but that's true of everyone imo. 

I can't believe I thought this week would be boring. I underestimated just how insane Kaitlyn is. And how paranoid Winston is lol.

I already asked this but I didn't get a response, are there no HNs this week? Also, do we know for sure what Rachel's crap app is/has she done it yet?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This fills my heart with glee!

They're not all physical though. I mean there could be questions comps, before and after comps, memory comps, etc. Although I do feel like they do less of them now. But still, not every comp will be physical. Now it's hard to tell right now if any of Scared 6 will be good at non-physical comps, but that's true of everyone imo. 

I can't believe I thought this week would be boring. I underestimated just how insane Kaitlyn is. And how paranoid Winston is lol.

I already asked this but I didn't get a response, are there no HNs this week? Also, do we know for sure what Rachel's crap app is/has she done it yet?

This week will be crazy with Swaggy and paranoid Winston on the block all week if the BD happens. We should be entertained all the way to Thursday.

So far no HN have been picked.

Rachel got the Yell crap app, however I have yet to see it happen on the feeds yet.

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I already asked this but I didn't get a response, are there no HNs this week? Also, do we know for sure what Rachel's crap app is/has she done it yet?

This is what we know about the crap app:


Following Following @BB20LiveFeeds 
They just gave Rachel the rules for her punishment, so she thinks it will be happening soon. 

Someone is coming into yell at her, but none of it will be personal. Only game related. 

She says she can yell back though. It's only 24 hours from the moment it begins. 


12:44 AM - 8 Jul 2018

Thus far, Kaitlyns HOH has been one of the most entertaining in many seasons of big brother.

Edited by missyb
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Winston was talking to Sam in the backyard a few minutes ago.  He slept in the HN room last night because he was trying to go to sleep relatively early compared to everyone else.  He's annoyed that nothing is happening with Have Nots so far because he says there aren't enough beds for everyone with nobody sleeping in the HN room.

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2 minutes ago, Wings said:

Who got the award app?

I don't think anyone knows for sure.  Most likely it isn't Swaggy though because he's had alone time talking to the cameras since then and hasn't mentioned it to us.  

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5 minutes ago, Wings said:

Who got the award app?

I don’t know, nobody has confirmed they have it. I suspect it’s Tyler. Some houseguests suspect Scottie, others Swaggy, and I thought I heard Swaggy say he suspects Sam. Any confirmation of these are welcomed!

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Winston to Haleigh:  "It's obvious I'm not the competition guy I thought I was before I came in here."  

Haleigh doesn't know who Doogie Howser is.  Winston is explaining it to her.  

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My company (son and GF) is leaving today and I will be watching the feeds now.  They watch the show only and like Tyler and Fessy.  I was not allowed to make gaging noises or respond to their opinions in anyway.   So given the take of only episode watchers my guess is one  of the two.  

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5 minutes ago, Wings said:

My company (son and GF) is leaving today and I will be watching the feeds now.  They watch the show only and like Tyler and Fessy.  I was not allowed to make gaging noises or respond to their opinions in anyway.   So given the take of only episode watchers my guess is one  of the two.  

I don't believe Fessy is eligible because he already got the crap app.  I haven't tried voting at all this season but I think some people were saying that Fessy and Sam's names were blocked out for the voting for the 2nd week.

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Why is Tyler telling Scottie to not worry about things because "big things are poppin"?  Scottie wanted to know what Tyler meant by that.  He said it was Kaitlyn's thing.  Is he trying to blow this plan to backdoor Swaggy?  Of course if Scottie is Smart, he will not mention anything to Swaggy.

Edited by zorak
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23 minutes ago, zorak said:

I don't believe Fessy is eligible because he already got the crap app.  I haven't tried voting at all this season but I think some people were saying that Fessy and Sam's names were blocked out for the voting for the 2nd week.

Smack. Of course!  I think JC is a contender for non feed watchers.  

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JC, Faysal, Haleigh, and Rockstar are Have Nots.

Faysal is such an idiot that after he volunteered he said, "Oh yeah.  I forgot we can only eat slop." or something along those lines.  He was serious, too.  Dumbass.

Edited by zorak
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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar says her gay friends tell her that she is a drag queen in a woman's body because of her style.

Very few women consider it a compliment to be compared to a drag queen. 

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JC just told Fessy that Rachel had mentioned his name as a possible target and to be friendly with her. If Fessy mentions this to Kaitlyn...

I think JC is trying to build a guys alliance and trying to build a bridge to Fessy.

JC now telling Brett that he's worried about Rachel, planting his seeds.

ETA: I've been pleased to see Brett making some game moves that don't include Winston the last couple of days.

ETA2: Kaitlyn said to Winston she dreamed Swaggy had the power. Winding up that paranoia, lol.

Edited by kellog010
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47 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

I must admit the casting people hit a home run with Broke Down Toni Collette.

In Muriel’s Wedding! Perfect!

I actually am growing quite fond of her. I like her friendship with Sam. I hope it’s genuine.

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2 hours ago, zorak said:

JC, Faysal, Haleigh, and Rockstar are Have Nots.

Faysal is such an idiot that after he volunteered he said, "Oh yeah.  I forgot we can only eat slop." or something along those lines.  He was serious, too.  Dumbass.

In his defense he knows little about BB.   He said that when he got the ham punishment he was allowed to eat regular food so he though slop was handled in a similar way.  

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13 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So Kaitlyn basically put her entire "alliance" on slop. Nice.

Before it was decided who it was going to be, she gave a whole speech about who was going to be excluded for being eligible to volunteer this week.  People who were excluded were those who had been on slop last week, those who were menstruating or ovulating, those who were sick, and those who were not in a good place mentally and emotionally.  After all the exclusions, I was wondering who was left.  Sam did volunteer, too but Kaitlyn was going on about how Sam had been a robot and had been on the block, so it just didn't seem right.  Then I think Haleigh volunteered instead.  Afterwards, Faysal told Kaitlyn that Tyler had his hand raised but she didn't pick him.  She claimed she didn't see his hand up until after she had the other 4 already set.

3 minutes ago, Wings said:

In his defense he knows little about BB.   He said that when he got the ham punishment he was allowed to eat regular food so he though slop was handled in a similar way.  

But you would think after a whole week of watching people only eat slop, that he would have a clue.  And she did go through all the rules of being a Have Not before she had the volunteers.

Edited by zorak
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4 minutes ago, zorak said:
5 minutes ago, Wings said:

In his defense he knows little about BB.   He said that when he got the ham punishment he was allowed to eat regular food so he though slop was handled in a similar way.  

But you would think after a whole week of watching people only eat slop, that he would have a clue.  And she did go through all the rules of being a Have Not before she had the volunteers.

Good point.  LOL  He is oblivious to most everything.  No clue

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8 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So Kaitlyn basically put her entire "alliance" on slop. Nice.

In Kaitlyn's defense, maybe she was just trying to avoid telling Haleigh and Rock Star that no, it's not your HoH room and no, I don't want you sleeping with me in my bed every night, and then decided to let Have Not status do it for her.


3 minutes ago, Wings said:

In his defense he knows little about BB.   He said that when he got the ham punishment he was allowed to eat regular food so he though slop was handled in a similar way.  

But he saw how Have Nots work last week so even if he doesn't know the game, he should know by now. I vote for dumb. 

I don't get it. I do more research on coffee makers when I go to buy a new one than these fools do before signing up for a reality show. 

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't get it. I do more research on coffee makers when I go to buy a new one than these fools do before signing up for a reality show. 

I don't know how many times I've heard Faysal talking to people in his alliance (mainly Haleigh) and saying, "I don't know this game."  Personally, I wouldn't agree to it if I didn't really know anything about it.  I've heard him say before that he made it to the final round for Survivor casting but didn't get it and was offered BB instead.

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Joker's BB Updates #BB20‏ @JokersBBUpdates 1m1 minute ago


2:24 PM In BA, Swaggy says to Bayleigh: I was up with those "f'ing" people I don't like till 6 am. Bayleigh commends him on him trying to be social. #BB20

Swaggy may finally be getting it. He did this on the advice of Bayleigh.

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1 hour ago, Victim Noises said:

I must admit the casting people hit a home run with Broke Down Toni Collette.

Omgggg yessssss! It’s been bugging me that she reminds me of someone and I think that’s it 

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Swaggy and Bayleigh were kissing in the pink room.  I would've loved for Winston to have busted in right at that moment and screamed, "Showmance!"  But it didn't happen.  I think it would be really funny if they tried to make out in the Have Not room while Winston is in there hiding behind the bed talking to Brett and then he could jump out and scream it.


Swaggy kissing Bayleigh.png

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Kaitlyn is telling Haleigh that she doesn't know who she's putting up yet but that it won't be Haleigh.

Kaitlyn:  "You have no idea what I'm going to do.  It's going to be fucked up."  Way to telegraph it, Kaitlyn.

Then she started talking about how Swaggy has been going around bad mouthing her.  She tells Haleigh to act surprised.  Kaitlyn says this was not always her intention.  It'll be interesting to see if Haleigh keeps it to herself.  But now Kaitlyn is telling Haleigh that Sam had the power last week.

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Just now, Sandycat said:

I think Kaitlyn just told Haileigh she is putting up Swaggy and she just told her Sam had the power last week. 

She did.

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Oooh, hopefully Haleigh will tell Swaggy and we'll get some drama soon.

1 hour ago, Sandycat said:

I actually am growing quite fond of her.

I love Rockstar. Her outlook on life aligns more with my own than the rest of these people (i.e. she isn't racist and a Trump supporter lol.) Not much of a game player, but not many of them are yet. I'm hoping she can turn it on eventually.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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7 minutes ago, Sandycat said:

I think Kaitlyn just told Haileigh she is putting up Swaggy and she just told her Sam had the power last week. 

Yup, there goes the blindside.

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Haleigh:  "It just makes me worried about my own future in this game."

She also just told Haleigh that if Swaggy has the power and she can't put him up or something that Bayleigh will be going up instead.

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