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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Confirmed: Tyler won't win Big Brother.

Bayleigh proved the First in the Door theory, I don't see why this one is gonna change. 

Hey no woman had ever won against a man in F2 until Nicole did it in BB18. Anything could happen .

Also- Rockstar- really? Helping the enemy? WTF. HIve is always going to Hive. 

I wonder how much freaking out Tyler wants to do as a Superfan for winning OTEV- but he can't because no one knows he's a superfan. LOL.

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Welcome to the Rockstar Self-Flagellation Hour! 

Fuck it. Fucking idiot. So stupid. So fucking stupid. Idiot.

Round and round she goes, when she (finally) stops, nobody knows.

(It's gonna be hours of this, isn't it?)

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So, Rockstar signed her own eviction notice, I guess. It sounds like she really helped Tyler on the first round, or else he might have gone out first? 

I'd laugh if Rockstar is being overdramatic and Tyler would have been fine, anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

According to Haleigh, Rockstar showed Tyler one of the answers. 

Did you want to shoot yourself in the foot? Because that's what you did.

Man, they make it so hard to root for them.  RS logic: The Hacker puts you on the block and chooses Tyler to play veto but he had one conversation with Haliegh so he must be trustworthy!

As juicy as it would be to see Angela enter the jury house right after Bayleigh, RS almost deserves to be evicted after that.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Rockstar signed her own eviction notice, I guess. It sounds like she really helped Tyler on the first round, or else he might have gone out first? 

I'd laugh if Rockstar is being overdramatic and Tyler would have been fine, anyway.

Apparently now she's saying "Tyler better be a man of his word and not fuck me over"- Yeah about that. LOL. 

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7 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I'm happy, though I'm thinking I'm the only one.

Nope. I'm there too. :)

5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

According to Haleigh, Rockstar showed Tyler one of the answers. 

Why would she do that?


6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sam: "I think I'm just fallin' in love with every one of you all over again."

T-minus 2 hours until Sam's next big blowout.

Up and down like a yo-yo.   I hope she finds some balance.

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Just now, vb68 said:

Why would she do that

She doesn't know either.

Apparently, she showed him the right answer when they were up on the hill and she asked if her answers were right. Tyler realized he was wrong and that's why he got through the first round.

Yeah, she's an idiot but she realizes it was a mistake. Too bad it was a fatal mistake.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Rockstar almost won; she came in second.

We were so close to a RS veto win!

I'm assuming Tyler won't use the veto but I guess it really comes down to who they think have a stronger chance to stay between Angela and Kaycee.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

She doesn't know either.

The Hive is always The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight.

It really is a comedy of errors at this point.

You gotta play to win, Rockstar. 

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sam to Rockstar: "I still smell like your perfume since you hugged me. And I like it a lot."

Maybe just because that's Sam, but that's kinda creepy. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Angela started crying when Tyler won.

If Tyler uses the veto on Angela resulting in Kaycee going back on the block (which I'm sure everyone know will happen), Kaycee may need to re-evaluate her position with Tyler.  Or maybe Angela just needs to check herself.

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Can we just talk about how Level 6 is really beating the crap out of production. They not only negated Sams power- flushed Bayleighs power they also navigated around two hackers and got out their target both times. 

Pretty impressive. 

Just now, zenithwit said:

If Tyler uses the veto on Angela resulting in Kaycee going back on the block (which I'm sure everyone know will happen), Kaycee may need to re-evaluate her position with Tyler.  Or maybe Angela just needs to check herself.

That was a plan that was talked about- she was okay with that. But I think they might just leave it. 

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Just now, SiobhanJW said:

Can we just talk about how Level 6 is really beating the crap out of production. They not only negated Sams power- flushed Bayleighs power they also navigated around two hackers and got out their target both times. 

Pretty impressive. 

But they are actively USING the hacker power this week. So production actively HELPED them this week. 

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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

If Tyler uses the veto on Angela resulting in Kaycee going back on the block (which I'm sure everyone know will happen), Kaycee may need to re-evaluate her position with Tyler.  Or maybe Angela just needs to check herself.

Tyler should just let the two of them decide what they want him to do. That keeps everything even between them. 

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Just now, SiobhanJW said:

Can we just talk about how Level 6 is really beating the crap out of production. They not only negated Sams power- flushed Bayleighs power they also navigated around two hackers and got out their target both times. 


Uh. The only reason they’re getting a target out this week is because of the hacker competition. Haleigh did absolutely nothing wrong as HOH. She got fucked because of the twist.

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I actually really think this week if Sam has one more meltdown that before the veto ceremony there will be a massive feed shutdown, a talk with Hay, Tyler, Sam, and the medical team,  and an agreement to evict Sam. And honestly that's what needs to happen. Sam is not in a good place right now. Not just game stress. She's having a mental meltdown.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No shit, Sam's voice did go a little deeper and creepier on the second part of that. 

I was about to write that it kinda sounds like a serial killer but thought I was probably being harsh. But I'll run with it.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Does Tyler even need to use the Veto? They're going to cancel a vote on The Hive side, so wouldn't they have the numbers to get Rockstar out without playing Musical Nominee Chairs?

He thinks Sam won’t vote KC out but will vote Angela. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Does Tyler even need to use the Veto? They're going to cancel a vote on The Hive side, so wouldn't they have the numbers to get Rockstar out without playing Musical Nominee Chairs?

That's assuming that they have JC's vote - which I don't think is 100% locked down.  If JC flips, they'll probably have a tied vote.

Edited by zenithwit
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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Does Tyler even need to use the Veto? They're going to cancel a vote on The Hive side, so wouldn't they have the numbers to get Rockstar out without playing Musical Nominee Chairs?

He needed to because the veto being used meant that Tyler would have had to use his power.

Personally, I would have rather it be burned off this week so Angela could peace out this week, but I can't always get what I want. 

However, Tyler is killing these comps. He's winning when he has to. You can't say it's all production interference. He really has worked it. I just hate the Hacker twist.

Tyler/Rockstar chatting now.

ETA: So I misread the posted I quoted, so oops. To answer the ACTUAL question and refrain myself from looking like a further dummy, Tyler shouldn't need to use the veto. As long as JC votes out Rockstar instead of Angela, then they should be fine.

Edited by Lady Calypso
i'm dumb
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Just now, Callaphera said:

Does Tyler even need to use the Veto? They're going to cancel a vote on The Hive side, so wouldn't they have the numbers to get Rockstar out without playing Musical Nominee Chairs?

They should definitely sit together and talk it out and Tyler should let Angela and Kaycee figure it out. Angela has got to take one for the team here, but if she has a real big problem with it, she has to work it out with Kaycee, since Kaycee will be going up.

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Now Tyler is giving Rockstar a pep talk but Rockstar is swearing that this lit a fire under her. 

Rockstar is as delusional as Sam if she honestly thinks Tyler would use the Veto on her, even if she gave him every answer. 

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

They should definitely sit together and talk it out and Tyler should let Angela and Kaycee figure it out. Angela has got to take one for the team here, but if she has a real big problem with it, she has to work it out with Kaycee, since Kaycee will be going up.

That's what I was saying. Tyler should pin the decision on Kaycee and Angela. That's definitely his best play. Then he can't take heat if for so reason it goes south.

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Well hell, that is definitely the worst possible outcome for me. Hayleigh’s HOH is essentially negated and Tyler doesn’t even have to burn his app. Oh well, it’s gonna be a LONG week of Rockstar bitching about “those people”, and the pagonging is almost inevitable at this point. Not very entertaining, as far as I’m concerned.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I think she's eating, not making a passive aggressive message to Sam.

Well one of Sam's breakdowns last night was she felt as if Angela was working out and not eating Sam's food and flaunting her body in front of Sam. 

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9 hours ago, BBFanTX said:

It's common in Texas for waiter's to visine a rude customers coffee.

It happened to me once. (My obnoxious drunk friend) pissed off a waiter in an upscale restaurant in Houston. 

She did not order a cappuccino like the rest of us.

Man..Oh man...Lets  just say on our way home..One victom said can you exit soon because I gotta go.

We all ??? the car and we took the next exit off the freeway. That was worse vs 10 days of the stomach flu. 

My husband has been "visine'd" twice..."

And no..Not by me ?? ...It was before we met.

That is nuts!! 


I think tylers best move is to not use the veto. He didn’t use it for Brett. 


I actually feel kinda bad for Sam that she’s going to lose rockstar this week. That’s might push her over the edge. 

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I’m glad Tyler won (sorry not sorry?). I think he’s played the best game (he and JC IMO), so I’d like to see him get as far as he can. If that means prolonging using his power, so be it. 

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

I actually feel kinda bad for Sam that she’s going to lose rockstar this week. That’s might push her over the edge. 

Oh, Sam is gonna lose her mind and she may very well self evict, keeping Rockstar and Angela in the game.

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4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Well one of Sam's breakdowns last night was she felt as if Angela was working out and not eating Sam's food and flaunting her body in front of Sam. 

Yeah but that doesn't mean every interaction is going to be a stab at Sam. What's Angela supposed to do, wait for the five minutes that Sam actually vacates the kitchen in order to stuff her face? Although that would be pretty funny. Just see Angela keep stealing into the kitchen, grabbing a handful of cereal, and booking it so fast that a cartoon puff of smoke is left there as Sam rounds the corner from her other sacred duty: cleaning the bathroom.

I would have lost of my shit on Sam a long time ago for her Kitchen Kommander ways. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

So the plan is to use the Veto on Angela and have Brett convince Haleigh to put up Scottie in Angela's place?

...which side were we calling the Keystone Kops again?

Nope, Brett shut that down immediately. Kaycee/Angela are just being too cocky.

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Just now, Ceeg said:

I’m glad Tyler won (sorry not sorry?). I think he’s played the best game (he and JC IMO), so I’d like to see him get as far as he can. If that means prolonging using his power, so be it. 

Brett is coming on. 

JC’s game is already being exposed. He’s not long for the game. He’s no Andy Herren.   

Tyler has played well but he’s been very fortunate the last two weeks. First with last week’s veto going his way and then this week having the hacker twist basically negate an HOH and save one of his numbers. 

I actually don’t mind Tyler at all. I respect his ability to get people to trust him. But I cannot stand Angela or Kaycee. I think they’re both pretty fucking awful at the game and just as dumb as anyone on the other side. 

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