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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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More wallowing from Sam:  "I feel like I'm going crazy.  Like I make up a bunch of stuff in my head and it's not real."

Angela and Kaycee are talking about how Sam would be an easy target for Haleigh to get out without getting blood on her hands.  But Angela says that Faysal will be pushing to get rid of one of the guys.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

After talking about how beautiful Bayleigh looked, Sam said, "We should have all looked like shit except for her."

I don't know why but this comment astounds me. I'm just boggled by it.

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No wonder Sam and Bay were the dynamic duo. OMG, how could I forget/block out Sam's crappy speech to Haleigh. Lol, no wonder Sam's freaking out.

I'm slow, just put me in the house as a member of the Hive already. Jeez.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Just now, Callaphera said:

I don't know why but this comment astounds me. I'm just boggled by it.

It's just Sam taking things a step way too far.  Yes, let's all look like crap on purpose so that Bayleigh can really shine by looking beautiful.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I don't know why but this comment astounds me. I'm just boggled by it.

I so need Sam on the block. She's (probably) lucky there are bigger targets this week. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Rockstar: If I was HOH, I wasn't gonna put Brett up because he's been up there twice....


He didn't pick her first in the HOH comp! And then they high-fived! It's all happening!

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't know why but this comment astounds me. I'm just boggled by it.

I had the same reaction.  To send  Bay off feeling good about herself, as if.

Edited by Wings
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JC to Faysal:  "I need to know what you're thinking."

Faysal:  "Why?"

Faysal wants JC to name names of who he would have put up if JC had won.  JC wouldn't say any specific names.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

He didn't pick her first in the HOH comp! And then they high-fived! It's all happening!

This isn't even a joke, but these two are joking around like actual friends right now. I can't even.

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13 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam crying yet again.  It amazes me what a talent she has for making it all about her.


Sam cries again.png

Sam vs Kaitlyn in the Insane Narcissist Comp is a true battle for the ages. It's almost a shame they're on the same season - any other, and they'd have won it running away. (Which, on Big Famewhore, is a bold fucking statement.) 

13 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

At this point, if L4 wins the hacker, I bet they throw up Sam, just because they're all pretty done with her.  The time they need to expend on her can be better used.

I'm hoping she throws herself on her parade of bullshit pious sword and Haleigh lets it happen. 

10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam is probably loving this.


Sam and Faysal.png


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So, it's Angela/Kaycee noms with a Tyler backdoor. Assuming Tyler doesn't freak out before noms tomorrow and use it, he'll use it for the veto ceremony for sure than Haleigh will likely put up Sam. Also assuming that the Hacker isn't on The Hive side and puts up Tyler. 

Brett is my frontrunner right now. He's working well with the other side of the house.

Meanwhile, Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela are starting to isolate themselves.

So, it comes a time in the game where I might start switching sides myself. I still like everyone, but Brett's now my #1, and his friendship with Scottie, his frenemy relationship with Rockstar, and my ideal Scottie/Haleigh/Brett F3 Dream Team is really making me root for The Hive a little bit.

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Angela says she's going to tell Haleigh to not put up her actual targets because of the hacker.  

Angela says she's annoyed that the other side is going to try to reel in Sam now.  More Kaycee bitching about how Sam voted.  Angela says she's sick of Sam being negative.

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Now JC is apologizing to Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee about putting Rockstar vs. Tyler in the competition.  He says he didn't know what he was doing.

JC says he has to make Haleigh put Sam up.

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Kaycee is expressing annoyance at how Sam was crying and Faysal had his arm around her.  It's like she knows what we're all thinking.

Kaycee keeps saying that Faysal is about to be on a power trip.  JC says, "I know!"

Kaycee says that it looks good for Sam because Sam voted to keep Bayleigh and now she's crying about it.

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Getting rid of Sam is the best thing to do this week.  She can fuck you up.  Way too dangerous at this stage to rely on her for a number.  She cannot be trusted. 

Edited by Wings
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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kaycee is expressing annoyance at how Sam was crying and Faysal had his arm around her.  It's like she knows what we're all thinking.

Kaycee keeps saying that Faysal is about to be on a power trip.  JC says, "I know!"

What crawled up Kaycee's ass? She should go back to being a piece of furniture before she hurts herself. 

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Kaycee, Angela & JC talking about some convoluted plan to get Haleigh to put up Sam , win the Hacker and replace whoever is sitting next to Sam with Rockstar.  Hopefully Haleigh takes notes on who L4 + JC want her to put up and do the opposite.  But... I don't have a lot of confidence there.

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BB is such an insane show.  Haleigh was heaving with pain and guilt over making moves and hurting others.  What does she do?  Fights for, and wins, the next HoH.  

Q for y'all:  While Sam is nutso and an annoyance, would it not be smart to carry her?  Don't you want a weak opponent for F3?

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17 minutes ago, zorak said:

Angela says she's going to tell Haleigh to not put up her actual targets because of the hacker.  

Angela says she's annoyed that the other side is

16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


Tyler telling Angela to tell Haleigh not to put him up because he'll win the veto. 


Why would Hay give an f what Angela wants when Angela just nominated her two best friends.

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3 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

My dream final 2 is now RS/Brett. I don't care how unlikely, I just want it. 

YES join the club!

3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think Haleigh will end up with an Angela/Kaycee nom with a Tyler backdoor planned.

Haleigh is dumb, to be sure, but she's not THAT dumb.

I agree. The Hacker is the problem though. If L4 and co. gets it and then veto isn't used, L4 and co. makes it out of this week in tact. Tyler will almost certainly use his app for veto as well. Sigh. I am just preparing myself for this week to go very badly lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think Haleigh will end up with an Angela/Kaycee nom with a Tyler backdoor planned.

Haleigh is dumb, to be sure, but she's not THAT dumb.

That's definitely her smartest move. And Tyler might just be scared enough to use the Cloud and flush it.

ETA: Scottie will probably push for those initial nominations, too, which will help. And maybe throw some more suspicion JC's way.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think Haleigh will end up with an Angela/Kaycee nom with a Tyler backdoor planned.

Haleigh is dumb, to be sure, but she's not THAT dumb.

I agree.  Seems the obvious plan unless Sam continues to annoy.

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