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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

How interesting if Sam really is trying to give Bayleigh a breakfast in bed.  I'm shocked she didn't do that for Tyler and Scottie, since they're poor, defenseless men (at least in Sam's eyes).  

Wonder what Sam would think if she knew Bayleigh had sex (unprotected) with Swaggy. Mercy!

I've said this before but I think Sam has a little crush on Bayleigh. 

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Just saw that the New Yorker is about to publish allegations of sexual misconduct against Les Moonves.  He hasn't been fired yet but it did bring about a thought experiment for me.... if there is no Les, will there be Julie?  And if there is no Julie, will there be BB???  We might need to soak in the feeds this year for what it's worth lol

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As someone who is extremely cynical about people's motivations for doing certain things in the BB house, I really am genuinely curious if Bayleigh really did bring Sam breakfast in bed and she's simply returning the favor, or if it's Sam's attempt to gain more favor/friendship/whatever else with Bayleigh.

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

Just saw that the New Yorker is about to publish allegations of sexual misconduct against Les Moonves.  He hasn't been fired yet but it did bring about a thought experiment for me.... if there is no Les, will there be Julie?  And if there is no Julie, will there be BB???  We might need to soak in the feeds this year for what it's worth lol

I don't think Big Brother is going anywhere. The ratings are good and the show costs CBS virtually nothing to produce. 

Julie is in a really shitty spot given the news though.

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'd need to hear JC's thoughts about Scottie because I don't know where his head is at with him.

I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen them one on one--- I can't. But I hardly ever see or pay attention to Scottie on the feeds anyway.


1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

I actually think if it's Brett/JC end of the week- Tyler/Kaycee could flip Sam- and JC would be a goner. She hasn't NOT voted with them- she trusts them the most in the house. 

That's what I think, too. She'll at least want Tyler to lay out where they (the two of them) are this week. 

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3 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Just saw that the New Yorker is about to publish allegations of sexual misconduct against Les Moonves.  He hasn't been fired yet but it did bring about a thought experiment for me.... if there is no Les, will there be Julie?  And if there is no Julie, will there be BB???  We might need to soak in the feeds this year for what it's worth lol

Awww, damnit.  BB is nothing without Julie.  

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I don't think Big Brother is going anywhere. The ratings are good and the show costs CBS virtually nothing to produce. 

Julie is in a really shitty spot given the news though.

and, she'll have to double down on The Talk, too. Of course, her co-host aren't going to say anything. Yup! Julie is in a tight spot there at CBS.

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1 hour ago, Cutty said:

Yeah but Sam pushed back hard when Tyler floated the idea of keeping Kaitlyn. I don't think Tyler can control her that easily. SHE'S A STRONG WOMAN!

That's why I think Tyler has more leverage with her this week than less.  She got her way with Kaitlyn. Now he needs her vote. He can tell her that Brett is a shield for him, and I think she will go into Momma Bear protective mode.  

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Now Sam is in the storage room telling BB that she's going to put Bayleigh's batteries on her breakfast tray if that's ok because the whole point is for Bayleigh to not have to come down.  She says Swaggy used to get them for her and Bayleigh is a princess for the week.  BB told her no.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Now Sam is in the storage room telling BB that she's going to put Bayleigh's batteries on her breakfast tray if that's ok because the whole point is for Bayleigh to not have to come down.  She says Swaggy used to get them for her and Bayleigh is a princess for the week.  BB told her no.

at this point production is probably annoyed with Sam. I know I am. LOL!!!

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Princess Bayleigh has emerged from the HOH room and came downstairs to get her battery.  But not before Rockstar, who was standing right outside the HOH room, was gloating to Bayleigh that Rockstar is still in the BB house and Bayleigh is HOH.  Sam also made sure to mention that she tried to bring the batteries up for Bayleigh but that BB wouldn't let her.

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14 minutes ago, zorak said:

As someone who is extremely cynical about people's motivations for doing certain things in the BB house, I really am genuinely curious if Bayleigh really did bring Sam breakfast in bed and she's simply returning the favor, or if it's Sam's attempt to gain more favor/friendship/whatever else with Bayleigh.

I mean, maybe it is strategy and maybe it isn't, but I have seen worse strategies for getting the HOH on board with you. Also, it doesn't seem to be so far out of Sam's personality as to be really offputting to me. She is constantly doing stuff around the house and making things for people. 

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15 minutes ago, zorak said:

As someone who is extremely cynical about people's motivations for doing certain things in the BB house, I really am genuinely curious if Bayleigh really did bring Sam breakfast in bed and she's simply returning the favor, or if it's Sam's attempt to gain more favor/friendship/whatever else with Bayleigh.

I read so damn much all over the place and now I can't find it.  There was something waaaay back about Bay making Sam breakfast (maybe she didn't bring it up to the HOH room though).   I remember it was obviously after Swaggy left and there had been some sweet moments between Sam and Bay.  I didn't see video though, but there was a comment about it where people were speculating about their friendship.

16 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Just saw that the New Yorker is about to publish allegations of sexual misconduct against Les Moonves.  He hasn't been fired yet but it did bring about a thought experiment for me.... if there is no Les, will there be Julie?  And if there is no Julie, will there be BB???  We might need to soak in the feeds this year for what it's worth lol

But first....

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1 minute ago, The Companion said:

I mean, maybe it is strategy and maybe it isn't, but I have seen worse strategies for getting the HOH on board with you. Also, it doesn't seem to be so far out of Sam's personality as to be really offputting to me. She is constantly doing stuff around the house and making things for people. 

This.  Cleaning, cooking, MacGyvering....you name it.  

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

That's why I think Tyler has more leverage with her this week than less.  She got her way with Kaitlyn. Now he needs her vote. He can tell her that Brett is a shield for him, and I think she will go into Momma Bear protective mode.  

I think Tyler tries to convince Bayleigh first. And given how she fell for his performance last night it might not be that difficult. If he gets Bay on board, then JC is gone pre-jury, which would be fucking hilarious. 

I don't think Tyler is ready to burn that bridge just yet.

Edited by Cutty
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1 minute ago, GalvDuck said:

This.  Cleaning, cooking, MacGyvering....you name it.  

I don't necessarily see it as Sam doing these things because she is benevolent.  I see her doing the cooking and cleaning more so because she is a control freak who likes things done her way.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

I don't necessarily see it as Sam doing these things because she is benevolent.  I see her doing the cooking and cleaning more so because she is a control freak who likes things done her way.

She made those bubbles for Rockstar. Not because she was sucking up or trying to look good. I think she genuinely wanted RS to have a good day and knew she loved bubbles. Idk. Maybe I'm naive and everything Sam does is for an insidious reason. I just haven't taken it that way. 

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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

I present to you Princess Bayleigh.  She looks so regal.


Princess Bayleigh.png

Judging by the look on her face, I take it she still didn't get her period yet?

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3 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

She made those bubbles for Rockstar. Not because she was sucking up or trying to look good. I think she genuinely wanted RS to have a good day and knew she loved bubbles. Idk. Maybe I'm naive and everything Sam does is for an insidious reason. I just haven't taken it that way. 

I didn't say she doesn't ever do anything for the sake of being nice.  I specifically said the cooking and cleaning seem to have more self serving motivations.

Edited by zorak
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I think sam just is the type of person who wants to be doing something all the time - she doesnt' like to sit around.  Those types of people tend to clean a lot (my mom is one of them, I unfortunately did not get that gene)

I feel like Rachel's mic battery is going to pull her top off.  

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21 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

Has Baleigh said whether or not she would keep the baby?

I wonder if she would get similar outpatient accommodations as those that Christmas received?

Is she pregnant for sure? 

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5 hours ago, D.CBies said:

If u like a genuine fake, good for you. Where I come from, those are a dime a dozen, and there are many, many, many Girl welder’s that are not fake. Many that don’t cuss like a sailor, stay out all night with guys drinking and smoking who knows what. Get jealous of other girls just because guys are attracted to them and instead of her. She says she’s old fashioned, but only at her convince. Did you not see the way she walleyed under the covers with Fascal in her HOH. Lady my ass!! Open your eyes and ears. She is full of shit and loyal to none.!!

The post you quoted is over a month old. Sam has shown her true colors since then, and not just at the veto meeting. At first, I, and possibly the person you quoted, thought her bad mood was because of her being isolated, bored, and frustrated because she was constantly in the storage room and when she tried to talk to people as a robot, they would walk away like she was furniture. Tyler, Rachel and Scottie are the only ones I remember that sat with her while she was charging the battery. 

There are several posts over the last month regarding her trash talk about the other houseguests. She's a hypocrite and misogynist (spellcheck changed it to masochist, my typo must have been great) and it's disappointing to me because I thought she would be an interesting player. 


3 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

That would have been complete and utter nonsense, sprinkled with poppycock, wrapped in ludicrousness, and saturated in lunacy.

Which is how you know it was Grodner's plan. 

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Sam seems to have assembled some sort of breakfast in bed concoction for Bayleigh that she brought up and deposited right outside the HOH door.


Sam breakfast 2.png

Last night, Bayleigh said she wanted to do her one-on-ones that night and Sam went to talk to her and said she wanted to do it today. Bayleigh said to come up when she gets up, because she knows Sam gets up early. I don't remember her saying she would take breakfast, but there was a plan for her to go up when she woke.

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Has Saggy mentioned anything on Twitter about being a possible Baby Daddy soon? Kaitlyn said that her eviction means that someone on the outside needs her. Maybe she could raise this possible child (three eyes are better than two when keeping track of youngsters). Also on the Twitter subject--any response yet from Deepak Chopra or Tony Robbins on the expulsion of our beleaguered life coach?

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Sam and Tyler were just in the bathroom talking about who Bayleigh might put up.  Tyler mentioned he thinks she might put him up.  Sam wanted to know why.  He said Bayleigh told him that she knows that he and Sam are close and that he would never choose Bayleigh over Sam and also how Tyler is a competition beast.  Sam said she hadn't talked to Bayleigh yet but that she would definitely try to protect Tyler's position in the game.  She also mentioned how she made her breakfast and had her plate serviced before Bayleigh even opened her eyes this morning and the tone in which she said this to Tyler suggested it was more like Sam's attempt to be on Bayleigh's good side going into noms.

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Sam telling bayleigh to take 'the best kind of shower' in the big shower, with the detachable shower head, as many times as possible - because it puts you in a better mood. 

(Bayleigh is asking her for tips for an enjoyable HOH)

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She also said that she knows that Bayleigh isn't there for a showmance, which is why I'd love to know what Sam's perception of Bayleigh and Swaggy would have been if Swaggy had come back in the house.

Even Sam just admitted that her making breakfast in bed for Bayleigh was a little "extra".  

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Sam said she didn't want one-on-ones because she doesn't know the game and she didn't want her head to get filled with a bunch of stuff when she already knew what she wanted to do. 

I feel like these girls are talking VERY loud.

Bayleigh says she feels like she is going to put up Brett. since he's already been on the block, he won't take it personally. 

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Sam is trying to defend Tyler and his relationship with Kaitlyn by saying that it was Kaitlyn working him like she did with Haleigh.

Bayleigh says she loves Tyler and Kaycee and that she has a soft spot for Haleigh and Fessy.  She also doesn't want to bother Rockstar this week.  Now Sam is going on about how she wants Rockstar to have her chance to shine.

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Aside from Brett, Bayleigh is running through the options of who to put up beside him.  It's between JC, Scottie, and Rachel.  She's leaning towards Rachel.  Sam is arguing against Scottie (no shock there).  Bayleigh didn't want to put up JC because she doesn't want him running around with her name in his mouth.  She didn't want to put up Scottie because she thinks he's a comp beast and might be mad at her if he wins veto and pulls himself off.  Bayleigh wants it to be Brett and Rachel, she doesn't want the noms to change, and she wants Brett to be the one to go home.

Sam just called JC a heathen.

Sam seems to think that in a smaller house, JC would be a different person.  Suuuure.

Bayleigh says that the only thing she doesn't like about JC is that he is condescending.

Sam says JC reaching out to everyone is "gay boy demeanor".

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They both think Hayleigh will be a different person with Kaitlyn gone.  That's what sam was wanting.  Bayleigh brings up Hayleigh saying she has cleaned plenty before - Bayleigh says she's never seen her clean and was shocked when she was cleaning last night. 

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Sam thinks the most dangerous ones in the house are the possessive ones.  I feel like she's pretty possessive about her boys Scottie and Tyler.

Sam is whispering to Bayleigh that if she picks Houseguest's choice to pick Tyler and tell him that it's a chance to prove himself to her by keeping the noms the same.  She says not to tell anyone that Sam said that.

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sam, whispering "if you get house guests choice, pick tyler, make him promise that he will keep them the same - see if he keeps his promise.  see what type of guy he really is. don't tell anyone I told you that.  that was so game-y of me to say that"

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam thinks the most dangerous ones in the house are the possessive ones.  I feel like she's pretty possessive about her boys Scottie and Tyler.

Sam is whispering to Bayleigh that if she picks Houseguest's choice to pick Tyler and tell him that it's a chance to prove himself to her by keeping the noms the same.  She says not to tell anyone that Sam said that.

What??!  Is she trying to tank Tyler's game.  What is her angle here?

ETA. I see now, she is trying to save him 

Edited by Wings
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Sam seemed to be suggesting that Scottie go up as a replacement nom.  Bayleigh made a point of saying that she feels like Scottie is on her side and she doesn't necessarily want to see him go.  She really wants the noms to say the same.  She said she hopes that God shows her favor this week.  God is in the tub, Bayleigh!

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam says she is very confused about Scottie and why he voted against Swaggy.

He didn't like Swaggy!  No one did.  Jesus, let that go. 

Who are the noms?

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So it'll be Rachel/Brett. Womp, I really wanted JC up. 

Also saw this on twitter:

Bayleigh to Sam- That leaves Scottie, JC, Rachel and Brett. I think I'm going to put Brett up. With JC, I dont want this little munchkin running around with his name in my mouth. That's one I'm hesitant about #BB20


Sigh. Bayleigh has such outdated views on gay people and people of shorter height in the same way that Sam has outdated views on gender. 

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3 minutes ago, Wings said:

He didn't like Swaggy!  No one did.  Jesus, let that go. 

Who are the noms?

Sounds like Brett and Rachel, though Bayleigh's other options are JC for initial nom and Scottie for renom.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sounds like Brett and Rachel, though Bayleigh's other options are JC for initial nom and Scottie for renom.

It makes more sense to put JC or Scottie up with Brett.  Why Rachael, that makes no sense to me at all. 

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