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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Brett/Rachel would have Brett leave. Brett/JC would likely have Brett leave as well (because of Sam, of course). 

I'm not sure with Sam. I think she's a real wild card and could possibly be persuaded by Tyler to vote out JC. He could tell her he voted out Kaitlyn like she wanted, and now he needs her, and they need to vote the same way. I'm not ready to concede Sam's vote if JC or even Scottie are on the block. Her tightest bond is with Tyler. 

Edited by vb68
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The issue is that L5 girls aren't on board with a girls alliance. Angela/Kaycee/Rachel aren't as enthralled with the idea as Rockstar is. 

The girls alliance is not happening, in my opinion. It's way too late to force something like this. Even without Kaitlyn, I feel like it'll fall apart.

I'm a little sad to know that Brett's leaving if he doesn't win veto or if Bayleigh doesn't put up Scottie. 

Angela and KC are on board with it. Angela especially. It was one of the main reasons she wanted to evict Kaitlyn. 

Maybe "alliance" is too strong a word, but Angela and KC seem cool with whittling down all the guys first. Obviously they'd want Brett and Tyler to last the longest, and they would probably vote out RS or Haleigh over Brett/Tyler. But I do think they want the girls to get as far as possible in the game together. 

Edited by Ceeg
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6 minutes ago, gunderda said:

They do occasionally.  We just don't know about it because it's done while the feeds are down on Thursdays before the show. 

Yeah, but it's never done right after the eviction and literally minutes before HOH. It makes it seem like they had to alter the HOH comp in some way.

4 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I'm not sure with Sam. I think she's a real wild card and could possibly be persuaded by Tyler to vote out JC. He could tell her he voted out Kaitlyn like she wanted, and now he needs her, and they need to vote the same way. i'm not ready to concede Sam's vote if JC or even Scottie are on the block. Her tightest bond is with Tyler. 

Sam called JC her best friend in her attempted renom with him. I still don't get it because I've never actually seen the two have a solo conversation with each other, but that seems to be what Sam is feeling. I'd love to see Tyler convince Sam to save Brett like he saved her in week 1, but I simply can't trust Sam with that. Which does suck because I've seen Sam and Brett have deeper conversations than Sam/JC and I'd think that they would be closer than Sam/JC, but apparently not.

3 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Angela and KC are on board with it. Angela especially. It was one of the main reasons she wanted to evict Kaitlyn. 

Huh. I just thought they voted out Kaitlyn because of all the shit Kaitlyn was spewing that got back to the group. I know Angela pushed for a Kaitlyn eviction over Rockstar, but I didn't think it had anything to do with them wanting that all girls alliance. 

  • Love 1
Just now, Lady Calypso said:


Huh. I just thought they voted out Kaitlyn because of all the shit Kaitlyn was spewing that got back to the group. I know Angela pushed for a Kaitlyn eviction over Rockstar, but I didn't think it had anything to do with them wanting that all girls alliance. 

I think they want to have a girl alliance in their back pocket. 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Huh. I just thought they voted out Kaitlyn because of all the shit Kaitlyn was spewing that got back to the group. I know Angela pushed for a Kaitlyn eviction over Rockstar, but I didn't think it had anything to do with them wanting that all girls alliance. 

No, the girls alliance was a driving factor for Angela flipping. Kaitlyn's bullshit was just the final straw. Angela pointed out that when it's all girls left, she/KC/Rachel will be the strongest with Kaitlyn out and they can run it. She also told Rachel if the girls alliance ever gets back to Brett or Tyler, she'll just blame it all on RS and deny they ever agreed with it. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sam called JC her best friend in her attempted renom with him.

Sam has said that with that with a few others, too.  Several people were a little surprised she said it about JC. And she did come thisclose to nominating him. So again, she's a wild card. I'm not sold that she would be solid in any scenario this week.  

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

No, the girls alliance was a driving factor for Angela flipping. Kaitlyn's bullshit was just the final straw. Angela pointed out that when it's all girls left, she/KC/Rachel will be the strongest with Kaitlyn out and they can run it. She also told Rachel if the girls alliance ever gets back to Brett or Tyler, she'll just blame it all on RS and deny they ever agreed with it. 

Well, I still think this all girls alliance is going to fail. Bayleigh mentioned that someone was talking about how Rachel/Kaycee/Angela need to hit the block because they've never been on the block before (which should also include half the house, then) and since Haleigh/Rockstar were just on the block and nobody else on S6 have been on the block, it sounds like they said that to Bayleigh. There's already some mistrust going around there. I think the all girls alliance is only convenient for them right now because Bayleigh's in power. But if Fessy wins HOH next week, you think they're gonna be rah-rah girl power when Angela/Rachel are put up? Who are they gonna convince him to put up? Tyler/JC? 

Again, not disputing that they may try for this all girls alliance. I just think it will not be successful. Angela may want it, but Kaycee only trusts Tyler and maybe Bayleigh. Rachel seems to be the loud mouth that could be a hindrance to the all girls alliance (and the one the group would cut first, it seems). Rockstar's only in for the all girls alliance for shallow/optic reasons. She's not in it because she likes the other girls, since she rarely talks to them. She only likes the idea of one and is trying to force it. Sure, they got rid of their biggest liability, but the other issues will start arising soon enough. 

The girls alliance will only be useful if it's a guy vs girl on the block, so it's not really an alliance anyway. 

3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Sam has said that with that with a few others, too.  Several people were a little surprised she said it about JC. And she did come thisclose to nominating him. So again, she's a wild card. I'm not sold that she would be solid in any scenario this week.  

I just worry, that's mostly why I'm cynical about Brett vs JC. I'd love for her to keep Brett, but right now, I don't know where Sam's head and heart are at when it comes to the men. We all know how she feels about the women, but what about the men? Sam's heart "broke" when she thought she was nominating JC and he gave her puppy dog eyes. Brett isn't the type to give people the puppy dog eyes and grovel or whatever, where JC would. Brett doesn't tug at the heart strings because he's not that kind of guy, but that's what would get through to Sam. So I just think it's worrying about his chances with Sam as the wild card in that scenario. 

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

SO ballistic. Oh man, especially if he went up so early in the game. Oh man, it would be nuts.

He'd be pissed like Dr. Loveless whenever he'd have a tantrum on the old Wild, Wild West series with Robert Conrad.

Why should Brett be put on the block?  Outside of him/Rocknuts not getting along, of course.

Edited by Vixenstud
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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Brett's pitch to Bayleigh was pretty terrible. He's not half as smooth as he thinks he is. He made fun of RS for having a suck ass social game but his isn't much better. That was a terrible move for him to vote Kaitlyn out. 

I like to think that Brett knew he was going up no matter what and any attempt to sway her would only backfire on him. Yeah, he isn't good at pitching at all. His best bet is to gun hard for the veto, or get his allies to, in order to get him off the block. 

I can't wait to see JC nominated. He's going to freak out and it could be fun to watch. He's never gonna leave Bayleigh alone. 

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, but it's never done right after the eviction and literally minutes before HOH. It makes it seem like they had to alter the HOH comp in some way.

Sam called JC her best friend in her attempted renom with him. I still don't get it because I've never actually seen the two have a solo conversation with each other, but that seems to be what Sam is feeling. I'd love to see Tyler convince Sam to save Brett like he saved her in week 1, but I simply can't trust Sam with that. Which does suck because I've seen Sam and Brett have deeper conversations than Sam/JC and I'd think that they would be closer than Sam/JC, but apparently not.

Huh. I just thought they voted out Kaitlyn because of all the shit Kaitlyn was spewing that got back to the group. I know Angela pushed for a Kaitlyn eviction over Rockstar, but I didn't think it had anything to do with them wanting that all girls alliance. 

That confused me just as much as how Fessy and Kaitlyn threw around they were each other's best friend. I didn't see that AT ALL either. 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Why should Brett be put on the block?  Outside of him/Rocknuts not getting along, of course.

It's because him and Bayleigh simply don't talk that much. He's basically the lowest person on her totem pole. Bayleigh won't put up Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar or Scottie. She likes Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler. She seems to get along with Sam. So that leaves JC, Brett, and Rachel, and S5 want Brett gone. That's pretty much the only reason why (though she might backdoor Scottie since she doesn't trust him). It's a shame because I saw potential with these two forming some sort of game relationship after Brett kept his lips shut about their big game talk a while back. I can't remember the exact context of their talk, but I remember Brett not sharing anything that Bayleigh told him. 

Just now, Ceeg said:

If the nominations are Brett and JC and stays that way, we're gonna find out how good Tyler truly is. If he could flip Sam, I'll be legitimately impressed. 

Tyler, without Kaitlyn, might be able to sway Sam now. I figure Tyler would want JC out, especially now knowing that he can't work with JC if they have opposing views, since JC is so stubborn. Week 1 Tyler, before he got super involved with Kaitlyn, was good at what he did, Without Kaitlyn, he's able to roam freely around the house, talk to anyone without worrying that Kaitlyn will flip out, and he should be fighting to keep Brett around over JC. He had a stronger relationship with Sam before Kaitlyn happened. There's a reason why she told him about her power before anyone else.

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Wait, it's Brett/JC now? I thought Fessy convinced her to go with Rachel as a pawn. 

Oh man, I am living for JC being nominated!

It's not over until the nominations are set, but I know when Bayleigh was talking to Kaycee (I guess before the second Bay/Fessy conversation) she said she wanted JC to go up next to Brett and she didn't want Rachel up as a pawn. It could go either way, but I do think Bayleigh would rather JC than Rachel next to Brett. 

I really hope it's Brett/JC nominations and they stay the same or Brett wins veto. I think those are Brett's best odds at staying. If it's Rachel/Scottie on the block next to him, I don't think he even has a shot. The girls won't vote out another girl and Scottie has Sam who I think won't budge on him while it's possible with JC. I think Tyler will fight for Brett to stay over JC because he can work with Brett while JC is too stubborn and too close to Fessy and the S6 side.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I really hope it's Brett/JC nominations and they stay the same or Brett wins veto. I think those are Brett's best odds at staying. If it's Rachel/Scottie on the block next to him, I don't think he even has a shot. The girls won't vote out another girl and Scottie has Sam who I think won't budge on him while it's possible with JC. I think Tyler will fight for Brett to stay over JC because he can work with Brett while JC is too stubborn and too close to Fessy and the S6 side.

I do agree that Brett winning veto would be Brett's best odds at staying. ;)

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I really hope it's Brett/JC nominations and they stay the same or Brett wins veto. I think those are Brett's best odds at staying. If it's Rachel/Scottie on the block next to him, I don't think he even has a shot. The girls won't vote out another girl and Scottie has Sam who I think won't budge on him while it's possible with JC. I think Tyler will fight for Brett to stay over JC because he can work with Brett while JC is too stubborn and too close to Fessy and the S6 side.

Brett's best chance is possibly being up against Scottie, actually. There's a wild card for Brett/Scottie, just like there is for Brett/JC. For the latter, Sam's the wild card. But for the former, JC is. I don't know where JC's head is at with Brett or Scottie, but I feel like JC might vote to evict Scottie over Brett. I could be completely wrong about this, but they don't actually need Sam's vote if Scottie goes up. They just need JC's. So it's not a total lost cause with Brett/Scottie on the block together.

10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

They've never had a practice round before HOH before.

It makes me wonder if the theory on Reddit about this being a team HOH is true. 

Or production needed a couple of hours to calm down from the unexpected twist of Kaitlyn losing. Seriously, for a show that has a mantra of "expect the unexpected", they're the ones who got blindsided this week.


10 hours ago, Cutty said:

They just started the comp? So glad production kept the feeds down for 2 hours for no reason.

I half believe that production had to pull the comp out if its ass because Kaitlyn was going to be told she gets HOH  upon winning and returning to the house. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Brett's best chance is possibly being up against Scottie, actually. There's a wild card for Brett/Scottie, just like there is for Brett/JC. For the latter, Sam's the wild card. But for the former, JC is. I don't know where JC's head is at with Brett or Scottie, but I feel like JC might vote to evict Scottie over Brett. I could be completely wrong about this, but they don't actually need Sam's vote if Scottie goes up. They just need JC's. So it's not a total lost cause with Brett/Scottie on the block together.

Maybe I'm getting paranoid like Winston. I have a feeling JC would vote out Brett because he feels this is his chance to take a swing at him, he's way more dangerous that Scottie. I guess I'm just not ready for Brett to go, he entertains me on the feeds and I like him. 

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Bayleigh was a distant 5th on my HOH list, but at least L5 didn't win lol. I'm just gonna need Scottie to somehow win veto so that Bay's dumb ass won't put him up. Brett going isn't best case for me (Tyler would be, of course), but it's second best so I'll definitely take it. And JC being nommed could be entertaining as hell, especially if he stays on the block all week against Brett.

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5 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Maybe I'm getting paranoid like Winston. I have a feeling JC would vote out Brett because he feels this is his chance to take a swing at him, he's way more dangerous that Scottie. I guess I'm just not ready for Brett to go, he entertains me on the feeds and I like him. 

I'd need to hear JC's thoughts about Scottie because I don't know where his head is at with him. I know JC's close with Fessy, but JC's kind of floating all over the place. JC's been trying to pin his vote on Rachel, so we know she's his next target, but would he take a stab at Brett or would he go for Scottie? I'm not ready for Brett to go either. Scottie is such a non-entity and Rachel is right in wanting him out, since his type of BB houseguests usually coasts far. Scottie's a good competitor too, so it's not like it's getting out a useless floater. 

Plus, a fifth blindside in a week would be glorious. Ok, Kaitlyn's eviction wasn't a blindside...but her failing her comeback challenge was to everyone. 

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I think if Haleigh were a gamer and JC was on the block, she'd be better off clipping JC to remove his influence over Fessy. She would have total control over him and he'd be a huge meat shield in front of her who has shown to be a good competitor.  She'd have solid allies with RS and Scottie and I think would be in a good spot. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I think if Haleigh were a gamer and JC was on the block, she'd be better off clipping JC to remove his influence over Fessy. She would have total control over him and he'd be a huge meat shield in front of her who has shown to be a good competitor.  She'd have solid allies with RS and Scottie and I think would be in a good spot. 

We know she isn't though.

I think that's also why this house has an interesting dynamic. Because there are still two big alliances, as tentative as one may be. One is full of people who are playing the game, who have a decent to good read on the house, and who seem to be thinking strategically both short-term and long-term. But they can't win a competition to save their lives. The other side wins all the comps, but can't even buy a clue. They are almost completely and utterly useless when it comes to reading house dynamics.

Edited by Ceeg
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21 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

One is full of people who are playing the game, who have a decent to good read on the house,

Eh, I don't really see it that way. I think they are lucky Tyler decided to be part of their group. He's carrying the weight for that side. I don't really think the Level 5 girls (sans Kaycee) are much better at the game than Haleigh. Without Tyler and Kaycee feeding them info, Rachel would be totally inept. I like her personally but she is all over the place strategically. 

24 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I actually think if it's Brett/JC end of the week- Tyler/Kaycee could flip Sam- and JC would be a goner. She hasn't NOT voted with them- she trusts them the most in the house. 

Yeah but Sam pushed back hard when Tyler floated the idea of keeping Kaitlyn. I don't think Tyler can control her that easily. SHE'S A STRONG WOMAN!

The thing I worry about with Sam is she is hardheaded and doesn't think strategically. Tyler could give her a million reasons why it's better to keep Brett and she would just say "but I like JC more".

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Eh, I don't really see it that way. I think they are lucky Tyler decided to be part of their group. He's carrying the weight for that side. I don't really think the Level 5 girls (sans Kaycee) are much better at the game than Haleigh. Without Tyler and Kaycee feeding them info, Rachel would be totally inept. I like her personally but she is all over the place strategically. 

Yeah but Sam pushed back hard when Tyler floated the idea of keeping Kaitlyn. I don't think Tyler can control her that easily. SHE'S A STRONG WOMAN!

The thing I worry about with Sam is she is hardheaded and doesn't think strategically. Tyler could give her a million reasons why it's better to keep Brett and she would just say "but I like JC more".

Yeah but Tyler & Kaycee are her #1's. And she trusts them. So if they tell her this is a good idea- she'll do it. At least that's what I think. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Eh, I don't really see it that way. I think they are lucky Tyler decided to be part of their group. He's carrying the weight for that side. I don't really think the Level 5 girls (sans Kaycee) are much better at the game than Haleigh. Without Tyler and Kaycee feeding them info, Rachel would be totally inept. I like her personally but she is all over the place strategically. 

Brett's Lie was a good game move for the short-term, and nothing that anyone in S6 would ever think to do and even if they did, it wouldn't have worked. He exploited the weak link in the group and helped create chaos and distrust among all of them. He's also worked hard to distance himself from L6. He talked to Tyler the other day about how bad it sucked because his alliance are the only people in the house he's friends with and wants to talk to, but he can't do it because he doesn't want to out it. Angela almost single-handedly flipped the vote to keep Rockstar. Which might not be beneficial for the guys in her group, but it was certainly beneficial for her own personal game. IMO Rachel is the only one who's a mess and is being carried, but she's done a really good job of distancing herself from Angela. The past week, I haven't heard anyone mention them as any kind of duo. Not to mention the entire group's ability to stay cool under pressure, work hard at not showing they're a solid alliance, and their refusal to turn on each other when backed into a corner. Brett/Winston could have blown that up when they were on the block together, outed the alliance and struck a deal with Scottie. They didn't, because it wouldn't have benefited their game long-term. 

I'm not saying they're the greatest alliance to ever alliance, but at least when compared to the gaming abilities of the other side, they're miles ahead. IMO.

  • Love 6

I think Bay's soft spot for Tyler goes all the way back to the beginning. From day one she had a little crush on Tyler. And during their HOH elimination comp, she thought her and Tyler connected and were working together. Thus her blow up when he started filling her delete dot tube. 
Not to mention, she wants super competitor guys surrounding her to advance her.

From a twitter post:

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, missyb said:

Not to mention, she wants super competitor guys surrounding her to advance her.

She also misreads Tyler's position in the house. She thinks he's a lone wolf, floating back and forth. It's kind of amazing she doesn't realize Tyler was the impetus for Swaggy getting backdoored. He deserves credit for getting her to trust him.

  • Love 9
35 minutes ago, missyb said:

I think Bay's soft spot for Tyler goes all the way back to the beginning. From day one she had a little crush on Tyler. And during their HOH elimination comp, she thought her and Tyler connected and were working together. Thus her blow up when he started filling her delete dot tube. 
Not to mention, she wants super competitor guys surrounding her to advance her.

From a twitter post:

Hilarious!  Thanks, good find. 


  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, zorak said:

How interesting if Sam really is trying to give Bayleigh a breakfast in bed.  I'm shocked she didn't do that for Tyler and Scottie, since they're poor, defenseless men (at least in Sam's eyes).  

There is some sucking up going on here.  I think that tray is the first with another to follow.  She is cooking bacon. 

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