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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, Ceeg said:

OMG Rockstar is spilling all the tea about FOUTTE to Sam

I literally gasped.  What does RS think she is going to accomplish doing this?  Put the target more on Kaitlyn I guess but RS, you're still on the block!

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5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Sam said that the whole point of her HoH is to make people happy, or something like that. And she's hurt/upset that no one is thrilled. If she felt that way why'd she win HoH? She makes no sense.

Careful... you’re wandering into Amanda Zuckerman-copyrighted territory..... :>


3 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Ah, that's right.  Thank you.  I think they should be required to use their real names.  Rockstar and Swaggy are cheesy.  

I’d put a note about real names vs. nicknames earlier in the thread, but recent arrivals may not have read back that far.

After this week, though, it hopefully won’t be an issue.  :)

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She's pretty much throwing Kaitlyn under the bus spilling how Kaitlyn screwed up their alliance by not being loyal. 

RS says they don't even know how Brett was able to stay. 

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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Rockstar telling Sam about FOUTTE.  Not sure if thats a good move.

It's going to blow up the house. J.C. and Tyler are going to spill Brett's plan last week is my guess?

The house is about to change.

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Just now, Alice Mudgarden said:


I know it's still really early, but this season might be my favorite one since BB10.

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All I heard was Sam promising Rockstar that she would still help Rockstar buy a house (like, WTF?) and then Rockstar crying and spilling everything

Bitter and angry tears with my morning coffee and croissant makes for a well-balanced breakfast.

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Just now, Ceeg said:

Sam's really gonna be working people to evict Kaitlyn, methinks

Given current feelings in the House, that’s probably the best way to ensure Pinky gets shown the Door.  :>

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Sam is making zero sense lmao. She said she'd rather RS go home this week when she knows there's a chance to come back, instead of next week when Brett might be HOH. Girrrrrrrrrrl, don't you know someone can be on the block two weeks in a row?

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

All I heard was Sam promising Rockstar that she would still help Rockstar buy a house (like, WTF?)

But Sam lives in a trailer. 

Does Sam even think about the things that come out of her mouth?

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Sam: "This is my HoH. Next week, what if it's Brett? And next week, you're voted out forever. This week, it's not."
Rockstar: "Right."

Yes, Sam, you're sooo nice to give her a chance to be voted out by her peers and then come back into a house that doesn't want her (that goes for both noms).

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Whatever this game is to get back into the house, BB is definitely rigging it to be super easy.  "Kaitlyn, what is 2 + 2?  Welcome back to the house!"  No way they are giving up this drama.

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Just now, zenithwit said:

Whatever this game is to get back into the house, BB is definitely rigging it to be super easy.  "Kaitlyn, what is 2 + 2?  Welcome back to the house!"  No way they are giving up this drama.

It's supposed to be a puzzle. My hopes? If Kaitlyn, it'll be a puzzle of Tyler's face. If Rockstar, a puzzle of Brett's face. Heh.

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Just now, zenithwit said:

Whatever this game is to get back into the house, BB is definitely rigging it to be super easy.  "Kaitlyn, what is 2 + 2?  Welcome back to the house!"  No way they are giving up this drama.

Right? Idc what it means for my faves, I just want Kaitlyn voted out only to have her pop right back in for the dramz of it all.

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It's really surprising that Kaitlyn didn't see this coming with a vision or a dream or a nudge from her spirit guides.

If I have to hear K tell Fessy he's her BEST FRIEND one more time...

Last night, some of the HGs ( I think RS, Kaitlyn and Haleigh, but I'm not positive) were talking about how this season was being received by the audience.  One of them said they had a really good cast and that's what makes a season good or bad and mentioned that last season sucked because of the cast.  What's funny is that they are right, but the things that make a "good cast" for the audience is having lots of crazy in the house and I don't think that is what she meant at all.   

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

It's supposed to be a puzzle. My hopes? If Kaitlyn, it'll be a puzzle of Tyler's face. If Rockstar, a puzzle of Brett's face. Heh.

Kaitlyn stares at Tyler's face like my cat stares at the top of the fridge when I'm too dumb to understand that he wants treats. If that were the puzzle, she'd have it done in a hot minute.

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I switched from Sam/RS over to Kait/Fessy because they were getting repetitive. The first sentence I hear, "My purpose is to help other people stand in their truth". Back to Sam/RS it is.

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Kaitlyn: "Because I love you and I trust you and you influence me *devolves into incomprehensible VICTIM NOISES and crying*"

Kaitlyn, honey, it's a little late. Now you have to go around and beg for votes, not keep whining to the former Veto holder.

Kaitlyn to Faysal about backdooring Swaggy: "My guides told me that you would fuuucked... you would have been fucked if he was still here."

Kaitlyn: "I have to stay true to my truth." 

Edited by Callaphera
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9 minutes ago, vb68 said:

But Sam lives in a trailer. 

Does Sam even think about the things that come out of her mouth?

Well... if Pinky buys a doublewide, Sam could always help put it up on blocks....  :>


Just occurred to me... if the evicted HG returns this week - that’s going to push the start of Jury back another week, isn’t it?  Because the Jury pool size isn’t going to change based on a comp outcome.  Two more HGs have to be (permanently) evicted before Jury starts regardless.

Edited by Nashville
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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's supposed to be a puzzle. My hopes? If Kaitlyn, it'll be a puzzle of Tyler's face. If Rockstar, a puzzle of Brett's face. Heh.

Tyler's face in the morning since it's one of the top 5 cutest things she's ever seen.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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I am Kaitlyn Herman and my life's goal is to help people and I know that there are little girls out there that learned important things about themselves when I voted out Steve and backdoored Swaggy!!  And if that's wrong, she doesn't want to be right, dammit!  The first line was all Kaitlyn, the second was my paraphrasing of the rest of her speech.

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Oh nos!  Fessy is now telling Kaitlyn not to worry about his vote -- or Haleigh's-- and just work on getting two more.  I guess because he saved her, he thinks he owns Haleigh's vote.  If I were Haleigh there is no way I would vote to keep Kaitlyn.  

Awkward!  F/K talking about voting out RS and she walks in to change her clothes.

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Faysal: "If you trust me, you have my and Haleigh's vote. I will work on the other two."

So because Faysal Vetoed Haleigh, I guess he can direct which way her vote is going to go? I think I just sprained an eyeball rolling it so hard.

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3 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Kaycee seems conflicted.

Given the eviction choice is between two House bitches, both of which are crazier than shithouse rats?  Hell, I’d be conflicted, too.

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RS told Bay/Rachel/KC that she's just going to talk to Sam a lot because she loves Sam and Sam is like a piece of home for her.

I know we've talked about Tyler being teflon, but Sam has somehow come out of this week relatively unscathed, which is pretty amazing.

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I go back and forth on Bayleigh.  She is really good at making personal connections in the house and seeming to be genuinely interested in people which I love, but then she can also be a little condescending and arrogant in her DRs and she has a major blind-spot when it comes to anything Swaggy.

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Kaitlyn to Haleigh: "I'm not mad at you. I'm glad he used it. He just didn't have to say that to me."

Bullshit. You're pissed that he didn't use the Veto on you. Stand in your truth, Kaitlyn.

Edited by Callaphera
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Re: Sam coming out of the week unscathed, eh, not sure. Haleigh said she's putting Sam up, JC no longer trusts her. She;s sort of boxed herself into having only Tyler (if she even has Tyler) after this week.

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4 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I go back and forth on Bayleigh.  She is really good at making personal connections in the house and seeming to be genuinely interested in people which I love, but then she can also be a little condescending and arrogant in her DRs and she has a major blind-spot when it comes to anything Swaggy.

I don't like her DRs but I try to take them with a grain of salt. I mostly just like seeing someone get along with people they thought they wouldn't, or at least never bothered to try.

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Re: Sam coming out of the week unscathed, eh, not sure. Haleigh said she's putting Sam up, JC no longer trusts her. She;s sort of boxed herself into having only Tyler (if she even has Tyler) after this week.

To be fair, JC doesn't trust anyone. He has no loyalty to anyone in the house. And Sam never had anyone but Tyler. She's always been disposable for L6, just one step above S6. The only person she seems to have lost this week is Haleigh, and maybe Kaitlyn.  What I meant was that this week doesn't seem to have really set her back much, despite the accusations of HOHitis, despite her fucked up nomination ceremony bullshit speech, despite the weird meltdown over using her power, despite all the reasons why she's moved down the Favorite Houseguest rankings. 

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Bayleigh: "Y'all, this is just a hot mess express."

She was talking about the Have Not bed pillow arrangements but I like to think that she's commenting on how this week has gone. And the Feedsters thank you all for it. Zero Five star, two thumbs up, 10/10 would LOL again.

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