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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Scottie says he didn't even look for the veto the first 2 rounds.  He says he just spent that time pouring things all over the floors.  He said unless it was a carpeted area, he poured milk and other stuff all over it.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Fessy's making fun of Tyler's strategy. Meanwhile, Fessy didn't win either so...urg. This is gonna be an Anti Fessy night, y'all.

Every night should be an Anti-Fessy night.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Scottie poured the milk everywhere and destroyed Sam's stuff.

And poured milk on JC's stuff. 

Props to Scottie for getting down on his hands and knees to scrub up the mess he made, though. 

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As much as it really doesn't matter since Scottie is 90% going home, I'm kind of glad that L6 (Tyler/Angela/Kaycee) have to feel a little pressure.  They were pretty content to let "lone wolf" Brett take the heat for them and it seems like he's definitely the first one they'd cut when it comes down to it. 

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3 minutes ago, Wings said:

Scotty poured liquid everywhere except the carpet.  I find it odd they love doing that knowing they have to clean it.  Ah well, youth I guess.

I never get this...did he think he had to because it's a "superfan" thing to do?  I get creating obstacles, but rampant destruction--especially with food being thrown around--just seems pointless.

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1 minute ago, leocadia said:

I never get this...did he think he had to because it's a "superfan" thing to do?  I get creating obstacles, but rampant destruction--especially with food being thrown around--just seems pointless.

It sounds like his strategy, at first, was to make sure his veto wasn't found, as his was low to the ground. But then he might have covered his tracks by putting the milk everywhere.

At least he cleaned it up himself. Angela cleaned up the oven that she made a mess of with the coffee grinds, and Brett took care of cleaning the Have Not room that he messed up, so that was great. 

Meanwhile, Fessy poured sugar on top of the scattered milk and left it for others to clean up. Fucking prick. Who's the spoiled entitled princess now?

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4 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I never get this...did he think he had to because it's a "superfan" thing to do?  I get creating obstacles, but rampant destruction--especially with food being thrown around--just seems pointless.

I kinda get it. It would get a lot of your frustrations out to just destroy that shithole of a house. But I would also be that evil, bitchy player (however unlikely it would be that I would still be in the house come Hide and Go Veto, because I would have popped off on these fools a long time ago) that would go and find the closet of someone I didn't like and just fling their shit into another room, all vindictive like. 


1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Meanwhile, Fessy poured sugar on top of the scattered milk and left it for others to clean up. Fucking prick. Who's the spoiled entitled princess now?

Keep feeding my hate. I feel a Fessy Exposed Party coming.

Edited by Callaphera
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Faysal thinks he was being sly by telling Tyler that he trusted Haleigh for the most part. He says he thought it would sound better than saying he 100% trusts her so as to not cast suspicion.  Haleigh doesn't understand why he couldn't just say he trusts Haleigh.

Haleigh sounds pissed and says this is all great for Faysal.  He doesn't understand why she's mad.

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Did you know? I'm not sure because I don't think she's ever said it before so let's just call this breaking news.

Sam is who she is. She does what she says and says what she means. 

Just an FYI for y'all. I know I'm stunned by this revelation. 

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To continue the Empire Records theme...How great would it be if an evicted HG looked at the remaining HGs as s/he arose from the chair and said, "Why don't you all just...fade away!"

Anyone get any inking that Hay will try to save Scottie from being nominated?

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Yeah, I need Fessy gone next week. Like, no joke. I'd rather bring back Swaggy than dealing with this possessive Nice Guy Lazy Entitled Spoiled Brat. And I do NOT like Swaggy at all. I just have a very deep rage for This Fucking Guy.

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Now he's pitching this 4 person thing to Haleigh.  He's not calling it an alliance though.  Haleigh says if it works then it's great for her game and that she'll worship the floor he walks on.  But she says she has a gut feeling it's not going to work out.

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Haleigh says she's glad that Faysal will have Tyler's trust but that it doesn't mean that Tyler will trust Haleigh.  She doesn't buy that he's over the fact that she put Tyler on the block.

Haleigh says she thinks Faysal wants to believe everything people tell him to his face.

Haleigh after Faysal said something about Angela:  "Why don't you just play this game for Angela?  Why don't you find out what's the most beneficial move for her?  That's what I want, Fessy."  Zing!

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Oh man, Haleigh/Fessy fighting over Angela. This is hilarious. 

Haleigh has a little tiny inkling of a clue...just way too late and not fully on track. 

Kaycee might be the one to go up as a pawn now, not Sam. JC seemed to convince Fessy to not put up Sam. 

Ok, seriously, JC really is a great game player.

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Faysal says, "JC loves me.  JC loves Tyler."  Haleigh says she's very annoyed that JC keeps telling her what Faysal wants.

Faysal says that JC will go to bat for Haleigh, too.

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Faysal says he and Haleigh won't go on the block together due to the various relationships they have in the house.  I so want them to be on the block together.

Faysal is joyous about the alone time he and Haleigh have been getting.  Yuck.

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Just now, Christi said:

Who did Fessy say "was going off the deep end, and everyone sees it"....

I think Sam.  He mentioned that she had been going crazy.

Faysal:  "If this plan works Haleigh, it's good.  It's the only plan we can do."  

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I'm still watching Sam fold her clothes - which is essentially like watching paint dry - rather than flipping over to the other side of the feeds to watch Haleigh and Fessy. No regrets.

I've taken off my headphones as a break because I don't want to watch either. 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I'm supposed to be the evil twin! It's a combination of a childhood fear of the dark, an overactive imagination, reading Stephen King waaaay before I was supposed to, and my neighbour having a wind chime collection. The wood ones are the worst but they all sound like impending ghosts to me. I'd rather be forced to spend 24 hours in a messy house with Fessy than hear another wind chime as long as I live. 

The wooden ones are the only ones I can tolerate. 


1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

 Never visit me. The lady next door collects the damned things.  I may not actually hate them but I have developed a serious dislike of  them.

Do you live next door to my parents? My mom is that crazy lady with eleventy billion wind chimes and every time there’s a monsoon, she runs outside to take all of them down (so they aren’t damaged by the wind). 


48 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh, production confiscated all of their dishes and cups before veto so that they couldn't break them. 

They found the coffee pot in the storage room with all the dishes nearly 2hrs ago. 


I’m hoping the Giant says the one thing, whatever it might be, that frays Sam the Pious’ last nerve and makes him the recipient of her rage. 

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Sam just went up to the HOH room and said, "Fessy, I don't know what your plan is"  and then the camera switched to a different room.  I wonder if she's telling him to put her up as a replacement nom.

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In "Fuck Fessy" news, he unhooked Haleigh's bra, had a hell of a time hooking it back up, and when Haleigh said that she was going to go cook dinner for them, he told her to bring him up a plate because The King can't be bothered to leave his bed in order to eat on the same level as the peasants. 

This fucking guy. If I was Haleigh, the feeds would be down because Production would be forcibly stopping me from shoving my boot up Fessy's ass. 

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Faysal telling Sam that he feels like people are going to pitch her as a replacement nom.  She wants to know why.  He says nobody has yet.  He assures her that he's not going to touch her.  Also, she read his HOH letter and got teary eyed.  She just told him that if she wins HOH, she won't put him up.

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