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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

If it really fucks over Angela's HOH then I am all for it!

Whether it helps or hurts, the idea of adding, in effect, a new power app, while they have TWO POWER APPS OUTSTANDING is just peak BB bullshit. 

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You know what though, Angela is an amazing villain. I want her to go full HOHitis in addition to the raving bitch she already is and then have her HOH completely fucked by Bay and/or the Hacker thing. It'd be amazing.

But, let's all be real here, Tyler gonna win that Hacker comp for sure lol.

2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Whether it helps or hurts, the idea of adding, in effect, a new power app, while they have TWO POWER APPS OUTSTANDING is just peak BB bullshit. 

I expected a new twist for the Sunday ep anyway. I'm actually surprised they didn't start it this past week.

Angela bitching about no one smiling about her winning HOH. This bitch, man. Fuck, this shit is good!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Angela:  "I've never seen the house so depressed after an HOH comp."  She says she can't believe nobody can put on a happy face while she's around.  Bitch alert!

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Angela walks in on Brett and depressed Sam just beaming.

"I've never seen this house so depressed after an HOH competition!"

Edited by vb68
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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

I think Sam might cry again too.

She's acting all weird.

She's upset that this game includes lying and backstabbing outside of the competitions. This is the thing she always does after evictions, which is mope until someone fluffs her up again and tells her that this week will be fun and everyone left will do good happy things with the money.

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Sam says to just tell her what to do and she'll pretend everything else isn't happening.  Angela says it's a vacation week for Sam.

Just now, gunderda said:

Sam says she wants to slap someone in the head. Not sure who she’s talking about. 


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Sam: "I was this close to snapping on Haleigh because she's going to be crawled up your ass and you better be prepared to taste it and I will slap her in the head." Back on the slut-shaming train again. Also bitching that Haleigh primped for the live show.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Angela says it's a vacation week for Sam.

Which really means just go play with your spiders some more.

Sam has been on fricking vacation since this season started.

Edited by vb68
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Just now, zorak said:

Brett says he thought he was going to throw up in the middle of his speech.

I did notice him hanging his head down when Rachel complimented him in her speech. I do think he's genuinely feeling guilty. He's clearly no Angela, who is acting like she didn't just evict someone she was close with. 

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Angela was being sarcastic when she said the house is so depressed. She is not bothered by shit like that. She will make her noms without remorse. She will be pissed if Bay changes them but she will be somewhat prepared.  I am ready for an Angela HOH. And go ahead and win POV too.

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I think I might be a Brett fan suddenly. I know "guys like him" and he's said some stuff and whatever. I don't excuse it, I don't like some of it, but for a Big Brother fan he's pure entertainment on the live shows. Was it unnecessary to say what he's said in his final speeches? Sure but he's keeping the game interesting. How many HGs believed that Rockstar did flip - or at the very least entertained the idea of it? Now he's blown Bayleigh's power and a fake Man-Eaters alliance? That's live show gold! And I appreciate that. 

Besides now that Rachel's gone, there aren't many in that house I'm that fond of now. I either dislike or just plain don't care about the majority (sorry Kaycee) so I might as well back the one that always wins. 

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Sam the Pious has become a feed switch for me. Everything she ever says is either Chicken Soup for the Soul platitudes or jealous slut-shaming stuff. Seriously she should have just applied for "19 Kids and Counting."

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kaycee and Tyler just high-fiving and dancing. Honestly I'm not real sure why they're so pumped. They just lost a member of their alliance and they know Bay has a power that can fuck the noms.

Because they can flush Bay’s power now. 

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I just need Angela's HOH completely fucked. It would be such good feeds.

Did they give any indication of what the Hacker comp will be like/what the prizes will be like/how long it will last? I wasn't paying close enough attention, what with all the cursing.

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Even if Bay puts up two of them there's at least a 50% chance one of them comes down and they put her up and gone with Angela breaking the tie. 

I know. She has to know she fucked herself good by telling Rachel.

Her power is cursed now. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I just need Angela's HOH completely fucked. It would be such good feeds.

Did they give any indication of what the Hacker comp will be like/what the prizes will be like/how long it will last? I wasn't paying close enough attention, what with all the cursing.

They didn't say much. Just that it was a comp and whoever won it would have the power to hack the game. 

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Tonight accidentally turned into a "drink when someone says or does something stupid" game, and I am therefore largely incoherent. So I'll restrict my commentary for now to this: I'm happy to have Rachel on my fantasy team instead of Angela. And y'all, my parents are the "tired of losing? get better." team, so "competitive af" is a tremendous understatement in my family. 

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kaycee and Tyler just high-fiving and dancing. Honestly I'm not real sure why they're so pumped. They just lost a member of their alliance and they know Bay has a power that can fuck the noms.

Let Bae go ahead and waste her power that way; at least 50% of the Veto players will automatically be L5 members, and Bae will be wide-open for the BD.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Because it's BB and I literally never get what I want, I bet Bay will use her power to nom Scottie lol.

Oh god I’d love this to happen. 

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Personally, I’m wondering what the odds are of Tyler convincing Bae Scottie was a flip vote, rather than Tyler.

What are the highest odds possible? 

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think he already conceded that he did it. 

What reason did he give? Did he try to say it was a last minute thing because of Brett's speech?

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

What are the highest odds possible? 

I think Tyler told Bayleigh that he voted to evict Rachel. I THINK that was what they were talking about when the feeds came back, but it was toward the end of their conversation so I'm not positive.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think he's realizing that he needs to start hanging out with different people since clearly, his side keeps coming up blindsided.

Assuming Bay doesn't use her power, I think Fessy knows he stands a very good chance of going up.

Edited by vb68
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