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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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The conversation between Angela and KC is a great one. They also are discussing if they should include Bay, who wants to vote with them, on the switch to keep RS. 

This is not over until that last vote Thursday night. And even then, its not over !!


Angela and KC agree on keeping RS and Rachel says for the first time she feels good about it.
KC is in agreement. This surprises me as she has been telling Tyler everything and is rock solid with Tyler.

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Angela is telling Rachel that she's still thinking about it, nothing solid. Angela/KC had discussed before not telling Rachel outright about flipping their vote until the last minute.

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It amazes me that Rockstar thought she was going to be a social beast coming into the BB house.  She says she's good at managing people.  Maybe that's true only as long as the people in question are in line with all of her beliefs, aren't wealthy, and aren't perceived as being stuck up by her.  Because I have to say, I think her social game is complete crap.

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If I remember correctly when Sam was a robot there was a lot of crying and carrying on about being isolated.  Now she has the HOH room what she doing? Isolating!  I guess her robot room didn't have arts and crafts included.

 Come to think of it where is she getting the crafts supplies? Is production giving them to her?  If she ripping up the furniture and carpeting for materials?

Edited by Skycatcher
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20 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I don;t think Haleigh is ready to let RS go. She was campaigning so hard for RS yesterday it was exhausting watching her hop from place to place. Part of it is strategy in that she's closer to RS than she is to her own alliance but Haleigh also seems to have the most patience/tolerance for RS's "I need the money so bad, I have no job and three kids" sob story. Hay's also politically liberal and more in line with all of RS's SJW rants. 

Hayleigh knows that Kaitlin voted to evict Steve right? I would think that that vote and her backdooring Swaggy (2 ppl on Hayleigh’s side of the house) would be enough for her to want RS to stay over Kaitlin, but i haven’t followed as closely as many ppl here. 

Im kind of hoping for Kaitlin to get evicted and return. I can’t stand her, but I’m curious as to how she’ll act if she returns. 

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

It amazes me that Rockstar thought she was going to be a social beast coming into the BB house.  She says she's good at managing people.  Maybe that's true only as long as the people in question are in line with all of her beliefs, aren't wealthy, and aren't perceived as being stuck up by her.  Because I have to say, I think her social game is complete crap.

Rockstar said last night that she was originally going to come in the house and be a mean person, but it just didn't feel genuine so she decided to play it straight. I think she might have been better off playing the villain. I mean, Kaitlyn's social game is miles better and she's definitely the TV villain this season.

Kaitlyn is what Raven should have been last season. 

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Rockstar was boohooing to Faysal about Sam's eenie meenie plan in the event of a tie.  She said it really irritates her how flippant Sam is about the whole thing.  Then there was more griping about how Sam said she didn't even apply to be on the show, which made Rockstar mad because Rockstar did apply and genuinely cares about the game.  So far, I've seen Rockstar tell 3 people about how Sam said she plans on breaking the tie.  I want it to get back to Sam that Rockstar is pissy about Sam's tiebreak plan.  

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6 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

If I remember correctly when Sam was a robot there was a lot of crying and carrying on about being isolated.  Now she has the HOH room what she doing? Isolating!  I guess her robot room didn't have arts and crafts included.

 Come to think of it where is she getting the crafts supplies? Is production giving them to her?  If she ripping up the furniture and carpeting for materials?

If I understand correctly, they get to keep some of the clothes that they wear for comps.  A lot of times, they have different colors for each houseguest, new shoes since they going to get wet, and so on.  That's why sometimes they dress in some of the same silly "uniform" looking stuff at times, depending upon the theme of the comp. 

So, she may have been using her clothes/comp clothes or clothes from others who donated them.  She's cutting them up and creating things.  Last I heard, it was loofahs.  Not sure what the yellow is going to be.

She made wind chimes out of bottle caps and an old Coke bottle.  I'm sure there are plenty of twist ties, plastic bags, jars, boxes, and so on.  By the time the show is over, she'll need a U-Haul to take everything home.

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12 minutes ago, zorak said:

It amazes me that Rockstar thought she was going to be a social beast coming into the BB house.  She says she's good at managing people.  Maybe that's true only as long as the people in question are in line with all of her beliefs, aren't wealthy, and aren't perceived as being stuck up by her.  Because I have to say, I think her social game is complete crap.

People are, in general, pretty bad at knowing what they're good at. Especially famewhores!

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar was boohooing to Faysal about Sam's eenie meenie plan in the event of a tie.  She said it really irritates her how flippant Sam is about the whole thing.  Then there was more griping about how Sam said she didn't even apply to be on the show, which made Rockstar mad because Rockstar did apply and genuinely cares about the game.  So far, I've seen Rockstar tell 3 people about how Sam said she plans on breaking the tie.  I want it to get back to Sam that Rockstar is pissy about Sam's tiebreak plan.  

Me too, because I want her to go. "You don't want me to draw a dot? No problem. I vote to evict Rockstar."

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19 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

If I remember correctly when Sam was a robot there was a lot of crying and carrying on about being isolated.  Now she has the HOH room what she doing? Isolating!  I guess her robot room didn't have arts and crafts included.

 Come to think of it where is she getting the crafts supplies? Is production giving them to her?  If she ripping up the furniture and carpeting for materials?

She's tearing up clothing for anything that requires a fabric/material of sort.

I think Sam might go nuts after this week not having her isolation room to go to periodically. 

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5 minutes ago, gunderda said:

She's tearing up clothing for anything that requires a fabric/material of sort.

I think Sam might go nuts after this week not having her isolation room to go to periodically. 

After the puzzle comp tomorrow night, they should turn that extra room into Sam's Crafts Closet. 

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58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't! I hope the DR keeps quiet and helps this "Joe is fake" rumour because it would kill Kaitlyn. Plus could you imagine the DR person who has to tell her no? "Yeah, there was... a cup of coffee. Yeah, coffee. And it mysteriously just happened to spill on your folder of pictures. It's so weird how it was only the pictures of Joe and you that were ruined. This one of you and your mom is fine. Oh, the digital files you sent us? Uh, yeah. Coffee got the memory stick, too. Funny that."


Did not think of that great scenario! I was just thinking she'd wonder what happened outside the house and DOR. However, I dislike RS more so am quite content with her going as well (or not, depending on the chance to return).

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Sam and Tyler had a one-on-one.  She clearly wants Kaitlyn gone, he's trying to persuade her otherwise, and she's kind of not having it.  This vote might not go Tyler's way this week, although there is still a loooooong way to go!

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

RS appears to be questioning Kaitlyn about something, she seems slightly irritated.

Kaitlyn's voice does not work with these mics AT ALL. 

It's because Rockstar heard Rachel saying something to Kaitlyn about Kaitlyn being on slop next week, the implication being that Kaitlyn will still be around next week.

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10 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

Did not think of that great scenario! I was just thinking she'd wonder what happened outside the house and DOR. However, I dislike RS more so am quite content with her going as well (or not, depending on the chance to return).

Before anyone asks - DOR= drop out request. A DR request made by a HG to leave the game.   (I had to look it up once before and still couldn't remember this time around, so I had to look it up again.)


6 minutes ago, gunderda said:

 Kaitlyn's voice does not work with these mics AT ALL. 

Her voice doesn't work with this show AT ALL.

3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Sam and Tyler had a one-on-one.  She clearly wants Kaitlyn gone, he's trying to persuade her otherwise, and she's kind of not having it.  This vote might not go Tyler's way this week, although there is still a loooooong way to go!

Thank goodness.  I read elsewhere the people thing Tyler has Sam wrapped around his finger and will do his bidding.  I don't see it.  I think she's playing her own game.

Edited by GalvDuck
Added about looking up DOR
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11 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Thank goodness.  I read elsewhere the people thing Tyler has Sam wrapped around his finger and will do his bidding.  I don't see it.  I think she's playing her own game.

By Sam's own admission, she "has no game". She's just living in the house and trying to change how the game is played.


Just now, Skycatcher said:

 Does anyone know for sure what the penalty for DOR is?

Expulsion. Loss of stipend or at least, it's used to pay for expenses because the show no longer covers them if you DOR. Also, the Big Brother fanbase pointing and laughing at you for the rest of history because we never forget a DOR. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

By Sam's own admission, she "has no game". She's just living in the house and trying to change how the game is played.

Don't forget she's trying to make the house a "loving, caring place" with her HoH.

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Don't forget she's trying to make the house a "loving, caring place" with her HoH.

And game play should only happen during competitions. 

God, that would be such a boring version of Big Brother if that were true.

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I think it is hilarious that Rockstar now may have the votes she needs to stay but is busy running around trying to sabotage herself.

Whoever of these two that go out MUST come back immediately because these are this season's complete walking talking looney tunes.  And who doesn't love watching looney tunes.  Getting them back is BB's problem to solve though.  They should just make the challenge that the person must cry and complain without stopping for all of 10 seconds.  Done and done.

(I'm also betting the vote will flip back and forth several times again before Thursday).

PS:  If Kaitlyn goes out and comes back in and hears what JC has been saying then she wins HOH ... won't that be a fun week for JC, haha.

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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

If I remember correctly when Sam was a robot there was a lot of crying and carrying on about being isolated.  Now she has the HOH room what she doing? Isolating!  I guess her robot room didn't have arts and crafts included.

 Come to think of it where is she getting the crafts supplies? Is production giving them to her?  If she ripping up the furniture and carpeting for materials?


And then I don't feel, soooo Sammmmmmmmm

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2 minutes ago, green said:

PS:  If Kaitlyn goes out and comes back in and hears what JC has been saying then she wins HOH ... won't that be a fun week for JC, haha.

I want it to be a 10-0 vote for her to leave and then she comes back in and wins HOH. 

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7 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I want it to be a 10-0 vote for her to leave and then she comes back in and wins HOH. 

Tyler won't be so dumb as to allow it to be unanimous.  He seems to know there is a good chance of the evictee coming back and no way Kaitlyn won't get at least one vote because he hasn't worked this hard to make her a number for him to just turn around and give her away or at the least be shielded from her wrath.  Because even if he thinks she has as little as 1% of a chance to return?  Well a krazy woman scorned would make him her prime target. 

Besides I want to see JC, who thinks he is running the house, have to squirm finally.

Edited by green
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They seem to have forgotten which of the two they’d be most scared of if the evicted HG ends up going back into the house and even possibly becoming HoH. Hands down it should be Kaitlyn. And Rockstar is far less likely to win the battle back comp, anyway. Kaitlyn’s a much stronger competitor.

I tittered at Angela saying to Rachel (or was it Kaycee) that she’s scared to talk about Kaitlyn because of Kaitlyn and her “signs,” like maybe she can telepathically overhear nasty comments about her? Tee hee.

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1 minute ago, TimWil said:

I tittered at Angela saying to Rachel (or was it Kaycee) that she’s scared to talk about Kaitlyn because of Kaitlyn and her “signs,” like maybe she can telepathically overhear nasty comments about her? Tee hee.

Lulz. This reminds me when Vanessa would freak out over Audrey's dreams. 

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It’s great that Sam is crafting to prevent herself from going crazy.  But wouldn’t it be better game play if she would ask the others if they would like to craft together?   Especially, if she claims she wants everyone to get along.  

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Tyler should actually let this one go. Make his vote for Kaitin to stay but agree with L6 plus JC that Kaitlin should go. He knows that RS would go for a back door if she won HOH. He has the power sitting in his pocket. He just does not want to use it yet.  That is why he is fighting so hard. He is going to lose trust with his L6 if he does not let this eviction vote go.

Sounds like KC just convinced him the girls should keep RS and can protect him.

One thing these HG are not are sheep.

Edited by missyb
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11 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 By spending most of her time alone in the HOH room?

After Sam told everyone that she wasn't going to hole herself away up in the HoH room and be downstairs with the rest of the unwashed masses...

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7 minutes ago, TimWil said:

They seem to have forgotten which of the two they’d be most scared of if the evicted HG ends up going back into the house and even possibly becoming HoH. Hands down it should be Kaitlyn. And Rockstar is far less likely to win the battle back comp, anyway. Kaitlyn’s a much stronger competitor.

I tittered at Angela saying to Rachel (or was it Kaycee) that she’s scared to talk about Kaitlyn because of Kaitlyn and her “signs,” like maybe she can telepathically overhear nasty comments about her? Tee hee.

Well it is not a battleback which implies they would battle someone else to come back.  It is a solo challenge.  We know that for a fact not just because of the Vegas Guy spoiler -- though everyone says he has an amazing track record -- but also because the other three evictees are all back at home now and out of the game period. 

But yeah they better be far more worried about an angry Kait than an angry Rockstar.  Rockstar has been angry since day one so that is no big deal.  She hasn't been able to harm a flea despite her endless cries of anger and rage.  Kaitlyn already has shown she can do serious damage.

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Kaitlyn just said that sometimes when she looks in the mirror at herself she doesn't really recognize the person she sees.  She said she feels like the person she sees does not match who she is on the inside.  Rockstar said she feels the same way about herself and that she feels like she should look like Holly Madison.  

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Tyler was up in HOH talking to Sam about the vote.  Rockstar rang the doorbell and Sam told him to hide.

Sam is telling Rockstar that she is going to tell everyone the thing about putting 2 dots in a cup if there is a tie vote.  Sam thinks this will force everyone to make up their mind for a vote.

Sam thinks it's the only way she can do it where it seems fair.  Alrighty then.

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And as Rockstar keeps rambling on to Sam, I'm wondering where Tyler has been hiding all this time.  I wasn't looking at my monitor when Sam told him to hide.  I sure hope he doesn't need to pee because Rockstar has made herself at home in there.

Sam is ridiculous.  She actually just said something to Rockstar about, "That's why I hate being HOH."  Well, she could've jumped off and handed the win to Tyler but she was the one begging him to jump down, so I really have a hard time hearing her claim she hates' being HOH.

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15 minutes ago, green said:

Well it is not a battleback which implies they would battle someone else to come back.  It is a solo challenge.  We know that for a fact not just because of the Vegas Guy spoiler -- though everyone says he has an amazing track record -- but also because the other three evictees are all back at home now and out of the game period. 

But yeah they better be far more worried about an angry Kait than an angry Rockstar.  Rockstar has been angry since day one so that is no big deal.  She hasn't been able to harm a flea despite her endless cries of anger and rage.  Kaitlyn already has shown she can do serious damage.

Having taken a direct hit and an extended visit from Nonstar’s knee, Brett’s ball-sack wishes it’d been local fleas that were the target of her rage. 

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1 minute ago, cork dork said:

Having taken a direct hit and an extended visit from Nonstar’s knee, Brett’s ball-sack wishes it’d been local fleas that were the target of her rage. 

If that did happen, Angie should have been shown the door.  

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Sam saying she believes in female empowerment but that doesn't mean doesn't want want to work with guys. She has a group of people she likes in the house and it includes men and the all girls things is not what she wants personally, this includes Tyler, JC, Scotty and KC.

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