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Cisco Ramon


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One reason I liked Cisco in the sewers with Joe was it made Cisco the one Joe called for when he needed help. Obviously Cisco didn't hear it, but thought it was a nice reversal after hearing Cisco screaming for help last week.

And while I think Cisco was going overboard on the references, I liked that they called him on it. Plus they were all pretty relevant.

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I'm no shipper of anyone on the Flash really.  I much prefer the friendships to just about ANY other kind of relationship on this show but sometimes there are these weird moments between the Cisco and Caitlin character that makes me go "Hmmmm."   And I really felt it in this episode.


I love their friendship as is and I think the actors play off each other very well and Caitlin is clearly still very much in love with Ronnie but am I the only one that thinks sometimes there could be more between Cisco and Caitlin, I'm not saying that's what I necessarily WANT but I get a vibe.


Anyway LOVE how protective they are of each other.   And Cisco was once again awesome as a whole this episode.

I'm no shipper of anyone on the Flash really.  I much prefer the friendships to just about ANY other kind of relationship on this show but sometimes there are these weird moments between the Cisco and Caitlin character that makes me go "Hmmmm."   And I really felt it in this episode.


I love their friendship as is and I think the actors play off each other very well and Caitlin is clearly still very much in love with Ronnie but am I the only one that thinks sometimes there could be more between Cisco and Caitlin, I'm not saying that's what I necessarily WANT but I get a vibe.


Anyway LOVE how protective they are of each other.   And Cisco was once again awesome as a whole this episode.

I need to lay off the fanfiction, because it's got me convinced that Cisco and Caitlin could make a really cute couple (especially if they both become heroes). Carlos Valdes said in a Facebook Q&A that he thought them together was "too Flowers in the Attic," so I don't know how seriously to take it. Caitlin seemed totally jealous with the "You kissed her?!" though.


No matter what though, their relationship is great. Like 90% of the time when Caitlin smiles, it's directed at Cisco, and I agree the protectiveness is great. And I love that in-series, it's been established that they just clicked immediately. 

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I also noticed a little spark between Caitlin and Eddie too - so I guess I'm just a ship wench.


 The cast is ridiculously hot; it would be weird if there was no chemistry between folks. Besides, Eddie needs hugs and Caitlyn needs to hug someone... ( because Firestorm can't check in with his fiancée/SO?) 


Does Cisco have a canon girlfriend/SO in the comics? ::goes to check::


eta:  He does not appear to have a named SO.  I will throw out the crack-y possibility of a Peek-A-Boo/Cisco ship. I refuse to take that blog as cannon.  She can be his Catwoman, not Lisa Snart.

Edited by Actionmage
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Thanks for the links to videos. I know its probably old news here, but I was reading that Carlos adlibbed the crying part when Eobard was about to kill Cisco. It was a good choice because he doesn't look fake when crying. It was such a powerful scene and it was believable that he would react that way. I was glad that Barry gave Cisco a hug in the next episode because he really seemed to need one.


One question: Did they ever establish whether Cisco is the older or younger brother? I think the mother treats Cisco like he's older and more responsible while treating Dante like the spoiled little baby-- but I've seen situations where the eldest is favored.

He's definitely younger, although it hasn't been explicitly said. Carlos Valdes is like 10 years younger than the actor who plays his brother and Cisco's definitely the youngest in the comics.

Thanks. I didn't know the age of the actors. I do know that in some movies and shows the older actor can be cast as the younger brother-- take Thor for instance. I believe Tom Hiddleston is about 2 years old than Chris Hemsworth and Thor is supposed to be older than Loki (although not by much). Dante certainly looks older than Cisco. It makes me wonder why the mother would gripe that Cisco was irresponsible and treated Dante like the baby-- but then I guess its one of those messed up dynamics where Dante was the favorite and the mother didn't "get" Cisco or maybe expected him to be more mature. Poor kid. Did they ever show Cisco's father? They never indicated that his father is not in the picture.

Yeah- I figured this out last year and I think the Flash writers have now too. Cisco is this show's Felicity, so his whole role is expanding. I'm a little concerned, because Felicity being Felicity led to her being destroyed on Arrow because she was just WAY overdone.


These writers go overboard when they realize someone's a scene-stealer, so let's hope that doesn't happen with him.

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Oddly, the Arrow part of this year's crossover was actually a fairly good Cisco episode; so if you're a fan, you can just go watch his scenes.


I felt the 2 crossover were more about Arrow characters than it was about Flash characters, except maybe Barry, there just wasnt much character interaction balance like last season. Cisco did get to have a significant role in the episodes though.  


And I liked him with Kendra, sure he has very little chance when she has a 4000 year old soulmate and going to a time travelling show. But hey he was able to help Hawkgirl more than Hawkman in the second half of crossover, I think initially the writers will want to explore different character interactions before settling on comic canon or Destiny in the case of the Hawks.   Who  knows maybe Vibe will move to LOT one day.  


In this episode, with an alternate timeline, though, he doesn't remember it. Is he losing his powers?


LOL good question.

Edited by WildcardC
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In this episode, with an alternate timeline, though, he doesn't remember it. Is he losing his powers?


Did he touch Barry? If not, I'd say that would slow down him having a vision. He didn't seem to have death visions the first time until a few weeks later. But when Barry time traveled I really hoped that Cisco would pull him aside all "What the hell did you just do?!"

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I think that Cisco's vibing is more about awareness rather than "I need a vision", especially as they were manifesting when he was stressed or upset. Not unlike Kendra allowing herself to experience her former lives ( even though we only saw the one).


Right now, Cisco and the group seem to think Cisco has to touch someone to catch vibes/visions, but he can't control whether they are future or past. With Kendra, it's hard to say because it's both. 


I don't think Cisco is losing his powers, though. I think that in this overstuffed, not-well-plotted "event", Cisco's powers were ignored so the soap could lurch through and that Cisco could stay focused on Kendra. Besides, Barry told him about the time travel. Now Cisco is aware that things might be just a teensy bit off when they get back to the lab. Besides Wells getting shot.

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I give Carlos props for changing his voice and mannerisms to play Reverb, but I just didn't think he was scary enough, despite his powers. I couldn't fully buy him as a villain.


But about Reverb; he was the only doppelganger with the same powers. I thought it was interesting that he wanted to team up with Cisco. Every other character wanted to delete their counterpart.

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I give Carlos props for changing his voice and mannerisms to play Reverb, but I just didn't think he was scary enough, despite his powers. I couldn't fully buy him as a villain.


But about Reverb; he was the only doppelganger with the same powers. I thought it was interesting that he wanted to team up with Cisco. Every other character wanted to delete their counterpart.


I didn't find Reverb scary - but I found him commanding and honest.  So honest that his threat to shatter KF's nervous system made her stumble back a few steps.


And I think the whole "team up" was so Cisco could get in his Star Wars Vader references.  I had a good laugh with that.

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I hope this (Chronicles of Cisco) gives us more background on our techhead. It looks to be fun. I loved the Friendship Algorithm tee and that's a show in the Flarrowverse.


I am hoping this leads to a personal foe for Cisco and/or is hilarious. Carlos is so naturally great as a funny guy, but he also is knockin' it out of the park when the show takes a look at Cisco's new reality.

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LOL! Loved the video! I wonder if they pay Carlos extra for that or if he does it for fun.


I really would love to see a "Journals of Eobard Thawne" blog some day. We saw that he had a whole slew of journal entries on Gideon's database. It would be amusing if they had some things recovered about what he was thinking about various people when events were happening. Things like "How did Barry Allen ever become a dangerous opponent to me when he seems to lack a shred of common sense!?" or "I ate Cisco's enchiladas when no one was looking and let him think Barry had done it."

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I guess this is the best place to discuss the web series... latest episode.

I've always wanted Peek-a-Boo to return, so I'm glad to see her, but I would have liked it more if she was in a regular episode going up against the Flash again. (I know the actress has a commitment to another show.) Anyway, I can't believe Cisco was still trying to flirt whilst at gunpoint. Hee! Well, I guess he better get started on learning to use his Vibe powers defensively.

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