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Season 3 Discussion

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On 8/5/2018 at 7:36 AM, winsomeone said:

Five of them are over weight, with horrible personalities..Molly, Danielle, Nichole, David and Jorge. All three of the women were discarded by their partners, and yet the two men are still in their relationships... why I wonder? If you are over weight and horrible I guess it is better to be male than female?

IDK. I don't think Luis had a problem with Molly's weight, though. Molly was overweight, but she was no Nicole, if you know what I mean. Like, I'd say Molly fell into the very-chubby-borderline-fat category, but not morbidly obese or anything. I think Luis found her attractive. I definitely don't think Molly's weight was the deal-breaker for him (the way I think Nicole's weight is a deal-breaker for Azan). I think the deal-breaker for Luis was Molly's kids. I also don't think Luis realized how boring it would be with Molly being at work all day. I think Luis kinda expected life with Molly to be like it was when she was on vacation in the DR - fun, care-free, partying every night, no work, no responsibilities, no kids to baby-sit or live with...quite different than life when he came to live with her in Woodstock, GA. 

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I see Molly, Anfisa and Nicole obviously like getting physical with their partners. Amazing if it was the other way around and the three males were as physical with these three there would be a huge uproar and they would get flamed on social media for their actions. 

Has “The Penguin” got a job yet? Isn’t he just a layabout, good for nothing low life! He’ll bleed his mate David and his sister dry if they allow it to happen. What a disgusting excuse for a man he is! 

6 hours ago, Izzy said:

Has “The Penguin” got a job yet? Isn’t he just a layabout, good for nothing low life! He’ll bleed his mate David and his sister dry if they allow it to happen. What a disgusting excuse for a man he is! 

He may be teaching English as a Second Language (ESL).  He referred to a student in China on Pillow Talk, and there are LOTS of opportunities here in the Phoenix area (where he lives) to teach English to people whose primary language is Spanish.

He and Annie live in Scottsdale - not the cheapest part of the Valley of the Sun.  

Edited by AZChristian
Typo and lack of coffee.

Chantal's parents are truly awful people, but so are Pedro's family. His mom and sister are not nice people. But Chantal's mom is a wack job to think that the American dollar is so valuable to foreigners. Her whole "he's here to harvest American dollars" is nothing but old fashioned American bigotry, and she really should know better. I'm only on episode 7 of this season, so maybe there's a moment of clarity in which she stops being so ignorant and starts accepting that Pedro is her son in law.

I initially couldn't stand Anfisa, which I'm sure was the show's intention. But given what we know about Jorge now, in addition to her willingness to work on their relationship with a therapist, it kind of seems like those two are a match made in Hell. When he wants to be in a good relationship and is trying, she doesn't want to be in the relationship and is an insane banshee. When she wants to be in a good relationship, he's busy committing crimes and lying to her.

I really don't get what the attraction to Russ is for Paola. He seems to want to keep her in a gilded cage, for his eyes only. The level of immaturity demonstrated by both Juan and Russ really makes me question Pao's decision making when it comes to the kind of people who are and AREN'T healthy to have in her life.

Oh, Molly. Molly, Molly, Molly.... girl never should've taken Luis back. He's a child & acts like it. I've had nightmare roommates/tenants who took advantage of my kindness & ended up raging and violent the first time I had to tell them 'no' about something. (Long story short, I had a roommate move her twin sister in without telling me. I came home from work one day and there were suddenly two of them. They both turned into crazed monsters when I told them that wasn't okay.) That's the vibe I was getting when Molly is trying to get into her own guest room while Luis is blasting his music just to be a jerk.

Nichole and Azan are doomed. He just wants a green card and it couldn't be more obvious. They make me profoundly sad.

On 10/30/2019 at 1:01 AM, Izzy said:

I see Molly, Anfisa and Nicole obviously like getting physical with their partners.

I'm not sure I'd put Molly in the same league with the level of "getting physical" that Nichole and especially Anfisa actually closed-fist punched their husbands. Molly seemed to be reacting the way an exasperated parent acts when their child throws a tantrum. No, you're not calling the police, son. No, you aren't going to torment me in MY home, using MY speakers. I'm going to take those away from you & if you keep acting like a child, I will treat you like one.

  • Love 1

All those older women (including "big-boned")...Danielle, Molly etc...who went for much younger guys almost half their age, sorry to say their relationships were doomed to fail IMO. Just from watching early on I predicted that. C'mon now, I mean you couldn't pick guys closer to your age? At least you would have had a better chance. It's not that the women weren't nice or have good personalities but the age difference was too much and it seemed obvious to me the guys were just in for the green card...Luis and Mohamed or whatever his name is especially.

And as for Nicole, although she's young and Azan is close to her age, I think she just a sucker for punishment. The guy is not into you Nicole, he just wants a free ride. And you mean to tell me even in his own country he can't get a job? That says a lot. Get smart Nicole and smell the coffee.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Jack Sparrow said:

All those older women (including "big-boned")...Danielle, Molly etc...who went for much younger guys almost half their age, sorry to say their relationships were doomed to fail IMO. Just from watching early on I predicted that. C'mon now, I mean you couldn't pick guys closer to your age? At least you would have had a better chance. It's not that the women weren't nice or have good personalities but the age difference was too much and it seemed obvious to me the guys were just in for the green card...Luis and Mohamed or whatever his name is especially.

And as for Nicole, although she's young and Azan is close to her age, I think she just a sucker for punishment. The guy is not into you Nicole, he just wants a free ride. And you mean to tell me even in his own country he can't get a job? That says a lot. Get smart Nicole and smell the coffee.

Dani isnt nice and doesn't have a great personality.  LOL.  

She mostly seems dim and delusional.....but highly manipulative and well trained in making herself a victim.  

Azan said Nicole called him so much on his job that he got fired or something.  I could see Nicole being so desperate for control that she'd rather send him what little money she have then allow him to be financially independent.  

Azan is fit, but seems small and his face is kinda rat like......I don't know how much better he can do if his goal is a green card.  He is no aladin and thats for sure!

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Dani isnt nice and doesn't have a great personality.  LOL.  

She mostly seems dim and delusional.....but highly manipulative and well trained in making herself a victim.  

Azan said Nicole called him so much on his job that he got fired or something.  I could see Nicole being so desperate for control that she'd rather send him what little money she have then allow him to be financially independent.  

Azan is fit, but seems small and his face is kinda rat like......I don't know how much better he can do if his goal is a green card.  He is no aladin and thats for sure!

Dani has an ok personality IMO. I just think Mohamed's treatment of her would have upset anyone similarly. And yeah I agree she is a bit dim and delusional....especially for thinking she had any chance with him. Plus she couldn't take a hint.

Azan really had a job in true?

  • Love 1
On 1/28/2020 at 12:48 PM, babykin said:

I know most people seem to hate Pao, but I DESPISE Russ. He wanted a hot woman that wouldn't speak. He's pathetic and frankly I think she should run. #TeamPao

Most people started there, but then Pao admitted to pretending to be a nice southern girl until Russ married her at which point she continually disrespected him and his family, blew off her own family and even her bestie called her out for faking her personality to land Russ and fulfill her American dream because she couldn't catch an American acting like herself.

To that point, I think that she would have been able to find an American who wanted a "spicy latina" she just didn't want to wait for the right man any longer. The others were treating her as a party girl for a fun time but not a serious relationship, so she changed herself up a bit, toning herself down and acting much more conservative than she was.

I disagree that he wanted a woman that didn't speak. He wanted a woman who was more conservative, certainly, but accepted Pao as she kept moving the goalposts, lying about her behaviors, making fun of him with her asshole friend, and demanding that he quit his job, support her in Miami, spent large amounts of money on her appearance, tried to cut his family out of his life and was called out for cutting her family out, which she claimed was because she was so miserable in Oklahoma and she didn't want them to see her like that. She didn't bother to contact them when she moved to Miami, though, and when she went home for a visit because her grandma was dying, she didn't visit her until several days had passed and then only did it on camera. She gets worse as the seasons go on.

There really isn't anything about the two of them that seems compatible to me and I'm really surprised they are still a couple. The show may have kept them together, though, and once they are off the relationship will end and they will move on to others. I don't think anyone is going to put up with Pao's extreme selfishness except another spineless wuss like Russ, though. 

The both suck in their own ways, which is true for almost everyone on this show show.

  • Love 2
On 6/3/2018 at 10:07 PM, iwasish said:

She hasn’t spoken to them in years. How did Russ not know? Pedro talks to his family in front of Chantel. How could he not even ask her “How’s your family, did you talk to them, let’s call them” what about Skyping? And no bills for phone calls? Very weird. If she cried, it was out of guilt and for getting called out by her family. No way she risked getting pregnant and stuck in Oklahoma forever. 

We did see her Skype her parents after her first trip to Miami when she did the topless photo shoot.

Yes, Rh negative and positive affects a second pregnancy if the first is positive. My mom was negative and I’m positive. I was her third pregnancy. They monitored her closely with my little sister, but, she’s negative.

On 6/3/2018 at 11:25 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

Ok,that undercooked bacon at the breakfast Chantel looked nasty, I would rather have the chicken feet. I also loved Pedro all drunk sucking the wine back, that family would make me drink too.

I think Azan skipped the interview and wrote the email himself.

I quickly googled k-1 visa refusal and the first link had 3 possible reasons. One of which was missing paperwork. What do you want to bet he never turned in the witness statement? Also, when Avery on before the 90 days talked about moving to Syria and applying for a k-3 the attorney told her it was a bad idea as the state dept. wouldn’t consider her case a hardship since they’d be together. Why didn’t the clown in Florida tell Nicole that or did she not listen?

On 6/4/2018 at 1:19 AM, spankydoll said:

Annie is stuck on brokeass mountain with bahtman. He doesn't appear to have any friends - no shock really as he is a grifter. Annie has no disposable income with which to explore the region and culture herself. She hasn't had the luxury of having a broader base of experience to flesh out her opinions.  

She’s in Louisville. They need to drive to Nicholasville and get some Sonny’s bbq. I drive 6 hours from Pittsburgh for it. Sonny’s is my jam.

On 11/1/2019 at 2:49 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

Chantal's parents are truly awful people, but so are Pedro's family. His mom and sister are not nice people. But Chantal's mom is a wack job to think that the American dollar is so valuable to foreigners. Her whole "he's here to harvest American dollars" is nothing but old fashioned American bigotry, and she really should know better. I'm only on episode 7 of this season, so maybe there's a moment of clarity in which she stops being so ignorant and starts accepting that Pedro is her son in law.

I initially couldn't stand Anfisa, which I'm sure was the show's intention. But given what we know about Jorge now, in addition to her willingness to work on their relationship with a therapist, it kind of seems like those two are a match made in Hell. When he wants to be in a good relationship and is trying, she doesn't want to be in the relationship and is an insane banshee. When she wants to be in a good relationship, he's busy committing crimes and lying to her.

I really don't get what the attraction to Russ is for Paola. He seems to want to keep her in a gilded cage, for his eyes only. The level of immaturity demonstrated by both Juan and Russ really makes me question Pao's decision making when it comes to the kind of people who are and AREN'T healthy to have in her life.

Oh, Molly. Molly, Molly, Molly.... girl never should've taken Luis back. He's a child & acts like it. I've had nightmare roommates/tenants who took advantage of my kindness & ended up raging and violent the first time I had to tell them 'no' about something. (Long story short, I had a roommate move her twin sister in without telling me. I came home from work one day and there were suddenly two of them. They both turned into crazed monsters when I told them that wasn't okay.) That's the vibe I was getting when Molly is trying to get into her own guest room while Luis is blasting his music just to be a jerk.

Nichole and Azan are doomed. He just wants a green card and it couldn't be more obvious. They make me profoundly sad.

I am years late into this show, but I second everything you said.

Chantel’s family is terrible but also Pedro’s family is terrible. What makes it worse that both Chantel and Pedro refuse to stand up to their families in defense of their spouse. Defending your spouse doesn’t have to mean being disrespectful and/or overly harsh to your family but it definitely helps establish a boundary and respect for your spouse. Both Chantel and Pedro fail to do that every time. I just watched a little bit of an episode where Pedro’s sister comes to visit and she stays at their apartment and Chantel gives her a sleeping bag. Pedro’s sister says she’s not sleeping on the couch, in a very ungrateful way, and I thought that was an appropriate time for Pedro to check his sister and he didn’t do that. All that does is enable his sister to continue the same behavior towards his wife, which will continuously cause more drama between them.

Jorge and Anfisa should have never happened. They are simply not compatible.

Out of the seasons I’ve watch already, and I’m halfway through season 3, the only person I like so far is Paola. Paola seems pretty normal, relatable and sympathetic IMO compared to the other people. Although I do question her judgment in people. People don’t remain the same throughout their lives. They grow; they change, and especially they build romantic relationships and get married. Her friend Juan refuses to understand that. Juan would rather Paola remain in the same spot he found her in.

For the Americans on the show, I feel like they all need to get out more, especially Russ.

When they describe American culture to their spouses, I can’t help but feel like they say it to be manipulative. Maybe they are genuinely unaware that American culture is not one particular way or one particular thing. Even the food may be different in one region of the USA versus another.

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