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The Purge - General Discussion

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5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

After 3 episodes of disgruntled workers, suicidal idiots and vapid young people we finally get some characters to root for:  The Matron Saints!  It's about time!


Someone upthread made a comment on how there would be people who would probably go on rape sprees or what not and the Matrons confirmed that men use purge night to prey on the women in their lives which makes alot of sense.  After ten years I can see the Matrons as a sort of viglantee group that protects women out at night and attacks men.   I would’t quite root for them yet.  My guess is that they won't be very particular on the men they.....purge on.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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12 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Someone upthread made a comment on how there would be people who would probably go on rape sprees or what not and the Matrons confirmed that men use purge night to prey on the women in their lives which makes alot of sense.  After ten years I can see the Matrons as a sort of viglantee group that protects women out at night and attacks men.   I would’t quite root for them yet.  My guess is that they won't be very particular on the men they.....purge on.

The Matrons got a call from some woman, they were responding to her at the end of the episode.  I assume they're going to purge on the man she called about.

With all this murder that goes on, on purge night, it's hard to believe that this could go on for so many years.  I mean, after Purge night, everybody's supposed to just wake up, clean up the blood and just go back to their lives?  What about the families of the dead?  What about, say employees of someone who is murdered on Purge night?  I mean IRL, there would be massive cases of PTSD.

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

The Matrons got a call from some woman, they were responding to her at the end of the episode.  I assume they're going to purge on the man she called about.

With all this murder that goes on, on purge night, it's hard to believe that this could go on for so many years.  I mean, after Purge night, everybody's supposed to just wake up, clean up the blood and just go back to their lives?  What about the families of the dead?  What about, say employees of someone who is murdered on Purge night?  I mean IRL, there would be massive cases of PTSD.

Which would result in the need to purge.  Say the lady who last episode who killed for the promotion.  Someone in her family might seeth for years waiting for the opportunity to get at her.   

Purge night has always been a way to “manage” the poor.  They are the most vulnerable.  There will always be people like Jane who is boiling just waiting to explode.  But there will always be people like Penelope who thinks letting people purge on her is a way out for her.  

8 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Purge night has always been a way to “manage” the poor.  They are the most vulnerable.  There will always be people like Jane who is boiling just waiting to explode.  But there will always be people like Penelope who thinks letting people purge on her is a way out for her.  

Which makes me wonder why something like the French Revolution hasn't happened in that universe.  

Or maybe something like that WILL happen in a future Purge movie.

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I think this world is completely possible under the right circumstances.  Yes a few things would need to be tweaked and the rules expanded on but just look at the anger of the country now.  We like to think we are civilized but give us the chance to we would take out our anger at that annoying neighbor who plays his music too loud,  or that guy who stands in the way of your promotion.  Maybe even the husband who stands in the way of your lesbian romance.  Murder is so much easier then the legal system.  But then you have to contend with the people you offended.  

Bit from what I understand crime is down the rest of the year....a lot down so that why most people let the purge continue.

  • Love 2

I think the families of those killed on Purge night would plot/plan for the year on how to get revenge on those that purged their loved ones.  That would be a reason why many would support the night even if not members of the political party.  They want their revenge and have to wait a year to enact it.  Then those families want revenge and on and on and on.

So, even if the Purge focuses on the poor, many of the poor may not want the Purge to end before they get their revenge.  Jane better watch out next year when this year's Purge girl sets her eyes on Jane's job...

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

Bit from what I understand crime is down the rest of the year....a lot down so that why most people let the purge continue.

And I have a feeling that's probably something like "Fake News."

Murder might be easier, but then you have to deal with those pesky consequences, like guilt and revenge that the person you purged will want to purge you or someone you love next year and on it goes.  Humans may be violent, but that's about survival, the Purge isn't about survival, it's about greed, perversion and sadism.

I think what's so great about the Purge series is what it says; everything you do has a price and what price would a society be willing to pay to have 100% employment, no poverty, etc (although that's not true since we saw homeless men in episode one).  It's like that story "The Box."  If you open it, you'll get a million dollars, but someone you don't know will die.  If you open the box, someone else will get it, someone that you don't know.  

Awesome fact about this last episode, it was directed by Clark Johnson, who played Meldrick Lewis, in Homicide, Life on the Street (Tom Fontana was a co creator of that show) Meldrick's partner Mike Kellerman was played by Mr. Stanton himself, Reed Diamond.  Also Lee Tergesen was in another Tom Fontana drama, "Oz."

Edited by Neurochick
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20 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

And I have a feeling that's probably something like "Fake News." 

Maybe you are right.  But let’s say for the argument it is true.  I believe the second movie...I think it was called “Anarchy” had a guy wait all year to get revenge on the guy who killed his family or something like that.  He became a kind of hero of the movie.  Picking up strays along the way.  

If I built this reality and say it was true I would make a harsh punishment for crime during the rest of the year.  No twenty years sitting in death row or fifty year prison sentences.  Put whatever criminal you had that year out alone on Purge night and maybe in that guys gauntlet or sell them at the circus thing.  But punishment for crime would be harsh.   

If the crime rate is really low which would be interesting if it is.

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On 9/12/2018 at 5:25 AM, terxav said:

  Canada and Mexico could make a fortune offering special tourist rates for the week of the purge.  

Why do people wait until the last hour to try an purge proof their houses or businesses?  Purge protection services, those rates would be astronomical.

This to both of these. It’s not like the Purge is a hurricane with the people not knowing exactly where it’s going to hit until nearly the 11th hour. For those who don’t have the automatic security shudders they should be boarding up days in advance.

I’ve seen all the Purge movies except First Year, and when watching I’ve always wondered why more people, especially those with money just don’t escape out of the country each year during the Purge. Hell even the poor in certain states could walk into Mexico. Canada too.

I’m two episodes in and bored to tears. The movies were significantly better. Don’t think I’ll make it to the end of the series. That said, David seems to have a thing for Jane or beautiful women period. I wonder if we’ll discovered her sexually harassed her or implied she’d only reach greater heights of success within the company if she’s willing to entertain his advances. 

Edited by Enero
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1 hour ago, Enero said:

I’ve seen all the Purge movies except First Year, and when watching I’ve always wondered why more people, especially those with money just don’t escape out of the country each year during the Purge. Hell even the poor in certain states could walk into Mexico. Canada too.

I’ve been pondering this myself but I assumed it was covered in one of the movies that I haven’t seen. I was imagining airlines loading their planes down with as many of their employees as they could, and flying somewhere just on the other side of either border, turning purge night into a quick holiday. Picturing an uptick in the sales of really nice RVs to live in, as people could drive their entire lives to Vancouver or Tijuana for the night and come back without so much as a window busted.  

My husband says I’m over-thinking this. 

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The cowboy needs to keep his eyes on the road.

1 hour ago, Enero said:

This to both of these. It’s not like the Purge is a hurricane with the people not knowing exactly where it’s going to hit until nearly the 11th hour. For those who don’t have the automatic security shudders they should be boarding up days in advance.

I’ve seen all the Purge movies except First Year, and when watching I’ve always wondered why more people, especially those with money just don’t escape out of the country each year during the Purge. Hell even the poor in certain states could walk into Mexico. Canada too.

I’m two episodes in and bored to tears. The movies were significantly better. Don’t think I’ll make it to the end of the series. That said, David seems to have a thing for Jane or beautiful women period. I wonder if we’ll discovered her sexually harassed her or implied she’d only reach greater heights of success within the company if she’s willing to entertain his advances. 

I think they showed why in the first movie. The government makes this such a patriotic thing that the rich folk just go with it and stay since they're actually safe. They bill the purge as a beautiful thing that lowers crime and helps this nation be great again. So, since crime is down, the rich continue being rich, and if you're safe in your purge proof homes why leave?

The first two episodes were boring, but the last two have been a lot better.

8 hours ago, Enero said:

I’ve seen all the Purge movies except First Year, and when watching I’ve always wondered why more people, especially those with money just don’t escape out of the country each year during the Purge. Hell even the poor in certain states could walk into Mexico. Canada too.

FYI, The Purge is only occurring in Staten Island (maybe other areas close by) at this particular time (in the TV series) as a test case, before they roll out the idea nationwide. That is why so many U.S. reporters and international reporters are so interested in talking to participants. They pay families $5,000.00 to stay in the city whether they participate or not. There appears to be somebody monitoring their activities, making sure they don't break the rules.

5 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

FYI, The Purge is only occurring in Staten Island (maybe other areas close by) at this particular time (in the TV series) as a test case, before they roll out the idea nationwide.

The Staten Island test case was in the marine's family flashback.  That was 20 years ago!  The Purge is nation-wide and already an institution by this point in the story line.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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4 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:
9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

FYI, The Purge is only occurring in Staten Island (maybe other areas close by) at this particular time (in the TV series) as a test case, before they roll out the idea nationwide.

The Staten Island test case was in the marine's family flashback.  That was 20 years ago!  The Purge is nation-wide and already an institution by this point in the story line.

Not 20 years, 10 years, look at the age of Penelope. I still stand by my original statement.

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50 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:

Here's some information on The Purge Universe's timeline:


Your source says the TV Series is set in 2024/2025 around 10 years after the first Purge. This newer source says the TV series takes place in 2027, around 10 years after the first Purge. Feel free to be confused.


I tweet a lot for this show so the show sent me the so called 28th Amendment as well as a few other useless nick nacks.  The T-shirt is extra large so I may sleep in it but most of it is just junk.  Any way.  I tried to upload the picture I took but it was too large.  Anyway section 3 labels weapons that cannot be used and weapons of mass destruction top the list.    Section 5 says breaking the rules results in death my hanging.  

  • Love 2

Is this the 28th Amendment?:

Taken from The Purge amendment is poorly drafted, doesn’t go far enough


SECTION 1: The Annual Purge shall begin each year on June 20 at sunset, officially starting at 7PM, and ending at sunrise, June 21, at 7AM.

SECTION 2: During the time of The Purge, any and all crime, up to and including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire and hospital aid will be unavailable until The Purge concludes.

SECTION 3: The following weapons cannot be used during The Purge: weapons of mass destruction, fragment-producing explosives higher than a hazard class HC/D 1.4 and viral contagion projectiles. Recommended weapons: A.R. rifles and handguns of caliber 6.2 and all bladed weaponry.

SECTION 4: Government officials of ranking 5 and higher have been granted immunity from The Purge and shall not be harmed.

SECTION 5: Non-compliance with any of the aforementioned rules will result in death by hanging.


Taken from The New Founding Fathers of America web page.

I also see a page that explains the fundamentals about how the original Purge was conducted with paid participants, signing waivers, wearing trackers, video camera contact lenses, and constant surveillance, (using super science gobbledygook) to monitor their behavior and make sure that everybody followed the rules.


I found another website that has a very detailed timeline for The Purge:

The Purge Movie Timeline Explained: 2014 - 2040

This website is filled with tons of spoilers for the movies.

First Purge is 7pm March 21, 2017 to 7am March 22, 2017, localized entirely on Staten Island.

The government goes nationwide on March 21, 2018.

This was written before the TV Series was finalized so there is no useful information provided for that time period.

The women who picked Jane up seem like people to root for, but you never know. There might be some kind of dark side to them as well, or they carry out vigilante justice, just as Jane is trying to get out so she can avoid having her boss killed. Out of the murder and into the more murder. 

Honestly, how are there so many people just out and about on Purge night? There are tons of people being caught and murdered and such in these elaborate murder games, and by these countless bands of freaks, when, if this has been going on for so long, it seems like there are ways to ride this out in relative safety. Load up on weapons and stake out your own turf, or drive around like the Matrons or those journalists. Or become a volunteer medic. Or find a place to lock yourself up. Or hang out at one of these weird murder games and just pretend to be into it. I get that that is easier said than done, especially with kidnappers and such looking for specific people, especially if your poor, but I feel like people have to have game plans by now! 

So did the maid warn Jenna away because she knows its about to get scary, or because she and the rest of the employees are about to get revenge? I hope its revenge! 

  • Love 1
On 2018-09-27 at 1:28 PM, Neurochick said:


Awesome fact about this last episode, it was directed by Clark Johnson, who played Meldrick Lewis, in Homicide, Life on the Street (Tom Fontana was a co creator of that show) Meldrick's partner Mike Kellerman was played by Mr. Stanton himself, Reed Diamond.  

Lewis to Mike: Mikey Mikey Mikey...

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I totally called it on the maid and the rest of the staff attacking the Stanton's and their guests, but I didnt see them bringing a whole militia with them! Viva Le Revolution! Always be nice to the staff, y'all. 

Penelope finally gets it, just in time to meet her crazy ex. And on the plus side, she found her brother! On the down side, they're both at the mercy of her murderous ex boyfriend who her brother once beat so badly he lost an eye. Seriously though, how much time and set up does that murder carnival take? I guess they made enough money to fiance it. It makes me think it would be best just to hang there in a stupid mask and pretend to be a psycho until Purge night ends. Walking around on the street or in an unsafe location seems to be a poor idea

Jane really should have stayed with the matrons. They might also be a bit scary, but they at least seem to only attack evil doers. Hope she kept that number, because her being around her boss seems like a bad idea. He was sad about missing the Stanton party after-all. 

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Jane really should have stayed with the matrons. They might also be a bit scary, but they at least seem to only attack evil doers. Hope she kept that number, because her being around her boss seems like a bad idea. He was sad about missing the Stanton party after-all. 

I hope she kept the number also. The matrons are likely her only shot of surviving the night.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, oompa said:

Why would anyone wanting to purge go out armed only with a bat or other melee weapon? There are people out there with guns. They are legally allowed to shoot you. Y'know, don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

It’s about getting off.  Some people don’t get off by shooting people.  They need the closer contact.

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Jane is beginning to annoy me. I know you feel guilty about the hit but why would you move around without a weapon on Purge night? Next week's episode seems like it'll show just how dumb Jane's decisions have been.

I enjoyed the exploration into the character of Penelope but now it looks like she and Miguel may not be leaving the carnival any time soon (thanks Henry!)

Rick & Jenna got out quickly, good for them. Something has definitely happened to Lila though, that's why she wouldn't answer the door.

  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, kdm07 said:

Rick & Jenna got out quickly, good for them. Something has definitely happened to Lila though, that's why she wouldn't answer the door.

I was really surprised by how Rick and Jenna's story turned out. I thought they would be trapped in the house for the rest of the night. I wonder if Lila helped with the attack on her family. It didn't seem like she was into the Founding Fathers like her parents. This would be perfect opportunity to get rid of them and help fight against the Purge. 

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Lila disappeared quickly but the maid said none of the Family was safe.  So it can go either way with her.  It is kinda convenient she came back in time for Purge night and to see her old lover again.  She could be in charge of the residence group. 

Or she could be dead next episode.  Someone the audience likes that the resistance kills because they are just as bad as the NFFA at this point.

Edited by Chaos Theory

I'm trying to watch this now, but I'm fighting my internet. So much for, "Your service will be much better, with a new modem". It keeps cutting out.

I figured the maid was in on something against the rich people, though. That was my guess from the very first episode. And I knew that since the young woman was so kind to her, that she would tell her to leave at some point. 

Why are the most interesting characters in supporting roles?  The focus should be on The Matron Saints and Catalina's revolutionaries, they're heroes, they're trying to change the status quo.  They're not meandering around town on Purge night with no weapons (Jane) or joining a suicide cult (Penelope).

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 7

I still feel bad for Jane. The murder by Allison freaked her out so much that she's running across town to warn the guy she took a hit on. She's probably still in shock over everything, which is why she isn't thinking of anything other than warning the Baldwin fellow. What I find sad is that he may not have sexually assaulted her on the show, but it's Purge night and he's free to do whatever he wants with her now that she's at his place.

Perhaps this will be what sets Jane off in becoming a matron for the next Purge.

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On 10/3/2018 at 11:33 PM, sugarbaker design said:

Why are the most interesting characters in supporting roles?  The focus should be on The Matron Saints and Catalina's revolutionaries, they're heroes, they're trying to change the status quo.  They're not meandering around town on Purge night with no weapons (Jane) or joining a suicide cult (Penelope).


I have to agree. I would have liked to have followed The Matron Saints and Catalina's revolutionaires throughout Purge night, maybe if they will do this if they get another season.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Anela said:

So this ex-boyfriend is yelling at this girl, that he doesn't want to do this, but she's making him? Typical "nice guy". Sure. Buy your ex, so that you can punish her for leaving you. That's mentally healthy, and not abusive in the least. 

And there goes my internet again.

I suspect many scorned lovers would use purge night to exact their revenge. Say your boyfriend cheated on you and instead of dealing with it in a healthy way, you decide to use purge night to purge him out of your life for good. 'Nice guys' who are dumped or have been rejected may use the night to rape and/or kill the object of their affection.

Maybe this is why the NFFA has a lot of support. If they're painted as evil and you've purged someone, then you'd have to start viewing your own purge as evil as well. Instead of thinking about it, it's better to just support it and view yourself in the right.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
  • Love 2
On 10/3/2018 at 11:33 PM, sugarbaker design said:

Why are the most interesting characters in supporting roles?  The focus should be on The Matron Saints and Catalina's revolutionaries, they're heroes, they're trying to change the status quo.  They're not meandering around town on Purge night with no weapons (Jane) or joining a suicide cult (Penelope).

So right.  Jane, Penelope and Miguel bore me.  However, what's going on at the Stanton party is interesting.  Viva La Revolution!

I think David will be killed, because he was supposed to be at the Stanton party and if he went there...gone-o. 

Jane will join the Matron Saints.

I actually thought the guests at the Stanton party would all be poisoned, but that would have been too Game of Thrones-ish.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I suspect many scorned lovers would use purge night to exact their revenge. Say your boyfriend cheated on you and instead of dealing with it in a healthy way, you decide to use purge night to purge him out of your life for good. 'Nice guys' who are dumped or have been rejected may use the night to rape and/or kill the object of their affection.

Maybe this is why the NFFA has a lot of support. If they're painted as evil and you've purged someone, then you'd have to start viewing your own purge as evil as well. Instead of thinking about it, it's better to just support it and view yourself in the right.

Oh, I'm sure they would use the night to do that. I can't imagine actually wanting to kill someone, though. Or harm them, and I can occasionally be a "hysterical female". 

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I enjoy this show as it has more back story than the movies. Realistically, I think there are many people who wouldn’t do lots of purge things even though legal. I doubt there would be as much murder as the show/movies make out as you still have to live with yourself. In everyday life there are lots of things that are illegal - like being rude to people but most of us don’t do them as we are polite. The show sort of makes it out that there are very few non-purgers.

I spend too much time thinking during the show that it will probably take almost the full year to fix all the damage. There would probably be a lot of PTSD as it is like being in a war for your life for a day each year, imagine the anxiety most people feel as the day gets close. Therapists must be super busy the weeks before and after the Purge.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, fountain said:

I spend too much time thinking during the show that it will probably take almost the full year to fix all the damage. There would probably be a lot of PTSD as it is like being in a war for your life for a day each year, imagine the anxiety most people feel as the day gets close. Therapists must be super busy the weeks before and after the Purge.

I think your point is very valid.  

When Jane's co worker killed her competition, she asked Jane, "what do we do now?" I thought that was a good question.  What do you do after you purge?  Where do the bodies go?  Do they go back to their families?  Are they buried in mass graves?  If this is going on all over the USA, it must take a long time to clean up.  

Also, if there is hardly any crime during the rest of the year, are there less police officers?  What about prisons?  

I think we here think about this world a lot more than the showrunners.

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On 10/8/2018 at 9:15 AM, Neurochick said:

Also, if there is hardly any crime during the rest of the year, are there less police officers?  What about prisons?  


Do all the career criminals and mob bosses and drug dealers and human traffickers and terrorists just...go away now? Do they ALL just put on masks and kill people and that is enough to sustain their criminal livelihood, or get their murder kicks out? Or do they just drop crime and make money doing Purge stuff, like the cowboy or the people running the murder carnival? Really, the more you think about it, the less the Purge makes any real sense. Unless, of course, its just an excuse for rich psychos to murder poor people and live their Patrick Bateman fantasies.

Oh, Jane. Duped by a lesser Baldwin brother. 

  • Love 8

I wonder if by the end of the night, Jane might be thinking dying would've been a better fate than being...pawed at? (Her boss always gave off major creep vibes but a human petting zoo? Gross.)

Why does Joe (I think that's Man in the Iron Mask's name) have a tracker/GPS on Jane? And based on his flashback, how did he go from being laid off to an avenging hero?

Lila is alive which Jenna will be delighted about but Rick must be cursing the rebel forces right now. I'm pretty suspicious of people just showing up at anyone's door late at night especially on Purge night.



Judging by the preview, I'm assuming the neighbour used her as bait to get into the house.


Even though they're the least interesting storyline for me, I'm glad Miguel and Penelope managed to escape.

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So Lila wasn't conspiring with Catalina's mercenaries, but how did she get away? Maybe it is just show potholes, but it seems odd.

Poor Jane. She is so naive. I wonder if her assassin will end up saving her or will also be her boss' victim? I missed the bit about Lee Tergesen's character having a tracker on Jane.

I am glad that Penelope and Miguel escaped. I hope they find somewhere safe to hunker down.

Edited by SimoneS
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Wasn't the assassin dead in the bathtub?  I thought that was her and Creepy Boss said something like, "never send a man to do a woman's job."  (obviously he's never watched any nature shows where it's the lioness who does most of the hunting).

Those guys weren't acting like men, they were acting like five year old boys sneaking a look at their dad's Playboy magazine.  "oooh, look, what's that...."

I hope the Matron Saints come in and blow all those "men" straight to hell.  BTW, what happened to the Stanton party?  Are they all dead now?

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5

I was surprised that Miguel and Penelope did not open the cage where the prisoners were being held as a way to create chaos.  

I am also surprised that I'm not as sympathetic to some of the characters as the show may want me to be.  I thought it took a lot of nerve for the wife to lay all blame on the husband for attending the Stanton party and "changing."  She seemed on board to get whatever money they could, and there is an aspect of being complicit in an action even though one may not be totally supportive of the action.  She attended the party knowing who those people were and what they stood for, but sees herself as "good" and all the others as "bad."  By being present at the party she is physically showing support for the NFFA and standing with them on Purge Night.

I am not that sympathetic to Jane.  She arranged to have him murdered, yet is calling him an animal.  I do not in any way support the "lesser Baldwin's" action (tm clever poster above), but just as she couldn't believe that the young employee killed another employee, she can't believe that her boss would engage in horrifying actions even she herself was willing to have him killed.  Yes, she had a change of heart, but she also had no way of knowing if he had already been killed or not.

 Not really caring who survives the night, although I do have a fondness for Miguel, but AM enjoying the show.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Wasn't the assassin dead in the bathtub?  I thought that was her and Creepy Boss said something like, "never send a man to do a woman's job."  (obviously he's never watched any nature shows where it's the lioness who does most of the hunting).

I missed that also. This means that the Matron Saints and Lee Tergesen's character are Jane's main hope of rescue if she can't save herself.

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