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S02.E03: Chapter 11


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I know being trippy is a big part of this show's appeal, but I found this episode incomprehensible.  What happened to basket head and the androids? (which should be the name of a band)  Will there ever be an explanation for the cow or was it just something cool to throw in?  Why spend so much time hanging around the inside of people's heads besides being able to do creative camera work?  It just seemed like random stuff thrown together rather than scenes that don't initially seem to make sense but then the pattern emerges by the end of the episode and you see how they do actually link.  I didn't get the pattern this week.

The only emotional beat for me was Cary finding Kerry in the hallway, her teeth clicking.  His horror and fear was a gut punch.

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Farouk is lying, right? The season premiere's cold open showed him as Lenny hatching the creepy symbolic tar chickling that transmits the mental contagion everyone is suffering. Though I wonder how he inflicted it on the monks when he doesn't know where they and his body are located.


Also, Farouk's physical body is indestructible? That puts him one up on David, doesn't it?

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5 hours ago, Frost said:

I know being trippy is a big part of this show's appeal, but I found this episode incomprehensible.

I second your entire post. This trippy/surreal kind of show isn’t normally my thing. I usually find it pretentious and not nearly as clever as the creators think it is. 

But…I love THIS show!  Which is why I was so disappointed in this episode.  It was all random weirdness with nothing to ground the audience. That’s something that season 1 did really well. I suppose subsequent episodes may explain some aspects of this one but I may not care by then.  

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13 hours ago, Frost said:

I know being trippy is a big part of this show's appeal, but I found this episode incomprehensible.  What happened to basket head and the androids? (which should be the name of a band)  Will there ever be an explanation for the cow or was it just something cool to throw in?  Why spend so much time hanging around the inside of people's heads besides being able to do creative camera work?  It just seemed like random stuff thrown together rather than scenes that don't initially seem to make sense but then the pattern emerges by the end of the episode and you see how they do actually link.  I didn't get the pattern this week.

The only emotional beat for me was Cary finding Kerry in the hallway, her teeth clicking.  His horror and fear was a gut punch.

I thought this episode was the first episode in a long time that made perfect sense; except for the cow which I assume will be explained soon.

1. The Monk attacked the basket head and attached himself to one of the androids. It wants to stop the Shadow King and discovered from the basket head that there were plans for a weapon to stop him but it never got built. Melanie suggested David was the weapon but the monk had found out that David was working with the Shadow King.

2. I'm sure the cow will be explained later. I think the funny thing is that David didn't mind it being there much.

3. It seems like the only way to cure the sickness the monk inflicted on people as "Typhoid Mary" was for David to enter their heads and "find" the person. Each was buried in their own maze thanks to the monk.

And because of the second thing we learned a little bit more about Melanie (who likes to be in control but the love of her husband fixed that) and Ptonomy (who just wants quiet time to himself, alone)

I also teared up when I read David's "story" he wrote for Melanie to "guide" her out of her maze. It was beautiful. I also felt bad for Lenny. The Shadow King won't let her go, she can't kill herself and then David ignored her. 

I thought the episode was unusually straight forward for this series.

Edited by FiveByFive
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Cary teaching Kerry about eating and using the bathroom since they're going to be separated for now was the best.  I really enjoy their strangely sweet relationship.

So, Farouk might not actually be behind all these weird "possessed, teeth chattering" things, and it was actually The Monk, who was always near by, because he was trying to get him.  Looks like David at least has some general landmarks about where the monastery that has his body is, but the monk took himself out before he could learn too much.

I actually enjoyed all the maze stuff and how each of them was different.  I'm guessing we'll see a lot of Syd's maze next week, but I hope we get Kerry's too.

Lenny is not looking good, to say the least.  I wonder where Oliver was?

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1 hour ago, LucidDreamer said:

I couldn't help but wonder if the cow was a shout-out to FRINGE. (Among, I'm sure, other things).

I was wondering the same along with the sensory deprivation chamber for enhancing abilities.  I really hope they are Fringe homages.


As for the episode, I really love this show.  It's trippy like a show about the mind should be and the cinematography is amazing as always.  

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I really loved that episode, as weird as it was. I liked getting some more insight into some of the characters, and I found them to be quite beautiful. Especially reading Melanie's story about her dream. 

I have no clue what the cow was about, but I liked everyone's confused reactions to it, except for David. And Carey being super annoyed about leaving it in his lab. "Dont touch anything!" Speaking of Carey and Kerry, they really just cant catch a break, can they? Carey trying to teach Kerry how to eat and use the bathroom was hilarious, and I really felt his horror when he found her in the hallway. I guess he got reabsorbed into her again? 

I really liked the opening of the episode too, its my favorite opening yet. I also wonder if the monk as a Pied Piper figure (they even mention the PP) was also a reference to the dance plagues of the middle ages that they brought up? As some historians and folklorists wonder if the story was based on an incident of the dancing plague infecting local children, as its likely that the story is based on true events, even if no one really knows what exactly those events were. Its all super interesting to research actually. 

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Loved the episode as weird as it was.

My only gripe and I'll be thinking about it with each episode.  If David can kinda cure individuals after the teeth chattering, are they gonna just leave that room full of them there or will David cure them... it's one of those little details that will just pick at me depending on how the show handles or doesn't handle it.

Cary discovering Kerry... I legit almost cried with Cary.

I'm just glad Lenny's Lenny and not Farouk... I'm glad she's still kicking, kinda, and hanging around...

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I loved that the flashback scene of Farouk's defeat had David's chalk animation of his battle with Xavier from last season playing in his eyes before he went face-down in his couscous platter. The only thing better would have been a reflection of young Patrick Stewart.

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On 4/18/2018 at 6:30 AM, Frost said:

 Will there ever be an explanation for the cow or was it just something cool to throw in? 

My first thought is that it is Syd practicing her body switching, but her real body (now with cow ensconced in brain) got caught by the mad monk. So David's going to have to free the cow in order for her to be able to switch back.

On 4/17/2018 at 11:50 PM, AnimeMania said:

I am guessing that Cary/Kerry was one person that became 2 people? I wonder why their ages are so different? Maybe she only ages when she is outside of his body.

IIRC, they explicitly stated this to be the case last season (or at least heavily implied it). I think Kerry was actually a different person, though; I seem to recall there were flashbacks to what appeared to be a separate childhood for her away from Cary, but that part I don't think was ever explicitly explained. I'd have to rewatch to be sure.

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I know minotaurs and mazes go together, but I was very disappointed that the threat in the Zork game David was playing wasn't that he would be eaten by a grue.

Honestly this was where I thought they were going as there was a maze in Zork as well.

If only we can get a clear reference to the White House...

Otherwise though - I bet this season ends with David doing what they call in pro wrestling, "a heel turn".

Sadly, I find myself wanting David and Melanie to be the show couple. They rock together. 

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