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S04.E06: My News Shall Be The Fruit To That Great Feast

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OMG... Jasper's dad/Count DooDoo... I can't stop laughing at that. I watch The Crown too, and don't get me wrong, I love the bizarre stuff they do here, but I would love a royalty show that that landed somewhere between the two.

All the women Liam dates look alike. I love William Mosely but let's just have Liam disappear or something. Or put him on a bus with all those cloned blondes.

I need Cyrus back in the palace. It's fun watching him fumble around at the embassy, but I like him plotting better.

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This show is insanity.

I'm sorry but Robert is the strength of this show. In every scene he plays such a good and bad guy role. Can I say, he's super sexy and super manipulative at the same time. It's like you know he's pretty much the worst person and yet, you can't stop wanting him to do bad things....(ok, maybe that's all sex but still).

Their family is extreme! HAHA!

Gotta say, I have NO idea how to read that scene with Cassandra at the end. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with her and yet, she is reading everything right? Or is she? She def got under Robert's skin and I have no idea how that's gonna play out. (and Willow is the BEST, so step off!) 

But stay away from Willow  because girl is PURE! Ugh! That's why I love Robert so much, he's not so one tone like Cyrus and bratty like Liam. He wants Willow because he knows she makes him better, in the vulnerable way. Can we just get back to cute scenes with them?? Though I would find it super fun to watch them argue!!! But NO, do NOT go down that dark path because I love them!!!! 

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Jasper’s dad is absolutely bonkers. I still can’t  get over how hot Tom Austen is. It’s hard not to stare at him whenever he’s on screen. I love how cute and comfortable Jelena is with one another.

I don’t know why Robert would trust Cassandra and her skanky ass telling him that Willow loves Liam. Minus last season when she got a little jealous over him dating someone, she has been team Robert. She better not get in the way of the Robert/Willow cuteness!

So glad that Liam and Kate are together so he’s not such a sulking brat. I hope this continues.

Cant get over how smoking Elizabeth Hurley’s body still is. Life isn’t fair.

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4 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

All the women Liam dates look alike.

So true! I always have to wait to hear their name being used, or some context, in order to tell them apart.

4 hours ago, emjohnson03 said:

Gotta say, I have NO idea how to read that scene with Cassandra at the end. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with her and yet, she is reading everything right? Or is she? She def got under Robert's skin and I have no idea how that's gonna play out. (and Willow is the BEST, so step off!) 

I couldn't read it either. He didn't seem all that surprised to see her. Were they already having an affair? That was also weird, his encounter with "Kate". It seemed that he wanted more than just to apologize to her. I agree that he's the best thing about the show right now. Eleanor used to be the character who was my favorite to watch, but frankly Jaspenor bores me. I just can't get past how toxic their relationship is, especially in contrast with what's happening between Willow and Robert (Wilbert? RobLowe?) The chemistry and dialogue between Willow and Robert is off the chart, and makes Liam/Kathryn and Jaspenor look tepid and dull. 

2 hours ago, twoods said:

Cant get over how smoking Elizabeth Hurley’s body still is. Life isn’t fair.

She is stunning, and totally believable as a woman in her prime who is still living it up in diamond studded handcuffs and hair up in pigtails. So cute her absolute glee in getting Hansel as her dinner guest. Loved her son IRL getting to say "Happy Birthday Mum" to her. (I did look for the resemblance between them.)

It was a welcome surprise to see Cyrus still in London, albeit in the Venezuelan embassy. It would be awesome if somehow he comes to the rescue and neutralizes Jasper's dad. I can deal with Jasper being knighted, but not that Robert was bested by his father. Really hoping there's a longer game underway, because a guy who can cause a massive blackout can't possibly give in to blackmail...can he?

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3 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

He didn't seem all that surprised to see her. Were they already having an affair?

At first I got worried cause, you're right, he wasn't surprised. But then he told her to get out, and I understood that he wasn't actually surprised of her still trying to win him like that.

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Watching that Cyrus is still around makes me happy, cause I love his character. I don't really care about Liam and Katherine, but it's keeping Liam calm, so.

I'm so glad that issue about who shot Jasper is over. It's.nice to see that the show like to mislead us. Keep things entertaining. They always go like Robert is going to do or did something really bad in the promos, and then in the episode is like "meh, not really". Even though I'm always insecure.

Finally Eleanor told Jasper about her being Robbin Hood. I didn't want that to get worse.

Robert and Willow are still my number one in this show. Their scenes together are so enjoyable. Finally, they have someone who sees the as they truly are and loves and respects that.

I just hope Cassandra's ideas won't get to deep into Robert's head. He was doing so fine because of Willow. He even apologized to Katherine!

I'll be crying all week.

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Wow, Robert's name seems to have been cleared (didn't have Jasper shot, didn't pay to kill his father). I'm still worried they might slap us in the face with a "ha ha, but he did though!" moment but for now, I hope this is true so we can move on from that. I'd rather see him be manipulative in terms of politics and relationships rather than this murder stuff.

Ugh, Cassandra! So slimy. The thing is, she's talking about two girls, and past events. Robert and Liam fought over Kathryn, Robert played with Kathryn's heart when he found out about their relationship. Willow is separate from all of that; I don't believe that either of them are playing with each other's hearts... and I hope Robert realizes that! Damn you, Cassandra! Putting a damper on their engagement! (Yay! Wish we could have seen her say yes, though.) I mean, I guess it's good to get some drama in there but I hope it's a brief moment that strengthens them.

Still don't care about Liam and Kathryn, though I'm glad it helps him stop being so miserable. Slightly baffled by the lack of reaction toward Willow getting engaged. She said he never really saw her like that but they were friends. And now she's gonna be family. I hope we see a conversation between them. I hope we see more of Liam interacting with the family, like that small moment with Eleanor at their weed smoking bench, lol. I don't have high (ha) hopes anymore but I'll keep wishing for something more for Liam than just relationship stuff. Same for Eleanor (not everyone loves Jaspenor, Daddy Frost).

Not sure if I believe Robert could be manipulated by Jasper's dad like that. Maybe it'll look better (publicly) for Jasper to be a knight but I don't think it'll change Robert's feelings, and then it'll look even worse if it comes out that Robert's been trying to break them up. I don't really get this part of the story.

I thought Cyrus would be off-screen for a while so I was surprised to see him mulling around the asylum building. Now that Robert seems to be in the clear, I wonder how he'll get back to the castle (I thought Cyrus's ticket back would be if Robert was guilty and dethroned).

I always get a little weirded out whenever I know there's a personal relationship off screen (it takes me out of the fictional world) but I liked the last scene with Helena and Hansel. It seems like Sebastian is the perfect guy for all of the Henstridge women, lol. Maybe if/when Willow becomes Queen, Helena will be able to date more freely? Like, Duchie (who apparently knew Bellagio was full of shit?)

When Kathryn was leaving after the birthday dinner and when Helena was preparing to go to the balcony to wave, I got this "oh god, is something bad going to happen?!" feeling. I guess it was the music, I don't know.

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They were kinda shitty or Sebastian who so far has been lifted he nicest guy ever on this show... I keep waiting for them to do something to make him horrible... Because he was great for Eleanor... But seemed to back away cuz she wanted the toxic dump that is Jasper... And was genuinely happy for her... He was cool with jasper at the hospital..  Sleeping with Helena is a bit sketchy but I mean... Come on its Liz hurley..  And then he was so nice and supportive to her... Then he just apologized for the weirdness of him being there to a somewhat rude Jasper and Eleanor... And then apologized to the queen.. Then rolled with some casual racism from the queen dowager.. Then the odd ness at the table about why he was there..  

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Waiting for the other shoe to drop with Robert is excruciating. Loving him and Willow. It really goes to show how good chemistry and acting can elevate a storyline. Their scenes together are interesting and then they went to Liam and Kathryn and...it's flat. But how great did all four of them look in their party clothes? They did Kathryn dirty with those barrel curls, though. I also thought Robert had some sparks with Kathryn in their scene together. He's electric with everyone, frankly. Jasper's dad, Cassandra, Kathryn. He seems to make everyone  bring their A-game.

"At least I don't sleep with the help like everybody else around here." Collins can still turn a line like no one's business. Make her a regular already. I'm glad they let it all hang out re: the dirty secrets. The cast looked like they had a blast filming it.

But what on EARTH was that dress on Eleanor?

It's interesting how Robert is snobby about Jasper being "the help" when he's also trying to marry a member of "the help." Maybe he figures PR is a notch above security. And it's more useful. Frankly, I like Robert and don't like Jasper, so I'm going to handwave that inconsistency. I loved how he defended her against Eleanor, whose bitchiness toward Willow was out of character. Did Kathryn have a single line at the table?

Robert's reaction to the wine spill was truly terrifying. I wouldn't have been surprised if he smacked someone. Damn, Brown is a powerhouse. Loved him and Willow flouncing out together. I have no words for how great she looked in that black dress.

Jasper is so fucking dour, and always has been, going back to season. I think it kind of works with bubbly Eleanor, though. Sebastian is so much more lively. 

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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6 hours ago, omgsowicked said:

 (Yay! Wish we could have seen her say yes, though.) I mean, I guess it's good to get some drama in there but I hope it's a brief moment that strengthens them.

Still don't care about Liam and Kathryn, though I'm glad it helps him stop being so miserable. Slightly baffled by the lack of reaction toward Willow getting engaged. She said he never really saw her like that but they were friends. And now she's gonna be family. I hope we see a conversation between them. I hope we see more of Liam interacting with the family, like that small moment with Eleanor at their weed smoking bench, lol. I don't have high (ha) hopes anymore but I'll keep wishing for something more for Liam than just relationship stuff. Same for Eleanor (not everyone loves Jaspenor, Daddy Frost).

Great post. However, the fact that we didn't see Willow say yes makes me think the show isn't invested in the couple and, ergo, will blow them up eventually. A proposal is a huge thing for any TV couple, and not giving the audience that moment doesn't bode well. You just know when and if Jasper proposes, we won't miss a single second.

I bet Liam's congratulations and/or warnings to Willow will be saved for next week. It's a pairing the show has had slightly more investment in than Kathryn/Robert, so it makes sense that they will get a longer scene.

Speaking of Kathryn/Robert, did anyone else swoon when he called her "Kate?" I know he treated her badly (and frankly, I agree that what he did was unforgivable), but that one scene showed how they once worked as a couple. As tepid as the actress is in her other scenes, she came alive for this one. I don't think it's a coincidence that it's with Max Brown.

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2 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

It's interesting how Robert is snobby about Jasper being "the help" when he's also trying to marry a member of "the help." Maybe he figures PR is a notch above security. And it's more useful. Frankly, I like Robert and don't like Jasper, so I'm going to handwave that inconsistency. I loved how he defended her against Eleanor, whose bitchiness toward Willow was out of character. Did Kathryn have a single line at the table?


Well for one....Willow > Jasper. 

I also think she is highly educated, polished, and comes from a good aristocratic background and has impeccable background.

Jasper is a con man who has a murky background and has done a bunch of dubious things. I still don't know how he got vetted to served as primary protector of the King of England.

I knew Jasper's dad shot him and Eleanor wasn't too upset by the news. So Robert is in the clear for Simon's death and Jasper's injury. He seems more responsible for thwarting the romance of Eleanor and whoever his mother was sleeping with last year. Oh are causing the blackout to show his display of power to the prime minister.

Not too bad.

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On 4/15/2018 at 10:19 PM, emjohnson03 said:

Gotta say, I have NO idea how to read that scene with Cassandra at the end. Clearly he wanted nothing to do with her and yet, she is reading everything right? Or is she? She def got under Robert's skin and I have no idea how that's gonna play out. (and Willow is the BEST, so step off!) 

But stay away from Willow  because girl is PURE! Ugh! That's why I love Robert so much, he's not so one tone like Cyrus and bratty like Liam. He wants Willow because he knows she makes him better, in the vulnerable way. Can we just get back to cute scenes with them?? Though I would find it super fun to watch them argue!!! But NO, do NOT go down that dark path because I love them!!!! 

Unfortunately, as much as I love Robert and Willow, Cassandra is probably right that Willow doesn't love Robert. Cares for him, yes. Is close to falling in love with him, yes. But she has been reticent about the whole thing from the beginning, and they haven't known each other that long. Of course, Liam has only known Kathryn for about 5 seconds and they're touted as true love, so maybe for this show she does love him. But I don't think so. I also don't think the Willow/Liam mention by Cassandra was an accident.

It actually makes the pairing more interesting for me. I prefer romantic pairings where the man loves the woman more than she loves him. From the very beginning, Robert has been more invested. I like to think when he turns heel, she will be his one redeeming quality.

Random, but are we supposed to think Willow and Robert have already had sex? When he strolled into his room, loosening his tie, like "Long day babe" or whatever it was, it smacked of intimacy between partners who are comfortable with one another and have been intimate.

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I thought this was the best episode yet - the birthday dinner scene was hilarious! It had such good lines, especially when, I think Helena, asked what the "Count" was doing there and Eleanor mumbled under her breath, "your mother, apparently" ... or something to that effect. I also loved the birthday present of Prince Hansel and Gunther and how happy it made Helena.

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Cassandra was right about the two brothers both loving the same woman but she doesn't know that it Kathryn and not Willow. Unfortunately with that scene between Robert and Kathryn, I still think he has feelings for her. Why I don't know why because she has the personality of a turnip.

As for her observations about Willow, I think as Robert's feelings for her grow so to all his insecurity about Willow's feelings for him and Liam.

What I don't want to happen is for Robert to call Cassandra.

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10 hours ago, nilyank said:

What I don't want to happen is for Robert to call Cassandra.

I can easily see this happening and, more troubling, I can easily see Willow calling the whole thing off because she still loves Liam. Because this show can never let Robert win over Liam. Nor can it let us Robert fans have nice things. The second this happens, I'm out.

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Jasper: My dad is a horrible con man who gave me a miserable childhood and he shot me.

Eleanor: I like him.

WTF?! I hate everything about this couple. I'm at a point where I have to record this show and watch it later so I can fast forward through every scene between those two. Which is a shame because Eleanor is a great character on her own. Why do TPTB insist on saddling her with Jasper, who has the charisma of a napkin?

On 4/15/2018 at 11:19 PM, emjohnson03 said:

I'm sorry but Robert is the strength of this show. In every scene he plays such a good and bad guy role. Can I say, he's super sexy and super manipulative at the same time. It's like you know he's pretty much the worst person and yet, you can't stop wanting him to do bad things....(ok, maybe that's all sex but still).

Completely agree! Robert saved this show for me. He's, by far, the most interesting character on this show and I love him and Willow together! (Liam and Katherine, on the other hand, literally the most boring couple any tv show has ever asked us to ship.)  I've never seen Max Brown in anything before this show but clearly I've been missing out.

I would totally watch a show just about Helena and Hansel! It was hilarious watching her fangirl when he walked in.

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So I finally caught up.

Jesus Holy Lord Max Brown is everything and I hate him for being so damn sexy EVERY woman around him comes to life.  How the HELL did he have chemistry with Willow, Kate AND Cassandra?!  And UGH to Cassandra for getting into his head like that.  She totally got his number and manipulated the hell out of him.  Now he's all suspicious and will start acting out with Willow.  I WANT Willow to want him - but maybe they just need some angst to bring out even more chemistry between them.  But I hate Cassandra - she's basically the female version of Robert - but played with considerably less charm.  I hate that bihh.

Willow looked amazing in that black dress.  She looked more grown up.  Also I do wish they'd shown her response - but I don't think this first engagement is going to take.  I think there will be another one (after Robert and Willow come back from Cassandra breaking them up for a bit) - and we'll see all of that.  This first engagement round is just to suck all of us in to root for them and understand that Robert is a cad - but he DOES love Willow - so whatever happens to them, we'll still want them to be together afterwards still.  But I actually want Willow to grow a spine too - more of one.  I think a few run ins with Cassandra will probably do that.  I am afraid that eventually Robert's insecurities where Liam is concerned will make him call Cassandra - maybe even Willow admitting she still cares for Liam (please God no).  But my point is - I think not showing Willow saying yes is a sign of DEEPER investment in Rillow, not less.

And yes - I swooned when Robert said "Kate." to Kathryn.  Jesus Max Brown.  I think my clothes fell off when he said that. I looked down and was like, "omg I'm naked."  Whew.

He is playing Robert with such complexity it's insane.

Also I can't tell if the show has dropped the Robert is the root of all evil storyline or if they plan to come back to that.  I tend to think they have totally pivoted - because they realize just how much of a powerhouse Max Brown is - he's elevating EVERYONE around him - and it's so entertaining to watch.  I think they are cleaning up the storylines, resetting Liam, resetting Robert, etc..  I think Robert is still a manipulative asshole who can still charm the pants off of anyone, but I love him all the same and don't care what he does, as long as it's not murder.  He's like Chuck Bass!

But ooooohhhh I LOVED the scene with Jasper's dad and Robert - I loved that he got one over on Robert - can't con a con - and gave Robert a way out so he could stop hating on Jaspenor - I think the show realized that they made a misstep having Robert manipulating everyone in the family and setting him up as a truly evil villain - so they're trying to back out of it because they want Max for the long haul.

I did laugh extra hard at the Prince of Lichtenstein (sp?) when said "Happy Birthday bitch!" to Helena, because the actor playing him is Elizabeth Hurley's son.

ETA:  I forgot to add that I LOVE Sebastian (GD that man is sexy AF) and Helena.

Edited by phoenics
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1 hour ago, phoenics said:

So I finally caught up.

Jesus Holy Lord Max Brown is everything and I hate him for being so damn sexy EVERY woman around him comes to life.  How the HELL did he have chemistry with Willow, Kate AND Cassandra?!  And UGH to Cassandra for getting into his head like that.  She totally got his number and manipulated the hell out of him.  Now he's all suspicious and will start acting out with Willow.  I WANT Willow to want him - but maybe they just need some angst to bring out even more chemistry between them.  But I hate Cassandra - she's basically the female version of Robert - but played with considerably less charm.  I hate that bihh.

Willow looked amazing in that black dress.  She looked more grown up.  Also I do wish they'd shown her response - but I don't think this first engagement is going to take.  I think there will be another one (after Robert and Willow come back from Cassandra breaking them up for a bit) - and we'll see all of that.  This first engagement round is just to suck all of us in to root for them and understand that Robert is a cad - but he DOES love Willow - so whatever happens to them, we'll still want them to be together afterwards still.  But I actually want Willow to grow a spine too - more of one.  I think a few run ins with Cassandra will probably do that.  I am afraid that eventually Robert's insecurities where Liam is concerned will make him call Cassandra - maybe even Willow admitting she still cares for Liam (please God no).  But my point is - I think not showing Willow saying yes is a sign of DEEPER investment in Rillow, not less.

And yes - I swooned when Robert said "Kate." to Kathryn.  Jesus Max Brown.  I think my clothes fell off when he said that. I looked down and was like, "omg I'm naked."  Whew.

He is playing Robert with such complexity it's insane.

Also I can't tell if the show has dropped the Robert is the root of all evil storyline or if they plan to come back to that.  I tend to think they have totally pivoted - because they realize just how much of a powerhouse Max Brown is - he's elevating EVERYONE around him - and it's so entertaining to watch.  I think they are cleaning up the storylines, resetting Liam, resetting Robert, etc..  I think Robert is still a manipulative asshole who can still charm the pants off of anyone, but I love him all the same and don't care what he does, as long as it's not murder.  He's like Chuck Bass!

But ooooohhhh I LOVED the scene with Jasper's dad and Robert - I loved that he got one over on Robert - can't con a con - and gave Robert a way out so he could stop hating on Jaspenor - I think the show realized that they made a misstep having Robert manipulating everyone in the family and setting him up as a truly evil villain - so they're trying to back out of it because they want Max for the long haul.

I did laugh extra hard at the Prince of Lichtenstein (sp?) when said "Happy Birthday bitch!" to Helena, because the actor playing him is Elizabeth Hurley's son.

ETA:  I forgot to add that I LOVE Sebastian (GD that man is sexy AF) and Helena.

My goodness!  You made me watch this episode and I must agree with: 

Max Brown makes the show worth watching

He has chemistry with Willow, bland Kathryn and odd Cassandra

Sebastian is sexy ( this should have been first...I think someone heard me begging last year for him to stay-although I wish it was not with the Helena..ugh!) 

Hopefully you are right about the "reset" and we can have complex Robert instead of evil Robert. I can't remember exactly what the article I read said, but it hinted at moving Robert in one direction, but possibly going back. I hope they don't do that, but the season has been shot, so even if they see the positive response to what they've done with Robert if they go back to evil Robert it is too late to change it. 


Don't care for the Count....Jasper can still go. There is no way  a woman would want Liam when they could have Robert and Jasper when they could have Sebastian...I just don't believe it! 

I am so not here for Robert being jealous of Willow and Liam, or still being interested in Cassandra or "Kate." 

I can't stand it when people have to have their real life love interest ( The Client List, Supergirl) or their children on the show.  

It is so much better when you watch it later and are able to fast forward through the non Robert scenes! 

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43 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

There is no way  a woman would want Liam when they could have Robert and Jasper when they could have Sebastian...I just don't believe it! 

Right?! Speaking of Sebastian, what was with that weird awkwardness between him and Eleanor when he walked in to the party? It's been a long time since last season so it's very possible I forgot something but I don't remember those two hooking up or being anything more than friends/business partners so why would it suddenly be so awkward? It just seemed odd.

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8 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Right?! Speaking of Sebastian, what was with that weird awkwardness between him and Eleanor when he walked in to the party? It's been a long time since last season so it's very possible I forgot something but I don't remember those two hooking up or being anything more than friends/business partners so why would it suddenly be so awkward? It just seemed odd.

I think she was expecting him to feel awkward seeing her happy with Jasper because he had feelings for her...at least I think he may have indicated to her at one point he wanted to be more than friends?  Other than that it is her ego thinking he is still pining after her. 

Of course Jasper annoys me so I watch some of my favorite shows...I've never seen him before but there he was..in Grantchester and Unforgotten!  

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Ah, I liked how they cracked the fourth wall just a teeny bit with Damian Hurley. The expression of endearment on EH's face during their scenes was priceless.

I love Joan Collins and was happy to see her do more than just appear for a few seconds at a time. The dame can BRING IT at any age.

I can't add anything more to what's already been said about Robert, Cassandra, Jaspenor, Willow, etc.  I thought Jasper's father was a hoot and oh, yes ... I was happy to see Cyrus. He's actually been my favorite character all along, but Robert is rapidly escalating on my "most liked" meter. Damn! He's the whole package -- looks, charisma, he can ACT!

I believe the show has improved by about 100% this season and it's all due to Max Brown. If the rest of the season progresses at the level of this episode, we're in for some campy, bawdy entertainment.

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I was distracted while watching, so I need someone to help me out. What was with the two personalities (and accents) of Hansel, and why did he call Helena mom.  I know he is EH's real life son, but why did he say it as Hansel.

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