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48 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

Well...there is  the part where Alberto is STILL MARRIED.

If all of this isn't on the next season of Total Divas she's living a super dramatic life for no reason.

Even if neither of them can be assed to care about how obnoxious it is to his existing wife to publicly carry on like this, can't either one of them have enough concern for his children's feelings to be a little more discrete?  

As for it being story line, if it wasn't for some of the other stuff, like him being fired and her being suspended twice for drug use, I could maybe see it.  It's a shitty story line to do, considering the guy is married and all, but who knows.  But, since I'm certain WWE must have some input on story line for TD (or at least the ability to shoot down some things that they feel go against the brand's best interests), I don't think this whole mess is story, just because I don't think they'd want to go that far (the drugs, firing, etc) for a story line.   Also, my husband actually ran into them at the airport in San Antonio a few months ago, no cameras in sight, just the two of them, clearly a couple, traveling together.  

I sincerely doubt this will ever end in marriage.  This is not his first extra marital relationship with a much younger co-worker, and I think she took it much more seriously than he did, and now he's just along for the ride for as long as it's fun for him.  When this thing goes to hell, it's going to get ugly, because I think she's got herself convinced that they're in some true love that nobody understands, and it's them against the world.  Once he shatters that illusion, she may not take it very well.  

And, seriously, has the guy even filed for divorce yet?

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Dude leaves his wife of (my guess) over a decade and kids for a 22 years old, and she thinks he's a catch? "I wanna marry me some of him", like it's a good thing. Then down the road, cries when he does the same to her? Pass. 

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5 hours ago, Landlord said:

Dude leaves his wife of (my guess) over a decade and kids for a 22 years old, and she thinks he's a catch? "I wanna marry me some of him", like it's a good thing. Then down the road, cries when he does the same to her? Pass. 

I seriously snort-laughed a her "something that's unbreakable" line.  Oh, honey, no.  Literally every single line of that caption screams unhealthy obsession.  

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Was Alberto Del Rio popular in the WWE? I seem to remember him a while ago when he would come out with some fancy car and a guy who was translating in Spanish or English? I forgot which one. 

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9 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I seriously snort-laughed a her "something that's unbreakable" line.  Oh, honey, no.  Literally every single line of that caption screams unhealthy obsession.  

I'm no Kevin Skaff fan, I didn't even know who he was before he dated Paige, but he seemed very good to her, closer in age and interests and all. Seemed genuinely interested in being with her in the long run. But Ermagherd, Paige was (is) terrified of commitment. Could barely even live with the guy, and that was, what, a year and a half ago? Part of me suspects this engagement is just to rub it in WWE's face B/C they said no. B/C they wanted no part of this scandal of ADR cheating on his wife with a much younger woman, when they were trying to keep their "superstars" images clean. Because Universe and PG era. Not even 10 years ago, they rolled with it when it was Matt/Lita/Edge, and look how disastrous it was. Ol' man Vince seems to be (a little bit) learning from his mistakes. 

But that's my two cents, plz someone disagree with me LOL!

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14 hours ago, Suzy123 said:

Was Alberto Del Rio popular in the WWE? I seem to remember him a while ago when he would come out with some fancy car and a guy who was translating in Spanish or English? I forgot which one. 

I think he had his moments.  More recently he was in a group of the European heels at WWE which started out ok, but didn't really go anywhere.  Once the brand shift happened they seemed to lose ideas for him.

He was in Lucha Underground their first season and I finally understood why people were so hyped about him when he first got to WWE.  

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10 hours ago, Landlord said:

Part of me suspects this engagement is just to rub it in WWE's face B/C they said no. B/C they wanted no part of this scandal of ADR cheating on his wife with a much younger woman, when they were trying to keep their "superstars" images clean. Because Universe and PG era. Not even 10 years ago, they rolled with it when it was Matt/Lita/Edge, and look how disastrous it was. Ol' man Vince seems to be (a little bit) learning from his mistakes. 

But that's my two cents, plz someone disagree with me LOL!

I think there's something to that. And it may not specifically be that the engagement is solely to shoot the bird to WWE, as much as their being against it (along with her family, and, likely, some of her friends and fans) makes it all that much more exciting and romantic.  I've said before that, for a lot of people in her age range, movies have kind of given them the impression that, the more opposition or hurdles your relationship faces, the more romantic it all is.  So, to her, all this drama means it is just meant to be.  

And WWE definitely seems to be not OK with this whole relationship.  I know I saw a story not too long ago about them not wanting her going out to sit and watch his matches.  And, I believe they split them up in the brand split, where they seem to have made a point of putting other couples on the same brand.  Even if they were tempted to just look the other way and wait for it to play out,  the changes in her behavior would have convinced them that this is not good and has a detrimental effect on her performance and career.  

Of course, factoring both of those positions in, I think that, if WWE wasn't strongly opposed to it and her friends and family didn't oppose it, the relationship likely would have fizzled out by now.  But, having said that, I still think that WWE wasn't wrong to be against it, and you certainly can't blame her friends and family for not being thrilled about her getting involved with a guy who's married with kids, has a habit of cheating, and is practically old enough to be her father.  Not many people would just ignore all those red flags when they see a loved one making that kind of mistake.  

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24 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

 I've said before that, for a lot of people in her age range, movies have kind of given them the impression that, the more opposition or hurdles your relationship faces, the more romantic it all is.  So, to her, all this drama means it is just meant to be.   

I was that girl. The more they (family and all) said no to me, the more I wanted it. Thank God I smartened the f*** up! 

I just hope her dad has a lot of weight when it comes to make her see what's good and not, I saw he was pretty vocal about it on FB. But lord, that tattoo... I bet you it's just below the hem of her wrestling top, for all to see, as a big FU to the WWE.

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3 hours ago, Suzy123 said:

Will Paige be in this season's Total Diva's?

Question is, if she's fired or she quits, what will be the scramble to fill up her spots that she was in? Could that be what the suspensions are all about? As long as she's suspended, she's part of the company and they can air her segments on the season, then, once it's almost all aired, sack her? 

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Brie's final performance before retiring is overshadowed by the revelation of a new cast member who will make her debut; Trinity falls victim to a hair emergency the day before she performs in Wrestlemania; the WWE has an announcement planned.

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Trinity returns to Orlando to honor the victims of the Pulse Nightclub shooting; Nikki accuses Brie of sweeping Bryan's depression under the rug; Lana annoys Nattie as she prepares for her championship run.

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On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 0:01 AM, Suzy123 said:

Renee and Lana are so pretty. I like them so much better than Alicia  I wish they would get rid of Eva and Nattie  

Totally agree.  Jury is still out on Maryse.  I've heard of her, but never seen her in action.

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Eva can go at any time. Since the focus is on the SmackDown women, they could easily throw in one of the other younger girls. 

I think we're stuck with Nattie as long as she is still on WWE television. She can be annoying at times, but she has name recognition and/or credibility in the business.  Her family is more interesting than she is. 

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Lana is adorable and Nattie is the annoying one. This was WAY too much Nattie for one episode. She keeps talking about being a leader but she doesn't want to actually lead anyone. This was the happiest I've seen her dad when he was talking to Lana ;)

I'm wondering if this is the last season. I can't see Brie doing this show anymore, what with becoming a mom and all. I don't think people will watch the Nattie show. 

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Maryse takes some heat for making big decisions without Mike; a pregnancy scare sends Brie into panic mode; and Trinity must overcome her fear of riding a motorcycle after she's offered a role in the action film "The Marine 5: Battleground."

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1 hour ago, BellaLugosi said:

I'mm wondering if this is the last season. I can't see Brie doing this show anymore, what with becoming a mom and all. I don't think people will watch the Nattie show

I think that's why they've brought in more divas.

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On 11/27/2016 at 11:47 AM, BellaLugosi said:

Lana is adorable and Nattie is the annoying one. This was WAY too much Nattie for one episode. She keeps talking about being a leader but she doesn't want to actually lead anyone. This was the happiest I've seen her dad when he was talking to Lana ;)

I'm wondering if this is the last season. I can't see Brie doing this show anymore, what with becoming a mom and all. I don't think people will watch the Nattie show. 

I'm torn on this. On the one hand, Lana was being super self absorbed, if the events on screen were not all staged. Sounds like she makes a habit of calling Nattie to discuss her career constantly, is always asking for advice, or reassurance, or for someone to listen to her when she's upset. Honestly, even though I think Lana seems sweet and fun, I could see how she'd be exhausting to be around.


That said, Nattie encourages Lana to do it, then bitches about it behind Lana's back.


I love, love, LOVE Nattie's signature eye twitch whenever a new girl comes on, or a former Diva comes back. That WWE talent manager must see Nattie coming and immediately think, oh, shit. She has no grasp on how to play it cool.


Maryse seems like a bitch. She's awfully proud of her "beautiful" husband. I don't really know him as a wrestler but I watched him on the Real World and all the various challenges, and he's really, really dumb.


So far Renee is my favorite, although I think she's a bit of a shit stirrer. Paige has surprised me by being relatively mellow so far.

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21 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I'm torn on this. On the one hand, Lana was being super self absorbed, if the events on screen were not all staged. Sounds like she makes a habit of calling Nattie to discuss her career constantly, is always asking for advice, or reassurance, or for someone to listen to her when she's upset. Honestly, even though I think Lana seems sweet and fun, I could see how she'd be exhausting to be around.


That said, Nattie encourages Lana to do it, then bitches about it behind Lana's back.


I love, love, LOVE Nattie's signature eye twitch whenever a new girl comes on, or a former Diva comes back. That WWE talent manager must see Nattie coming and immediately think, oh, shit. She has no grasp on how to play it cool.


Maryse seems like a bitch. She's awfully proud of her "beautiful" husband. I don't really know him as a wrestler but I watched him on the Real World and all the various challenges, and he's really, really dumb.


So far Renee is my favorite, although I think she's a bit of a shit stirrer. Paige has surprised me by being relatively mellow so far.

Wow, co-sign to all of this.

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I can't stand Maryse's husband either. I have only really known him from The Real World also. I hated him on there. He was also tackling people and trying to wrestle them.

Nattie's obnoxious. She is the type of person who needs constant attention. I wonder if T.J(say it in Nattie's annoying, nagging voice) is going to be on this season? Nattie humiliated him in the other seasons.

Does it look like Nattie got a nose job? Her nose looks thinner. 

Is Lana of Russian descent? I think the Russian language is so beautiful and I love when people speak it.

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12 minutes ago, Suzy123 said:

I can't stand Maryse's husband either. I have only really known him from The Real World also. I hated him on there. He was also tackling people and trying to wrestle them.

Nattie's obnoxious. She is the type of person who needs constant attention. I wonder if T.J(say it in Nattie's annoying, nagging voice) is going to be on this season? Nattie humiliated him in the other seasons.

Does it look like Nattie got a nose job? Her nose looks thinner. 

Is Lana of Russian descent? I think the Russian language is so beautiful and I love when people speak it.

Wiki says she's white/Latina but her family moved to Russia. 

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On 11/27/2016 at 1:10 PM, OnceSane said:

Trinity must overcome her fear of riding a motorcycle after she's offered a role in the action film "The Marine 5: Battleground."

Well, that sounds like a movie that's going right on my Netflix Watch List.

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Jon is hilarious. I love the scene where Trin took her ponytail off and Jon just looked so confused. He and Trin are so cute together. I would love a show just focusing on those two.

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Renee is forced to become involved after Paige begins to behave peculiarly and does not show up to work; Nikki decides to go against Brie's wishes and asks Bryan if he would be willing to help her prepare for her comeback.

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I loved Jon's face when she was sitting on the motorcycle in the dealership and he was telling her to rev it up..lol

The Mix is really good looking.  Wow his wife doesn't even discuss things with him..just adopts the dog, buys the house..wow.

I'm sick of the Bella twins...talk about attention whores..ugh

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Alberto del Rio has publicly made it clear that his likeness cannot be used by his request on total divas so even if they talk about del Rio, you won't see him. It will also probably play into why you don't see Paige on total divas very much because she's in the doghouse and the most juicy thing she has going on they barely have any access to.

Del Rio was huge in the wwe for a spell. A combination of things messes up the momentum he had. Bad turns ( meaning turning into a good guy or a bad guy at the wrong time) one the biggest stars in the company retiring Edge, which made them change plans for his feel good moment leaving del Rio stranded and cm punk blowing up with a hot feud right in the middle of his push. He's huge in Mexico and that's why he was brought in to begin with. So, when he leaves, he's still huge elsewhere. Wwe craves the Mexico popularity some stars bring in but they have failed to capitalize on it minus Rey mysterio. 

My biggest issue with this show is that for the most part, these women don't matter. Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Bayley and Charlottesville are the faces of female wrestling along with a few others rising. The women on here for the most part are blips on the radar. The matches they make a big deal about on here minus Nikki bell's run, are inconsequential. Get women on here that are actually having the matches and stories people are talking about.

Edited by Racj82
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On 2016-11-29 at 7:48 PM, Suzy123 said:


Nattie's obnoxious. She is the type of person who needs constant attention. I wonder if T.J(say it in Nattie's annoying, nagging voice) is going to be on this season? Nattie humiliated him in the other seasons.


I read on a wrestling site that WWE don't want him on because they don't want to have to explain about his neck injury and the severity of it.

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Is Paige officially fired from the WWE? Her relationship with Del Rio seems very odd and forced. 

I really like Renee. She seems very down to earth. I like how she doesn't over dress when going and she isn't made up like she is going to walk the red carpet at any minute.

I wish there was less Nikki and Brie. There is way too much of them between this and Total Bellas, I feel like ther storylines have been stretched to the limit. 

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Maryse and Mike panic when they find their home invaded; cultural differences cause a family feud; arguments over whether the wedding should be in Malibu or Bulgaria; Renee has a meltdown; Dean Ambrose in Vegas for the first time

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Yeah, there really was no need for a Total Bellas spinoff. Nikki is funny, and I actually like her and Cena's scenes together, particularly when Cena is fucking around like the time they had their arcade night competition and Cena dressed the part, but Brie is so boring. She just has no personality. She just takes on whatever personality the person who's with her has. When she's with a group of girls, she takes on the party girl mode (except when she knows Bryan is waiting for her to call him and she's worried about appearing too drunk). When she's with Bryan she's a frugal hippie who thinks alcohol is unnecessary. Bryan is okay but also kind of judgmental and gets weird around the cameras when he's on too much. And the rest of Nikki's family is nowhere near compelling enough to watch even for 10 min once a week.


I do love Nattie rubbing it in to Eva Marie how "booked solid" she is for the next 2 weeks.


ETA: Also loved Brie's 'drop the mic" face when she mentions using the 'rack attack' as her comeback move, as though she just really delivered a sick burn, and Nikki is just like yeah, you make no sense, but I'll just assume that's the wine talking. Brie is really not smart or very articulate.

Edited by Tatum
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Brie is definitely a poser. She does take on whatever personality is convenient for her at the time. I don't really like Brian. He seems like he has this odd jealousy towards Nikki and John.  There is always some type of animosity there whenever  Nikki  or John is on screen with him.

I like Nikki more. She seems like fun and doesn't take herself too seriously. I bet a million dollars that Brie would love to live the life Nikki is living right now; huge mansion, expensive clothes, food, and restaurants, many vacations. And all of it would be paid for by Brian. Her hippie act is so fake and transparent. 

Edited by Suzy123
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13 hours ago, Suzy123 said:


I like Nikki more. She seems like fun and doesn't take herself to seriously. I bet a million dollars that Brie would love to live the life Nikki is living right now; huge mansion, expensive clothes, food, and restaurants, many vacations. And all of it would be paid for by Brian. Her hippie act is so fake and transparent. 

I think Brie would too...and not just the material things- I do believe, even with an unlimited budget, Brie would not enjoy spending money the way that Nikki does. I think it's more just the total autonomy Nikki enjoys. She wants to drink wine at 9 am? She does. She wants to dress in stilettos and a tube top to go grocery shopping? She does.  She wants to drop $4K on a Chanel handbag? She does. It's not just that she has the money to do so- Nikki doesn't give a fuck what people think, and her boyfriend, although oddly controlling in some ways, is pretty hands off with how Nikki wants to handle her personal affairs. If Brie wants to wear revealing clothing, drink alcohol, or spend frivolously, she knows she has to answer to Bryan. It's the proverbial sour grapes- Brie can't do any of the stuff Nikki gets to do, so she has to act like she doesn't want it or that she's above it.


I also agree that Bryan has a certain amount of bitterness towards Nikki and Cena, and not sure why. The best I can figure is he feels like Nikki is a bad influence on Brie, when it comes to spending, drinking, and wearing revealing clothing, and that Cena enables that instead of 'getting his woman in line'.

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Eva Marie's entrance was really stupid and lame and she almost fucked it up by almost not being able to unbutton one button. She's so stiff.

I like Nikki she cracks me up. The Bella's are my fave part of this show tho and I totally watched all the Toral Bella episodes lol. I'd like to see John tho.

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Brie and Nikki decide to take an IQ test to determine who is the smartest twin; Trinity's nerves threaten to get the better of her while on the set of her first movie; Nattie pushes her sister so hard that she may suffer a mental breakdown; and Lana and Rusev disagree over Nashville-theme engagement photos.

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Paige attempts to hide a serious neck injury; Nikki wants to start a winery and becomes offended when Brie doesn't take her seriously; Nattie's wrestling character has to turn ``bad'' and the crowd doesn't know how to react.

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On 2016-12-15 at 4:21 PM, Marley said:

Eva Marie's entrance was really stupid and lame and she almost fucked it up by almost not being able to unbutton one button. She's so stiff.

I like Nikki she cracks me up. The Bella's are my fave part of this show tho and I totally watched all the Total Bella episodes lol. I'd like to see John tho.

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I have to say that Maryse surprises me in a good way. She's a good friend, at least that's what she shows. What she did for Trin was really nice, and it obviously worked. 

Lana: Ermahgerd. She's annoying. She should get on just fine with the Bellas. 

Nattie: As annoying as she can be, I can see how she was trying very hard to do this for her sister. Too bad the b*tch at the cooking class had to open her trap, because it was working just fine. 

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Brie is torn when Bryan receives a new job offer; Paige finds out the results of her MRI; Nattie pulls out all the stops to get fired from planning Lana's wedding; Renee is stuck as a third wheel.

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Brie really goes below the belt when she insults Nikki. She is always really cruel to her. 

Brie seems so fake it's really sad.  I feel like she has taken on Bryan's crappy personality and constantly berates Nikki. 

Paige is a mess. She reminds me of a 12 year old who has to constantly get mad at the world. She seems like a terrible person to be around. 

It's Nattie very popular in the WWE world or is the WWE just hanging on to her because she had wrestling roots?

I feel like she is constantly changing her image to remain relevant. 

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