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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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Considering Christi's mom is all up in her business, I'm surprised she didn't know the diagnosis until two days later, lol. And I love how "IF it was a brain bleed, I'd be dead right now." Point being, it WASN'T a brain bleed. Because it's just a bruise. If even THAT, because you had a giant hat on!



Specifically, Christi said that she had a concussion and two lesions on her brain.  It was the lesions she was talking about possibly "bleeding out".  I'm not aware of any traumatic cause for brain lesions.  Certainly not when the trauma consists of nothing more than a glancing graze by a glass along the top edge of a cowboy hat. (yes, I Zaprudered that scene).


An they live in that basic house and can't afford to buy a better one? Someone can't manage her finances.




Agree with the post upthread about the housing prices in SoCal, along with the contraction in the lending market after the meltdown.  But the loan agent also said something about Tara having debt trouble.  I'm guessing she's got a crappy credit score from either defaulting on stuff or carrying a ton of credit card debt before she waddled into this cash cow.  Although I also think the house-hunting was nothing more than a contrivance to give her a story-line that would bridge over into her "little family" show.


And, Brianna with that "wedding venue"? (*she's already married.  whatever the hell they're doing, it's not a wedding).  You don't want the wedding on the deck because the railing would be right at mid-head level?  Well, the venue could always provide a riser.  Nah, better scratch the whole plan less than a week before the ceremony.  Hmm.  It's almost as if the production company decided to spend that money on the midget stripper instead.

  • Love 4

Matt is so skeevy...I totes agree. So inappropriate for his wedding...his behavior. The previews for what's to come on that front look interesting. 


Christy and that glass to the head...eye roll emoji (can't we add emojis on here?).


And that new girl...what's her name, the platinum blonde???, she is a big time pot stirrer.

Really can't stand any of them except Elena. 

Edited by Lamima
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Ok, boring and embarrassing with the empty chairs. And her little girl in a black dress? But the maid of honor's dress being black said "funeral"? What a joke!

Oh, and the "wedding she always dreamed of"(?) with her BBF of a few months, and a groom with priors, showing a baby bump, and her 2nd marriage--despite already being married in Vegas????? Ride and die into the divorce-sunset dragging the last scraps of your dignity behind you, Brianna. She is lucky that her ex didn't sue for custody given Matt's priors and lack of a job, and general douchy-ness.

Terra is delusional and willing to say anything to stay on screen. Tonya is bringing out her ex to L.A.to get in on this cash cow show, and get some screen time. Christie? It looks like even Todd doesn't believe her story of a concussion. Heh. Don't care about anyone of em.

Preview from next week looked like Matt's been selfie-ing his dick again and sending pics out to other women. Oh, what a surprise!

  • Love 3

Jasmine could have been talking about herself when she called Christy a "people pleaser." I think she was actually threatened about Christy showing up to the wedding and then stealing the BFF honors from her. Why anyone would fight over Briana is beyond me. The girl is so delusion and odd.


I didn't think Elena meant to be bitchy by saying what she did about Briana's dress. She was right to want Briana to look like a woman and not a little girl in a grown up dress. That dress was not flattering. Had she accepted some input (which she NEVER does about anything), Elena would have helped her totally rock it. At times Elena is blunt, but I think it's because of the culture she came from and English not being her first language. I actually think she is one of the most consistent and sincere people on the show. She doesn't BS. With this crowd, I find it refreshing.


This show reminds me of the game "Operator" that we played in grade school. You whisper in someone's ear, then they whisper what they heard in the next person's ear, and it goes around full circle just to see how skewed the original statement can get. I'll bet every one of these women cringe when the camera reels play and show how much their words and perceptions are twisted from one outing to the next. 


Matt asking to surprise Briana with a pop-in from Christy shows how clueless he really is. He is such a Fail. Briana not inviting her family to the wedding was reasonable to me. Because they are RIGHT and she is WRONG, and she doesn't want to hear about it anymore. Why have them there to ruin her delusion with some reality. She is so nuts. The montage of their love was so depressing. 


I thought it was stupid to include the "If anyone objects" line in the ceremony when they are already married. This is not a wedding, it's a re-dedication, people. You had a rehearsal, right? That would have been omitted. As if even Christy would get up and object to a "union" that already legally happened anyway. Nice attempt at drama, though.


Their whole "ride or die" Bonny and Clyde thing is so ridiculous and childish. Hardly what parents of young children need to be identifying with. I think most of their relationship is just about stubbornly refusing to listen to friends and family.


All of that red and black was weird to me. It reminds me too much of the 80's. I'm pretty sure I saw the same decor on The Wedding Singer.


I wonder if Tonya and Kerwin can be the new Briana and Matt next season. Groan.


If Christy says she was going to die one more time.... I swear, that glass tipped off the top of her hat. No way did that injury happen. And the press found out because Christy POSTED it on FB. I actually like Christy most of the time, but this is some shady news. And how are paparazzi on the freaking street going to ruin Briana's wedding. Instead, the scene Christy is making will.


If my husband smashed cake in my face at our wedding, I would NOT be pleased. Briana calls it "childlike," I call it childish. 


Previews of next week look awesome. Could Briana actually be seeing the truth? Christy trying to make peace with Terra at the baby shower was ballsy. If someone filed a police report and threatened to sue me, not to mention defamed me publicly, I'd be hard pressed to want to talk to her either.

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Yeah, Chewy, the cake in the face thing is passive aggressive, IMHO, and has caused some big wedding fights on Funniest Videos. Not cool from the love of your life.

Does Matt have a motorcycle? Cuz that's a rider club thing, or at least what I think of when I hear "Ride or Die." B and M are idiots.

Actually, I don't care if Briana sees the truth, cuz she's made her bed, and now has to lie in it...with her big, ol' pervy huzzbin.

Edited by Tosia

There's some study that says that couples that smash cake have a higher divorce rate than those who don't. I thought that was ridiculous when I heard it after y first marriage where we smashed cake. That marriage ended. I'm not saying smashing of cake was the reason but it may have been issues under the surface.

  • Love 3

It's a good thing that Brianna didn't invite her parents since I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't have appreciated hearing about how Matt thinks that she has a nice ass. WTF is wrong with him? As to the wedding itself, I get why Brianna's side was empty ( even if I find it weird that all of her friends are apparently people from this show), but why was Matt's side empty? Doesn't he have any friends?


I'm guessing that Jasmine just wants tv time so she sticks her nose in whatever issue gets the most time.


Tonya and Kerwin is a love story that I don't care about. Hell, even Tonya's daughter barely seems to care.


Terra, you have a lot more to lose, you should probably be the one to apologize. Just saying.


On one hand, I'm wondering what the hell is Christy thinking.  Does she think that the adoption agency is going to give her a kid after watching that stuff on tv? She should've just dropped it and asked the producers not to show that particular fight. On the other hand, watching Christy be over dramatic and pretend to be mad at the paparazzi for chasing her is absolutely hilarious.


Elena's the most level headed person in the group. If she had a better command of the English language, she'd be a good host.



Tonya and Kerwin is a love story that I don't care about. Hell, even Tonya's daughter barely seems to care.


I know, right? Problem is they have to do something with her since she's not being "boss lady" bitch anymore and is the only single one in the group and has no pregnancy or bottle to the head storyline....

Edited by bichonblitz
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I cannot believe Christy is ruining Terra's life with these charges. So Terra flung a cup. She had NO intention of harming Christy in any way. Christy KNOWS that. Her BS diagnosis is bad enough, but to make actual charges for an accident is so spiteful and horrific. And then say she needs a body guard to go to the shower, ugh! THEN, demanding a public apology because "things have gotten so public....." Because Christy posted to the world AND contacted TMZ about it. Poor Terra. Not saying Terra isn't a diva, but this is beyond drama. This is permanent damage.


Jasmine the pot stirring enabler is suddenly seeing Matt's true colors. Because up until now she was blind as a bat just enjoying being the good news girl that trumps all the drama that predated her.


Christy was one I liked.... And now she is a hot mess creating scandals and siding with Briana's idiocy. Christy is too strong a girl to play victim and truth block the girls with Briana.


I remember Todd and Joe both jumping on one another in a bar and actually causing the same charges Matt did. I hate Matt, but none of these people are stellar. 


Briana is so dumb I want to scream. How can anyone be so sad. She hears so many bad things and is still "torn." I get that she got in super deep, but when is she going to get OUT. She won't call her family, even though they were right and they would embrace her and support her, because they were waiting for this to happen. Her pride is going to sink her deep.


Loving how all the girls are vindicated and Briana sees she has (and always had) friends again. However, Briana is probably not going anywhere. Her poor kids are victims of her neediness for this relationship.

Edited by Chewy101
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First of all Terra started the whole fight with Christy. Watch the preview for Little Women New York it shows Terra in Lila's apartment and she throws a beer bottle at Lilas door. Terra does not know when to stop and she has a temper too! Terra threw a drink in Christy's face and then Christy threw a plastic cup not a glass cup. Terra hit Christy's hat with a glass. We are not doctor's Terra could have hurt her. Two wrongs do not make a right. However Christy has not ruined Terras life, Terra needs to be accountable for her part in the fight. Terra can overcome this it won't be easy for her. Plus Terra has not shown any remorse for her action towards Christy.Christy should not have shown up for the shower and kept her distance. As for Briana I am not sure if she is loyal to any of her friends. She talks about Terra, and Christy, and acts like she is friends with Terra by sitting with her at the shower; when she did not treat Terra right in the past. As for Jasmine she has caused problems by meddling in others affairs where she should not meddle.

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Just saw Baby Shower/Blindsides ep. So disgusted w Brianna. Wake up you idiot! Stop thinking about yourself, realize you have 2 children to protect and THEY come first. Leave Matt. He is using you and he is dangerous for you and the children. I think Terra's hubby is the only one thinking straight. Loved when he got mad at Terra for wanting to offer shelter to Brianna and kids. Why would a supposedly sane mother (Terra) knowingly put her entire family in harm's way? Time for tough love. Time to cut Brianna out of the friend circle. At least until she grows a brain. In fact, both Christy and Brianna are liabilities to anyone entertaining the idea of befriending them. Jeez..... I thought nothing could be more annoying than the LP from Atlanta, but the group from LA is just as bad.

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Alapaki I think you've touched on something here...maybe that rotten Christy should be thanking Terra rather than trying to get her put in jail. No way did that cup cause any injury to Christy's brain. I'm betting Christy already had the brain lesions. Had she not gone to the ER she would not have known and could not have treated them. Not sure that the Dr did anything. Maybe it is like a bruise. It just fades w time.

On an earlier ep Tera's husband made a big deal about there being 2 types of little people. The ones with normal facial features and the ones with distorted features. It is odd that the 2 ladies w the distorted features are now besties. Brianna is dumb as a brick and Christy is an overgrown baby. They deserve each other. Scenes from the reunion show Briana is staying w Matt. Go figure.

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I can not for the life of me understand why Brianna couldn't wait to get pregnant. What the hell is wrong with her? Why was skeevy Matt ok with that when he already has a couple of kids and no means to support any of them? So she's made a complete mess of her life with this pervert and has dragged her innocent daughter and another kid on the way in to this. Her ex needs to get custody of the daughter, asap! I just can't with Brianna. She needs serious therapy. 

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I can not for the life of me understand why Brianna couldn't wait to get pregnant. What the hell is wrong with her? Why was skeevy Matt ok with that when he already has a couple of kids and no means to support any of them?

Exactly!!..I think that Matt is ok with this for the simple reason that this will give him more tv screentime and leverage against Brianna!....This man thinks that he hit the brass ring with this idiot!...I really feel sorry for the children involved, but Brianna? no so much! Is she scared of him? Has he threatened her? It would be interesting to know what really happens when the cameras stop.

Edited by nurse1
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I think Terra was already very pregnant while filming this season. Explains her weight gain. Last night there was a camera shot of her stomach and it looked huge. She probably had to wait to announce it for storyline purposes (and her other show). Another one that doesn't need another kid. Especially when your husband is telling you he isn't ready for another. These women are really unlikeable. 

  • Love 3

I think Terra was already very pregnant while filming this season. Explains her weight gain. Last night there was a camera shot of her stomach and it looked huge. She probably had to wait to announce it for storyline purposes (and her other show). Another one that doesn't need another kid. Especially when your husband is telling you he isn't ready for another. These women are really unlikeable. 

Eh, that's on both of them, though.  If Joe truly wasn't ready for another kid, he should've been wrapping it up.

  • Love 1
I can not for the life of me understand why Brianna couldn't wait to get pregnant. What the hell is wrong with her?



Generally speaking, one of the hallmarks of an abuser is that they distance you from family and friends, and feed you a steady dose of “I’m the only one who really loves you because you’re not all that great, but I can see past all your defects to the real, wonderful you that you are when you’re with me, not the crappy awful person everybody else in the world thinks you are.”  After that, keeping that person happy becomes critical.   If he’s the only one who truly loves her and sees her and makes her her genuine self, then adding a baby to the mix is only going to increase their bond and make it more of them against the world.


He was definitely doing this in prior episodes, and God knows what he was doing OFF camera.  I forget the specifics, but he was taking her family's statements of  dislike/suspicion of him and twisting them darkly to "they never trusted your choices, they don't see you as an adult, they want to control you, they think less of you because you're little," etc.  Right out in the open.  

  • Love 5

Generally speaking, one of the hallmarks of an abuser is that they distance you from family and friends, and feed you a steady dose of “I’m the only one who really loves you because you’re not all that great, but I can see past all your defects to the real, wonderful you that you are when you’re with me, not the crappy awful person everybody else in the world thinks you are.”  After that, keeping that person happy becomes critical.   If he’s the only one who truly loves her and sees her and makes her her genuine self, then adding a baby to the mix is only going to increase their bond and make it more of them against the world.


He was definitely doing this in prior episodes, and God knows what he was doing OFF camera.  I forget the specifics, but he was taking her family's statements of  dislike/suspicion of him and twisting them darkly to "they never trusted your choices, they don't see you as an adult, they want to control you, they think less of you because you're little," etc.  Right out in the open.  

This is exactly right. My mom met my dad at 19 and married at 20. They were both 54 when he suddenly passed away. She was a nice happy grandmotherly type but had never been on her own in her life so she ran out and got a bunch of plastic surgery, went on a diet and started dressing young. She could almost pass for my older sister. She was desperate to find a new man. And being that she was in her 50s, there was not a huge pool to choose from. She ended up with this loser who had NEVER: held a job, married or had kids. And he too had a record. She thought he was so good looking though. He moved right in and started to isolate her from us (when they were together around us she had to sit with him while he kept his hands all over her and she wouldn't get up to interact with my kids, he brought an attack trained pitbull to keep in her yard which he knew I was then hesitant to come around with my kids, he cleared out all my dads stuff - like his hunting rifles and tools- and sold it all and kept the money). He was just like this Matt loser on the show. At one point she called me over, told me she was done with him and showed me bruises all over her torso and upper arms. But he was back just a couple days later. This went on for about 3 years. We stopped going to her house because we didn't want our little kids around him  and would only invite her (sans jerko) to functions but he had her refuse to come w/out him. Thank heavens she eventually saw the light. I think it was only because another fella came along. Now she's been with him for like 9 years but she's a bit bored with him (he's a nice regular grandfather type...an old, cranky, no-fun chubby guy...but WAY better than the old jerk). Recently I see the old jerk replying on her FB to everything he can...offering to help with this and that. I have my fingers crossed she doesn't float on back to that creep. Please, please, please!


That look Briana had when the other ladies were talking to her and then when she was driving her car...I know that look. Before they even posted the update at the bottom, I KNEW she didn't leave Matt. She was just shut down, not hearing it and her mind was made up to sticking with that loser. He must have her convinced that he is just misunderstood and those ladies are the crazy jerks so she should just let them talk, smile and then say goodbye. Cause they will never understand- so there's no sense talking to them. Edit to add: and, yes, it's about her thinking she can't do better. And he, for sure, plays that up to the hilt.

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 3

A few guesses why Brianna remains stupid regarding Matt's sexting and dick exhibitionism.

She knew about it and doesn't care and may even think it adds spice to their love life. She may be up for a three-some.

Brianna and Matt are hyping it up for screen time and their own spinoff.......as....ma and pa hipsters?

Or their own porn video!!! !!

Christie said Bri was kind of "dark" which I took to (maybe) mean open to: Marilyn Manson- type music and dress-up, tattoos aplenty, kinky sex, red and black accented wedding decor, gangsta wannabe, rebel without a cause--truly what are they playacting Bonnie and Clyde for???? Who cares?

Seriously, the only one who should care is Leianna's bio dad, to think his daughter is living with a sext-freak, and exhibitionist.

Boundaries are not Matt's strong suit. A young child in their home, and a mom in denial is scary to me and CPS.

Also, Bri may be one of those women who think they can rescue losers. Idiota.

Edited by Tosia
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My take on the Matt/Briana situation is a bit different from most of you here.

One of the issues faced by little people and/or persons with a disability is others who don't believe you are capable of making decisions regarding your own life. They often "step in," unasked and unwanted, to manage your life, give advice, and sometimes even go behind the scenes, so to speak, to manipulate situations according to the outcomes they think are best for you.

Of course this happens between average height/able-bodied folks, too. But I have noticed it more prevalent in terms of little people and/or persons with a disability. The stereotype is that we are dependent and incapable, and need others to "help" us. What I've also seen is often the people most anxious to jump in to "help" are people who have problems/issues in their own lives, and involving themselves in whatever problems/issues they perceive in us serves as a way to distract them from having to deal with their own.

Frankly, I don't know enough about Matt (in terms of FACTS, as opposed to a lot of hearsay and inference-based claims) to be able to definitively state he's a danger to Briana and/or her child(ren). But I know that Briana is an adult, and as an adult, she has the right to stay with Matt or not, based upon what she knows and what she believes to be true about him.

I've been on both sides of this type of situation. Many years ago, my ex-husbands nephew, who was 23 years old at the time, moved cross-country to live with my husband and I to get a new start. He'd gotten himself in some trouble back home, and my husband and I decided getting him away from the people he'd been involved with would give him the best chance to make some positive changes. He said he wanted to come and was grateful to us for wanting to help him because everyone else had given up on him.

At the time, I had a friend who was 36 years old who had just gotten out of a bad relationship. The only thing that worried me about bringing my nephew in was HER. I knew her "type" in terms of men, and I knew she'd be attracted to him. Worse, she had a habit of reeling in the men she set her sights on with sex, buying them things, taking them out to fancy places, etc., - and I knew my nephew would be more than happy to be a moth to her flame. Any relationship between the two of them would be a disaster for them both and would derail his plan to get his life back on track.

Before he arrived, my husband and I sat my friend down for a heart-to-heart. We explained exactly what my nephew's issues were, and how we were planning to help him. I told her why a relationship between the two of them would end up hurting both of them, and asked her to please not even consider it, for our sake, his, and hers.

My friend "dropped by" to introduce herself to our nephew within a couple of hours of his arrival. Within the first hour, I knew she had decided to ignore everything we'd told her, had decided she wanted him no matter what, and that was that. Within that first hour, she made a date with him to take him out and show him around town.

Got him she did. She bought him gifts of clothing and other things. Took him out to restaurants. Gave him money. Allowed him to borrow her car. Seduced him.

My husband and I were furious. For the first couple of weeks, I behaved similarly to the other girls on LWoLA. My husband and I talked with my friend and begged and pleaded with her to get away from my nephew. We told her again and again about his drinking problems and run-ins with the law. Since he'd arrived, he hadn't looked for a job, hadn't followed any of the household "rules" my husband and I had for him (we were trying to provide some much-needed structure in his life, and expected him to pick up after himself and things like that). And we suspected he was drinking again.

What did she do? She went right to my nephew and told him everything my husband and I had told her about him. He got mad at us and moved out of our place and right into hers (which was her plan and her reason for telling him in the first place).

Not only had everything we told her fallen on deaf ears, she didn't care. She wanted what she wanted, whatever the cost. Finally I realized our interfering might actually be making the problem worse. People do not like being wrong, and often dig in their heels and continue down a path even when they know they're going the wrong way rather than admit they made a mistake. This is simply human nature. So I decided to drop it, and encouraged my husband to do the same. Both my friend and our nephew were adults, we'd said our piece, and really, there was nothing more we could do. You cannot control the actions of other people. You can only control yourself.

A couple of months later I got a call from my friend in the middle of the night. She was sobbing uncontrollably. The first words out of her mouth were "If you want to say "I told you so," go ahead and say it."

Then she told me our nephew had taken her car without her permission, had been gone for several days, and had been recently discovered by a cop literally IN A GUTTER, passed out drunk. A gun was found in the trunk of her car. He was in jail. (And come to find out later, he had been screwing around with another girl, who was - SURPRISE! - pregnant). That was the end of the relationship.

Thankfully, our nephew did get his act together after that. We took him right from jail to inpatient rehab, he stopped drinking, got a job, found a lovely girl, got married, and now has a couple of great kids. (There's another lesson here. People can and do change - even people who have done some pretty rotten things in the past).

The point is, nobody has the right to meddle in the lives of others - no matter how well-intentioned it may be. Meddling can exacerbate the problem and make it continue on longer than it might if you just let it go. Certainly if you know something factual about a person a friend is involved with, especially if it's something that could mean they're at risk for physical harm, you should tell them ("factual" is the key here). Only information from reliable sources that you've thoroughly researched and determined to be fact-based should be passed on. However, once you've relayed this information, what the other person decides to do with it is up to them. Then you need to let it go, and be there for them if ultimately the decision they've made turns out to have been the wrong one.

That's what friends are for.

  • Love 2

Your nephew did not have a young child involved in the home.

IMHO, the drama between the little women is done for the show. If they all agreed and acted mature, it might be boring--that's why they go to different locales--to give their fights variety...along the same lines as Real Housewives franchise. Reality tv is not the most intelligent genre.

Obviously, these ladies are not creative enough to come up with a riveting storyline for themselves. Brianna's singing efforts were atrocious.

Matt and Briana agreed to do this for the screen time and pseudo-fame. Too bad it makes them look freaky and stupid.

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 1

Your nephew did not have a young child involved in the home. <snip>

Absolutely true. And if anyone has confirmed information that points to Matt having harmed Brianna's daughter in any way, the right thing to do is call CPS/DCYF and make a report (I'm not certain what the California agency is called).



TwirlyGirl---that was quite a story... I enjoyed reading it.  Maybe you should try to get in touch with the producers and come up with some storylines for the show!

Between the producers and this group of women, I think they've got enough material for a few more years, at least.

Funny thing is, after watching the first couple of episodes of season 1, I thought to myself "I wish I could go back in time, move to LA, and hang out with these girls - it looks like they're such a fun group!"

That idea seemed less and less appealing the longer I watched the show. Now I'm at the point where if a producer called me and BEGGED me to be a part of the cast, my answer would be "Hell to the NO."

Although to be fair, they're marginally better than the "Little Women of Atlanta" cast. Very marginally. Like (...) much. I barely made it through the first episode of that program. I spent so much of my time watching that episode rolling my eyes, I was afraid they'd get loose and get knocked out of my head the next time I did a facepalm.

Never again!

  • Love 3
I cannot believe Christy is ruining Terra's life with these charges. So Terra flung a cup. She had NO intention of harming Christy in any way. Christy KNOWS that. Her BS diagnosis is bad enough, but to make actual charges for an accident is so spiteful and horrific.



But, remember, that got Christy aggravated, which makes it aggravated assault.  If that's how it worked, I could have Christy charged with "makes me smack my fucking head assault" every time I watch this show!  She's an idiot.

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Ok this show seems to be on its last legs. Christy's funny enough and Terra and Jasmine try hard enough but everybody else seems as if they have better things to do.  Brianna and Matt  has pretty much gotten old by now. That being said, if Briana is still defending him after this, then it's time to wash your hands of the situation, ladies. 


LOL @ Brianna and Matt getting their own two hour special.

I don't agree with the charges filed against Terra but ultimately she is an adult and shouldn't have further escalated the situation by throwing the cup. I don't get it. That situation really made her that mad??? These aren't women, they're children. It doesn't help that big mouth Jasmine stirred the pot. Anything for good reality tv. These women are two-faced, triple-faced - you say something in a simple conversation that can be used against you in the future because people can't stop talking about what he said/she said. This show is annoying - clearly fighting is the only way it still airs. You have children, so embarrassing. 


Kevin Frazier hosts the Little Women: LA Season 4 reunion. From baby announcements, to police reports, to sexting scandals and everything in between, the women hash out all the dirty little details.

Doesn't seem to be an option for discussing the reunion yet, so let's see if this works.  Please delete if for some reason I'm just not seeing the real one.

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I like the host -- not only will he physically intervene to shut Terra up (I like her, but she was really out of control), but he also doesn't shy away from making them uncomfortable.  I liked the fact that he inserted himself in the sense of calling out the ladies on the left with the breaking news that maybe as a pregnant woman estranged from her family and friends that it might not be as cut and dried as "kick him out" to Briana.  

I think she should kick him out, myself, but they weren't even attempting to sound sympathetic.  It was just about kicking her while she was down, or in Jasmine's case, expressing her outrage at looking foolish.  Once again, I thought Elena was the voice of reason, basically holding the consistent position throughout that Briana was going to do what she was going to do, and she wasn't going to get all caught up in it.  Express your concern, keep it civil/superficial with the guy, and move on.

  • Love 9

Agree with most of your comments, Kassa.  Elena did make the most sense concerning Matt and Briana.  When you have actually married the guy and have a baby on the way it isn't that easy to just kick him out at the drop of a hat.  I think Briana is dumb, and terribly 'thirsty', as Lil Boss aptly stated.  She is sticking with Matt for now because she doesn't yet want to admit to everyone that she was THAT stupid.  This must be terribly embarassing for her.  For one thing, I would never agree to appear on one of these programs in the first place, but what Matt has done is just beyond.  And then to try to pass the 'childhood abuse' excuse---please.  I have to say though, once I saw the commercial for Matt and Briana's 'special' that the thought crossed my mind that Matt sent the texts on purpose knowing it would create buzz and put him center stage.  

Sometimes I like Terra, but I loved when the host kept telling her to dial it down and then actually physically blocked her to make her shut her gaping maw.  That mouth of hers--she just starts screaming over people and doesn't let them get a word in edgewise.  Reminds me of the Moose from Atlanta.   I totally blame her for the debacle with the drinks/cups.  Christie was just sitting there minding her own business and then Terra starts yelling at her like a banshee.  Yes Christie may have been 'sugarcoating' her feelings about Matt to appease Briana, but not everyone is comfortable being so damn blunt as Terra and Boss.  Some people have manners and decorum.  This 'keeping it real' trend can sometimes cross into the downright rude if you ask me. I agree Christie can be messy, but I think the real issue is that Terra was jealous that Briana was giving Christie a chance and calling/texting her when she wouldn't do the same with Terra.  Honestly, I don't think Terra even LIKES Briana, but her ego cannot stand that Briana was giving attention to Christie and snubbing her.  Then she focused all of her wrath on Christie like it was her fault.  Terra must be the focus of all attention at all times.    

Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like Terra is blowing this 'my life is ruined because a police report was filed against' me thing way out of proportion.  I thought background checks only looked for convictions.  I did not think a charge that was dropped and never pursued would adversely affect someone.  I know a few people that got arrested for minor infractions/stupid behavior that ended up not being convicted that have had no problem passing background checks.  Terra wasn't even arrested was she?  

Lastly, does anyone else get the feeling that Joe isn't really that in to Terra?

Edited by Joan van Snark
  • Love 5

I agree with posters that Terra is already pregnant. Sadly, I could tell because she isn't drinking cocktails in her scenes. And I don't think she did it on purpose. Joe seems the type who will say he isn't ready for another kid (just like he wasn't ready for the first one), but he won't do much to prevent it either. They seem to adore Penny, so I don't care if they have another. I don't see how they can physically manage it, and since Terra's credit forbade them from even qualifying for a loan on a house, I don't see how they will afford it either. But I have loads of friends in my real life that can't afford to have babies and have them anyway. Pretty typical.

I don't approve of Terra throwing the cup at Christy, but she in NO WAY deserves a police report. Christy is lying and being a pansy. It doesn't take a doctor to see that cup barely bounced off her hat.We have video. And considering this show has no boundaries and shows the doctor in EVERY other visit these girls to, from baby doctors to surgeons to eye doctors, I cry foul that we are supposed to take Christie's word for it about some fake brain injury. She went too far. I think even she knows she went too far, but how do you undo it? Well, for starters, you drop the false charges, you nitwit.

And THEN, she says she wants a public apology because things have gotten out of hand (funny how that happens when you call TMZ, dummy), and has the nerve to play victim when Terra wont speak with her at the shower. Terra was right to listen to Joe and keep her distance because it is a legal matter now. A private conversation could be trouble.

Come to think of it... Considering these reports are public record and a doctor's note would be attached, I have to cry foul on that report even existing.

I don't see how Todd and Christie will ever qualify for a baby with the adoption agency now.

The whole "intervention" scene was painful to watch. Briana is so freaking dumb and reckless.And when Tonya said "you will never be able to trust him again...." The sad truth is Briana STILL trusts him. And she won't go to her family, why? Because they were right?? Lord, woman, get over yourself. Elena nailed it on the head calling out Briana's insecurity. I also think she was more grateful to Matt for loving her than she should ever feel. And I don't think he has an addiction problem. I think he wanted to be on TV. Briana owes them all a huge apology for caring enough to be honest with her and she just shut them all out.

It felt kind of twisted to see Terra give Briana the printed out texts in a perky pink envelope the color of a valentine.

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Joan van Snark said:

Yes Christie may have been 'sugarcoating' her feelings about Matt to appease Briana, but not everyone is comfortable being so damn blunt as Terra and Boss.  Some people have manners and decorum.  This 'keeping it real' trend can sometimes cross into the downright rude if you ask me.

The thing is, Christie PRIDES herself in being the one who keeps it real, and has been incredibly confrontational in the past. Even back when it was just about Matt's drinking. And with Todd about his weight... For her to suddenly turn into a sniveling marshmallow the final three episodes was bizarrely out of character to me. Whining about her fake brain injury, pressing charges for something that should have been handled in person, switching sides constantly with Briana.... None of that is how I have always perceived Christie to be in the past.

I KNEW no agency was going to give those lunatics a baby. 

Jasmine is so bizarre. I like Elena's suspicion of her. Elena is always consistent and seems to know her place, while the other girls are all over the place one day to the next. She continues to be the most levelheaded and articulate.

Christie rolling her eyes at Terra talking about being scared over Penny's surgery was super evil. Nothing is scarier than your baby going under the knife. If Christie can cry over a fake bump on the head, Terra can cry about Penny's surgery.

I think it's safe to say that all of these women are more obsessed with being right, and getting credit for what they knew, than really nurturing Briana. However, I find it difficult to nurture that degree of idiocy. And Briana makes me want to smack her how she chastises the girls and calls them rude but NEVER does that with Matt. She is like a dog who will follow her owner anywhere. They are just fed up with having to say the same stuff over and over for months. And the host is wrong. She did NOT just get married, she married the bozo months ago. She is so delusional it is painful.

Matt is loving his time in the TV spotlight. And seeing the ad for the spin-off sums up why Briana has been so stupid. Now they will have their own Tori and Dean drama for God knows how long. Matt is a serpent. When he wants to, he can charm a snake with that tongue. Typical manipulator. And just like Tori and Dean, the almight paycheck is worth any amount of humiliating drama. These relationships are more a business decision than anything else.

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Joan van Snark said:

Agree with most of your comments, Kassa.  Elena did make the most sense concerning Matt and Briana.  When you have actually married the guy and have a baby on the way it isn't that easy to just kick him out at the drop of a hat.  I think Briana is dumb, and terribly 'thirsty', as Lil Boss aptly stated.  She is sticking with Matt for now because she doesn't yet want to admit to everyone that she was THAT stupid.  This must be terribly embarassing for her.  For one thing, I would never agree to appear on one of these programs in the first place, but what Matt has done is just beyond.  And then to try to pass the 'childhood abuse' excuse---please.  I have to say though, once I saw the commercial for Matt and Briana's 'special' that the thought crossed my mind that Matt sent the texts on purpose knowing it would create buzz and put him center stage.  

Sometimes I like Terra, but I loved when the host kept telling her to dial it down and then actually physically blocked her to make her shut her gaping maw.  That mouth of hers--she just starts screaming over people and doesn't let them get a word in edgewise.  Reminds me of the Moose from Atlanta.   I totally blame her for the debacle with the drinks/cups.  Christie was just sitting there minding her own business and then Terra starts yelling at her like a banshee.  Yes Christie may have been 'sugarcoating' her feelings about Matt to appease Briana, but not everyone is comfortable being so damn blunt as Terra and Boss.  Some people have manners and decorum.  This 'keeping it real' trend can sometimes cross into the downright rude if you ask me. I agree Christie can be messy, but I think the real issue is that Terra was jealous that Briana was giving Christie a chance and calling/texting her when she wouldn't do the same with Terra.  Honestly, I don't think Terra even LIKES Briana, but her ego cannot stand that Briana was giving attention to Christie and snubbing her.  Then she focused all of her wrath on Christie like it was her fault.  Terra must be the focus of all attention at all times.    

Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like Terra is blowing this 'my life is ruined because a police report was filed against' me thing way out of proportion.  I thought background checks only looked for convictions.  I did not think a charge that was dropped and never pursued would adversely affect someone.  I know a few people that got arrested for minor infractions/stupid behavior that ended up not being convicted that have had no problem passing background checks.  Terra wasn't even arrested was she?  

Lastly, does anyone else get the feeling that Joe isn't really that in to Terra?

I have to admit that Elena did make sense, but I actually think it's because she lacks empathy and doesn't really like Briana.  It's a lot easier to watch a person suffer when they're not your true friend, and their abuse doesn't evoke sympathy.

Matt is so revolting.  I did not see that they will have a special.  Please tell me it's not to document his "sex addiction" (reality show addiction).

Liked the host pointing out that Matt left behind two children.  How Briana didn't take this into consideration before procreating with the man, I will never understand.

Christy softened her reaction to Matt because that's what friends tend to do.  And what the hell has Christy done with her hair this season.  It was gorgeous all last season.  It looked fine at the reunion, but it seemed unkempt and permed during the season.

Matt's showing signs of being a pathological liar, and I'm not buying his abuse excuse.  Remember when his career of saving children turned out to mean he worked as a bouncer?  He's a bit of a self-aggrandizer. 

I'm not buying Terra's "woe is me".  If she's truly the producer, she's making money off of this fight.  I notice that she seems to have inserted herself into the NY cast, and apparently interacting with Lilah - who she claims to be a victim of.

And no, you're not the only one who thinks Joe isn't really into Terra.  Joe revolted me with way he spoke of Lilah, and I think he does the bare minimum to assist Terra with care of Penny, the home, or the pets.  He seems to save all his energy for sexing up the ladies with his superman sperm (gag).

And did anyone catch Matt calling the ladies "oompas"?  I guess we know what he really thinks of Briana, her daughter, and his potential child.  Jasmine caught the implication and almost broke her neck looking at Elena - who as usual, was too self-involved to react.

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And no, you're not the only one who thinks Joe isn't really into Terra.  Joe revolted me with way he spoke of Lilah, and I think he does the bare minimum to assist Terra with care of Penny, the home, or the pets.  He seems to save all his energy for sexing up the ladies with his superman sperm (gag).

I never really thought Joe loved Terra. They used to depress me with how she settled for the guy who hit on Elena regularly and started fights with Todd. Then Terra got knocked up and he seemed to change overnight. I figured maybe that was just the catalyst for his growing up, but I was never really rooting for them in the first place. Aside from Elena's husband, I haven't really seen stellar discernment in these women with their choices in men.

For all of the fights the women AND men have been in on this show (remember the blowup in a restaurant where they were beating the tar out of one another?), it IS funny that they keep bringing up Matt's domestic violence charges. There are so many other reasons to hate him. Why pick the one where most of them don't have a leg to stand on?


.And did anyone catch Matt calling the ladies "oompas"?  I guess we know what he really thinks of Briana, her daughter, and his potential child.  Jasmine caught the implication and almost broke her neck looking at Elena - who as usual, was too self-involved to react

The man disgusts me. As usual, Briana just sat there and let him say it and she did nothing. She ONLY yells at the girls. 

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 3

Just watched the reunion part 1....and well it was the most vile thing that I have ever watched.....Matt is awful calling the ladies "oompas" lets us know how he really feels about his "little wife" and "stepdaughter"!!! This better be addressed on part 2!!

I don't believe Matt for a second, and Briana will never leave him until he leaves when the cameras stop rolling!! I believe Terra and Tonya that this man was not only sending d*icks pictures but was talking bad about his oompa wife!!!!

Does he even have a job yet? NO!...so Briana is his meal ticket to (in his mind) fame and fortune!! So sad

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