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S19.E12: Info Wars

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As I stated above I believe her "snarkiness" is a lot like Laura Ingraham, but she looked a lot like Monica Crowley.  Of course Coulter is the obvious right-wing female extremist, but a lot of it is to create controversy and instigate people.

Thanks but I really didn't care who the character was supposed to be imitating. My maybe too subtle comment was more about how cookie-cutter these women are. IMO, of course. Whatever, I thought the depiction was way over-the-top. Perhaps this episode is the replacement for the one from 2016 that allegedly will never be shown.

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On 2/1/2018 at 9:49 PM, LittleIggy said:

No, she isn’t. She’s fabulous on Better Call Saul.

Thanks!  I guess that makes her a really good actress if she took that role and molded it instead of just acting like herself.  Now I'm going to check out BCS on Netflix!  Thanks to the wonderful members on this forum, I've been turned on to other shows I otherwise wouldn't have known about or bothered with.  :D

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I was annoyed by the writers having Olivia make some comment about pro-choice and dreamers in the beginning of the episode. I knew there was no way they would find the Antifa guy guilty. My only surprise was that they didn't find the guy in the MAGA hat automatically guilty (of course he is a vile racist since he is wearing a MAGA hat [sarcasm]}.

The security at the "speech"/protest was unbelievable considering the high security and frequent banning of a speakers like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson (neither are radicals imo) on college campuses.


edit: this episode irritated me due to the political nature of this episode. I did not like the way the show handled the politics....very heavy handed and biased.....etc

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Ann Coulter Martha (why did you say that name?!?!) needs to get her money back. She was paying bodyguards and not only did she get raped, but she wasn't even discovered by the morons on her payroll. Seriously? She had more than one bodyguard at the cocktail mixer before the rally/speech, but at the speech she had a single guard who was knocked out. Thanks Glass-jaw! What were the other dudes doing? Sightseeing? Maybe they got tickets to Hamilton.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I actually didn’t feel Benson treated Fake Ann Coulter unfairly. She was visibly upset when FAC was wincing in pain in the ambulance, and she was taken aback every time FAC mentioned that someone shoved a wooden sign into her vagina.  I thought she knew FAC’s politics were keeping her from grieving her own rape. She was just not having it once she realized those same politics were about to send an innocent person to prison.

While I think that both left and right should take a hard look at why they attract the crazies they do, I personally don’t feel this episode was biased. I felt if anything it tried too hard to emphasize that there is absolutely no difference between left and right extremists. Zero. None. And it worked because everyone looked like a cartoon. It contributed to societal apathy (“everyone is bad so let’s not try!”)and strayed away from the real point which is condemning sexual violence. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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On 2/3/2018 at 8:52 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Thanks but I really didn't care who the character was supposed to be imitating. My maybe too subtle comment was more about how cookie-cutter these women are. IMO, of course. Whatever, I thought the depiction was way over-the-top. Perhaps this episode is the replacement for the one from 2016 that allegedly will never be shown.

My mistake.  I thought when you specifically asked who the character was supposed to be or modeled after you were asking "who the character was supposed to be or modeled after".  Not sure how I made the connection.

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There are no words to describe how much I loathe this episode. After the last few weeks' Benson-palooza, I was considering giving up, at long last, on this show. This episode might finally be the nail in the proverbial coffin. 

Absolutely every side character in this episode was a walking, talking stereotype come to life, with no nuance, no shades of gray, and no humanization. There was simply no reason for the partisan crap that cluttered this episode, and I felt like I spent the entire 42 (or so) minutes being hit over the head with a cudgel. No, wait - getting hit over the head with a cudgel would've been preferable to sitting through this dreck.

Cudgel 2020!

Honestly, this was just so terrible in every way. I'm embarrassed to have viewed it.

  • Love 5

I thought when you specifically asked who the character was supposed to be or modeled after you were asking "who the character was supposed to be or modeled after".

Continuing to try to parse my words isn't going to make it better. Like I said, maybe too subtle.


Barba is trash.

Aw, I'm cutting a Barba a break. To paraphrase Jessica Rabbit, it's not that he's trash, he's just written that way...so that Olivia Benson can sit up on her throne and look like the savior of the world forced to suffer all the fools around and below her. Who would be doing Barba a favor if she got romantically involved with him. (Ugh, no.)

  • Love 3

Got around to this episode late because I knew it was going to be a mess. 

So Benson can muster up sympathy for a terrorist but not a conservative author? I mean I don't agree with her politics either but be more transparent, show. Even if you agree with the show’s political leanings, this was kind of ridiculous. 

I feel like Barba has a bit of a god-complex. He gives a junkie drug money so they can testify because he thinks it’s necessary, he intentionally caused a mistrial because he didn’t support the possible outcome, and now he’s dismissing a case mid-trial instead of letting the jury do their job. Benson was right when she said he just had to present the case and then let the jury decide, that’s literally why they exist. Let the American criminal justice system function as it’s meant to. 

As unlikeable as Martha was as a character, I found her attitude kind of refreshing, especially the way she chose to face her possible attacker at the cafe at the end.

I also thought the outcome of the case was incredibly frustrating and disappointing but unfortunately, most rape victims don't ever get justice and most rapists don't face consequences so at least it rang true. 

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I think Rafael dismissed the charges mid trial, because by that point, he honestly wasn't sure who the real rapist was. When he took the case to trial, he was pretty confident the Antifa guy was guilty, even with Martha's somewhat hesitant ID. But he also didn't have the full facts, and then Randy emerged as a plausible rapist mid trial, and Martha had left out some key information about him. It's one thing for a prosecutor to bring a case where they sincerely believe the defendant was likely guilty and then have the defense get them off because of reasonable doubt. But a prosecutor has to weigh many different factors when prosecuting a case, and one of those is the rights of the accused. I think Rafael weighed the possibility that the Antifa guy could actually be innocent (or at least there was too much reasonable doubt in his mind), and didn't want to risk a wrong conviction. Or at least that is how I interpreted his actions. 

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On 2/4/2018 at 5:44 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Continuing to try to parse my words isn't going to make it better. Like I said, maybe too subtle.

SWL isn't trying to parse your words. SWL is quoting you verbatim.

15 hours ago, SWLinPHX said:

"Parse"?  More like word for word.  I'm still confused about your correcting me by saying you didn't say what you said (word for word).  But okay.



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4 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

I think Rafael dismissed the charges mid trial, because by that point, he honestly wasn't sure who the real rapist was. When he took the case to trial, he was pretty confident the Antifa guy was guilty, even with Martha's somewhat hesitant ID. But he also didn't have the full facts, and then Randy emerged as a plausible rapist mid trial, and Martha had left out some key information about him. It's one thing for a prosecutor to bring a case where they sincerely believe the defendant was likely guilty and then have the defense get them off because of reasonable doubt. But a prosecutor has to weigh many different factors when prosecuting a case, and one of those is the rights of the accused. I think Rafael weighed the possibility that the Antifa guy could actually be innocent (or at least there was too much reasonable doubt in his mind), and didn't want to risk a wrong conviction. Or at least that is how I interpreted his actions. 

What if the defendant was a Nazi and the victim was a controversial left wing speaker, would Barba have dropped the case then? No! The show was pretty much cheering the Antifa guy on. 

And Benson is such a hypocrite. She is quick to defend the Muslim pilot who hijacked a plane and almost killed 100 people, but she is quick to not believe the victim in this episode, which she yells at others for doing regularly, just because the victim has right wing views. Benson makes me sick.

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It seems like a lot of people have really had it with Benson's emotional trainwrecks, Benson's f'ing kid and the trainwreck that is, Benson's sex, Benson's hook ups, Benson's screw ups, Benson totally skating on those screw ups, Benson's politics, and Benson's Uber Left preachy bullshit. How about Benson the strong, wise, experienced, calm, dignified Lt. Detective of an "elite squad" that actually does police investigations like the pro she's supposed to be...who doesn't have to have an intimate relationship with her male colleagues to work with them effectively. How about that for a nice change? 

  • Love 4

Benson has never been professional, she’s always let her emotions and personal bias get in the way of being a good detective, but ever since Mariska became an executive producer she’s just gone off the rails. She shows her bias every week with sermons about whatever agenda she wants to push, she treats everyone like shit and orders them around like servants, she gets a ton of time with her fucking brat to show off what a great mom she is and how wonderful adoptive parents are, and she now calls all the legal shots as well. She’s a terrible detective, a terrible boss, a terrible mother and a terrible person. And she’s never once been held accountable for her unprofessional and unethical behavior.

  • Love 6

This was interesting. It showed how fundamentally left wing the show's writers are because they think they gave a balanced ep dealing with these conflicting viewpoints but actually it slid uncontrollably to the left and they never realised it. Why wasn't there more outrage when Barba drops the charges? He was probably right, there was no chance of a conviction but still, you'd think there would be uproar. How come the SVU don't want to pursue the left wingers who bombed the right wingers house? They trample on other people's cases all the rest of the time. What I did like was the right wing politician at the end going to the coffee house where the suspect worked, showing she wouldn't be intimidated. It would be nice for her to return in the future episode some time. I like the defence solicitor, he was very clever, using the very OJ style tactic of creating an alternate theory and giving the jury someone to hate and an excuse to let the suspect off. 

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I don’t think this episode was supposed to be balanced, it was supposed to provoke controversy and cause outrage, and to allow the writers to bash those whose political opinions they dislike. 

It is truly disgusting and disturbing how hypocritical SVU was with this episode, they always preach about how no matter what the victim is never at fault, but then in this episode they don’t really give a fuck about the victim because she is a conservative. Apparently if you support Trump you are at fault for being raped. Nauseating, as was Benson’s hypocrisy about how she will usually yell at anyone who doubts a victim but she was extremely quick to doubt the victim in this one.

And we all know if the victim had been left wing and the defendant alt right, that Barba would never have dropped the case, and that there would’ve been mass outrage if he had. 

I think most of us can agree this terrible episode never should’ve aired and The Undiscovered Country should’ve been a 2 parter, there was so much going on in that one with Barba’s exit, Stone’s intro, the return of McCoy plus the case that it felt very rushed, we didn’t get a thorough exploration of the case, enough of Fin, Carisi and Rollins, enough of Barba’s trial or a goodbye scene between Barba and SVU, and all of that could’ve been included had it been a 2 parter and this piece of dog shit never aired.

Edited by Xeliou66
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On 2/6/2018 at 5:39 PM, QueenMab said:

ow about Benson the strong, wise, experienced, calm, dignified Lt. Detective of an "elite squad" that actually does police investigations like the pro she's supposed to be...who doesn't have to have an intimate relationship with her male colleagues to work with them effectively. How about that for a nice change? 

All the things that Cragen was.  Whom I miss terribly... :(


On 2/6/2018 at 8:30 PM, Xeliou66 said:

Benson has never been professional, she’s always let her emotions and personal bias get in the way of being a good detective, but ever since Mariska became an executive producer she’s just gone off the rails. She shows her bias every week with sermons about whatever agenda she wants to push, she treats everyone like shit and orders them around like servants, she gets a ton of time with her fucking brat to show off what a great mom she is and how wonderful adoptive parents are, and she now calls all the legal shots as well. She’s a terrible detective, a terrible boss, a terrible mother and a terrible person. And she’s never once been held accountable for her unprofessional and unethical behavior.

If I want someone to preach to me with a sermon, I'd go to church, not get that bullshit from an actress/television character!  It's like the time when Sarah Jessica Parker got blurred from Carrie Bradshaw and they kind of became the same horrible person.  I have great respect for adoptive parents, but Benson is a terrible one!  An awful person and an irresponsible, narcissistic mother.  How the eff does she manage to be everywhere and still have time for her kid???  Bullshit.


I used to think that the work Mariska was doing for Joyful Heart was a valuable one, but I don't think she's doing it for the victims anymore.  She's doing it for herself.

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