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Continuity, Nitpicks, Unanswered Questions and Timeline Headaches: When Did That Honeycrisp Apple Come From

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Why Corinder and not Drizella?

We'll be meeting Drizella in S7, in Alternate Enchanted Forest. That's where Will and Anastasia are from, apparently. We'll also meet Rose Red and Tangled!Rapunzel.

Cruella's realm-hopping is needing less and less explanation every day. For all we know, her grandpa kept a key to the Land of Untold Stories in the attic and she seduced Hyde into making a portal for her. Or maybe Isaac used his Author powers to take her to a land that could combat her magic. Or Shady Blue gave her the "Last Magic Bean" to serve her plan in getting Rumple to get the Dark Curse from Bald Mountain.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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On 9/18/2016 at 0:28 PM, KingOfHearts said:

* If Clippy!Rumple is just in the head, how could Emma see Hook's clippy?

* Why does every Dark One get a sparkly transformation but Hook? All he got was a black cloak.

That's not a plot hole. Clippy!Past Dark Ones is the manifestation of the Darkness in *all* the Dark Ones' heads. It's not just a delusion. The real question is why Rumple's never seen it (as far as we know).

Emma also initially only got the cloak, until she transformed further, which Hook never did.

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On 9/17/2016 at 2:48 PM, Shanna Marie said:

David wasn't on the brink of death when she cast the curse, so she'd have created an identity for him that was part of the curse, then I guess it didn't stick because he was unconscious when the curse hit and he then was frozen in the coma, and so it could be applied later.

I've also never really understood why (other than drama) Henry and Emma had to have their memories altered when the curse was reversed

Did Ingrid get pulled back by the curse reverse and then put back in place by curse 2?

Just like Lacey.

They said they would otherwise just lose all memory of Storybrooke and the characters who went back. Without false memories to fill in the gaps, Emma wouldn't know why she was standing there or who Henry was, and Henry would have basically no memories.

Good question. And what about Sidney? Where was he in the Enchanted Forest, and why was no one concerned about him (apparently) snapping back to the mental hospital in the new curse? It's not like he belonged there.

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I thought the Cinderella story took place after the war and after Snow and Charming defeated Regina and George. They were already married in the episode in season one, when they helped Cinderella by tricking Rumple. That event happened right before the curse, since that's how they had Rumple in the dungeon at the time of the curse. The one thing that makes the timing a little iffy is that Ella gave birth not too long after Emma came to town, so she was close to nine months along at the time of the curse. Snow gave birth as the curse hit and was already pregnant when they were returning from their honeymoon, so the actual "Cinderella" ball in this episode must have happened either very soon after Snow and Charming got back from their honeymoon or after the war and before the official state wedding in order for Ashley/Ella to have had a due date only a month or so (or less) after Snow.

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Maybe you could handwave that Rumple was in seer mode -- he knew someday he'd need the wand, and the death of James gave him an opportunity to get it. He does have a tendency to stockpile things that might come in handy later. Like, he went to get the curse from the Chernabog long before he gave it to Regina (since that was when the Queens of Darkness met, and when they went to him later to get the gauntlet, it was early in Belle's time with him). It wouldn't be breaking his pattern for him to have got the wand and held onto it for a few years before he used it. He didn't necessarily have to get the wand and then instantly pop over to kill the godmother.

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Why exactly did Hyde bring all those people to Storybrooke? Why did he even want to come to Storybrooke? To take revenge on Rumple? Kill Jekyll? How did he end up as a warden in the LoUS? Why was he obsessed with people's stories "playing out"? I feel the opposite of "sated" with this storyline. 

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1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

Why exactly did Hyde bring all those people to Storybrooke? Why did he even want to come to Storybrooke? To take revenge on Rumple? Kill Jekyll? How did he end up as a warden in the LoUS? Why was he obsessed with people's stories "playing out"? I feel the opposite of "sated" with this storyline. 

Yes, that was the big question that came out of tonight's episode.  How does this backstory explain any of Hyde's actions?  Will we now rewatch the Season 5 finale and go, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." (somehow, I seriously doubt it).  I guess we shouldn't care anymore since Out of Sight, Out of Mind.

Edited by Camera One
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21 hours ago, Camera One said:

How does this backstory explain any of Hyde's actions?

Yeah, this is the rare case when I'm not sure I'd say that Rumple is really at fault. He made the formula work with a magical tweak, but otherwise the tragedy came down to Jekyll's behavior. I guess banishing Jekyll/Hyde to the Untold Stories world might have made Hyde mad, but his response in general seems rather extreme. And I still want to know what the "keys to Storybrooke" meant and how Hyde picked who to put in the airship. That ship doesn't seem big enough to have carried all the Untold Stories people we've seen so far. I think this backstory is even more of an anticlimactic letdown than when we learned why Regina had such a vendetta against Snow. 

And yet again I have to wonder why Snow talks about being a princess. She's a queen, or she should be. She was the only child of the rightful king. Regina would be, at best, a dowager queen. She was ruling the kingdom as a usurper who cast out the rightful heir. Snow defeated her in the war and won her kingdom back. So why is everyone still calling Regina "your majesty" and Snow still considered a princess? I think the next time the writers have one of those "submit a question" things, I'm going to have to ask that because it drives me nuts.

I also find it interesting that they're going rather British in their guest cast now. The initial cast was very American (or Canadian), which was a bit disconcerting at first if you think of these fairy tales as being European and fantasy in general not having an American accent. The only regulars with foreign accents were Rumple and Graham, and then there was Gepetto, our lone Italian, among the recurring cast. Then we got Belle and her father with Australian accents. Otherwise, I believe all the guest fairy tale characters had American accents. That started to change in season two when we got Hook and later some of the other Peter Pan characters, but pretty much everyone else we ran into in the fairy tale world was American. At that time, they only seemed to go British when they were doing a specifically English story like Robin Hood (though Maid Marian and his son had American accents) or Peter Pan, but then we got Zelena with a British accent from an American book. Now, though, it seems like almost everyone sounds British. Most of the Camelot people, Blackbeard, Captain Silver and the sailors, Jekyll and Hyde and the people around them, the Count of Monte Cristo, Jasmine (who was American-sounding in the movie). It was actually kind of a jolt for Cinderella's family to sound American because the guest cast has become so British.

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How is Shirin/Jasmine a teacher's aide when she has no Cursed Memories? Is physics taught in the Enchanted Forest and Agrabah? How is Violet adjusting in school with no educational background that could have prepared her for it?

How are Henry and Snow allowed to disappear for weeks on end, and then get back to school as though nothing happened? Have the teaching materials been updated to the present decade or is the syllabus stuck in 80s curriculum? Is a High School diploma from Storybrooke valid in the Real World? Will there be a mass exodus from Storybrooke when the first batch of kids graduate from High School? :-p

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As usual, there is a complete lack of thought into worldbuilding.  It's another thing if Snow was teaching the geopolitical structure of the Enchanted Forest or something.  Instead, they're pushing that this is a modern school like any we see in real life, which makes no sense PLUS it's boring as hell.

Will we eventually find out why Jasmine felt the need to be a teacher's aide in the first place?  Aladdin de-aged and she needed to search the school-age population for him?  

Edited by Camera One
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5 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

I've been thinking it would be kind of a fun fanfic idea to have Rumple send Hook and Emma to the Land of Untold Stories instead of putting them in his vault after they fixed the timeline in the Season 3 finale since Rumple seems to like sending people there, although I don't know if he had the key at that point in the timeline. The problem is I have no idea what Hook and Emma would have done there since apparently all the LoUS does is pause stories. Still, I'm kind of obsessed with time travel stories that have the time travelers returning to the present the "long way 'round."

Why doesn't everybody who's at a happy point in their life go to the Land of Untold Stories?  Spend forever in bliss while your story "pauses", whatever that means.

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5 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Why doesn't everybody who's at a happy point in their life go to the Land of Untold Stories?  Spend forever in bliss while your story "pauses", whatever that means.

I'm still trying to figure out how it's different from Neverland, other than not having a creepy demonic teenager running things (I miss you, Pan!). At least the Land of Untold Stories seems to be much more comfortable to live in. I suppose if a poisoning victim had traveled to Neverland instead of LoUS, the poison would have still killed them unless they drank from the spring, which would have kept them from ever leaving. If Hook had taken Liam to The Land of Untold Stories instead of back to the Enchanted Forest, would he have survived but been unable to ever go to any other realm except Neverland?

I think about weird things at 2 am. 

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37 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

Rumple didn't know Bae was in Neverland and had no reason to think he was, though, since he'd last seen him falling through a portal to the Land Without Magic. I have had a harder time believing that he never investigated the Evil Queen's claim that Belle was dead, or at least killed Sir Maurice for it.

He also had no reason to think Bae would still be alive in the Land without Magic considering he would have been around 125 years old, unless there's something we don't know about the life expectancy of people born in the Enchanted Forest. He also knew that Pan had tried to get Bae to Neverland once before. He did all this work to have Regina cast the curse because he knew the prophecy said he would be reunited with Bae that way, but he had no way of knowing that he wasn't going to be reunited with Bae's long dead corpse. What in Season 1 was Rumple's masterful Xanatos Gambit has now become a simple matter of Rumple's obsession with prophecy. He did all this because a prophecy told him he would do it. Rumple is the Truest Believer. Funny you mention Regina's lie about Belle, I was just thinking about that after I made my post last night. It's especially weird that he was sniffing around her in A Bitter Draught, considering how angry he was when she told him about Belle's fate. 

Regarding getting to the Land Without Magic without the curse, yes, I think it was about keeping his magic, but I also think (other than the bean farm you mentioned) all the other avenues we've seen people use were unavailable to Rumple. The Apprentice wasn't going to let Rumple of all people use the door Ingrid used, he wouldn't want to use Pan's shadow even if he could, nor would he be willing to take the darkness separator option that was used on the Eggbaby, Cruella, and Ursula. To my knowledge, the only other way we've heard of someone traveling to our world (other than however the Dragon got here), were the magic slippers, which would have also been able to get him back to the EF (but could they take a passenger?), and we know Rumple at least tried to get those but they were already back in Kansas at that point. 

None of this matters to me because when Dorothy used the slippers, when Ingrid used the door, when Eggbaby was banished, when the Shadow made trips back to get the Darlings, and when Regina cast the curse in the first place, Baelfire wasn't in the Land Without Magic and wouldn't be there for years, he was in Neverland. 

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1 hour ago, InsertWordHere said:

What in Season 1 was Rumple's masterful Xanatos Gambit has now become a simple matter of Rumple's obsession with prophecy. 

Yeah. At the very least, it's extremely odd that Rumple didn't even bother to look into the orb to check where Baelfire had landed up. All these retcons just make Rumple look really foolish.  

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47 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

At the very least, it's extremely odd that Rumple didn't even bother to look into the orb to check where Baelfire had landed up.

That orb really is the sticking point. Without it, everything makes more sense -- just go with the orb he got from Cora to be able to track Bae to New York, and we can assume he had no way of knowing where his son really was. But with the orb that was in his castle at the time of the curse, that non-magical and not very bright Neal was able to easily use to find Henry in Neverland, then it seems really odd that Rumple never bothered to use it to keep tabs on his son over all those years. Wouldn't he at least have tried to check on him to make sure he was okay? As it was, he made a lot of assumptions: that his son was still alive even though they were well outside the likely lifespan and that his son was in the same place he'd gone to initially. Bae wasn't even in the World Without Magic when the curse was cast. What if Rumple had gone to all that effort, only to find out that his son had left, and he still had to go to Neverland to get him? There's faith in prophecy, but it still seems like if you have a way to check on your kid, you use it to make sure where he is before you do something drastic. He might have assumed that the orb wouldn't show someone in the World Without Magic, but wouldn't he at least have tried every so often?

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3 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

There's faith in prophecy, but it still seems like if you have a way to check on your kid, you use it to make sure where he is before you do something drastic. He might have assumed that the orb wouldn't show someone in the World Without Magic, but wouldn't he at least have tried every so often?


That's a pretty easy one to write around. If I were a writer and that came up in an Ask a Writer session, I'd say:

"Off-screen, Rumpel looked into the crystal many times over the decades looking for his son, but could never locate him by this method. He acquired the crystal after Baelfire had already gone to Neverland. Pan, desperate to assure his immortality, was determined to keep him hidden away in Neverland until he could be sent to the Land Without Magic to become the father of the Truest Believer, and he had the ability to cloak those under his control from being located by outsiders (For example, in 3x01, Aurora was unable to connect with Henry despite their shared bond of the Sleeping Curse, and when Neal looked in the crystal in the EF, he saw Emma alone.) By the time Neal arrived in the LWM from Neverland, Gold was in Storybrooke without his memory and without magic."

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I'm more bothered by the fact that he had no reason to believe Bae wasn't long dead of old age unless he knew he was in Neverland. What's funny is there was one person who arrived back in the EF before the curse was cast and before Rumple was imprisoned who knew exactly where Bae was but he was extremely unlikely to ever share this information with Rumple. 

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That's a pretty easy one to write around. If I were a writer and that came up in an Ask a Writer session, I'd say

Yes.  With this show, the world-building is so loosey-goosey that they can write around anything.

For example, Baelfire met Pocahontas in Neverland and told her he didn't want his father to find him, so Pocahontas sent the Colors of the Wind all the way to Rumple's castle and clouded the orb so all he could see were fallen leaves of regret.  Baelfire would not have done this if he had known that very day, Rumple had agreed to allow Blue to de-magic him if the orb showed him Baelfire safe and happy.  Everyone cry now.

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I've been trying to figure out what the timeframe is supposed to be. They don't seem to try to hide the seasonal weather when they shoot on location, but we don't get much in the way of time stamps. Last fall, they had a scene at the pumpkin farm, with the pumpkins on display, when that's where Violet's horse was hiding out. Then there was a scene at the pumpkin farm this fall. How long are pumpkins in season? I guess it could have been less than a month between the two episodes, since last year's took place after the return from Camelot. It depends on where that episode fell into the two or so weeks between the return from Camelot and the trip to the Underworld and on how long they really were in the Underworld.

Then there's the school issue. We saw Snow teaching and Henry catching the school bus during the "normal life" montage at the beginning of 4B, but I don't recall any indication that either of them were in school after that. Then they were off in Camelot for six weeks, back for 2 or so weeks, then in the Underworld for however many weeks. Henry's probably going to have to repeat seventh grade because he's never in school. I guess if they're now sometime in October, you could say that the six weeks of Camelot and part of 4B were during the summer, except part of that time, there was snow on the ground.

Maybe we could say that Storybrooke has magical weather, since in the six months or so (at most) that they've been back after the curse reverse there have been two phases with visible snow about eight weeks apart, alternating with hot, sunny phases.

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While she was away, Snow was teaching the kids via Crystal Ball in Camelot and Real World Haunting in the Underworld.  She was also home-schooling Henry.  There is a lot of waiting around when people are trying to kill you, you know.  Snow's last few teachers' aides quit because they had to basically control the class while Snow was talking to them inter-realm and a few had nervous breakdowns when she drifted in as a ghost for her lessons.

Edited by Camera One
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Well, we got another hobgoblin on our backs now. Were people frozen in Coradome or not? Mulan specifically said that they started searching for Aurora once time got unfrozen, which coincided with time restarting in Storybrooke when Emma decided to stay. And Cora said that one wouldn't even notice the time. But apparently Coradome was just like Neverland. People just didn't age. Otherwise, everything was normal. Hook was captaining the JR in hte EF, and later rejoined Cora. Or whatever.

So, was Liam outside Coradome and the range of the Dark Curse the entire time? Shouldn't he be 38 then? lol

Edited by Rumsy4
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9 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

So, was Liam outside Coradome and the range of the Dark Curse the entire time? Shouldn't he be 38 then?

If he was outside the Coradome for about ten years, then went straight from this to the LoUS, then he would have been stuck at 18 or so. We don't know when during the curse this happened, and I guess people could come in from outside?

I'd been kind of wanting 2.0 to have aged normally so he'd be older than Hook now, but I guess not.

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12 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Well, we got another hobgoblin on our backs now. Were people frozen in Coradome or not?

Honestly,  when Cora was about to cast her shield spell didn't Hook complain about waiting 28 years?  And didn't Cora tell him that he wouldn't be aware that time had passed? That he could pick up where he left off after the savior broke the Dark Curse?

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5 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

Honestly,  when Cora was about to cast her shield spell didn't Hook complain about waiting 28 years?  And didn't Cora tell him that he wouldn't be aware that time had passed? That he could pick up where he left off after the savior broke the Dark Curse?

Yes. She did. Later we found that places like Camelot and Dunbroch and Oz were frozen too. Why were all these people not doing anything for 28 years if they were merely not ageing? 

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1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

Yes. She did. Later we found that places like Camelot and Dunbroch and Oz were frozen too. Why were all these people not doing anything for 28 years if they were merely not ageing? 

Yeah....I always assumed frozen. Were they all living the last day before the curse struck over and over again? Except now that doesn't seem to be the case.

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Given Liam 2.0's age, you could maybe swing that Hook was kidnapped after Emma arrived in Storybrooke. The writer tweeted that Nemo/Liam were outside the bounds of the curse while Hook stayed frozen in time. It would have taken time for the unfrozen people to gather on the island and build a village before Hook showed up there. So maybe he was sailing around trying to figure out how to get to Rumpel while Cora was doing whatever and then he came back when she seemed like she had a plan.

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Except that would make Liam 2.0 about 40 years old. The Jones family have good genes clearly, but that would be pushing it. 

The writers have no pity on our OCD brains. There's simply no way to reconcile 2.0's age or Cora's remark about being unaware of the passage of time with the episode's continuity.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I'm surprisingly chill about the Cora Dome time continuity thing. I could hand wave that when Cora said frozen, she meant in the same way that Storybrooke was frozen in time and the people who lived there had no cognizance of the concept of time. So I could easily see Hook going about his everyday pirate routine in the Cora Dome, but never bothering to check the clock because time wasn't even a concept that people paid attention to or noticed. Hook might have barked orders at his men to work faster on his ship, but if someone had asked him if it was Year 1 of the Cora Dome or Year 17, he would probably look confused and feel like it was just yesterday he was chatting with Cora about the 28-year long curse. 

As for Liam 2.0's age, the Nautilus apparently has realm-hopping capabilities since it was able to go from the Land of Untold Stories to Storybrooke. (Unless Liam stole whatever realm-hopping magic Hyde imbued the dirigible with.) If the Nautilus can hop realms, then entering the Cora Dome for a period of time isn't too farfetched. There's also the fact that the Nautilus is a submarine, and perhaps Cora's magic dome protection didn't reach far underwater, enabling the Nautilus to go under the dome and come and go as it pleases.

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Why didn't Jafar use the White Rabbit to come to Storybrooke to take the super useful Shears of Destiny back from Aladdin?  Couldn't he use it to cut away Alice's destiny of using her three wishes?  That's the problem with creating new magical objects and making them all-purpose.

Edited by Camera One
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You're supposed to be immune from the Sleeping Curse once you've been put under it once and woken up. Is this Curse the EQ used like a new strain of the flu virus? The Curse evolved? Or did the writers forget? 

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We already knew this, but just for confirmation since someone asked.

alice mello ‏@judyhoppszpd  Nov 7
@JaneEspenson Also, Hook said that Emma brought her parents together. Does that mean that the events of Snow Drifts overrode Snow Falls?

alice mello ‏@judyhoppszpd  Nov 7
@JaneEspenson I'd assumed that Snow Falls had remained canon, but now I'm not so sure, so I'd appreciate if you could answer me. Thanks!

Jane Espenson ‏@JaneEspenson  Nov 7
@judyhoppszpd no, sorry-- the time travel established a new line.

Jane Espenson Verified account
@Magnusxxn @camthenorwegian @judyhoppszpd There is canon. But making stuff up as you go? Yes! That's how writing works.

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On 10/19/2016 at 9:49 AM, InsertWordHere said:

To my knowledge, the only other way we've heard of someone traveling to our world (other than however the Dragon got here), were the magic slippers, which would have also been able to get him back to the EF (but could they take a passenger?), and we know Rumple at least tried to get those but they were already back in Kansas at that point.

And that was actually Fictional Kansas. Adam Horowitz told William Shatner on Twitter that Dorothy's Kansas is a story realm.

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So, how old do you think they've decided Henry is, now?  Because Jared's not twelve any longer, and they don't seem to be writing Henry as if he were.

I've decided that he must've been spelled to age more rapidly.  It's my new headcanon.  

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I believe Henry is 13. I think his age was last stated some time in Season 5 and it's only been two or three months since they were in Camelot. He was twelve shortly before Snowflake was born and he can't have aged a whole year when Snowflake clearly hasn't. 

Reading the technology discussion in the episode thread has given me a question. During the curse, would a car's mileage have actually accumulated or would it have stayed the same for 28 years? Sure, they were only taking very small trips at a time, but countless repetitive trips to the Dark Star pharmacy over 28 years would still cause a car that had 100 miles on it in 1983 to have like 5,000 miles on it in 2011 (this is very bad math and if you were to say it would have been more like 500 or whatever I would just say you're probably right), but would that register on the car's odometer? I want to say it would not have because the cars seem to have been created by the curse and thus would not function like normal cars, plus there were hints that intimate objects were somehow being reset like the sign I think someone kept fixing and the clock not working.

This is another one of my weird 2 am thoughts. 

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54 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Can Snow and Charming see each other in the burning room when the non-Cursed one is just sleeping?  

A&E: "Burning Room? What's that? It sounds cool."

Psshhhh, that's sooo season 2. ;)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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OK, I've only seen clips and recaps and forum discussions, but Blue is going to take Baby Gideon...where, exactly? Aren't she and her magic still confined to Storybrooke? And wouldn't that subsequently make it relatively easy for the Most Powerful Dark One Eveh to find them?  

I know: my questions are pointless. 

Edited by Amerilla
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7 minutes ago, Amerilla said:

OK, I've only seen clips and recaps and forum discussions, but Blue is going to take Baby Gideon...where, exactly?


They didn't really say...I don't think? Now I'm second-guessing myself. She just kind of flew away and disappeared. Maybe they're in Fairy World? Agrabah? Maybe the Black Fairy will find her grandson? Who knows.

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