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Continuity, Nitpicks, Unanswered Questions and Timeline Headaches: When Did That Honeycrisp Apple Come From

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It's possible that Rumple's limp was fixed because all the parts are there, they're just damaged.  Hook's hand is just completely gone.


He could probably have reattached it, but for branding reasons did not.

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1 hour ago, KingOfHearts said:

Personally, I would have liked it if Dark Hook returned his hand and Killian kept it.

Given the kind of character Hook has become, I'm pretty sure he would have dumped the hand the second he had the chance because of the kind of magic that was used to get it back. 

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Given the kind of character Hook has become, I'm pretty sure he would have dumped the hand the second he had the chance because of the kind of magic that was used to get it back. 

Or he would keep it as a reminder of what happened. That's why he wears his rings, after all. His hook brings just as many negative memories.

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9 hours ago, Mari said:

He could probably have reattached it, but for branding reasons did not.

It's definitely branding, since there are multiple characters who can fix it easily -- Regina, Emma, even Zelena, since she cut off her own hand to get the cuff off and then reattached it easily. You'd think Dark Hook would have got it back when he was taunting Rumple in the shop where the hand was there in a jar. And when Zeus was bringing him back to life, if he was able to fix the unhealable wound, the hand should have been easy. Though I guess there we don't know if the current Hook is the body that was buried, then repaired and undecayed and brought back to life, or if body #1 is still there in the grave and he's now the Underworld body, made corporeal (and why didn't he have both hands in the Underworld, since that was supposed to be his soul?).

So, basically, they're worried we won't recognize Captain Hook if he's not wearing black leather and doesn't have a hook.

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It's nice to have a character whose disability is not fixed by magic or other means. It also adds to Hook's charm, IMO, because he has to be a little ingenious at times to use the hook instead of a hand while doing tasks.

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2 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

It's nice to have a character whose disability is not fixed by magic or other means. It also adds to Hook's charm, IMO, because he has to be a little ingenious at times to use the hook instead of a hand while doing tasks.

Yes, but we are going into the sixth season and I think the hand would be good character development. The hook represents the loss of his love and his quest for revenge against Rumple. It's part of the man he used to be, much like his huge coat was. Now that's he changing for Emma, getting a new look and a picket-fence house, it makes very little sense for him to keep the hook. It's confusing that this was addressed in 4A but never brought up again. Hook was willing to get a new hand for Emma then, so why not now? It's not like she told him she preferred the hook.


So, basically, they're worried we won't recognize Captain Hook if he's not wearing black leather and doesn't have a hook.

Which doesn't make sense considering most of the viewers by now are people who know him as Killian Jones. They're not going to draw in new viewers with the Captain Hook moniker. The writers should be evolving what they already have so they can keep their loyal viewers watching.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I just watched a clip from "The Price of Gold".  Was David still going as "James" when he and Snow went to Cinderella's ball?  Since that's what she called him.

Why did Rumple go around making people sign away their kids when he was the victim of that healer?  Back in Season 1, it was natural since that part of the original fairy tale's Rumple's MO.  And then later, it was presumed Rumple missed Bae and wanted a replacement son.  Now, after that flashback in 5B, it just seems strange Rumple would do the same to others.

Edited by Camera One
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Why did Rumple go around making people sign away their kids when he was the victim of that healer?  Back in Season 1, it was natural since that part of the original fairy tale's Rumple's MO.  And then later, it was presumed Rumple missed Bae and wanted a replacement son.  Now, after that flashback in 5B, it just seems strange Rumple would do the same to others.

We know with Cora he needed her baby for the curse, and with Cinderella's, that just was a complicated scheme to A) get himself thrown in prison and B) get Emma to agree to owe him a favor. The only other case I can think of was with Ruth's twins, but that was just to facilitate the grand Snowing saga. So it's really not about the babies as much as it is their preciousness acting as a fuel for manipulation.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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16 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Now, after that flashback in 5B, it just seems strange Rumple would do the same to others.

I've always assumed that Rumpel enjoys punishing people for making the same mistakes he has. Forcing people into desperate situations like he was and then making them pay for it makes him feel better. It's very much projection. It's just like when he freaked out at Milah and basically threw all the things he'd done at her.

Rumpelstiltskin: You left him! You abandoned him!

Milah: And there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t feel sorry for that.

Rumpelstiltskin: Well, sorry isn’t enough! You let him go.

That's Rumpel punishing Milah for his decisions as much as for hers. He does the same to others. The babies are a big part of the Rumpelstiltskin story, so those were especially prevalent in S1 and the 5B story actually fits with his tendencies towards projection/punishment.

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With Milah, that attitude makes perfect sense since that was personal for him.  Yes, he was too scared to jump in the portal with Bae, but he would easily put that in a different category of abandonment and in his mind more justifiable.  Other than being a psycho, I still can't see how he would get satisfaction out of "punishing" Cinderella for basically not reading a contract.  Does Rumple punish people for being cowards too?   So overall, I don't buy that the retcon with the Healer meshes, other than the simplistic interpretation that he's simply sadistic.

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I was rewatching 5x05, and Arthur actually does explain what "snuffing out the light" meant. He says Excalibur has the power to eradicate all dark magic or all light magic. So basically the Dark Ones were attempting the rid the world of light magic (such as True Love) so they would have no weaknesses, such as the ones Clippy!Rumple mentioned at the end of 5x02. 

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That's what I figured at the time, since that's the only reason why "snuffing out the light" would be a major threat.  

The "light magic" part is the most ambiguous.  Take healing for example.  And teleporting (remember when Mind Rumple taught Emma that dark art?).  They can be done with both dark powers and light powers.  What's the difference?  Is there a price for each?  Is Regina no longer using her dark magic?  Can someone choose to use either light magic or dark magic?

I find it kinda ridiculous how Merlin created something which can "snuff out the light", and wrote down instructions that Arthur could read (since I'm assuming Arthur learned this from reading Merlin's books), while keeping him in the dark about everything else.  Merlin could still communicate with The Apprentice, so why did they let such a dangerous issue fester out of control?  We're talking about something that could possibly eradicate all light magic from the universe, apparently.

Edited by Camera One
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The "light magic" part is the most ambiguous.  Take healing for example.  And teleporting (remember when Mind Rumple taught Emma that dark art?).  They can be done with both dark powers and light powers.  What's the difference?  Is there a price for each?  Is Regina no longer using her dark magic?  Can someone choose to use either light magic or dark magic?

Does light magic even have a price? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it has never had one. Pixie dust was considered dangerous but I don't know if you could consider its consequences to be in the same vein as the dark magic karma.


Merlin started out so well ... and then turned to have been an idiot.

I'm only at the part where Merlin is rescued from the tree, and I already see his stupidity shining through.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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14 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

It's confusing that this was addressed in 4A but never brought up again.

It came out of nowhere and disappeared just as abruptly because Hook only needed to want his hand back in order to give Rumple some leverage over him and set up the manipulation and heart-stealing that also fizzled out unsatisfyingly. 

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On 9/1/2016 at 8:50 PM, Rumsy4 said:

It's nice to have a character whose disability is not fixed by magic or other means.

It might not have bothered me except for the fact that Rumple's disability got fixed by magical means, and I figure that was on the same level as Hook's hook -- it went back a long time and was the kind of thing he might have wanted to remind himself of. But Rumple did that to himself and Hook healed it. That makes it rather grating that Hook's hand was something Rumple did to him, and Rumple conned him out of having it healed, then Hook didn't heal himself when he had the power to do so. Then the hook remained on the manifestation of his soul that was not his physical body in the Underworld, and is still there on a magically healed, resurrected body. We're getting into ridiculous territory in keeping that hook, where it's actually more contrived that he still has it rather than a hand than healing it would be. If all that stuff had never happened -- if Hook hadn't been made a Dark One, he hadn't healed Rumple, he hadn't been killed, went to the Underworld, and was brought back by Zeus, with unhealable injuries magically healed -- then I'd have been okay with leaving the hook alone, and healing it might have been contrived. But there have now been so many situations in which it would have been more logical for it to be healed, and there are so many characters capable of healing it, that it looks really weird that it hasn't been healed yet, and that seems to come back to branding and the fact that they seem afraid of letting the characters actually grow and change all that much. To me, it's on a par with them putting Hook in more or less the same outfit in every situation -- he shouldn't have been wearing the outfit that was basically his pirate garb in Camelot when these were borrowed clothes provided by Camelot people and that outfit was entirely unlike the styles everyone else was wearing. And, unlike every other Storybrooke character, he's stuck in that one outfit all the time rather than wearing clothes like everyone else. The shirt's the only thing that changes, and even there, it's only very slight variations. It's like they're keeping Hook in a narrowly defined box.

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And, unlike every other Storybrooke character, he's stuck in that one outfit all the time rather than wearing clothes like everyone else. The shirt's the only thing that changes, and even there, it's only very slight variations. It's like they're keeping Hook in a narrowly defined box.

It's a side effect of A&E's inability to let their characters evolve. They're all in boxes and stuck playing the same notes. It has nothing to do with how the characters feel about their appearances.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I may take the discussion of Hook's wardrobe to the Production thread and the hook vs. hand discussion to the Hook thread, since we're getting into critiques of choices as opposed to inconsistencies and plot holes, but I did have another thought about the hook:

I do think it's weird that the Underworld version of Hook had the hook, since that body was not his physical body but was rather supposedly a manifestation of his soul. But even if the hook is so ingrained in his soul that his soul body had the hook rather than the hand, how did that hook still have all the properties of the real hook, that was still in Storybrooke with his rotting body? They were able to use the fact that his hook was enchanted to undo the cuff to free Cora, but this wasn't the hook that was enchanted. Or did I miss the scene where they found the potion and enchanted it? Or is the hook like the quill, so it was a living being that also died with Hook and went to the Underworld, retaining all its power?

Speaking of the quill, they did say that it was a living entity that went to the Underworld when Henry killed it, so how did Henry bring it back with him from the Underworld? Didn't the rules of the Underworld say that nothing that had died could come out without someone else being swapped?

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Hook put the potion on the hook when he tried to take Zelena's heart, I just assumed that since he didn't actually take the heart, the enchantment was still there. Like when Regina enchanted the hook to take a heart. He tried to take Cora's but it wasn't there, so he took Aurora's using the same enchantment. 

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25 minutes ago, profdanglais said:

Hook put the potion on the hook when he tried to take Zelena's heart, I just assumed that since he didn't actually take the heart, the enchantment was still there.

Yes, on the hook that was back in Storybrooke with his dead body. But what about the Underworld hook? How did something that was part of the Underbrooke construct retain the properties of the physical hook? It wasn't like Emma brought his hook with her to give him and he was doing without in the Underworld until she got there (which would have been an easy fix).

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The Enchanted Forest is much like medieval Epcot. Over here, we have the Ancient China pavilion. To your right is the Scottish Dun'Broch pavilion, and across the lake you can see the Scandinavian Arendelle pavilion. Everything's within a day's journey by foot or boat. Knowing that - why is magic so alien to Arendelle yet Kristoff is best friends with a guy from Misthaven? Why was Percival the only person to recognize Regina? (Even then, he still had to confirm it.) No one noticed that Camelot went from a hamlet to a kingdom overnight? 

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Merlin's prophecy for Arthur never comes to pass. Merlin said that he would aid in destroying darkness from all the realms, but he dies in 5B. I honestly thought Artthur would be more significant in S5, but he's such a sideshow and plot device.

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1 hour ago, KingOfHearts said:

Merlin's prophecy for Arthur never comes to pass. Merlin said that he would aid in destroying darkness from all the realms, but he dies in 5B. I honestly thought Artthur would be more significant in S5, but he's such a sideshow and plot device.

And that's the second version of what happened with Arthur since they were supposed to be done with him in 5x11.

The second they decided that Arthur would be the bad guy, his character was just done. 

Merlin played with his head real good, and then wondered why Arthur had turned out the way he turned out. 

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There's no reason why Merlin should have played around with him.  The Apprentice was still in the Enchanted Forest to give guidance and information.  He freakin' knew Excalibur was broken.  Of course, he's also the one who hired the dumbass Author who he knew had the power to control his own actions.  Or I suppose that "living" pen chose The Author, because... uh, hmmm... who the hell knows.  The Apprentice's role in Season 5 actually brought along a lot of nonsensical garbage from the 4A/4B arcs.

Edited by Camera One
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It astounds me that they seem to have made no effort to make The Apprentice stuff in 4B mesh with the Merlin/Arthur stuff in 5A.  They could have said The Apprentice was detained or otherwise engaged throughout Arthur's life or something, but that wouldn't work since he was around during Eggbaby.  It's not an exaggeration to say the only thing we really knew about The Apprentice was that he spent a lot of time sweeping the floor.

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With these Writers, I doubt it would have made any difference.  The problem is they don't spend the time to make new ideas and retcons fit their existing universe, and they don't think about how each character would logically act and feel.  It seems like they were already bored with their shiny Guinevere and Lancelot toys after 2 episodes.

Edited by Camera One
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1 hour ago, KingOfHearts said:

Though I wouldn't call it a retcon, the trouble started in S2 with Neal. His interactions with Emma definitely fit in with what we had seen of her character up to the point. If he were the only person she met from magic realms that made an impact on her life, then I wouldn't complain. But then August immediately stepped into the scene and started manipulating her behind a veil. The writing will say Neal didn't try to find Emma because he was afraid, but let's face it - the plot needed him to not see her again. If Emma's life had been in her control, she would have been able to locate him as she tried to in Tallahassee for those two years. But because of August, fate prevented her from making her own choice on the matter.

In 4B, they "revealed" that August knew The Apprentice and they had talked. So what exactly did The Apprentice advise August to do?  Did he tell August about Baelfire?  Why would they have a conversation about The Author?  

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11 hours ago, Camera One said:

In 4B, they "revealed" that August knew The Apprentice and they had talked. So what exactly did The Apprentice advise August to do?  Did he tell August about Baelfire?  Why would they have a conversation about The Author?  

I think it was implied that he told him where to find Neal and Emma, and also told him about the book?

I like how the Apprentice went to August and Lily, but Emma who had this mission, was going down the wrong path, and still not on the right path after she went to jail never got a visit from him. 

The worst part is that after watching 5x20, and how she was still trying to find her parents right outside of Storybrooke, all he had to tell her was he knew who they were, where they were, to get her to believe. By the time Henry found her, Emma was all Cleo and stuff.

But I get it, 28th birthday, the curse couldn't be broken before because of some prophecy, or because it was written in the curse or whatever.

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I may not be remembering this correctly (and don't really feel like going back and rewatching to check), but as I recall, back in 3A when Pan put the anti-magic cuff on Rumple, it was treated as a big, huge cliffhanger whether he'd cut his own hand off to get out of it so he could go rush to the rescue, and it was a surprise that instead he didn't get his power back, but instead ordered his own shadow to bring the dagger he could use to kill Pan and himself.

But then in 5A, Zelena just cuts off her own hand, removes the cuff, and uses her power to instantly heal herself. It's no big deal.

So, is Zelena more powerful than a Dark One? Was the problem that Rumple was afraid of the pain, and not about whether he could heal himself? Or have we had a bad case of magic inflation, so that something that once was a big deal is now something everyone can do?

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I think the opposite. Rumple did not want to injure himself once again just because of fear. He decided to face Pan without magic and defeat him the only way he knew would get rid of Pan--by sacrificing himself to kill Pan.

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8 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I think the opposite. Rumple did not want to injure himself once again just because of fear. He decided to face Pan without magic and defeat him the only way he knew would get rid of Pan--by sacrificing himself to kill Pan.

The problem is that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. 

He's scared of cutting off his own hand, but he doesn't have a problem dying.

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I didn't word my point correctly. I meant Rumple did not want to take the coward's way out again by self-injuring himself the way he did at the war. Magic was a crutch to him now, and he did not want to get it back just out of some fear of facing Pan without it. Ultimately, he knew the only way to defeat Pan was to get close enough to stab him with the Dagger, and sacrifice himself in the process. Pan would be off his guard when he saw Rumple still without magic.

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Yeah, if you think of that one too much, it kind of kills the whole show. The curse was mostly just handwaving a way to get fairy tale characters into modern America (and then they failed to actually use that concept). Making your enemies live mildly dissatisfying lives without them knowing that they're being punished, while you live a mildly dissatisfying (if luxurious and powerful) life seems like the lamest revenge scheme ever. 

It got even lamer in 3B when Curse 2 came. No consequences, and the forgetting spell was a mild inconvenience. Then in 5A, the forgetting wasn't even built into the curse. When do you stop calling it a "curse" and start saying "mass inter-realm transportation spell"?

Also - why couldn't Merlin just a summon a portal? Why did he need a whole curse? Was he trying to get Arthur to come with so he could help extinguish the darkness like he was supposed to? I'm assuming since he lost his immortality, he thought Nimue was going to kill him anyway. Three birds, one stone, I guess.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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1 hour ago, KingOfHearts said:

It got even lamer in 3B when Curse 2 came. No consequences, and the forgetting spell was a mild inconvenience. Then in 5A, the forgetting wasn't even built into the curse.

The memory loss wasn't built into Curse 2.0 either. Zelena threw the memory spell into the cauldron with the Dark Curse 2.0, and that was broken by Regina's heartless-TLK. One can't call Original Recipe Dark Curse as having a mere forgetting spell. It gave people false memories/identity. We don't know if the false memories were originally present in the Curse, or if they were Rumple's addition, or something Regina added. Charming got a false identity just by looking at some object in Gold's shop. Maybe Regina placed it there--she did direct him to it while he was on the way to a rendezvous to meet MM. Regina was able to give Belle a false identity as Lacey in S2 as well--so that makes me think she had a hand in it. Even if Rumple and Regina wouldn't know the Lw/oM, they could simply specific the false identities/memories would be associated with the new Realm. Rumple did say that the first curse was Regina-specific. Pan's Curse would've been totally different, apparently. Maybe everyone would've been turned into little boys and started dancing around campfires. 

Here are the different versions of the Dark Curse we have seen (yeah--nothing better to do). 

1. Original Caster: Regina

  • Ingredients: Scroll, Potion, Heart of person most loved.
  • Memory Loss: Yes
  • New Identity/Cursed Memories: Yes
  • Inter-realm transport: Yes
  • Creation of Storybrooke: Yes
  • Town-line: No one but uncursed people could enter or leave town. 

2. Caster: Pan

  • Ingredients: Scroll, Heart of person most loyal. 
  • Memory Loss: ?
  • New Identity/Cursed Memories: ?
  • Inter-realm transport: No
  • Creation of Storybrooke: No. But it was implied that Pan would've changed things.
  • Town-line: Only Henry and Emma could escape. 

3. Caster: Snow, with Regina's help

  • Ingredients: Scroll?, Potion, Heart of person most loved (loophole used to avert cost).
  • Memory Loss: Not built-in. Memory-spell added by Zelena later.
  • New Identity/Cursed Memories: No
  • Inter-realm transport: Yes
  • Creation of Storybrooke: Yes
  • Town-line: Unknown. Zelena, then Elsa/Ingrid, added barriers later.

4. Caster: Hook/Nimue

  • Ingredients: Some potion brewed by Merlin (identity unknown), Heart of person once loved. 
  • Memory Loss: Not built-in. Emma stole memories via Dreamcatcher added to the potion.
  • New Identity/Cursed Memories: No
  • Inter-realm transport: Yes
  • Creation of Storybrooke: No
  • Town-line: People turned to trees.

The only common denominator is the sacrifice required. The components needed to cast the curse and the outcome all seem variable.

Edited by Rumsy4
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39 minutes ago, daxx said:

Although the first curse also contained the hair from every evil being in the Enchanted Forest. Perhaps that is what made the first curse different. Regina's own manipulation of it.

I didn't remember that detail. Could well be.

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16 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

We don't know if the false memories were originally present in the Curse, or if they were Rumple's addition, or something Regina added.

When she was getting ready to undo the curse so they could escape from Pan's new curse, Regina said something about how everyone was unhappy because she did it, and she didn't have to do it that way. That was her lead-up to giving Emma and Henry good false memories. That would imply that the false identities were part of whatever spell Regina cast, and the fact that she was able to add them to David during the curse when there was no magic suggests that they were part of whatever magical infrastructure was sustaining Storybrooke. David wasn't on the brink of death when she cast the curse, so she'd have created an identity for him that was part of the curse, then I guess it didn't stick because he was unconscious when the curse hit and he then was frozen in the coma, and so it could be applied later.

Then you have to wonder if she made identities for everyone who was cursed. Did she actually know all those people? Or did she create specific identities for the people she knew and more generic identities for random peasants?

I've also never really understood why (other than drama) Henry and Emma had to have their memories altered when the curse was reversed or why Hook and Neal, who'd never been subject to the curse, couldn't have just left the town. We later learned that Ursula and Lily were out there and weren't sucked back by the curse reverse, and they were from the Enchanted Forest but not subject to the curse, much like Hook and Neal. Did Ingrid get pulled back by the curse reverse and then put back in place by curse 2?

Another feature of Curse 1 that we haven't seen in other curses is the time freeze.

What part of it all really counts as the Dark Curse? Emma gets credit for breaking the curse, but what she broke was the time freeze, which happened when she decided to stay in town, and then the memory spell. The curse was still active, since they were all still in Storybrooke, and the people who'd been physically transformed, like the dwarfs, Archie and the fairies, were still physically transformed.

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The discussion about Regina escaping Cora and running off with Daniel brought to mind a question for me. Why was Cora's super special locator globe worth making a deal for when all Rumpel needed to do was prick his finger and drop the blood on a map of the US to find Neal? Tracking Henry that way was as easy as that in the S5 finale. And why didn't use that same method to find Zelena when she was terrorizing Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest? Taking it further, why didn't Regina have Snowing use that method to find Emma in S4 rather than chasing after a floating scarf? Or to find Henry when Cruella kidnapped him?

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Why was Cora's super special locator globe worth making a deal for when all Rumpel needed to do was prick his finger and drop the blood on a map of the US to find Neal? Tracking Henry that way was as easy as that in the S5 finale. 

The map only worked because Henry brought magic to LWM.

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