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So is it usual for the CW to release deleted scenes during the season? Like this Barry/Patty scene


Finally someone in the Flarrow universe that does not default to mint chocolate chip ice cream as their favorite. I was beginning to think the writers didn't know other flavors existed. Personally for me, Vanilla is boring but it makes a great base for toppings. And some Vanillas are amazing if they are French Vanilla or have Vanilla Bean.


They are really adorkable!! And that is the type of intimate scene that plays into GG's wheelhouse of adorable chemistry.

Edited by kismet
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Flash deleted scenes they've released while the season is still going. I remember at least 2 or 3 that they showed for season 1 last year. But, wow, this was the longest in my recent memory, but it was sweet. It was obviously cut for time, but it's kind of nice to know that these writers do work to try to establish some moments to strengthen the connections between characters, even if they do end up being deleted. The only main problem I have with this scene is the fact that I can't tell, but is that supposed to be Barry's room? In Joe's house? Where Joe or even Iris could just easily walk in or at least hear them from other parts of the house? It just feels uncomfortable to me.

It's a really cute scene but I'm wondering about the same thing. It's got to be Barry's room, there's a photo of him with his mom next to the bed. I've read here that Barry lives with Joe. Does Iris live with them as well? The most awkward part is the open door. Maybe Joe's on a stake out?

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Ya, know, I don't know if Iris lives with them.  She was living with Eddie before he died.  They had their own apartment but she could have moved home.  And this from someone that has been regularly watching.  Now I want to know. 

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I figured they released this one because of the events in the 2x10 trailer with Patty.


I honestly don't get The Flash. The last episode wasn't mid-season finale material and they are promoting the big return with a damsel in distress storyline starting a recurring character.


Is Patty really popular?

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I thought Iris moved back home after Eddie died.  Barry had already moved back early in s1.  Is Wally going to be moving in too when his mother dies?  I hope that's because of a lack money for sets because three adults in their twenties living at home is a bit creepy.


Is Patty really popular?

I think she's popular enough with general fans although hated by Iris/WestAllen fans.


I hope they don't fridge her or have her leave Because Comics since I find her and Barry far more appealing than Barry and his sibling Iris.

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I thought Iris moved back home after Eddie died. Barry had already moved back early in s1. Is Wally going to be moving in too when his mother dies? I hope that's because of a lack money for sets because three adults in their twenties living at home is a bit creepy.

I think she's popular enough with general fans although hated by Iris/WestAllen fans.

I hope they don't fridge her or have her leave Because Comics since I find her and Barry far more appealing than Barry and his sibling Iris.

Not sure if it still stands but, when I looked last year Patty was Barry’s current LI in the comics, (since the nu52 launched in 2011). Technically because comics applies to Patty as well. Barry also had another main LI after Iris was killed in the comics, she was killed on their wedding day by Zoom IIRC.

Just checked, Zoom killed Iris West and then later interrupted Barry's wedding to Beverly Lewis threatened to kill her but Barry stopped him.

Patty is apparently still Barry's LI in the comic.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Thanks, that makes me feel a bit better.  I am surprised because I was convinced Iris is endgame, fullstop.


Patty knows Science Speak in the scene.  I doubt Iris knows about glycerol and oxidizing agents.  It's just one more thing that makes Patty a better fit than Iris.

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I don't know how well received Patty is amongst the non WA fans..but at SDCC the announcement of her character was met with crickets.



Thanks, that makes me feel a bit better.  I am surprised because I was convinced Iris is endgame, fullstop.


Patty knows Science Speak in the scene.  I doubt Iris knows about glycerol and oxidizing agents.  It's just one more thing that makes Patty a better fit than Iris.

Fit in what way? 

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Barry and Patty are both are interested in and understand science. Patty works at Barry's workplace and they both actively fight metahumans.  They've both last a parent to violence.  And while GG really can't bring smouldering sexuality to any scene with a love interest, at least they are adorkable together.  And she's romantically into him, unlike Iris.


I like Iris and I think Candice Patton is doing a terrific job on fumes but putting her with Barry from what we've seen of them is trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

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Iris likes Barry as a brother. I've never seen her romantically interested in him except for the brief time when she tried to get between him and Linda and I want to forget that because it was so dog-in-the-manger and beneath her.  Even after seeing the newpaper from the future where she's known as Iris West-Allen (a mistake to hyphenate your name, Iris, take it from me), she still opted to damn the future and commit to Eddie.


Iris sees Barry as a brother, and Barry appears to be over the crush he had on her last season.

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FYI, some Flash and Supergirl spoilers...


Spoiler Room: Scoop on Grey's Anatomy, The Flash, Supergirl, and more
BY NATALIE ABRAMS December 11 2015 — 1:34 PM EST


‘The Flash’ Taps Comedian Tone Bell as Iris’ New Boss

DECEMBER 9, 2015 | 03:21PM PT  Laura Prudom


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DC Comics is launching a new anthology comic book series titled Legends of Tomorrow and it will star Firestorm, but it will not be connected to the TV show...


Legends Of Tomorrow Anthology Series to Feature Firestorm, Metal Men, & More
Lucas Siegel- 12/11/2015


Also FYI...


11 Gifts For 'The Flash' & 'Arrow' Fans That Will Make You The Hero This Holiday Season
LEAH THOMAS  18 hours ago

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Flash deleted scenes they've released while the season is still going. I remember at least 2 or 3 that they showed for season 1 last year. But, wow, this was the longest in my recent memory, but it was sweet. It was obviously cut for time, but it's kind of nice to know that these writers do work to try to establish some moments to strengthen the connections between characters, even if they do end up being deleted. The only main problem I have with this scene is the fact that I can't tell, but is that supposed to be Barry's room? In Joe's house? Where Joe or even Iris could just easily walk in or at least hear them from other parts of the house? It just feels uncomfortable to me.


You know.. it's weird, but there's this super ancient invention that is added to doors, it's called a LOCK, funny enough it prevents unwanted people from entering places, like oh, I don't know, ones bedroom while they're having sex with their partner.

Also I would assume Joe and Iris know Patty is there and will therefore (as adults who had sex in their life) know to knock before entering the room even if the door isn't locked but just closed.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I thought Barry just never left Joe's place. What was his reason for moving back?


It was right after Iris moved out and Joe was feeling a bit sad (empty nest and all, I guess) and Barry was apparently disturbing th neighbors with his comings and goings at all hours. So he just moved back in. 


On the topic of vanilla ice cream, only if it's made from Madagaskar vanilla beans :)

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Not sure if it still stands but, when I looked last year Patty was Barry’s current LI in the comics, (since the nu52 launched in 2011). Technically because comics applies to Patty as well. Barry also had another main LI after Iris was killed in the comics, she was killed on their wedding day by Zoom IIRC.

Just checked, Zoom killed Iris West and then later interrupted Barry's wedding to Beverly Lewis threatened to kill her but Barry stopped him.

Patty is apparently still Barry's LI in the comic.

Hi! Sorry to barge into the conversation like this (this is my first post, I usually just read in the shadows :)

I don’t read New 52 myself (yet), but Barry and Patty  actually broke up in the New 52 ( about six issues ago).

Apparently Barry’s future self did some horrible things and Patty couldn’t look at Barry without seeing future Barry so she left)


And in Darkseid War #1 (from this nov) Barry and Iris have a pretty nice moment (not romantic, but pretty telling imho) in which the words:

“I Thought of you Iris. Why did I think of you. I didn’t think of Patty.”

make an appearance.  When a fan thanked the writer (Rob Williams) for that Barry/Iris moment on twitter he mentioned that Geoff Johns had input in that scene. Here’s a link I found if you want to see that page. 


Plus recently Francis Manapul (the comic book artist for the New 52 run until last year) said this about Iris in New 52 on twitter :

“Iris played and important role in @BrianBooch and I's run. To me anyways it felt obvious that she was meant to be with him.”



“Iris was on a journey much more than Patty was. Even though Barry was with Patty, it was very obvious that a build up on mythical love that Iris and Barry had was all in the subtext.”



“We wanted to create a love triangle but if you read the book it was quite obvious what was happening.”


(I don’t know how to quote twitter but if you want to read for yourself search for @FrancisManapul and Iris).


Also just to add my two cents if I’m posting anyway. Knowing science or not isn't a big deal to me. Barry and Iris have no problems relating to one another. Besides, by this logic Felicity should be with Ray. Oliver doesn’t understand  Felicity’s science/computer stuff, but it doesn’t stop Oliver and Felicity from working (imho again). And Iris doesn't see Barry as a brother and she referenced her feelings for him in ep 21 long after Linda + in the same ep she alluded that if she had known about Barry's feelings she wouldn't have been with Eddie. Plus Joe mentioned he knew Iris has had feelings for Barry for a long time ("Always have been").

Not trying to get into an argument, I like reading these forum discussions, just adding my two cents :) 


Anyway, sorry again, not an ideal first post. And now I’ll slink back into the shadows.

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Hi! Sorry to barge into the conversation like this (this is my first post, I usually just read in the shadows :)


Nonsense! Barge in all you want :p Nice first post! :)


To be honest, in the first season I liked Iris/Barry... I really did. I didn't care about whether or not they were different or had different interests or were kind of like brother/sister growing up... But then I saw how great Eddie was and what a wonderful boyfriend he was to Iris and then I started to like Barry less and less throughout the season. And then in the middle of season 1 they kissed (before Barry altered the timeline) and at that point I found that there was a disconnect between Iris/Barry that I didn't see between Iris/Eddie. IDK... 


I guess that's my opinion! I think that there's something missing between Iris/Barry and the writers still have time to fix it. I don't see the synergy between them like I see between Oliver/Felicity, but maybe when Patty leaves (because someone said she is only in 10 episodes?) they will focus on helping Iris be someone that inspires Barry like Felicity inspires Oliver and having Iris and Barry both make each other better by being together. 


But first and foremost, the show has to convince me to come back and they can only do this by:

  1. Making me like Barry again
  2. Giving Iris the importance she deserves
  3. Making a more cohesive Team Flash like they did with Team Arrow
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Welcome, RedVitC! Just jump right in and hope for the best, that's what I've been doing the last few weeks!


Knowing science or not isn't a big deal to me. Barry and Iris have no problems relating to one another. Besides, by this logic Felicity should be with Ray. Oliver doesn’t understand  Felicity’s science/computer stuff, but it doesn’t stop Oliver and Felicity from working (imho again). And Iris doesn't see Barry as a brother and she referenced her feelings for him in ep 21 long after Linda + in the same ep she alluded that if she had known about Barry's feelings she wouldn't have been with Eddie. Plus Joe mentioned he knew Iris has had feelings for Barry for a long time ("Always have been").

Agree with this. In my own logic, I can be ok with the idea of Iris and Barry being together, especially considering the fact that they do care about each other fiercely, regardless of being romantically entwined or not. I do believe, however, that the show itself seems to have something against showing Barry and Iris as friends or possible romantic partners. S1 had some good starts to pushing them together, but currently Barry and Iris have rarely even had a scene together since 203, except for 209, that it's difficult to remember that these two are supposed to be the best friends that they claim to be.


Romances on any superhero show besides the main loved ones on Arrow (Oliver/Felicity, Diggle/Lyla, Roy/Thea) honestly tend to slightly try my patience with the way the story pushes them. For all the flak it tends to get, mostly from s3, Olicity, IMHO, get the best story/actor/chemistry support out of all of the pairings that other shows try to present to me (again, barring s3 and 408).


But first and foremost, the show has to convince me to come back and they can only do this by:

  1. Making me like Barry again
  2. Giving Iris the importance she deserves
  3. Making a more cohesive Team Flash like they did with Team Arrow


Seconding this! One thing that made me laugh from the Flash Afterbuzz is them noticing that, when Barry was literally about to be killed by Weather Wizard, the team did not even contact Barry to let him know that they were working on a way to stop the bombs and they just let Barry take the beating until they were done. Plus, Caitlin and Iris seem to have nothing to do on the team in general, even though they bring enough possibilities to the table, but that's been discussed to death already.

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Hi, RedVitC!


I agree, people don't need to speak the same language to be together.   It was another reason why I think Barry/Patty is a better fit than Barry/Iris.


Even though Barry was with Patty, it was very obvious that a build up on mythical love that Iris and Barry had was all in the subtext.”

If they are serious about WestAllen, then it has to be one of the worst written romances on TV.  I bought into Iris and Eddie as an adult relationship with two people who genuinely and romantically love each other, which  made Barry's "I love Iris but she's with Eddie -- wait, I'll tell her now, right after she's agreed to move in with him" like a little kid who is about his own needs rather what the other person wants or needs.  Season 1 Barry's feelings for Iris felt like a crush and she treated him like she was his older sister.


Maybe the writers think they are doing a slow burn with Barry and Iris but they're writing it all wrong.  When Barry has a problem, Iris is always there cheerleading for him but wyhen she brought him the problem that she has a brother and should she tell Joe, did Barry even once ask how she's feeling about it?   Eddie did, and Eddie was the only one torn up about not telling Iris that Barry is The Flash.  How can I root for Barry/Iris when Eddie treated her so much better?.


ETA:  having Patty break up with Barry because

of something Future Barry did

just seems like writing for plot (i.e. to get Barry and Iris together).

Edited by statsgirl
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I didnt know where to post it so i am just gonna put it here since all Flarrow shows are involved.



The 100 – December 19 to January 4.

Arrow – December 19 to January 4.
Bates Motel – December 21 to January 4.

Birth of the Dragon – December 19 to January 4.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – December 19 to January 4.

The Flash – December 19 to January 4.

iZombie – December 19 to January 5.
Lucifer – December 19 to January 8.

Motive – December 22 to January 4.

Once Upon a Time – December 19 to January 4.
Second Chance – December 19 to January 4.

Supernatural – December 19 to January 4.

War For the Planet of the Apes – December 19 to January 4.

When Calls the Heart: December 10 to January 4.

Dates from Directors Guild of Canada – BC production list.



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I feel like after the events of Dark Water, it would be a perfect time to have Iris cross over for an episode looking to get the scoop on Dhark.

That would require the Flash writers to actually care about Iris and her career... Which after what I heard about her this season, I doubt they do.


But that could be a really great idea. Although I don't see why Iris should have a more integral role in Arrow than Flash when Arrow barely has a storyline for Laurel...?

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 Although I don't see why Iris should have a more integral role in Arrow than Flash when Arrow barely has a storyline for Laurel...?


Hey, if we only got Felicity's point of view of her relationship with Oliver in the Flash, I think it would be fair in a cosmic sort of way.


Edited because Primal Slayer beat me to it with a better point.

Edited by way2interested
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See I'm not going for 'an eye for an eye' thing... Sorry, but I waited 8 episodes for the Arrow to finally be about Arrow characters. I don't want another character coming in because the cast is already bloated. 


And to be honest, would Iris fans REALLY like for her to be more significant on Arrow than Flash? I personally was pissed that Felicity got more development on Flash last year than on Arrow. I feel like Iris having more of an integral role on Arrow would make fans angrier than anything else. And would Laurel fans REALLY want Iris to have a job that can be easily given to Laurel and make her useful in the second half of the season considering there's nothing in the pipeline for her (that we know about)?


I'm not even a fan of Laurel but I have a hard time believing the writers would make Iris more integral to the plot than Laurel... I mean I really don't care if this job is given to Iris as opposed to Laurel (less Laurel is always a win for me)... Why am I even fighting this???


YES Give Iris that job and let Laurel fade more into the background and make her more insignificant please

Edited by wonderwall
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As a Laurel fan, I wouldn't mind. Especially since they could easily make it into an episode focusing around the women of Flarrow. Just because Iris could cross over to get the scoop on DD doesn't mean that it would have to be the lead of the episode. And I can't talk for Iris fans but hey getting my fave some development anywhere would be a + for me.

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Why would Iris be looking for scoop on DD? She lives in Central City and works for a Central City paper, and he hasn't made any threats that would be on their radar at all. 


Maybe Felicity would ask Iris for her help? IDK who else knows enough about Iris...

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See I'm not going for 'an eye for an eye' thing... Sorry, but I waited 8 episodes for the Arrow to finally be about Arrow characters. I don't want another character coming in because the cast is already bloated. 


Sorry, just joking myself. Although, honestly, I would want Iris to crossover at some point in general because I just want CP to interact with the Arrow cast. Even as a supporting character in a one-off episode would be great for me.

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Why would Iris be looking for scoop on DD? She lives in Central City and works for a Central City paper, and he hasn't made any threats that would be on their radar at all. 

DDs attack would make headlines just as GAs speech made national news. Getting the scoop on DD could be a major thing for the paper.

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DDs attack would make headlines just as GAs speech made national news. Getting the scoop on DD could be a major thing for the paper.


But why would the Central City paper care? They have Zoom and a ton of other metas running around to worry about. Those people actually pose a threat to their city. As of now, DD does not.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Wait does Iris even know that Oliver is GA and that Felicity/Diggle are a part of the team?


I assumed since she went out of her way to find a GA figure for Christmas, and Joe remarked that he was a crazy man, that she and Joe had to know (GA and the Arrow are supposed to be different people after all), but it was never really confirmed.


Plus, I'd like to think Iris, unlike, you know, every villain, is smart enough to know that Oliver and Barry's friend Felicity is in on both of their secrets. She's never even seen Diggle, so I've got nothing on that. 

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But why would the Central City paper care? They have Zoom and a ton of other metas running around to worry about. Those people actually pose a threat to their city. As of now, DD does not.

A huge story is a huge story. They can have people covering different stories.

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A huge story is a huge story. They can have people covering different stories.


Kay. I'm all for Iris coming over - that storyline just doesn't make much sense to me, unless DD starts setting his sights on Central City.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I assumed since she went out of her way to find a GA figure for Christmas, and Joe remarked that he was a crazy man, that she and Joe had to know (GA and the Arrow are supposed to be different people after all), but it was never really confirmed.


Plus, I'd like to think Iris, unlike, you know, every villain, is smart enough to know that Oliver and Barry's friend Felicity is in on both of their secrets. She's never even seen Diggle, so I've got nothing on that. 


Ah, thanks for that!

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Is this just related to some "reporting" like scoop cause I don't know where everyone is getting that particular portion? I did see where Bamford said

2 characters would be crossing over I was thinking Cisco and Caitlin. Cisco to assist with comms or setting someone else up real quick and possibly Caitlin because she is a doctor. I could be so off the mark cause as I stated above I don't know what the particular reference point is to suggest Iris. However, I wouldn't mind Iris if it gives her something to do. She's suffering from the Laurelitis treatment on The Flash.

Anyone EXCEPT FOR DAMN PATTY SPIVOK she's already turned me mostly off Flash this season!

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