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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I asked him to live tweet, I agreed with him on putting out a trigger warning and I told him to get Robbie Thompson as his designated tweeter (he was having a hard time watching and live tweeting). [note: Robbie is awesome at live tweeting, it's new for Bobo]

He would never "like" a plot point tweet. He's smarter than that. So, no, he did NOT give a "like" for the tweet that ended in #IBelieveInTheLittleTreeTopper.

But I had about a dozen+ tweets last night about SPN.

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1 minute ago, Frost said:

Can someone give me the history of the spntapeball?  I don't get it. :-(

someone on the SPN crew who apparently is responsible for the tape that serves as the marks for the actors started this instagram account


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4 minutes ago, Frost said:

Can someone give me the history of the spntapeball?  I don't get it. :-(

They use different color tape for where the actors need to hit their marks, someone peaks it off and started making a ball with it. Then someone made a Twitter and maybe an Instagram account for it. 

Edited by Diane
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6 minutes ago, Frost said:

Can someone give me the history of the spntapeball?  I don't get it. :-(

It seems to be an accumulation of all the tape put down and pulled back up of actors' marks for each episode. There's a different tape ball for each episode. I gather it's some crew guy's little inside joke turned into a runner for the season.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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18 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:

Hear, hear!  I miss Rowena.  Her campiness brings some much needed levity to the show, I think.  I also think she could have been used against Kelly -- woman to woman, mother to mother.  Plus, I would have liked to see Rowena make a play for the baby.

Oh, they've missed so many fun opportunities with the Devil baby momma drama! ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Today is Sam Winchester's birthday and Jared wishes a Happy Birthday to Sam friggin' Winchester.

[ As noted by Diane below, this is from a few weeks ago.]


and short video from Jared, Gen and the kids:

Edited by auntvi
Note date of first video
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Both of those are cute.

 I love the universal goofiness of little kids and how normal their family interactions are.  Gen is doing a good job with those boys.  They are such a handful at this age. Does Jaredreally have to go to Vancouver or did he mean Australia because of the convention there?  

Edited by SueB
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For some reason, I really don't know why, but I just picture Jared being the big softie the kids walk all over and Gen is the stricter one haha




LOL did Jared forget Odette's name in the beginning of that video?


Haha I wondered that too actually! It made me chuckle!

Edited by Wayward Son
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1 hour ago, rue721 said:

LOL did Jared forget Odette's name in the beginning of that video?

Don't know, but my granddaughter in Austria would love the nickname. One of the first things they learned in pre-school was the story of Emperor Franz Joseph I and his beautiful wife Sissi - the Austrian version of a Disney princess. So, good nickname.

22 minutes ago, SueB said:

I love the universal goofiness of little kids and how normal their family interactions are.


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On 02/05/2017 at 0:57 AM, catrox14 said:

Fun little quiz from Screen Rant.  Spoilers for all seasons for Buffy and SPN

Thanks. I got 100% but then Buffy and SPN are my 2 TV obsessions. I LOVED Buffy. I never thought I'd feel that way about a TV show again. Then SPN came along. 

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3 hours ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

Thanks. I got 100% but then Buffy and SPN are my 2 TV obsessions. I LOVED Buffy. I never thought I'd feel that way about a TV show again. Then SPN came along. 

I got 100% too! I was so proud because I only watched Buffy all the way through like once LOL.  Angel was my jam.

4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Have they done that for previous uofronts? Ill be  surprised to see J2 at the upfronts since they haven't gone for a couple of years now.

Don't know.  I don't pay much attention, to be honest.  Maybe they're making a big push for season *gasp* 13!  Dun dun duuuuuun.  ;-)

Edited by Demented Daisy
Must. Proofread. Better.
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Diane said:

From that interview:


Ketch is a stone-cold, killer, sociopath, assassin.  His primal hunter inclinations have been exploited by the BMOL (British Men of Letters).  We can deduce a certain level of abuse and conditioning have taken place since he was a child.  Arthur has become the living embodiment of a weapon.

Interesting, because YED taunted Dean that that's what he was (a blunt instrument) way back in S1.

I don't think that Dean feels any connection to Ketch, and I don't think that the show is pushing that he should...but I think that maybe Ketch identifies pretty strongly with Dean. That could be interesting.

Also, can I just say how much I like David Haydn Jones? He comes off so well in interviews and via social media, and IMO he's a good actor, too. I think he's brought a lot of likeability and humanity to Ketch that is not written into the character at all.

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22 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Interesting, because YED taunted Dean that that's what he was (a blunt instrument) way back in S1.

I don't think that Dean feels any connection to Ketch, and I don't think that the show is pushing that he should...but I think that maybe Ketch identifies pretty strongly with Dean. That could be interesting.

Also, can I just say how much I like David Haydn Jones? He comes off so well in interviews and via social media, and IMO he's a good actor, too. I think he's brought a lot of likeability and humanity to Ketch that is not written into the character at all.

I kinda think that's the point of Horror Hogwarts in general. It's a contrast to how Sam and Dean were "conditioned" as children too, IMO.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, rue721 said:

I think he's brought a lot of likeability and humanity to Ketch that is not written into the character at all.

LOL!  That's interesting, because I think he plays the character just right - as a stone cold sociopath (even though, as a person, the actor seems very nice!)  

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

It's a contrast to how Sam and Dean were "conditioned" as children too, IMO.

That actually makes me sad for Ketch. Maybe if he'd been treated differently, he could have grown up to be a good person, too (like Dean). And that also makes me hate the BMOL (even more). Creating monsters of their own since 1978~, lol.

If Ketch is identifying with Dean, I think he's probably conscious of "what could have been," too. (Although who knows what he feels about it -- maybe he PREFERS being a sociopath! To be honest, it's probably easier).

And Ketch feeling some wistfulness toward "what might have been" would also match up with the little whiffs of l'eau d'Oedipal Complex that he gives off in his interactions with Mary, too.

By "whiffs of an Oedipal Complex," btw, I mostly mean his weird tendency to bring up her sons at the exact moment when he's a bit extra hot-and-bothered (like post post-coital cuddle), but also stuff like him telling Dean that they're alike (while knowing that he's screwing his mom), and getting oddly fixated on that old photo of Mary and kid!Dean, etc.

Edited by rue721
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51 minutes ago, Diane said:

Spoiler from Haydn-Jones?


“I CAN see a scenario where Ketch’s very small cracks could be exploited.  But it would take very special events and/or persons to make him turn around, heal and enact his own redemption.”

12 minutes ago, rue721 said:

That actually makes me sad for Ketch. Maybe if he'd been treated differently, he could have grown up to be a good person, too (like Dean). And that also makes me hate the BMOL (even more). Creating monsters of their own since 1978~, lol.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been getting from it. ;)

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, rue721 said:

If Ketch is identifying with Dean, I think he's probably conscious of "what could have been," too. (Although who knows what he feels about it -- maybe he PREFERS being a sociopath! To be honest, it's probably easier).

Do sociopaths even really know that they are sociopaths?  And even if they know that they don't feel things the way "normal" people do, or the way society expects them to, would they really know or feel enough to be wistful about 'what might have been'?

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Just now, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Do sociopaths even really know that they are sociopaths?  And even if they know that they don't feel things the way "normal" people do, or the way society expects them to, would they really know or feel enough to be wistful about 'what might have been'?

I think they must know that they are sociopaths, because they must know that they don't feel things like other people feel them. In their minds, it probably gives them an advantage.

But in any case, I think that Ketch does feel...wistful, angry, insecure...SOMETHING about what might have been (or rather, who he might have been). Because he seems to be on the one hand identifying with Dean, but on the other hand, defensive/competitive toward Dean (namely wrt his connection with Mary).

Based on what Haydn-Jones was saying in that interview, I think that he (the actor) thinks that there is humanity in Ketch, or at least the potential for humanity -- but that the BMOL (and maybe life circumstances, who knows) have conspired to strip him of that humanity in order to make him a better weapon. And they've 99% succeeded, but maybe mayyyyybe there's still something human in there anyway.

I hate Ketch, but he's become intriguing to me, and IMO that's basically just coming from the actor. (His reaction shots are especially great IMO). I get the sense that Ketch has got the potential to be a pretty complex character, actually. Which I didn't think at the beginning, but have...well, ever since he and Mary slept together, I guess. So many questions about why he did that and how he feels about her (and her sons) now. And about how he feels about himself, of course.

To me, it does seem like he's feeling SOMETHING, but YMMV

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