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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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3 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I can't believe they laid that wire-wrapped bat on the Impala. It could scratch the paint!

LOL I literally had the same thought! Then I figured it's probably plastic or rubber anyway.  No way would Jensen let barbed wire scratch Baby 1 or Baby 2.  Maybe it's the stunt baby LOL

So I HAD a ticket (VIP too), but had to go to a memorial yesterday. The wife of a good friend passed away.  So, I gave my ticket to a gal names halefina. She periscoped yesterday.

And then EW posted the whole panel on Facebook.  I'm so glad our boys were so comfortable doing their normal goofing around.  And I loved how competitive Jensen really is.  But they win at adorkable yesterday.

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On 10/28/2016 at 2:11 PM, Binns said:

JARED PADALECKI: Sam is much more studious about the situation. Sam kind of goes introverted for a second and says, “Okay why did she feel this way? Why did this happen?” Where, one of the funniest things about Supernatural is playing opposites. Dean, he wants to be handsome…

JENSEN ACKLES: I’m sorry, wants to be handsome?

PADALECKI: Let me finish, let me finish. 

ACKLES: Please do…

PADALECKI: Hey, this is my answer. [Laughs] He’s the Han Solo. He’s got the fast car and the guns and he’s a badass but he has this emotion that, at the weirdest times, comes out. Whereas Sam, who is more seemingly emotional on the outside, goes like, “Here’s a time where I would be emotional, why am I doing it?” It’s a wonderful mirror image of life where you see these people that are happy-go-lucky and fun, and then something happens and they get hurt by it. And vice versa, you see somebody who’s stoic and then they seemingly overreact. But we see Sam take the academic approach and Dean go like, “This is my mom, man.” It’s a position that Sam and Dean haven’t been in yet. 

ACKLES: And I think you saw a lot of that last year with the conversation with Chuck when Chuck came back. You saw Sam looking at it from an educational standpoint like, “I have so many questions.” And then you cut to Dean and he’s like, “Oh I have some questions. Where have you been? Why haven’t you listened? People are dying and they’re dying in your name and how dare you.” The characters work on those different levels. You have Dean who’s obviously an emotional person but he protects that emotion very well. And you have Sam who is an outwardly emotional person but he’s very studious and very introverted when it comes to certain things. That’s one of the great things about working on a show for 11 plus seasons is you get to really dial those little characteristics in and you get to peel those layers back and expose things that you might not ever get to venture into in three seasons…

Re the bolded parts:

Does Jared not understand Dean at all? Or does just have in his mind how he thinks Sam sees Dean? It seems like such a disconnect. I am glad that Jensen made it clear Dean is emotional but protects himself.

I'm really not seeing much of a difference myself? Maybe I'm missing something? When someone protects their emotions well, those emotions can sometimes seem to come out unexpectedly, at weird times. Because other people are not expecting it... because they aren't as aware that that person is protecting their emotions. That's my take on it anyway and on what Jared said. Dean likes to keep his emotions close to the cuff... appear to be the badass - which he also is - because that serves him well. To me, Jared was saying that Dean is a badass, but he also can be emotional, and because he's a badass and less emotional appearing on the outside, that emotional response can be unexpected.

And Jensen seemed to be saying something similar. Sam had questions for Chuck, but they were more questioning, whereas Dean's also had questions but they were more angry, emotional ones, where the usually seemingly calm Dean, got emotional (angry).

So I guess I'm dense and just not seeing it I guess. *shrug*


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JDM owns the candy shop that came from, doesn't he?  (I remember him mentioning it on some talk show...)  And Rhinebeck, NY is just up the road from where I used to go to summer camp (and near New Paltz, which is where I went to college!...but, even as an art history major, I never ran into any haunted paintings there.)

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SPOILERS FOR SPN, Walking Dead and Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood in the attached article. I've excerpted the SPN stuff

Why Carol Peletier, Dean Winchester and Soulja Boy Are TV’s Social Media MVPs of the Week

The week’s most emotionally reacted-to TV personalities and characters


My note: ER = Emotional Reaction



A “Walking Dead” character, a sad “Supernatural”-ist and a rapper-gone-Hollywood had viewers talking passionately on social media over the past week.

The Wrap has partnered with Canvs, a language analytics company that measures emotions around content, for a weekly look at the characters and personalities that have TV viewers the most worked up. The data below covers Oct. 26 through Nov. 1 and is drawn from the most emotionally reacted-to broadcast and cable television shows. For the purposes of this analysis we excluded sports.



Of the 19,309 ERs surrounding last Thursday’s episode of The CW’s “Supernatural,” 14 percent mentioned the character Dean Winchester, played by Jensen Ackles. (Jared Padalecki’s character Sam Winchester was right behind him at 8 percent.) What’s remarkable about “Supernatural” is how much fans still care about the characters on a show that’s been around since 2005. A big part of the social media response surrounding this, the third episode of the 12th season, had to do with viewers feeling Dean’s pain.

How come no one told me tonight's #Supernatural was sad. Sam and Dean (expecially Dean) are so heartbroken ????

— ßianca Robinson (@Bianca_Robinson) October 28, 2016




— kay???? (@hailcasifer) October 28, 2016



— Skittles♬ (@SoulPunkVocals) October 28, 2016


OMFG Dean is DEVASTATED #Supernatural

— ????JayJaay16???? (@Jay_Jaay16) October 28, 2016


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