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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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20 minutes ago, bearcatfan said:

This is why we need a sarcasm font.

I assume that she wouldn't tweet it unless she was sure that he would take it well. I'm sure she wants to keep working on the show.

I dunno, she can be pretty snarky and outspoken. If something has gone sideways or gods forbid they've written her off the show, she might be poking at hm.

Based on Kim's after-glow tweets after she finished filming her episode, I don't think things have gone sideways for her with the show. I think she was just making a joke and a valid point at the same time. If Jim Michaels doesn't want Adam Glass to poach their talent, they need to employ them more than once or twice a year. They're actors and go where the work is.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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19 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Based on Kim's after-glow tweets after she finished filming her episode, I don't think things have gone sideways for her with the show. I think she was just making a joke and a valid point at the same time. If Jim Michaels doesn't want Adam Glass to poach their talent, they need to employ them more than once or twice a year. They're actors and go where the work is.

I also think that Michaels' tweet was joking while commenting on what so many have noted. Adam Glass has indeed been employing many SPN actors. I really don't believe there's any anger here in any direction.

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And here I thought it was just one giant "Easter Egg" with your Poor Man's Dean Winchester.  Like why can't he just make this new and fresh. He's poaching from his legacy and it pisses me off, just like he tried to recreate Dean in Revolution.  That's TWO Poor Man Dean Winchesters. Sorry Kripke, I'm not watching because you've annoyed me.

Only marginally related, article about Gilmore Girls with a video:


Jared shows up (very briefly) around the 0:55 mark, and again at the very end.  I never watched the show but holy hell does he look YOUNG.

Edited by pixelcat
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6 hours ago, pixelcat said:

Only marginally related, article about Gilmore Girls with a video:


Jared shows up (very briefly) around the 0:55 mark, and again at the very end.  I never watched the show but holy hell does he look YOUNG.

I watched Gilmore Girls on Netflix this summer and those scenes with Jared are from the first season I believe. He was 18.

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I'm guessing they took the information off IMDb ( I did a very unscientific search of a couple other people on the list and their salaries were all listed on IMDb). Jensen's salary has been listed on his page for that amount for a couple years; Jared's isn't listed. I'm not sure that's exactly a reliable source though since it's member edited and not always up-to-date.

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I don't think Variety, which is mostly a credible industry outlet would use IMDB. in their research. At any rate, the article explains their methodology.


Variety conducted a wide survey of actors, executives, attorneys, agents, managers, and other representatives in an effort to offer a snapshot of the earnings power of talent at all levels in primetime, late-night, daytime, and news. The figures presented here are estimates based on extensive research to determine talent paydays in the most current seasons of specific series. In some cases, those numbers include backend fees. These numbers do not reflect income that many actors and personalities realize from other projects, licensing and merchandising, and business ventures.

15 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Yeah, I saw their description of their methodology, I'm just don't buy it, myself. I might be swayed if they actually cited any of their sources.

I'm pretty cynical in general, but I don't they would just take it from IMDB and then straight up lie and say they surveyed a wide swath of people.  That would really look bad for Variety which  doesn't typically traffic in garbage reporting, IMO.

23 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

I love Misha!  He's done some amazing things with Random Acts, and their message is pretty inspiring.  There's always room for more kindness in the world.

I love his caring and support his endeavors. Out of curiosity, does anyone think that during his youth that maybe he and his mom fell on hard times and was helped by a support group like Random Acts?

Just a quick Google search and I found this regarding Misha's childhood.  So I can certainly see how that might morph into something like Random Acts in adulthood.  http://strangepicturesofmishacollins.tumblr.com/post/62288815967/ive-read-somewhere-that-misha-did-self-harm-to

As for Misha’s childhood, he said this about it:

I have an amazing mother, but when I was growing up she didn’t always have a tremendous amount of material resources at her disposal. We were on welfare and very poor for some time and we were homeless for a while. When I was eleven, we were taken in by [friends who let us live on their] farm for several months. They were unbelievably generous with us. They gave us essentially room and board for months because they knew we didn’t have a place to go, and they enabled us to feel like we weren’t a burden there, by allowing me to work on the farm and to earn my keep. Of course at eleven, I was completely useless and probably more in the way than anything, but it was just like an extension of their kind act to allow me to think that I wasn’t a burden there, and so I would go out in the field and transplant leeks and rake hay into rows and things like that. It’s something that has stuck with me and there are other incidences in my childhood that have stuck with me, you know, a woman that gave my mother $100 when I was six so that she could buy me and my brother Christmas presents that year. I didn’t even know who she was, it was just this really generous act that made a huge difference in these small children’s lives and to my mother as well.

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19 minutes ago, Diane said:

What is it?

It's called Steps for Kindness. Here's Misha's facebook post about it back in August: 


I'm throwing down the gauntlet and challenging each and every one of you to a foot race!

This October, Random Acts will be holding a fundraising event withHomeboy Industries, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that serves high-risk formerly gang-involved men and women with services and opportunities to help them lead better lives. Homeboy Industries is an incredible organization that has really helped to turn around the lives of people who might otherwise have had extremely bleak futures, and we're proud to be joining forces with them.

Together, Random Acts & Homeboy Industries will be hosting a virtual 5K race called Steps for Kindness. Steps for Kindness will be a 5K race that anyone can participate in from anywhere in the world. The race will benefit both Random Acts & Homeboy Industries.

I'm going to be participating in the event, and I challenge all of you to race me to the finish line. Watch @RandomActsOrg's social media accounts for more information and check out all the details here:http://www.randomacts.org/news/steps-for-kindness/

I'll continue to post as I train for the race and throughout the event. We can compare race times and if you beat me, I might even send you a prize.

Are you in?

Ready... On your mark, get set... let's go!

And a link to the website: http://www.randomacts.org/news/steps-for-kindness/

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Supernatural stars sum up 11 seasons in 30 seconds



On 8.10.2016 at 11:08 AM, mertensia said:

It seems to me TV Guide prints a "how much does your favourite star make" article every few years and if I recall correctly Jared was making over $200,000 when they printed h i s salary a few years ago.

I think that Variety is considered a much more reliable source than TV Guide.

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