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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Thanks guys! I didn't think that they would work shooting schedules around a side project for the boys. But I wonder if this will be the last season of the show. If not, I would think it would be increasingly difficult for the guys to move on to future good projects.

It depends on a lot of factors, but yes some shows will do it especially if it will mean that the actor will want to resign their contract.  I know of a show that they wrote the character out and replaced him for half the season so he could act on 24.  He asked and they agreed even though they could have said no.  However he wasn't a lead but he was considered a strong supporting actor and it did change the dynamics of the show a bit and some fans were very upset. 


Worse, one of the actresses got pregnant and she had to be written out but it became a running joke of how will they hide the bump this time.  She came back for one more year before she decided to leave for good.  The show continued without her, but it is harder for Supernatural to do because Jensen and Jared have such large parts so they can only write them out an ep or do a light ep for them, so it would be difficult and at this time neither want to spend that much time away from family.

I have a problem. I am overly invested in Jensen Ackles Twitter follower count. But he is now at 347K in about 24 hours. I think he'll be at 500K by the end of the week.  He's got to catch Misha and Jared or you know they'll never let him live it down and they are over 1 million each. That is just so weird to me, to think that a million people would give a crap about my life and what I'm doing.  Funny thing, Twitter.

Not the current cast, but the husband and I were watching an old Criminal Minds last night and realized Rachel Miner was playing the kidnap victim to a psychopathic woman. Almost in unison, we shouted out "C'mon Meg, go demon on her ass!" She didn't, but it was still a good episode.

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Okay Jensen getting on Twitter has made my week.


Goobers. I tell you. They are just big giant gorgeous goobers. LOL


Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles

Trying to figure out Twitter and I'm noticing an odd growth on my shoulder. #Weird pic.twitter.com/wT96G7Sd5g





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Not the current cast, but the husband and I were watching an old Criminal Minds last night and realized Rachel Miner was playing the kidnap victim to a psychopathic woman. Almost in unison, we shouted out "C'mon Meg, go demon on her ass!" She didn't, but it was still a good episode.



Since it was added to Netflix, I've noticed Bobby, Rufus, Lucifer, Anti-Christ kid's mom, and Grandpa Campbell.  Haven't come across Meg yet.

Okay, here's links to both the J2 panels at Van Con. The end of the Breakfast Panel is adorable with Jared helping Jensen do his first tweet. And the Afternoon Panel is just a bunch of hijinks and goofballness of fun. The Jensen and Thomas bits are particularly adorable.


Afternoon panel:

Breakfast panel:

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Thanks for posting the links.  It is a good way to get a laugh and I think I can see how guess star actors could find it difficult, sure it is fun but if you're trying to create a strong performance and you don't know your character, you do need a bit of seriousness to jump into it and certain acting styles their goofing around would really be distracting.  But I think it would be a double edge sword, on one hand you'd love it, the other hand you'd want to strangle them.


Jensen trying to tweet by phone, is so funny.  I've never tweeted by phone so I think I can relate.  Plus I'm still guilty of reading others more than tweeting.  Sometimes I can think of a good reply but most of the time I just read other tweets.  So I can get how crazy it seems to Jensen right now, but it will be interesting to see how that changes over the year.

I think Jensen has been sandbagging about not understanding Twitter.  I think it was easier for him to pretend to be not tech savvy than to just stick with "I don't want to do it".


He's been sending tweets over the weekend with perfect hashtags etc.  He knows what he's doing. I think he generally always knows what he is doing. Or he's just a super fast learner but I think it's the former.  I think he is also has a dry and sarcastic wit so all the jokes about not understanding it are just him playing it off. Easier to be thought of as unknowing than recalcitrant about technology. He probably also was worried about all the hate tweets too.

Edited by catrox14
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Bleh....I do not like that at ALL..what a stupid tagline too. "Wrestle your demons" REALLY??  Good gods. We get it Carver. We get it. You know it's not like the boys haven't been wrestling their demons from like S1 already. 


The stupid hands reaching out from Hell piss me off too.  It looks lazily put together and cheap.  Very disappointed I have to say :(

Edited by catrox14

S10 Poster: https://twitter.com/TVGuideMagazine/status/506935059954536448/photo/1


Hmmmm...not fantabulous but maybe it'll grow on me.


Not their best effort...but on the bright side, far better than last year's where they all looked like really creepy and extremely awkward video game characters to me. Still, I don't care for it much. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to take Jensen, Jared, Misha and Mark and make something attractive out of it, would you?


DementedDaisy, do we get a better rate if we buy two? ;)

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I don't know why they didn't use the head shots they used for the comic con bags. Those were great and apparently fanart.  Have two posters with the boys and another with Crowley and Cass and the boys. I am far more interested in the SUPERNATURAL opening credit screen this year.






Edited by catrox14

I'm 100% convinced it's a photoshop from last year's poster/promo pics. The clothes are the same.


Oh, totally...Jensen's in that same awkward pose with his hand in his pocket. It appears to me they tried to hide it by placing Sam over the top of him there and placing the devil/angel hands above and below to try and distract us so we wouldn't notice. (Sorry, my day job is rearing it's ugly head). I can't believe they didn't do new pictures for their 10th season, if 10 seasons isn't the time to go all out and spend some money and do something special, I don't know when is.



ETA: catrox14, they probably didn't use those Comic Con Cover images because I would imagine that TV Guide or Comic Con took those pictures and they're not the property of the CW. Pretty sad that TV Guide could muster up the energy to take some pictures, but their own network couldn't. Plus, as full sized printed posters head shots that size are rather overwhelming--magazine covers, on the other hand, are perfectly sized for this sort of thing.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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"Wrestle your demons"


Aaand between that and @DementedDaisy's T-shirt message, my mind went right into the gutter... and the grasping hands in the poster just furthered that thought process along. (I see @mertensia thought they were odd imagery as well).


Apparently I am not fit for mixed company... and am 12. ; ).

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Actually, that imagery that you think of helps me to enjoy it. I'll just assume that is what is happening and that it's all consensual too.

I'm adopting this attitude, and now that poster is even more enjoyable. ; ).


I mean seriously: considering Dean is now a demon... "Wrestle your demons" - how could I not find an innuendo? I mean Cas (or Sam for the Wincesters, and hell why not throw Crowley in there, 'cuz you know he would) wrestling [his] demons? Sure they have personal ones, too, but the most immediate demon is Dean. Sure there's the philosophical route, but as catrox pointed out above, we've been doing that theme since season 1, so I'll go with the more enjoyable, pervy interpretation to get me through the hiatus.

I posted this in the spoilers thread but I think ti's fine here too. 


Does it seem odd to you guys that there has been no actual s10 trailer released and it's only a month from the premiere.  I mean you'd think they'd want even just a teaser out there? There has been Arrow, The Flash, Reign and The Originals trailers already. Seems odd.

They don't do much promotion for this show. I don't remember anything last year either except what they put together for Comic Con. We'll get episode promos when as we get closer, but I don't remember them doing a "trailer" for this show for a couple of years now.

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Well that seems really stupid. I mean the show is gaining viewers. I could understand not wanting to spoil things but they could at least run some trailers that have some previouslies that just whet the appetite.  So weird that the network is like yes, as long as you want to be here, we'll be here, but then they don't promote the show within other shows but they use Supernatural to pimp their other shows.  I don't get it at all.


ETA: Especially with the show entering it's milestone 10th season. I remember the promoted the heck out of Smallville's 10th season and it had a resurgence in quality and viewership.  I swear the CW promo monkeys are terrible.

Edited by catrox14
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I'll tell you what I was told from an executive producer on another show and a big network when we made the same complaint.


If the numbers of the show is solid and they're not worried about it loosing viewers, they won't promo it and put the money into the shows that they feel need the push or is the show that gets the most viewers.


Now do I agree with this?  Of course, not.  But hopefully they will put something into it soon.  Of course, I don't watch anything else on CW, so I wouldn't know if they did anything or not.  At least they are planning a special before the season starts which may be in their mind all they have to do.


I don't like the new photo but maybe they have just forgotten how to do decent photos?  Or they flunked advertizing 101

I actually understand why they don't throw a bunch of money into promotion for a show that already has a built in audience. That's kinda the advantage to having a long running show, you don't need to throw as much money at it once it's established. Even if they did a big dash right now, I doubt they'd pick up very many viewers to justify the amount of money simply because there aren't that many people that are going to jump into a show in it's 10th season cold. Maybe if it weren't a quirky genre show, but jumping in at this point would be daunting to most folks. Plus, the stigma of being a genre show alone makes it harder to pick up an audience. I'd rather they put the money into the actual show and improve what we see on the screen, myself. Increasing the music budget alone would probably make me smile a bit more!

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If I could have one wish for the show and that would be to return to the film style of s3. I thought that was the perfect blend of natural lighting and dark shadowy stuff. 


That said, I would think the promotional budgets would be separate from the production budgets but I have no idea really.

I'm sure they do have separate budgets, but if the network is going to spend of a bunch of money on the show, I'd rather see that money be shifted to the production budget rather than promotion.


Funny you mention the lighting, catrox, because that is one of the things I loathed about S3...I hated that technicolor brightness, it just always felt out of tone to me. I liked the first season's lighting design the best--it was very atmospheric, IMO.

Oh.My. Gods. That is just fantastic @DittyDotDot.   And wow Sam has never actually saved Dean's life unless you count going into the Pit to stop the apocalypse. 


Huh. That's kind of interesting.


But seriously.  Talk about spoiling the entire show for people that are just beginning to watch! LOL ..Yes yes I known 9 years... blah blah

Edited by catrox14

I think they have saved each other from near death many times, but this seems to be more of when one of them actually was really most sincerely dead-ish and brought back to life.


As for Faith, I didn't think Dean actually died in that one.  I thought he thought he should have died but didn't and it has always bothered him. That leads me to think that Dean is going to really most sincerely die a true death by the end of the series. It's been foreshadowed for so long. 

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