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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Okay don't shoot me for asking but 20 years from now will he still shock us with his good looks?  I ask because so many don't keep their great looks after 50ish. 


But he certainly has the chance because so far he has just gotten better and better.  Just wondering so only time will tell. :)


I do love his green eyes in that photo...so he definitely needs to wear more blue jean jackets.  Dang, does he ever take a bad picture?  I wish I could say the same.  :)




The pic is a hoot, Jensen and Misha fighting for Zapit award.  lol  check it out.

Edited by 7kstar

It's not the years, it's the mileage.  I just watched Gunman with Sean Penn because the hubby really wanted to see it.  "Don't bother" is my official review.  But Sean Penn is one of those guys who did not age well.  In this movie he's got a buff 30-year old body and a face that looks 70.  It's a little freaky.


I think Jensen doesn't live a hard life-style (other than long working hours).  I'd be surprised if he does anything but continue to look handsome.  Going from "pretty" when young, to "gorgeous" a few years ago, to "ridiculously handsome" now, to eventually "distinguished" (in about 20 years). 

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And so it will be.. Misha vs Jensen in the final round of the Zap2It Social Media showdown. 


I will admit right now, I am voting for Jensen. I mean Misha got the PCA! Jensen deserves something!




Right now Jensen is winning!  hee hee...what will he do to Misha if he does and if Misha wins what will he do???  lol.

They did it!  I'm curious to see how much they raise....

Still raising more.  It seems if you're on supernatural and liked you can get some strong following.  There is another project they are trying to get noticed and I admit it looks interesting.  The trailer is on Jensen's twitter page and several other's as well.  It features Dr. Sexy.  lol

Evil Jared and Jensen, the A -list doesn't mix with the B-list...lol.


Love Jared's acting all cool until he notices that Jensen's missing.  Don't want to get on Cliff's bad side do you?  :) 


will be interesting to see what they come up with next.


I loved the green room reference.  It never makes sense that they say green room, when I've never seen a green room.  lol

It's that time of year again!




You can sign up as a team or sign up individually -- and they'll put you on a team.


C'mon.  You know you've thought of doing it.  You're so tempted.  I mean, really, what's the harm?  It's for a good cause!  Even if you don't come close to winning, it's about fun and doing something great.


And who can say no to that?  ;-)

So re GISHWHES stuff:


There is a twitter account called GISHdrone...and it's pretty funny. The Twitterverse is convinced it's Jensen running that account. Reading the tweets it definitely has the same kind of style as Jensen's own tweets.  And we know that a drone was buzzing Misha's house that Jensen said he was running (which of course was a joke). I will be very disappointed if it's not Jensen running that account. 



So, apparently some drunk guy tried to pick a fight with Jared at bar in Austin when he was out and about with Jensen and Gen.  So naturally, Jensen backed up Jared just like Dean would with Sam. Sounds like no punches were thrown but seriously how drunk must one be to pick a fight with a 6'4" moose?

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And what are Jared and Jensen doing when they're out at bars that get Jared into fights? :) Didn't Jared break his hand in the first season because of some sort of bar brawl when the two of them were out together? I mean at the time they were all, "We weren't doing anything!" but maybe it's a pattern. Twice in ten years is a pattern, right? 


Also, what bar were they at? I'm asking for a friend.


It was a bar in Austin. Some drunk guy bumped into Jared, and then told Jared to fuck off and then Jared was all "nah man, that doesn't fly in Texas' and someone said  Let's take it outside" . So they did.  And I guess the douchebag drunk backed down after they stepped outside.


Jared and Jensen were there with Gen and Danneel after seeing a concert. Pretty sure they weren't doing anything untowards or spoiling for a fight.  I mean why would they? Makes no sense.


Jared broke his hand on the set IIRC

Edited by catrox14

Jared broke his wrist on set in S2, but also broke his hand in a bar brawl he and Jensen got into in somewhere in Vancouver during S1. There was also a bar fight they got into in LA between shooting the pilot and shooting started on the series proper, if I recall properly. Just can't take those boys anywhere, can we?

Yeah. The first one was Jared being jumped in a bar by more than one guy and Jensen didn't leave him behind. How dare they defend themselves. Never heard anything about the LA altercation. 


And now this one in Austin, where again someone is being an asshole to them.  10 years between incidences.  such a long history of problems.  Puhleeze


And from everything I've ever heard, these guys are well behaved, stay out of trouble in general. Not really seeing where Jared and Jensen are at fault here.  

LOL who looks at Jared and thinks, "eh, I can totally take that guy!"


Also, I love how chill these guys' wives are. So curious how Gen reacted to this rando drunk guy trying to pick a fight. Was she thinking, "not again"? Was she like, "HOLD. ME. BACK." because she was about to claw the guy's eyes out for messing with her husband? Inquiring minds... :P

Honestly? If you're at a bar and a drunk guy bumps into you and cusses at you, do you really need to make an issue of it? If it had happened to Gen and Jared had reacted, fine. But otherwise? Be a grown up and laugh it off.  Good on Jensen for being a friend and backing Jared up, but I'm not super impressed with Jared based on a story like this. 

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Maybe the guy was acting in a threatening manner beyond just telling Jared to fuck off.  I can't imagine Jared just reacting to being cussed at. 


But whatever. I don't have a big issue with the whole thing.


The bigger issue for me is that both Jensen and Jared are out and about in Austin, and I don't ever run into them. Come on, boys! Stop hanging out in bars and start patronizing some early morning breakfast places for me! You're much less likely to encounter drunk jerks at such establishments!

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Sounds like no punches were thrown but seriously how drunk must one be to pick a fight with a 6'4" moose?


Heh, that reminds me of a story Jensen told on how Kevin Durand - Joshua in Dark Angel - approached him in a bar and Jensen, having never seen the guy out of make-up, didn`t make the connection right away and freaked out. Would be fun to have him on as a guest star because for once, he`d dwarf Sam.

Edited by Aeryn13
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. Sounds like no punches were thrown but seriously how drunk must one be to pick a fight with a 6'4" moose?


Oddly enough, it might have been exactly Jared's size that triggered things.  For some guys trying to fight the big guy is a "thing".  Proof of how macho they are or something.  Personally I think this is proof that sometimes testosterone acts like a poison! And when you add alcohol to the mix, well....!

OH My Gods.  Misha tweeting with Kansas.....is gold.


Misha Collins added,

I told him "Just shut up and finish it!" But your words seem much wiser. You guys should write a parenting book!


Misha Collins retweeted KANSAS

KANSAS @KansasBand
@mishacollins Keep calm, carry on, there will be one big piece when he is done.


Misha Collins @mishacollins  ·  6h 6 hours ago

Hey @kansasBand, my son is lost & frustrated & can't finish this puzzle. Any words of advice for him?


If Kansas answer does not get worked into SPN with Dean FINALLY getting a piece of pie, well the world is wrong

Edited by catrox14
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Huh. So Jared has a tattoo now. He posted a sweet video on Facebook saying they were shooting the last episode and was finished at 5:45 am and was thinking about "us" . 



Now he has said he would never get a tattoo until the show was over because of how much time it takes to cover one up everyday...so I'm not trying to read into anything...but he has a tattoo now.  But I am also wondering if this is a new tattoo for Sam to be in the show for a reason......posting in spoiler thread too.tumblr_inline_nmnup0HT2V1r5n9bz_540.png

Edited by catrox14

Jared's home is featured in the April 20th issue of People magazine.  Good lord. 




That is not a man cave.  Nope.  It's *decorated* totally does not qualify :D   Nice room though.

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