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S08.E04: Some Guy

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42 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Dogs have masters.  Cats have servants.  Cats were once worshiped as gods.  Cats remember this and expect to be treated accordingly.

We object! This is typical feline dogma! A good Lassie would have saved King Ezekiel and rescued Timmy from the well. Signed, The Cult of Anubis, "We know from Dead"

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54 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Cats have servants.  Cats were once worshiped as gods.

Heh. Once when my husband bitched about my cats - their fur all over, how much they eat, how spoiled they are or whatever - I said, "Hey! They were worshipped as gods by the Egyptians!" In a tortured voice, he wailed, "I'm not an Egyptian!"

Cats really aren't domesticated and are never truly tame.  Once Shiva was alone in that forest, no way would she have returned to save silly hoomans. She'd be out there hunting a deer and saying, "Finally a decent meal. All that wiggy clown ever fed me was tainted meat!"

1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

no one, including Shiva, should be sacrificing themselves for these morons especially after the lets kill all the windows, but not Negan crap.  They are to stupid to live.

I can't get past that and for me, nothing that comes now can redeem this show after the mind-boggling WTF??-ness of that.

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We do have scientific basis for cat behavior. 

So how do you know the nuclear-waste covered zombies weren't super-powered?

Look - maybe I just wasn't over-thinking it, but I bought it. Because when the tiger first jumped into the frame, I too thought "Oh, Shiva saves the day. Zombies are no match for the tiger." But then all the other zombies starting piling on and I was like "uh-oh, this won't end well." I suppose it's possible they could have done this better, but we're talking zombies and a tiger here. Aside from bolting to simply escape from them I'm not sure how much mauling and swiping is going to make a difference on a horde of zombies all descending on the animal at the same time when tearing off their limbs and gouging into their flesh makes no difference to them. They're zombies. Plus the tiger's legs could have been mired in the mud and even if the zombies were likewise mired, they're just chewing machines. They don't have to go anywhere, and a dozen or so well-placed chomps are going to get the job done.

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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

They don't have to go anywhere, and a dozen or so well-placed chomps are going to get the job done.

That, or one good zombie finger rip across a carotid would do the job pretty efficiently.  The heart of a healthy tiger hopped up on adrenaline would be a mighty, powerful thing.  How long would it take that heart to pump out enough blood before the tiger was significantly weakened from exsanguination?  I’d bet less than a minute.

Edited by Nashville
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A Tiger can crush a human skull with it's teeth.

Not 24 of them all at once. That's the point. Shiva can't get them all at the same time if a couple dozen are simultaneously biting into her. Sure, she's going to take out a few of them but when they're all piled onto her at the same time that's too many. 

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9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Not 24 of them all at once. That's the point. Shiva can't get them all at the same time if a couple dozen are simultaneously biting into her. Sure, she's going to take out a few of them but when they're all piled onto her at the same time that's too many. 

There weren't that many zombies.  A Tiger can also take a human's head, arm or leg off with one swipe of its paw.  These zombies practically fall apart on their own.  They should have shown Shiva being shot several times before she attacked the zombie horde.  That would have made it more believable that they could take her out.

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59 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Not 24 of them all at once. That's the point. Shiva can't get them all at the same time if a couple dozen are simultaneously biting into her. Sure, she's going to take out a few of them but when they're all piled onto her at the same time that's too many. 

On NAT-GEO I've seen a pack of hyenas surround a lioness contemplating a rush to steal her kill; they all scattered when the male showed up and "made an example" of one of them. I see your point that Walkers don't do the same Risk/Benefit analyses and would keep biting at Shiva...but still..."friggin tiger, man!" (with acknowledgement to Francis Ford).

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

A Tiger can also take a human's head, arm or leg off with one swipe of its paw.

She also could, and would, just jump and escape easily. If a large gang of walkers couldn't even give Glenn or Tyreese - puny, weak humans -  a single bite, no way could they overcome a tiger, who can take down a full-grown buffalo all by itself.

1 hour ago, Eulipian 5k said:

they all scattered when the male showed up and "made an example" of one of them.

Hyenas are powerful apex predators with a bite force of about 1000psi yet are no match for male lions, who aren't even as big as Siberian tigers and certainly not as agile. Shiva appeared to be a Siberian and very little other than a bullet can stop one.

This show just gets dumber and dumber. Can't wait to see what's in store for us tomorrow night. Maybe Rick will taunt Negan a second time? Destroy flower beds? Will Daryl perform more Evel Knievel motorcyle stunts? Will Neganites demonstrate yet again that they can't hit the ground even if they fall off the roof? Father Pee will gladly sacrifice himself rather than listen to Negan ("Shit pants.... shit/piss your pants...my/your/his dick... penis...  tickle my balls... hot wife.... screw my harem of wives... up your ass..." and I suspect that's the "creepy troll" Kirkman talking) speechifying at him? Personally, I'd rather take my chances with the zombies.

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33 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

She also could, and would, just jump and escape easily. If a large gang of walkers couldn't even give Glenn or Tyreese - puny, weak humans -  a single bite, no way could they overcome a tiger, who can take down a full-grown buffalo all by itself.

Hyenas are powerful apex predators with a bite force of about 1000psi yet are no match for male lions, who aren't even as big as Siberian tigers and certainly not as agile. Shiva appeared to be a Siberian and very little other than a bullet can stop one.

And not just any bullet, and even then it would probably take more than one.  In the wild, Tigers and Lions rarely fight.  If a zoo Tiger and Lion get into a fight, the Tiger usually wins.  The Tiger's biting force is also much stronger (as in several thousands pounds more of pressure).

It's to bad they didn't do a better setup for the war, and seem to be enamored of constantly flashing back and forth between groups and time.  Along with being angry at Shiva's death, I'm also annoyed so many of the Kingdom's people were killed.  They didn't bother trying to develop them at all.

Edited by TigerLynx
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8 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

I thought that was the last episode.

Who can keep track? Before last Sunday I thought there had been only two episodes until someone corrected me. Guns and more guns and shooting and running and driving and monologuing and blowing shit up - it all melds together, at least in my little mind.

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On 11/12/2017 at 10:26 PM, CletusMusashi said:

Honestly, I've just been assuming that for the last three episodes or whatever it's been that Negan is stil just standing there laughing his ass off about the shitting pants. I was kind of hoping that would keep him distracted until his entire empire crumbled. But, apparently, next week

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it  is going to turn out that the shiiting pants will be used for shitting shit into the shitting pants until the shitting pants are full. Of shit. As one does. With shitting pants.

I think this would be a great, or at least improved, use of the character, No more blathering, just brief shots of Negan chortling, other marginally longer scenes where his laughter trails off into silence (glorious silence) until he yells something about "shitting pants!" and starts up again.

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Astonishingly enough, the "windows die" episode was the season premier.  That was followed by two, count 'em two episodes of random people randomly shooting at each other because of some double super secret master plan that's so secret we're not allowed to know what it is either.  Followed of course by this one, "the tiger dies" episode.

I'm as surprised as anyone to realize we've actually sat through four separate episodes this season.   Maybe it will go faster now that the suggestion of Rick taunting Negan a second time is out there if I try picturing Rick as a Monte Python character from here on out.

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18 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

It's to bad they didn't do a better setup for the war, and seem to be enamored of constantly flashing back and forth between groups and time.  Along with being angry at Shiva's death, I'm also annoyed so many of the Kingdom's people were killed.  They didn't bother trying to develop them at all.

I am quoting myself to say I am an idiot.  I have cursed us.  Que the episode of flashbacks showing how Zeke and Shiva became BFFs, and why the Kingdom's people who were killed were so important.  If we are really lucky, it will include scenes were Negan talks, and talks, and then talks some more.  {face palm}

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11 hours ago, Gobi said:

Different episodes, but all the same day (at least, I think it is).

Don't go all technical on us now!  :-)

I am amazed that there have really been four episodes.  Is it because the first two were the two hour long first episode?

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 8:52 PM, nodorothyparker said:

 Maybe it will go faster now that the suggestion of Rick taunting Negan a second time is out there if I try picturing Rick as a Monte Python character from here on out.

*sigh* You made me do this.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

The walkers are walkers, not sprinters, though I think I would like this show better if the walkers were sprinters.

They used to be. I've just re-watched S1 and 2 this weekend, those zombies were pretty damn fast. They might not sprint but they sure run. They could also climb fences, use stones to shatter glass and turn doorknobs. It was sometime after the Otis death flashback episode that walkers actually turned into what their name means, walking undead.

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3 hours ago, Smad said:

It was sometime after the Otis death flashback episode that walkers actually turned into what their name means, walking undead.

That's the traditional way and the way I like them - slow and shambling. I really don't like the "new era" zombies and vampires who can run up walls faster than geckos.

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The Cable Live +3 ratings are in for Episode 804, "Some Guy":

The gains “The Walking Dead’s” Nov. 12 episode after three days of delayed viewing were almost identical to what the show did the previous week.

The episode added 1.8 points to its initial adults 18-49 rating (3.9 to 5.7), even with the previous week’s bump. It also grew by 3.66 million viewers, slightly more than 3.55 million the Nov. 5 episode added after three days. [12.361 million viewers]

Since the Nov. 12 episode’s same-day ratings were a little higher than the prior week, the show maintained that growth through Live +3.


Here are the Live + Same Day and Live +3 ratings for Season 8 so far:

10-22-17 “Mercy” 11.439 million; 15.047 million
10-29-17 “The Damned” 8.923 million; 12.247 million
11-05-17 “Monsters” 8.519 million; 12.086 million
11-12-17 “Some Guy” 8.688 million; 12.361 million

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On 11/18/2017 at 10:11 AM, TigerLynx said:

 If we are really lucky, it will include scenes were Negan talks, and talks, and then talks some more.  {face palm}

I'm pretty sure that's an accurate description of every single episode that Negan has been in. Or at least it FEELS that way.

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19 hours ago, Smad said:

They used to be. I've just re-watched S1 and 2 this weekend, those zombies were pretty damn fast. They might not sprint but they sure run. They could also climb fences, use stones to shatter glass and turn doorknobs. It was sometime after the Otis death flashback episode that walkers actually turned into what their name means, walking undead.

Darabont exuded zombie adrenaline; after he left TWD, the walkers got decidedly more casual.

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15 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Darabont exuded zombie adrenaline; after he left TWD, the walkers got decidedly more casual.

And thereby less threatening and more boring. They literally had to make characters dumb or deaf or both for the zombies to be a threat at all. I would have preferred to keep the walkers more alive/smart if it meant not turning characters into freaking idiots.

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On 11/19/2017 at 10:06 AM, AngelaHunter said:

Pissin' our pants yet? Thanks, ladies and gents. Glad you enjoyed. XD

I hope you're wearing your pissin' pants.  Because you're going to be pissin' in your pants. :)

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On 1/19/2018 at 1:44 PM, ByTor said:

I hope you're wearing your pissin' pants.  Because you're going to be pissin' in your pants. :)

...unfortunately that means your steel nutsack will soon be rusting, but hey - them’s the breaks....

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