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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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Really, AJ should have been the Golden Boy and Jason the Black Sheep. I hate that Susan Moore's kid is this freaking giant legacy worshipped character, yet the biological child of Alan and Monica was treated like garbage. AJ is just a more interesting character imo. Even as a mob lackey, Jason was still a goody two shoes.

Regarding the ages: AJ's birthdate originally was December 13, 1979. Jason's original birthdate was September 14, 1981. Jason was SORAS'D in 1991 when Steve Burton was cast. Jason is supposed to be 34. AJ is supposed to be 36, if we go by the original birthdates. However, AJ's birthdate was changed on his two different graves. And allegedly no one celebrates Jason's birthday, which gives the writers freedom to make it whenever. So actually, Billy Miller is the correct age if the writers now want Jason to be his accurate age.



I don't really think soap characters ever really have to have "accurate ages" just because of the potential of recasts and the actors being of different ages, and the characters histories, etc.


What I do think is that if the character is an adult and no longer a minor child, then they shouldn't attempt any kind of regression age wise.


At that point I just feel it's too late, too obvious and also too weird. Aging adult characters is one thing, in my book, and it's what usually happens, but making them younger just would take too much work and too many rewrites.


If they were to imply that Jason is around 36 now but Michael is at least 22...it just doesn't work, imo

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Micheal makes sense imo to be 23-24 because he went to Pentonville in 2011 at age 18,where he was raped. That was 4 years ago, so technically 22 makes sense. For story purposes, I can see making him 23-24 because of his job, the custody battle, etc. I just think AJ and Jason's birthdays are very weird because AJ has completely different dates on both of his graves and with the whole Jason doesn't celebrate his birthday thing it lets them play fast and loose with the age, etc. But if they move the damn birthday, be consistent lol. I'm fine with a year here or there, but 10 or so years is weird unless they never mention it.

And let's face it: SBu was Jason for eons, which means we did see him edge 40. The SHOW would probably not acknowledge it, but anyone with eyes could see Jason was no longer a dew-eyed boy. Billy Miller, IMO, is too young. He should have been Lucky.


But even with my stance above, it didn't stop Days of Our Lives from aging Mike Horton to an adult - old enough to marry his first wife in the '70s (!), only to have him later recast with Michael T. Weiss (still somewhat older but a lot more loose than adult Mike #1) and THEN, the piece de resistance, deSORAS him by like 15 to 20 years with Roark Critchlow, and suddenly Mike, who was already a widower when Carrie Brady was a kid learning her ABCs was almost IN Carrie's age bracket and her love interest. It was screwy.


Which is why, IMO, once a character is SORASed, any recasts should at LEAST be in the same generation as the prior actor.

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I think they could have told the mob story without completely vilifying AJ. Jason's transformation was kind of clever, IMO, and the problem wasn't that AJ drove the car into the tree, it was that once he drove the car into the tree, nothing else he did mattered. It was the beginning of the end for AJ. I'll never understand why he became such a scapegoat. There was a lot of material to mine. But AJ wasn't the only character who suffered once Guza was determined to have his daytime Sopranos. He probably suffered the most, though.


I still contend that the town should have loved and thanked AJ.  He helped "birth" the town Messiah.  Without his drunk driving, there would be no Jason Morgan.  Hell, he's practically the Creator.  


*ahem* Billy Warlock is a MAJOR hunk to me, thank you. :P


And given that I'm 5'4 1/2, I'm sure he's still taller than me. ;)




6' here, and if you put me in a room with Billy Warlock and Steve Burton, I'm going right for Billy.  Every.Single.Time.

  • Love 7

Micheal makes sense imo to be 23-24 because he went to Pentonville in 2011 at age 18,where he was raped. That was 4 years ago, so technically 22 makes sense. For story purposes, I can see making him 23-24 because of his job, the custody battle, etc. I just think AJ and Jason's birthdays are very weird because AJ has completely different dates on both of his graves and with the whole Jason doesn't celebrate his birthday thing it lets them play fast and loose with the age, etc. But if they move the damn birthday, be consistent lol. I'm fine with a year here or there, but 10 or so years is weird unless they never mention it.




I share the annoyance, heh, greatly. It is just more laziness and not bothering to be consistent.


I do not believe Ron gave, or gives, a damn what age Billy is in real life, or what age is Jason supposed to be, he wanted the Y&R "golden boy" to play the GH "golden boy", Jason, since Steve wouldn't "play ball" with them. And he cared even less, if possible, about keeping A.J.'s birthday straight. 


The ages of Jason or A.J. or Michael, or even Monica, didn't matter. Ron was going to have his stunt casting because he will get his way or else.




Which is why, IMO, once a character is SORASed, any recasts should at LEAST be in the same generation as the prior actor.




I completely agree. It's just strange to knock off nearly a decade especially when the age difference, imo, is quite obvious.

Edited by CPP83

I don't even know why they wanted us to think 40ish Steve Burton was twinsies with late 20s James Franco. So I'm going to believe working with and for Sonny, dealing with Carly aged Jason. He had an awesome coma nap and surgery. This whole time we thought he was edging 40s, but he's in his mid 30s. This makes Sonny and Carly look worse.

Billy Warlock's AJ is my fave.

Billy was my favorite AJ. He was the reason I liked Aj Alcoholic or not he acted rings around all the others. He wasn't much bigger than M B but he certainly made him look like the no talent mumbler he was.. I thought BW was cute also.I think the reason I was never that big a fan of SK was he looked to much like SB.yuck.But I still rooted for AJ.SK was fine when he returned he did have a few months when AJ was winning. Ron the middle school mean girl can't take it when fans don't see his view. I am not tempted in the least to watch this drivel. I am home and I could watch it real time with commercials . Not a snowballs chance in hell.we have plenty of snowballs here in Boston.
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*ahem* Billy Warlock is a MAJOR hunk to me, thank you. :P


And given that I'm 5'4 1/2, I'm sure he's still taller than me. ;)


Also, here is some Gerald Hopkins as AJ, back when he was first engaged to Nikki Langton.



That clip just made me miss Alan.

 Billy always looked like Stuart Damon's son to me. THAT was a handsome man, in his prime.


Stuart Damon was Prince Charming! PRINCE CHARMING!!!

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Shrug. I watched 90210, Saved by the Bell at the same time I watched GH with Jason/AJ/Jagger/Brenda. SK's AJ was like a Brandon who acted like Dylan to me. I wanted him and Brenda to hook up. I thought for sure that Sonny was a plot point, but he um stayed. He was supposed to be like Ray with Donna Martin. Alas, it was as though Donna Martin died and Ray the pumpkin patch abusive boyfriend became the star of 90210.

LOL remember when they fought at the boxing gym. I mean honestly how is anyone supposed to believe MB could take SK there. I have to believe even the most loyal Sonny worshipers had to know that was unbelievable.

This is the same Sonny who bested Johnny, Franco, and Julian in prison, all of which I found laughable. But AJ? That was insane-levels of ridiculousness.

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I think one of the best scenes in the midst of Carly attempting to side-step AJ was when AJ finally realized he had, in fact, slept with Carly (he'd had a drunken black out and didn't remember for a long time -- which helped her out regarding holding onto Tony) and when he DID figure it out he told her that he'd keep quiet until they did the paternity test. But he was adamant about a paternity test because everyone deserved to know the truth. One of the reasons he gave for having it done before the baby was born was because he felt that Alan didn't love him completely because for the first 2-3 years of AJ's life, Alan thought that AJ was another man's son.


It was really well written and SO well acted that you could see the pain on AJ's face even to that day. (This was Billy Warlock playing at the time.)


SJB and BW had such a great vibe. Man, they really could have been something. I will always be sorry for losing that.

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How in the world did I forget about? Jax is approximately 37,278 feet taller than Sonny.


Yep, and taller and buffer than any of these dudes:


This is the same Sonny who bested Johnny, Franco, and Julian in prison, all of which I found laughable. But AJ? That was insane-levels of ridiculousness.


Sonny beating up on him was so dumb.

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Can someone please explain to me what was so horrible about Spinelli and Maxie?  I went on the barge back when Spinelli was still crushing harmlessly on Georgie and returned just as he was exiting with the baby.  I see lots of comments in the main thread about how horrible they were, but I don't understand why.  


Note that I'm not questioning the merit of people's opinions.  I totally believe it was horrible, if only because everything on this show is always horrible all of the time.  I was just hoping someone could give me a rundown of the most common complaints about this pairing. 



For me, it's that he's the epitome of the "Nice Guy" trope -  he had an unrequited crush on her and did everything he could for her, and because of that he deserves her love even though she never had feelings for him. (I mean, she did, eventually - I am just saying this is the dynamic they kinda had.)




this post also sums it up well for me




of course now I'd actually prefer Spinelli simply because the guy can act, as opposed to Nathan. 

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I liked Spixie (and Spinelli) a lot early on. I thought it really helped her character, which was a disaster for the first year or two of KS' time on the show, IMO. My problem was that, as you say, it eventually devolved into Spinelli giving Maxie weepy Disney eyes and talking in a very quiet voice while telling her all about how much of a horrible person she was. That got old from the geek who spent the better part of his time in Port Charles wanting to ride serial killer Jason's dick while burying his face in a thesaurus. Maxie didn't deserve that. It came off sanctimonious and misogynistic.


That being said I also have always had many, many issues with Maxie and her behavior, pre-dating Spinelli, and I think the way she treated him in 2012-2013 was incredibly foul - he had decided to move on and get out of their toxic cycle, and she responded by hijacking her best friend's surrogacy to hide his baby, for no good reason. She destroyed a lot of lives, and every time Maxie does shit like this, whether it's to Lucky or to Nathan or Lulu or even Spinelli, her response ultimately boils down to, "but I'm Maxie! Get over it!" I was softening on her recently after last year's idiocy with Levi, then she pulled the same shit on dumbass Nathan. Now I'm just tired of all of it again.

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Yeah, I don't get me wrong, I think Maxie is a pain in the ass most of the time, but at least the show most of the time acknowledges that Maxie is cripplingly stupid a ditz. With Spinelli all the characters are mostly all "oh Spin is so sweet and gentle" just because he has limp noodle arms, as if a geek/not buff guy can't be immoral.

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Spinelli is as much a criminal as his "Stone Cold" master, which is why it angered me that he got custody of his kid. Mac and Flea should have. Spin deserves to be in jail just like Sonny - and Jason. Which is why I never wanted him near Maxie - or Georgie the First before that. No one deserves Spin. Ellie made a lucky escape.

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Spin was really passive-aggressive with Maxie. They had some nice moments, but it became really toxic and awful to watch. They kept doing awful things to each other. Ugh.


Spinelli is as much a criminal as his "Stone Cold" master, which is why it angered me that he got custody of his kid. Mac and Flea should have. Spin deserves to be in jail just like Sonny - and Jason.


For whatever reason, Spin wasn't tainted with the same brush as Sonny and Jason. Just because Spin never pulled a trigger doesn't mean he wasn't in the mob as deeply as they were. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Passive aggressive describes up Spinelli to a tee. I remember their relationship becoming a cycle of Maxie does something Maxie-ish, Spinelli gives her a speech about being a good person but making major mistakes, and then forgives her, but all in a way that suggests that she is actually not a good person and she is lucky that he is with her because probably no one else would put up with her shit. It drove me crazy, especially because I never thought they had any chemistry. As others have mentioned, Spinelli wasn't 100% virtuous good guy himself, and arguably his work for the mob was worse than all if not most of Maxie's transgressions, and he never once indictated that he felt bad about any of it. Maxie did more to hurt individual people close to her for sure, but she usually knew she screwed up.

Edited by Turtle
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I actually started watching this show for Spixie. They were really cute in the beginning, but then they got bad, really bad. Aside from Spin being passive-aggressive and his mob activities, he got super annoying to the point of insanity. Remember that whole "essential person" crap? Painful. It wasn't hard to believe Maxie cheated on him, even with James Franco's Franco.


But I did really love their non-wedding. There were so many cute, adorable scenes there - especially with the Coven. Speaking of which, if anyone wants to post some Best of the Coven clips, I'd love you forever. Lexi's Kristina only. ;)

I actually started watching this show for Spixie. They were really cute in the beginning, but then they got bad, really bad. Aside from Spin being passive-aggressive and his mob activities, he got super annoying to the point of insanity. Remember that whole "essential person" crap? Painful. It wasn't hard to believe Maxie cheated on him, even with James Franco's Franco.


But I did really love their non-wedding. There were so many cute, adorable scenes there - especially with the Coven. Speaking of which, if anyone wants to post some Best of the Coven clips, I'd love you forever. Lexi's Kristina only. ;)


For me it was his constant insecurity about "not being manly enough for Maximista."  And then there was that whole "Jackal PI" persona where he had all those '40s-type fantasies with Maxie in them and didn't remember who he was.  OMG, I feel nauseous just thinking about it all.

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This clip of Morgan yelling at Dante after Michael was sentenced to prison popped up on youtube recommendations. So Morgan always kind of a douche after Aaron Refvem was replaced.


Morgan: I wish you'd died when dad shot you!


No wonder he thinks Michael is holding a petty grudge.


also, don't read the comments (or the description), unless you want your head to explode. (unless of course anyone reading this does think that Dante the sole person responsible for Michael going to prison, than sure, go ahead, read it, lol.)



This clip of Morgan yelling at Dante after Michael was sentenced to prison popped up on youtube recommendations. So Morgan always kind of a douche after Aaron Refvem was replaced.


Morgan: I wish you'd died when dad shot you!


No wonder he thinks Michael is holding a petty grudge.


also, don't read the comments (or the description), unless you want your head to explode. (unless of course anyone reading this does think that Dante the sole person responsible for Michael going to prison, than sure, go ahead, read it, lol.)

No I'm not a DAnte fan but I blame his idiot parents for michael going to jail.Sad thing is michael paid more than sonny ever did by his stint in jail.

Edited by Harmony233
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This clip of Morgan yelling at Dante after Michael was sentenced to prison popped up on youtube recommendations. So Morgan always kind of a douche after Aaron Refvem was replaced.

Morgan: I wish you'd died when dad shot you!



And this is why Sonny should not get Avery.  If your kid is saying shit like this and defending your murderous tendencies - you suck as a parent.

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AJ was always well liked by the audience. The two actors who played him were better than Steve Burton and the writing by leaps and bounds.

The AJ history as I recall is AJ is the only biological child of Monica and Alan. He thought it was Jeff Webber's kid, but it was Alan's. Alan later had an affair with Susan Moore, hi Jason. Monica hated Jason as a kid till he was a toddler. Jason and AJ went to boarding school. They came back as bad boy AJ played by Sean Kanan and good guy Jason who wore Christmas sweaters. Jason dated Karen Wexler, fellow pre med student. AJ dated some girl named Nikki. AJ was a business major whom Edward was pushing as the next head of ELQ. It stressed him out. AJ boxed for fun on the side with Jagger. He actually beat up Jagger for stealing Karen from Jason. They were that close. Brenda lived with them. They saw the mess Sonny did to Karen and everyone warned Brenda away. Something happened, AJ started being an alcoholic suddenly. He went driving, Jason jumped in the car. Boom, Jason Morgan.



Monica tried to pass AJ off as Rick Webber's kid for a while, actually.  She had cheated on Alan with Rick, tried to hide it, but when Alan found out and went nuts about it, Monica wanted to leave him for Rick and told everyone the baby was Rick's for a while.  


I remember the Nikki Langton thing, for some weird reason.  She was the daughter of some guy Monica had known way, way before coming to PC ... might have been the same guy who sired poor, dead Dawn with Monica, but Nikki was only Dawn's half sister and not Monica's kid.  Anyway, said father of Nikki ended up in the hospital, Monica operated on him and he died, and then Nikki was trying to sue Monica for malpractice or something.  When her lawsuit fell apart, she somehow got involved with AJ.  He had been a completely bratty rich teen, but really did fall for her.  They were engaged, but Alan paid her off to leave town, because he believed Nikki was using AJ to still get back at Monica, and was just otherwise a bitch.  AJ tried to carbon monoxide himself in the garage after that.  I think Alan was the one to save him.  


AJ and Jason both got SORASed by a good 5-7 years when they reappeared from their offscreen boarding school in the early 90s.   

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