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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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The poor actress didn;t expect it either, which makes me ask, how didn't she, but yeah - right before she and Chad started filming they told her it was her last scene. I think I remember hearing that stuff on set was a real mess in December/January 2011/2012, but I guess that's easy to guess without even being told.

Michael has always had crap taste in women, and if they do decide to pair him with Rosalie he won't be breaking that cycle imho.


That clip though is one which makes me wonder how Kelly manages to stay hydrated during those types of scenes, I mean the girl can turn on the waterworks like a faucet.


I did think though it was a little...weird the way she told Michael about what happened on the island with Franco but the writing was so clunky. It felt like they were treating the audience like Abby, as if instead of anvils of the obvious they were dropping cranes on everyone.

Alexis and Mac ... zzzzz. I've never been wild about Alexis. Mac I appreciate as a nice person and I've always like JJY's voice and looks. But other than that ... zzzz.

Scott hasn't had anything decent to do since Serena was a small child. And the Franco mess is just ... yikes. Scott can be a whiny jerk sometimes, but he doesn't deserve that.

Michael's life has just been a shitty, shitty mess. I missed the whole Abby era (doesn't sound like it lasted long). But wow. What the hell kind of hospital sends you on a surprise! visit to the morgue?!

And since I'm trying to piece together the 1980/early 1981 stories online right now - can someone tell me why Heather was so obsessed with Diana Taylor's kid back in the day??

And since I'm trying to piece together the 1980/early 1981 stories online right now - can someone tell me why Heather was so obsessed with Diana Taylor's kid back in the day??


Because...Diana Taylor's kid, P.J., was Heather's son, Steven Lars. I was a kid, so I don't recall the whys (mom watched then more than me), but Heather slept with Jeff Webber and got pregnant, but I guess ended up giving the baby up? In any case, Diana Taylor and her husband adopted the baby, whom they christened Peter Junior (after the hubby, ergo, P.J.). Well, Heather wanted her kid back and, somehow, got to know Diana and Peter. Heather tried slipping LSD into Diana's tea but ended up drinking it herself.


Ultimately, Diana ended up dead via murder. I forget how Heather got the baby back but know she did marry Jeff at some point, so maybe that had a lot to do with it?


And the kid was re-christened Steven Lars Webber (after Jeff's bio dad Steve Hardy and, I think, the dad who raised him [Lars]).

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Muchos gracias! That explains a lot!

Where I'm at in the story is that Heather is finally hoping to get out of the loony bin, almost a year after dosing herself accidentally with the LSD. Jeff (MacGuyver) is her husband but desperately wants a divorce so he can marry Anne Logan (who is awful and boring). Back then Heather was conniving and acting like she didn't remember anything she'd done to Diana - in reality, she's scheming to get PJ from Diana again and knows that Jeff might leave her for Anne, so she's manipulating him, too.

Now, where does Liz fit in to the whole Webber family??

Muchos gracias! That explains a lot!

Where I'm at in the story is that Heather is finally hoping to get out of the loony bin, almost a year after dosing herself accidentally with the LSD. Jeff (MacGuyver) is her husband but desperately wants a divorce so he can marry Anne Logan (who is awful and boring). Back then Heather was conniving and acting like she didn't remember anything she'd done to Diana - in reality, she's scheming to get PJ from Diana again and knows that Jeff might leave her for Anne, so she's manipulating him, too.

Now, where does Liz fit in to the whole Webber family??


Liz and her sister Sarah are Jeff's daughters via another wife who has still never been named. Actually, Liz and Sarah never existed until the characters arrived on GH and were retconned in via that unknown marriage of Jeff's.

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Because...Diana Taylor's kid, P.J., was Heather's son, Steven Lars. I was a kid, so I don't recall the whys (mom watched then more than me), but Heather slept with Jeff Webber and got pregnant, but I guess ended up giving the baby up?


She actually sold him.  


I loved when Heather first returned and, when she was spinning her story to Sam about Jason and Franco being twins, coldly informed her that she knew the going rate when it came to selling babies.

Edited by TeeVee329
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From my understanding Jeff was married to monica she got pregnant with his baby but Jeff tld her he wanted her to get an abortion.Heather ran off to new york and sold the baby.She came to town monica and Jeffs marriage had ended.Heather lied and told Jeff the baby died.Heather and Jeff married and she got pregnant again but miscaried and it was discovered she couldn't have any more kids.Heather got a job as a nanny for dinah Taylor and I think Dinah and pete was concerned about the obession that Heather had with PJ and Heather decided to gaslight dinah also think somehow Heather got Dinah to sign over guardianship to heather if anything happened to Dinah.Of course the LSD event.She was hospitilazied.Somehow Jeff found out that the baby was alive not where he was.Dinahs hubby found out the truth and had a heartattack and died.


soon RM HEather shows up in crazy house.Heather had this roommate sarah whom had this doll that heather hide her gun into.After she snuck out of the instution one night and saw Jeff and Dinah making love.She decided that she needed to be gotten rid of.Dinah found out about PJ but didn't tell Jeff for a bit.When she did.He went and confronted Heather.Heather was faking amnesia and had faked catonia and had the doctors fooled lol.Eventually Heather lost custody completly and Jeff left town and Heather was charged with dinah murder but it was really her mother who did it.Apperantely RM had become really popular so they decided to have someone else responsable for the murder.Heather soon became all about money lol.

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Thanks again!

Is it weird that I'm a little disappointed Liz isn't Anne's kid? I don't even really mind Liz ... but I could totally see her being the child of that passive aggressive twit.

Jeff isn't too much of a prize, either. I feel for him being stuck with a crazy wife, but at one point he's like "maybe shock therapy will make Heather better faster so she can give me a divorce!" And Steve Hardy is like "omg, what is wrong with you?"

Eta: I love that Heathers doll-obsessed roommate Sarah is even more nuts and keeps threatening to spill Heather's schemes if Heather stops being her "best friend." Sarah is effectively creepy.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
Is it weird that I'm a little disappointed Liz isn't Anne's kid?


But she was never named, and we do know both Ma and Pa Webber are in the medical field, career obsessed, and often work at Doctors Without Borders and such.


So maybe Anne the nurse became a doctor. Hmm...


In any case, it's kind of funny how, 17 years later, no one has a clue who the hell spawned Sarah and Liz.

  • Love 1

Muchos gracias! That explains a lot!

Where I'm at in the story is that Heather is finally hoping to get out of the loony bin, almost a year after dosing herself accidentally with the LSD. Jeff (MacGuyver) is her husband but desperately wants a divorce so he can marry Anne Logan (who is awful and boring). Back then Heather was conniving and acting like she didn't remember anything she'd done to Diana - in reality, she's scheming to get PJ from Diana again and knows that Jeff might leave her for Anne, so she's manipulating him, too.

Now, where does Liz fit in to the whole Webber family??

Those early 80s clips are the bomb.I really miss this Heather.She was so much fun lol.

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What??? I can't imagine that whiny drip seducing anyone away from Bobbie. I mean, hello, Bobbie was a professional ... literally!

I've just starting the 1981 episodes and I think it's shaping up to be a very good vintage. Laura is the ELQ receptionist, while Luke has been hired for some corporate espionage type deal by Edward and Alex Q. Robert is lurking around (attractively and mysteriously). Heather is fooling everyone with her innocent act. I have a feeling Monica and Alan are going to be having more affairs. Joe Kelly is adorable.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
Wait, what?! Sam hired a hooker for Michael to help him get over being raped in prison? LMAO man and I thought some of the shit going on currently was bad!



Now, now, Michael actually asked Jason to hire him one first (because you know. JASON would know anything about hookers would be good for this sort of thing.)



You see, Michael’s feeling a wee bit insecure about his sexual inexperience, and he wants Jason to hire him an escort to walk him through it, so to speak. Let’s hear what Jason thinks about that, shall we?


JASON: I just think he needs to take it slow, that’s all. Just slow.

SAM: But Jason, he is asking for your help. And if you don’t he’s going to go out and do it on his own. Do you want that?

JASON: No. I just think this whole thing’s a bad idea!

SAM: I know this girl. Her name is Candy. I worked with her under cover. She’s going to college. She’s trying to do the right thing. Jason, she just may be the perfect girl for Michael.



lol I forgot her name was "Candy". 


(Warning: there are two scary pictures on that page I linked to - one is of Claire Walsh's computer screen with "shall we join the mile high club" on it and one of Kirsten Storms' worst hairstyles)

Edited by ulkis

So Candy/Abby was a hooker/stripper but also had paralegal skills (according to Michael's sad rambling in the morgue)? Random.

I still can't get over the fact that the morgue in Chicago was completely unattended and that Sam and Michael were sent down there with no warning. That's just cruel - was Dr O running the Chicago hospital back then? She would totally do that to someone.

  • Love 3
Joe Kelly is adorable.

I loved Joe Kelly.


Wasn't Annie Logan the virgin? She took a lot of crap for that.


Ugh, Claire. Another pointless character who couldn't do anything but sleep with Sonny.


So Candy/Abby was a hooker/stripper but also had paralegal skills (according to Michael's sad rambling in the morgue)? Random.


I think someone realized setting up a rape victim with a prostitute was a bad idea on a lot of levels, so they scrambled to try to make "Candy" (hee) someone who would sleep with a rape victim but was also a decent person. Yeah....

lol! Now that's my headcanon


Yeah, I think that's what Abby was going to college for, law school or something like that.


I literally do not even know how to respond. I need to try and find this on youtube because it sounds like the kind of awful that I would immensely enjoy.


Ask and ye shall receive. this is when Michael (in his private school uniform oh my God I forgot about that outfit) asks Jason


Bah, for some reason it's not going right to the spot I chose so just FF to about 4:40



(lol at the look of panic on Jason's face)




And this is where they have the Candy/Abby conversation



ETA: I'm usually lukewarm on Sam but I think I love her forever for looking through her peephole in the door and saying "ugh! it's you!" to herself when she sees it's Carly


Edited by ulkis
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Annie was very religious and therefore couldn't sleep with Jeff until he divorced Heather and married her. (Hence, Jeff's desperation to get a divorce as quickly as possible.)

Annie being a virgin could've been interesting, if they showed her struggling against her own urges. But she was a bore for other reasons. Mostly I hate her for whining at Joe. "Joooooeee. How could you not tell me you had faaaaamily in town??" Pout, whine. And later she dumps Joe for his still-married roommate Jeff. And then pouts about how long it's taking Jeff to get rid of Heather.

I'm sort of looking forward to whatever Heather does to her ...

Tom Hardy was born on GH, although offscreen during Rachel Ames' pregnancy leave. Audrey went back and forth between Steve Hardy and Tom Baldwin. They changed his name a couple times when he was a baby, when Audrey finally ended up with Steve he adopted him.



Hmm, I thought the murder trial was about Phil, not the nanny. I was pretty young at the time, looks like there were a few years between those storylines.

Edited by cheyz

Tom Hardy was born on GH, although offscreen during Rachel Ames' pregnancy leave. Audrey went back and forth between Steve Hardy and Tom Baldwin. They changed his name a couple times when he was a baby, when Audrey finally ended up with Steve he adopted him.



Hmm, I thought the murder trial was about Phil, not the nanny. I was pretty young at the time, looks like there were a few years between those storylines.


Tom Baldwin raped Audrey while they were married. She was still in love with Steve. When the baby was born she told everybody the baby had died, and she had somebody caring for the baby. 

Looking back at that storyline of Michael's rape and the aftermath and then comparing it to what's happening today, with him preparing to cut ties, at least for now, with Sonny and Carly, I think it would have been far more interesting, and things could have been built up even more, if they hadn't written the rape storyline and instead had Michael released from prison not scarred from the sexual assault but wiser and determined to free himself from the mob lifestyle he'd been brought up in.


Imo it would have been far more useful and long lasting if they'd had Michael realize that he didn't want to be another Sonny after getting such a strong jolt of reality, being in prison.


It would have been a perfect opportunity to show that he didn't want blood on his hands, for whatever reason, he didn't want to skirt the law and always be concerned with cover ups and lying to the police and keeping a shady lawyer on hand.


I think that time could have been well utilized if Michael's doubts caused him to pull away from Sonny and Carly and he could have started to question his life as a Corinthos. I know he did some of that, but I think if they hadn't spent so much time on the rape angle and that whole mess with Abby, which to me really didn't change all that much, and instead had focused on Michael wanting to break away on his own we could have gotten to the where we are today a lot sooner and without AJ having to die.


When AJ was brought back if Michael was already in a transitional period there would have been plenty of time for Michael to start questioning how AJ and the Qs lost out on being in his life. Plus his bond with AJ could have been cultivated over a longer stretch of time as Michael found out all Sonny and Carly did to steal him away as a baby.

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Dante also singlehandedly helped Michael into the worst situation of his life when he wouldn't let him run from the law but had noooooo problem burying police evidence to save Sonny later on in life. Dante's police and family loyalties come and go with the wind so Michael can order Dante around until he's blue in the face as far as I'm concerned. Dante is not his brother and he never should have been.


Lucky was the one who actually found him at the Quartermaine boathouse and took him in. Carly, Jason, and Sonny were the ones who perpetrated the mess of a cover up in the first place. And both Lucky and Dante thought he was just gonna get a slap on the wrist. He was trying to help Michael. It just backfired on him. And he was the one who actually got Michael out of prison while Sonny was off screwing Claire, Carly was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get her revenge schemes in motion and Lucky forgot the whole situation even existed.


I don't think Dante should have interfered simply because Michael wasn't his kid and it wasn't his business to try to set a good example for Michael but I wasn't appalled at the time that Michael had to go to prison anyway to be honest, since a) he did commit manslaughter and b) Chad was new and we had just gone through almost a solid year of Michael acting insufferable. Imo one of the reasons they recast Drew was his Michael deserved a stint in jail to calm the heck down and they wanted someone more sympathetic.



Looking back at that storyline of Michael's rape and the aftermath and then comparing it to what's happening today, with him preparing to cut ties, at least for now, with Sonny and Carly, I think it would have been far more interesting, and things could have been built up even more, if they hadn't written the rape storyline and instead had Michael released from prison not scarred from the sexual assault but wiser and determined to free himself from the mob lifestyle he'd been brought up in.


Imo it would have been far more useful and long lasting if they'd had Michael realize that he didn't want to be another Sonny after getting such a strong jolt of reality, being in prison.


well they did do that at first for a while, but then he sunk back into his bratty "I love the mob" ways until Carlivati came along.


They had to write in the rape, otherwise Carly, Sonny, and Jason would have looked completely in the wrong for not wanting Michael to go to prison, and Guza would never let that happen.

Edited by ulkis
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They had to write in the rape, otherwise Carly, Sonny, and Jason would have looked completely in the wrong for not wanting Michael to go to prison, and Guza would never let that happen.




I know, his chosen three were always to be adored and admired at all costs. The wasted opportunities this show has racked up in the last decade is truly astonishing, imo.

Dante's dialogue today reminded me of a talk he had with Michael a couple of years ago about not joining Johnny's mob, except imo better because the old dialogue writers were better. Anyway I just wanted to dig it up because it's good commentary on the character of Sonny, and it was a small scene that was easy to miss. The scriptwriters got who Sonny was, imo. Too bad Guza never let them destroy him too much. It's too bad they still aren't around for this storyline. Anyway:

Michael: I trusted you the night that Brandon almost raped Abby. He could be gone. He could have disappeared. You know that?


Dante: Why don't you say what you mean? You mean Brandon could have been dead?


Michael: Yeah. Exactly.


Dante: And you'd have been ok with that? Jason takes him out to the Pine Barrens and puts a bullet in his head.


Michael: You swore that he'd be arrested, and he wasn't. I can't take the chance that you're going to be wrong again.


Dante: Michael, Abby dropped the charges. That's why Brandon was released.


Michael: Abby dropped the charges to protect me. She knew that Brandon's lawyer was going to make it look like I violated my parole.


Dante: Right. Ok. We're going around in circles with this.


Michael: Yeah, we are, 'cause the system that you swore to uphold, it doesn't work for me. You can trust it all you want. Look, I'm going to find out who really killed

Brandon, and Johnny's going to help me.


Dante: Cut the crap, Michael. If Brandon's body had shown up or not, you'd still find a reason to go to Johnny because he's your way in, and that's what you want right now. You want the chance to have that power, the chance to prove to Sonny that you're as good a criminal as he is. Well, you know what you're going to get? The chance to throw your life away.


Michael: Let's just say, for the sake of the argument, that I'm not the total incompetent that you and Dad seem to think that I am.


Dante: Never once have I said or felt or implied that you are incompetent. Obviously, you're not. You've lived through things that would have destroyed me.


Michael: Do you think you would have fought off Carter?


Dante: I don't know, Michael.


Michael: Yeah, you do. You think you would have, and you think I'm weak because I didn't.


Dante: I think you learned the wrong lesson when you were in prison. It's not about being stronger than the guy next to you. It's not about showing that you can function in the mob. It's about getting away from everything that sent you to prison in the first place.


Michael: Ok. And how am I supposed to do that, ignore my father, or ignore the life I grew up in, ignore every single thing that I know? Look, you were basically raised to be a cop, Dante, to believe in the system and believe that it worked, to trust what you know, right? Why shouldn't I do the same thing?


Dante: Sonny doesn't want you to be like him.


Michael: Maybe I do.


Dante: Really? You want to deal with thieves and killers? You want to be one - one day? How do you think that's going to affect you on the back end? Look at Sonny right now. He is not a happy man, ok? You and I both know that. I mean, I do. Heh. Look, Sonny was just telling me today how much you've suffered because of him, and it kills him, Michael, the guilt that he's choking on. But he can't do the one thing that he should do to save you, and that's get out of the business.


Michael: Well, why should he?


Dante: To set a better example, to point your life in a better direction. But Sonny was beat up when he was a kid, and that day, he convinced himself that one day in the future, he was going to be so strong that no one would be able to hurt him ever again.


Michael: My dad told you this?


Dante: He didn't need to, not any more than you do. I know what Carter did to you is driving you right now, and you've convinced yourself that to be powerful is the only way that no one can hurt you ever again. But really, to be powerful is to take control of your life, and the only way to have a life like that is to get past all of this stuff.


Michael: All right, look, I know you're just trying to help. Sorry I went off on you before.




And I always liked this line cause it's funny:


Dante: But, Sonny, I don't know what you want me to do. I've tried. Michael does not listen to me. . . .  And I don't blame him. If you had the choice between you and me, what would you choose? You got an underpaid cop, or you, a guy who's married to a supermodel and answers to no one.
Edited by ulkis
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Tiffany finds out that Sean was cheating on her with Jessica Holmes, then goes into labor, 1993. Sharon Wyatt got her only Emmy nomination because of this storyline:

I fucking hated Sean for that. And I was never so happy when that twat got murdered.

It made miss that guy that started out as a defense attorney and then became DA later. Can't recall the actor's name, but he was got, not at all a sleazy character and showed up in '92 on an episode of Highlander as an ancient Immortal that Duncan ended up killing.

It was always the Stephen Martinez.


I thought Gia #2 seemed like a good actress, for the brief time we saw her - I think her name was actually Andrea Pearlman, now that I think about it. :looks it up: I was close, it was Andrea Pearson. Marisa Ramirez has actually done quite well for herself post-GH.

some interesting clips of Jason Q someone was posting:


Jason and Keesha's last scenes before the accident:



Jason checks on Robin's strep throat (watch it just for Jason's hair)



Robin tries to give Jason a present but he blows her off



Jason being a prick to Karen and calling her a slut:



Steve Burton's first scenes where Jason punches out AJ:


Well hopefully Michael changes his last name to Quartermaine, Jake (re)claims the name, and also has Daniel Edward's name changed from Morgan to Q. So that will be three from Alan's branch.


I am very curious to see who they have at the Q Thanksgiving this year. I seriously want Ned to invite Olivia and for Tracy to invite Lulu & Dante, and then for Sonny to be told that Olivia, Dante, and Michael are all having dinner at the Q's.


Hopefully one day they bring Brooklyn and Skye back for at least temp spots since those actors are available. Allegedly Frank doesnt like to recast so I dont think we'll see Dillon or Lois unless a deal with Brad Bell can be worked out.


Dante, Lulu and Michael have already spent Thanksgivings at the Qs once . . . nice episode, although if you're a big Quartermaine fan (which admittedly, I am not) it was probably a little depressing because as Tracy said, it was more Luke's family than Tracy's.

But, you know, the most important point is they didn't spend it with Sonny. Hurrah! (if you wanna go right to the part where Michael comes in, it's 5:10)



Did anyone remember what everyone did on Thanksgiving in 2012? We didn't see anyone but the Quartermaines, right? I'm also totally blanking on what everyone did last year for Thanksgiving. I remember 2011 was when Jason was an asshole and knocked over the turkey.


But yeah if Olivia gets invited it'll be even more of a kick in the face for Sonny. Well, if he bothers to care. Hopefully she apologizes about being a douche about AJ's death if she does get invited (Dante could/should get an apology in there too).


Thanksgiving wasn't observed on the show at all last year. Patrick & Sabrina's wedding was explicitly stated as taking place the week before Thanksgiving, and then afterwards we were told it was December.

I believe in 2012 we got three days of Q's. Skye, Lila Rae and Ned stopped by and I believe Michael & Starr were there too. Sam may have stopped by with Danny too. I wish I could find the clip because that Wed ep ended with this beautiful speech about family by Tracy and then Edward & Lila ascended the staircase into the light. I wish I had saved that whole episode actually because it was probably one of the best episodes of this century.

Edited by Tiger
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Thanksgiving wasn't observed on the show at all last year. Patrick & Sabrina's wedding was explicitly stated as taking place the week before Thanksgiving, and then afterwards we were told it was December.

I believe in 2012 we got three days of Q's. Skye, Lila Rae and Ned stopped by and I believe Michael & Starr were there too. Sam may have stopped by with Danny too. I wish I could find the clip because that Wed ep ended with this beautiful speech about family by Tracy and then Edward & Lila ascended the staircase into the light. I wish I had saved that whole episode actually because it was probably one of the best episodes of this century.


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