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S09.E01: Day 9: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

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Another eventful day in the life of Jack Bauer begins with the heroic agent-turned-fugitive in a race against the clock to save the world while simultaneously staying on the run from the CIA. Set four years after the "24" finale, the series opener finds Jack putting his freedom on the line by coming out of hiding in London to try and prevent a major terrorist attack.
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How old should good ol' Jack be by now?  65 at least.


Yeah I know Kiefer is only late 40s, but Jack has to be much older, since the break between "days" of the shows were often explicitly explained as 4 or 5 years, even when only 8 or 9 months was passing in our real world between them.


It's too bad the show is set in London. It means we can't get good AARP jokes (I suppose if we hear the phrase "pensioner" though, that's the UK equivalent of an ever-present "this person is old" reference/joke to talking about AARP membership in the US).

Edited by Kromm
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I wasn't quite prepared to see Chloe looking so much like "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo".  Not nearly as stunningly beautiful as Rooney Marra, but spot on with the Goth/grunge make-up, hair and clothes!1z20qba.jpgNice to see she retained all her special computer skills.  For the record, I'm crossing my fingers now that we don't have to suffer through some lame Jack/Audrey story line!

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I'm still processing, but I have SO many questions!  I'm sure they'll all be answered eventually, but I'm impatient.


Where are Morris and Prescott?  Did he dump her when she went to jail for Jack?  Why did they give Tate a Cajun name like "Boudreaux"? He's so Yankee, it hurts. (And yeah, he's got to be a baddie.) 


It was non-stop right out of the gate, just as I was hoping.  I love Benjamin Bratt as station chief, but did they really need a frowning, skinny blonde for Kate?  They've had and still have way too many of them in this show.  The cranky, cocky black dude replacing Kate needs a punch in the throat and another beat-down by Jack.  He hasn't earned it yet.


I liked how despite her disenfranchisement, Chloe dropped right back into her Jack-support mode. 

Edited by leighdear
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Here's Jeff's post on both episodes!


And I will be reading those tomorrow. Right now, sleep. But.....


After watching enough seasons of 24,your bad guy radar immediately tries to pick out anyone who might look suspicious. Mine was the guy who was talking with Tate Dononvan in the beginning. I don't know what his position is, assistant of some kind? I don't even know if we'll be seeing anymore of him, and I'm probably totally off base(I suck at trying to figure out stuff like this) but I'll pick him to be in the not trustworthy/bad guy pool early on. He just had a weasly look about him.

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Not a bad start but the central conceit bugged me, the idea that a drone 'accident' (as far as anyone knows for the moment) would derail a treaty between us and the Brits.  Please - we've had bases there since WWII and we still have several, at least one of which hosted nuclear weapons back in the day.  And given the Special Relationship (and the bad state of the british economy), President Heller could stick the PM's head in a toilet and we'd still get our base.

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I was set against getting hooked on this series again. Watched 24 faithfully all those years and got tired of the spy in central command, etc., but here I am again. Yes, once again - we are watching. Good start and a nice angle.

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When I heard they wanted to bring back this show after such a long hiatus, I thought they should just leave well enough alone, yanno? Damn this show, pulling me right in again. That scene where Jack's accomplice shoots a hole into the underground area Jack and Chloe and trapped in? Then tosses the fold out ladder and hoists them up and out again? I yelled at my TV, "No fucking way! That's AWESOME!!!" So yeah, welcome back 24, it's official - I am still your bitch...Booyah!

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Skinny blonde, yeah, but it's Sarah!  I'm going to get sick of the constant reminders that Adam betrayed his country.  As far as the guy wanting to replace her, he fits into the Handsome Black Agent category and is always on the deadpool list.


I loved how Jack didn't say a word until 42 minutes into the show.

Edited by Haleth
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When Benjamin Bratt sat down in the interrogation room with Jack, I thought he was going to start off with, "So, how did YOU enjoy being engaged to Julia Roberts?  Awesome, huh?"

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Almost gagged when I saw the Audrey character - no sex appeal and a real hanger oner.

I don't know how Chloe can always look angry but she does a great job at it. I do have mixed feelings. She definitely has betrayed her country by the leaking of 500 DOD records. So now I should root for her? - I think not. I was ready to dump this program but did watch the first hour and on to the second hour. There is a sucker born every minute....or is it every second?

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This is the first season (Day) of this show I've watched live. I am thrilled to have more of the show to watch, and very intrigued to see where Jack and Chloe's characters are going to go from here. Not entirely sold on all of the new CIA folks, but I'll give them a chance of course.

I don't know how Chloe can always look angry but she does a great job at it.


Yes. Yes, she does.

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She definitely has betrayed her country by the leaking of 500 DOD records. So now I should root for her? - I think not.

They said it was over 10,000. Which makes it much, much worse. I'm still on Chloe's side, though, after all the crap she's been through.


Never liked Audrey, and I cursed loudly when I found out she was back.

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After season 3, i kept hoping that each new season would find Chloe as head of CTU. Nope. And now she's an official criminal, but unlike Jack, there's not even the possibility of receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor on the way to her execution.

As for Jack's age, never mind the actual years, his body should be as broken down as a car that's been driven over a lot of very bad roads. He's been dead at least twice, including that one time where someone with no medical training used the heart needle on him. He's been shot, punched, electrocuted, run ragged, fallen-- not counting one year in a chinese prison. He should be about as likely to get back into the action as Mohammed Ali.

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"It's not the years, hon, it's the mileage."


Though all the wear and tear just makes Jack more and more into Solid Snake. ;)


Chloe did get to run CTU for that short and weird back half of Season 8.  Though it's usually best not to be in that job for any length of time anyway.


I'm still pondering London CIA's basement headquarters with the presumably-nonfunctional-but-decorative boiler-room control boards and giant decorative gears.  And the pleasantly-squalid brickwork.

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