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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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6 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I have to admit with Jensen saying there will be a bit of a time jump, I'm worried we are just going to get a repeat of the purgatory storyline all over again.  With Dean being rescued in the first or 2nd ep and the story being told in flashbacks. 


5 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, that`s totally what I thought, too, when I watched the latest interview. Which is really the most ineffective storytelling because you take all the suspense from it if you already know how it turns out. I hope Jensen wasn`t refering to that.  

ARGH!! I was so hoping that there wouldn't be a stupid time jump. Damn it. :-/

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Hopefully, he just means time jump as in the Season Premiere doesn`t literally start up from the Season Finale, you know, like the S13 Premiere did from S12. And really, I never expected that. Why would we need to see exactly what Michael did after the freeze frame? Or what the others did at that exact moment in the bunker. If it takes place a bit later, fine. 

The way Jensen talked in his first interview, he made it sound as if the challenge was that it wasn`t at all familiar. So the Premiere should have him be Michael and noone else. To bring him back to being Dean by episode 2 and then show flashbacks later on would be even more silly. If you do that crap, you do it like Purgatory where you show the ending at the very beginning, establish a mystery and then start revealing that via flashbacks. The Michael-storyline isn`t really one that lends itself to that very much. 

Yeah, trying to keep some tiny shred of hope here. 

Hopefully SPN will have a sizzle reel going for the new Season. All the DC shows had a good amount of new footage prepared already. 

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2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Hopefully, he just means time jump as in the Season Premiere doesn`t literally start up from the Season Finale, you know, like the S13 Premiere did from S12. And really, I never expected that. Why would we need to see exactly what Michael did after the freeze frame? Or what the others did at that exact moment in the bunker. If it takes place a bit later, fine. 

This could work and as I just said over in the media thread, maybe they'd do this to facilitate Bobby and the Ice Queen heading back to the AU and THAT was the chapter being thought closed, but not so fast that Jensen was "sad" about in that one interview. *fingers crossed*


2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, trying to keep some tiny shred of hope here. 

This. So much.

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Some tweets about the season

So....like is Sam spending anytime looking for a way to save Dean or is he training the AU people to be hunters? Are they all on the save Dean train or what? 

I will say there is a lot of good things being said about Jensen's performance as Michael so that makes me happy.

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Dabb's response, we might a little but Michael isnt' a funny character and Dean is. 

Yeah, Dabb, because the question was totally about how Dean is the comedy relief sidekick. Eyeroll. 

Of course that tells you everything you need to know.   


Dean was never given a whole squadron of hunters to deal with.  LOL.  This General Sam Winchester thing is really a thing LOL

Seems they`re bringing it back big time. Then again, we got "General Mary" last Season to some degree (which only happened because she had a superweapon in tow really). And isn`t Bobby supposed to be their freaking leader? Aren`t these AU guys battle-hardened and more experienced with angel-fighting then anyone on our side?   

The thing wouldn`t bug so much if they had ever acknowledged Dean`s leadership skills. Marked it down as something positive about the character. The other thing that kinda bugs is that whenever Sam had the mytharc, their "story" for Dean was that he is sad and depressed (and kinda weak), never something as vital or badass or strong as Hunter General. 

I am happy Jensen gets his turn as Michael and hope good things come from that but in all of that I want some acknowledgment for Dean, either during or later. 

Edited by Aeryn13
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10 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, Dabb, because the question was totally about how Dean is the comedy relief sidekick. Eyeroll. 

Of course that tells you everything you need to know.   

Seems they`re bringing it back big time. Then again, we got "General Mary" last Season to some degree (which only happened because she had a superweapon in tow really). And isn`t Bobby supposed to be their freaking leader? Aren`t these AU guys battle-hardened and more experienced with angel-fighting then anyone on our side?   

The thing wouldn`t bug so much if they had ever acknowledged Dean`s leadership skills. Marked it down as something positive about the character. The other thing that kinda bugs is that whenever Sam had the mytharc, their "story" for Dean was that he is sad and depressed (and kinda weak), never something as vital or badass or strong as Hunter General. 

I am happy Jensen gets his turn as Michael and hope good things come from that but in all of that I want some acknowledgment for Dean, either during or later. 

Does anyone have a link to the panel? I missed it because my A/C stopped working and I'm in Texas in the middle of a heat wave. yay. NOT!

8 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Lucifer is so coming back.  Buckner's favorite character to write for is Jack becasue on this show a power being has never lost their powers before and had to adjust to being a regular guy. 

Which is bogus because Nick is dead, dead dead. Of course they'll retcon that with the Supernatural Resurrection-o-Matic.

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This season sounds like last season with too many irons in the fire.

I read on Tumblr they're developing stories for AltCharlie, AltBobby and Mary will have something going on (or at least it sounds like it), Rowena, Wayward stuff, Michael, Sam, Cas, and Jack, and I read they want to develop Maggie more as well  (the girl from the finale).

Last season was a mess and with 3 less episodes this season could be an even bigger one.

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5 hours ago, catrox14 said:

It's so great when the writers say their favorite characters to write for are not the leads of the show and how little fucking care they have for J2M.  Hiw much you wanna bet Michael ends up being about Lucifer ? Ugh.they should just leave and take Lucifer with them to his own fucking show.

Leave it to the Nepotism Duo to douse any excitement over the new season. Ross-Leming is right up there with her spouse and Dabb where it concerns that particular skill.

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After dealing with this problem in spades in Once Upon a Time fandom, I've been convinced that one of the hallmarks of shitty writing in genre shows is not having a realistic sense of which characters are and aren't redeemable.

Lucifer was probably redeemable as of S5. He was dangerous, and spiteful, and arrogant, and prejudiced, but fundamentally, he believed that humans were a worthless blot on creation whose lives didn't matter, thereby justifying his actions as necessary steps to create a perfect world. Anyone else was necessary collateral damage for the greater good. That's a repulsive belief, but it means that Lucifer was, like many of the best villains, justified in his own mind. If something had happened to puncture that justification, and show him how misguided he had been, in theory he could have been redeemed. It would have been a much more extreme version of Castiel's transformation; on his smaller scale, Cas, too, though he tended toward sympathy to humans, believed that individual lives were expendable in the service of a grand plan (and to this day, he's more willing than Sam or Dean to do questionable things if it serves the big picture).

But since then, Lucifer has come back, and doubled down on acts of mostly senseless, selfish evil even after being given some good opportunities to do something more meaningful and productive, and long past the point at which he should have been forced to question his attitude toward people and other beings more generally. He clearly enjoys inflicting pain, and lost interest in his own son to the tune of being willing to kill him as soon as it became apparent that Jack wasn't going to be a worshipful and fully malleable stooge. Let's not forget, either, that he spent his first century or so back in the cage inflicting torture on Sam for no conceivable reason except a sadistic enjoyment of the suffering of others.

I have no idea why, with all of the missed opportunities with other characters, the writers are so fascinated with this one. 

  • Love 4

Why did I watch this?

So it does seem like Michael is going to be gone after a couple of episodes and we get flashbacks to the rest.  

Dabb said a good chunk of the season.

Dabb says Lucifer is gone for good. 

Buckner says if he comes back. \

Sounds like one again Jensen's story is going to be told on the back burner, and the writers prove once again that they don't talk to each other.  So did they lie to Jensen or did they mislead him again.

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Why did I watch this?

So it does seem like Michael is going to be gone after a couple of episodes and we get flashbacks to the rest.  

Dabb said a good chunk of the season.

Dabb says Lucifer is gone for good. 

Buckner says if he comes back. \

Sounds like one again Jensen's story is going to be told on the back burner, and the writers prove once again that they don't talk to each other.  So did they lie to Jensen or did they mislead him again.

*siiiiiiighhhhh* now I'm sad again. Any tension in the flashbacks will be nonexistent if we know that Dean's going to be back. 

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, BabySpinach said:

*siiiiiiighhhhh* now I'm sad again. Any tension in the flashbacks will be nonexistent if we know that Dean's going to be back. 

Not to mention, only 3-5 minutes long.  Ultimately, it could end up being shorter than demon Dean.

I saw that Jensen had at least 3 days off last week and saw a tweet from someone in the press room that he's off until friday of this week so if true, that's five days he misses from this ep.. 

So it seems like reduced episodes isn't resulting in increased screen time for Jensen at least.

Since Michael will need a new vessel, and given their hard on for Pellegrino, I figure that is where Michael will end up.

Watching that interview its like Buck/Lemming and Dabb are working on two different seasons.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 2
Just now, ILoveReading said:

Not to mention, only 3-5 minutes long.  Ultimately, it could end up being shorter than demon Dean.

I saw that Jensen had at least 3 days off last week and saw a tweet from someone in the press room that he's off until friday of this week so if true, that's five days he misses from this ep.. 

So it seems like reduced episodes isn't resulting in increased screen time for Jensen at least.

And him going on about the stories for the side characters is just salt in the wound. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM, especially if it's at the expense of a main character's arc and screentime. If I have to put up with another quirky, cutesy Charlie Sue episode AGAIN, I'm gonna barf.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, BabySpinach said:

And him going on about the stories for the side characters is just salt in the wound. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM, especially if it's at the expense of a main character's arc and screentime. If I have to put up with another quirky, cutesy Charlie Sue episode AGAIN, I'm gonna barf.

Not exactly surprising since their favorite characters are Jack and Lucifer. 

Anyone but the actual leads.  It soudns like more than one wayward ep too.  Because he sounded like he said they were going to deal with something there which im guessing is Kaia.

Yeah, me, my PVR and the fast-forward button are going to be a hot threesome this season. Dabb, his secondary characters and pet actors can **** off.

The Purgatory arc got screwed being told (such as it was) in flashbacks, Demon Dean by the 200th. Either Jensen is a very good actor and his excitement for the arc is mandated PR, or he really hasn't read ahead and doesn't know how TPTB plan to screw him over this time.

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In one of the round table interviews Jensen said that there was pretty much a fist fight written for Michael in a scene and he called up Dabb and asked "um, would Michael really do that?" And the changed it to Michael using his powers. 

Seriously, the writers need to be told that? They have written AU!Michael before, he wasn`t the guy to get into random fisticuffs with humans. I think Jensen should get writing and acting credits this Season if this goes on.

At least I`ll have some cool scenes of Michael doing cool things. Even if the storyline is short and the screentime limited. 

Flashbacks take out the suspense of the story so that is just lame.    

Not interested in everyone and their dog. I hate Mary and I was sick about our!Bobby when he died so their romance means nothing to me. Storylines for Charlie? Why? And do those AU-bozos really give up their own world like nothing? It was such a big deal to get them to come in the first place. Now, it`s like "eh, who cares, we are here now". 

I`d be mildly interested to see how Ketch approaches the Michael!Dean situation. Pragmtatism? Some sort of empathy? A bit of sadness? Guess that will not be adressed. 


and saw a tweet from someone in the press room that he's off until friday of this week so if true, that's five days he misses from this ep..

Hopefully that just got mixed up. I saw one interview where he said they started episode 2 last Friday and he hadn`t worked that day yet. 

I don`t want only 5 minutes per episode of Michael. They have the actor permanently available, unlike Christian last Season, they can explore the character. I mean, Michael could, gasp, golly, evolve and change due to several new circumstances in his life.   

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I don`t want only 5 minutes per episode of Michael. They have the actor permanently available, unlike Christian last Season, they can explore the character. I mean, Michael could, gasp, golly, evolve and change due to several new circumstances in his life.   

But then what would they give their pet Pellegrino and Lucifer to do? They kept poking at a Lucifer redemption arc and I don't think they will let it go.  They won't ever let Michael be more interesting than Lucifer in the writing. Funny thing though. I think Matt Cohen and Christian Keyes have, and Jensen, will make Michael extremely interesting just by the acting alone...so...heh.  

25 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Either Jensen is a very good actor and his excitement for the arc is mandated PR, or he really hasn't read ahead and doesn't know how TPTB plan to screw him over this time.

I think Jensen hasn't read ahead.  He said he doesn't like to do that because then he feels he'll possibly let the outcome of the SL affect how he plays what the character is experiencing in that moment.  

If he doesn't know, well, I hope his agent is working full time on getting him another gig, cause he deserves so much better.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I don`t want only 5 minutes per episode of Michael. They have the actor permanently available, unlike Christian last Season, they can explore the character. I mean, Michael could, gasp, golly, evolve and change due to several new circumstances in his life.   

Nah, the writers would rather redeem Lucifer, the whiny, entitled, psychopathic, unrepentant manbaby. Why do we only get table scraps of actually interesting characters while the annoying/one-note characters suck up all the screentime? 

  • Love 4

This confirms flashbacks. 

So no tension in the Michael story, and Im sure all the trauma addressed will Dean realizing how wrong he was to trick Sam into possession rather than actually dealing with Dean's trauma.  it will be the Mary confrontation all over again.

I'm sure Dean will also tell Sam to keep the leader role.  Now that its something to be acknowledged it has to go to Sam.

Yup, no praise for Dabb, at all. 

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

This confirms flashbacks. 

So no tension in the Michael story, and Im sure all the trauma addressed will Dean realizing how wrong he was to trick Sam into possession rather than actually dealing with Dean's trauma.  it will be the Mary confrontation all over again.

I'm sure Dean will also tell Sam to keep the leader role.  Now that its something to be acknowledged it has to go to Sam.

Yup, no praise for Dabb, at all. 

I'm betting Dean won't even have the choice of telling Sam - Dabb will have him too debilitated to think for himself.

6 minutes ago, Res said:

Ugh. Of course, he is. Heaven forbid, the show try anything different than their normal paint by numbers scripts. There went the little bit of excitement I'd gathered over the summer. This SL will be short changed as much if not more than Purgatory because of the writers focusing on their little pets and the AU cast.

Yup. All they need to do to put the icing on the cake is have Dean be distressed/distraught or outright off-the-deep-end over what he/Michael may have done while possessed. I wouldn't put it past Dabb to have him crying in a corner somewhere. Have I mentioned how very much I dislike him?

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

This confirms flashbacks. 

So no tension in the Michael story, and Im sure all the trauma addressed will Dean realizing how wrong he was to trick Sam into possession rather than actually dealing with Dean's trauma.  it will be the Mary confrontation all over again.

I'm sure Dean will also tell Sam to keep the leader role.  Now that its something to be acknowledged it has to go to Sam.

Yup, no praise for Dabb, at all. 

Worst case scenario is they go the Samelia route, where Sam apparently blacked out at random times to recall things that had nothing to do with current events and no bearing on the plot. Flashbacks should only be used if they interact with the present or reveal important things at the right times for maximum impact. 

Since Michael!Dean is way more important to the plot than boring, bland Samelia, I can only hope that the flashbacks inform whatever is happening in the present. If they don't, then TPTB will have failed one of the fundamental elements of storytelling. Not like that would be a first, but still...

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10 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Now I'm wondering if the thing that Jensen was sad about because he thought they had closed the book on it last season but really hadn't is Anael/Danneel. Her (Danneel) coming back is probably a bright spot for him.

I thought he was sad that the door wasn't closed - that's why I took it to be Lucifer. 

So not excited about flashbacks. 

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Just saw footage of Jared talking about the potential conflict between sam and the other worlders in regards to saving dean/killing Michael. This would have given both Jared and Jensen good story lines to sink their teeth into. But  dabb and his cohorts have demonstrated once again their complete lack of ability to tell a good story by having the Michael story told in flashbacks which removes any suspense. I was feeling excited about this season but sadly not anymore coz I am sure the flashbacks will only last for 5 mins in total like the purgatory flashbacks

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

This confirms flashbacks. 

So no tension in the Michael story, and Im sure all the trauma addressed will Dean realizing how wrong he was to trick Sam into possession rather than actually dealing with Dean's trauma.  it will be the Mary confrontation all over again.

I'm sure Dean will also tell Sam to keep the leader role.  Now that its something to be acknowledged it has to go to Sam.

Yup, no praise for Dabb, at all. 

Ugh!  Because flashbacks worked so well for Lost.  I hope they thought this through.

Edited by Casseiopeia
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I'm starting to wonder if Jensen is playing a 3rd character not either AU Michael, Michael or Dean as he kept repeating  "this new character" when he was talking to Ausiello at TVLine. Why wouldn't he have said "Michael" or "AU Michael" instead when it was known he's playing him?

It's really peculiar.  But then I'm not an actor so maybe that is just actor speak.

30 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I saw on tumblr that the actress who play Kaia is listed for episode 3.

So I'm sure Dean will be needed for that ep which probably means that real time Michael is done before the 2nd episode ends. 

I just can't wrap my head around Sam and co. finding, trapping, and expelling the most powerful living being on Earth by episode 2. Whatever they do, it would feel laughably contrived and rushed, not to mention make Michael look like a chump for getting fucked with that easily. It'd also make the season 13 cliffhanger turn out to be just a mild inconvenience.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, devlin said:

What I am going to hate most while dean is gone for those 3 episodes, is that sam will be driving baby. ?My worst fear is that when dean returns sam won’t give her back coz he will be in “leader” mode and will insist on being in charge and driving.

It's funny because I just assumed that Michael flew back to the bunker to get Baby. I mean sure he can teleport but if he asked Dean what he wants like he was everyone else, surely Baby wxs at the top of Dean's list.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, devlin said:

What I am going to hate most while dean is gone for those 3 episodes, is that sam will be driving baby. ?My worst fear is that when dean returns sam won’t give her back coz he will be in “leader” mode and will insist on being in charge and driving.

Over Jensen’s dead body.  He’s given Jared crap about his driving — I think Dean behind the wheel (unless unconscious or severely injured) will be what we see. 

11 minutes ago, SueB said:

Over Jensen’s dead body.  He’s given Jared crap about his driving — I think Dean behind the wheel (unless unconscious or severely injured) will be what we see. 

I saw Sam Smith retweeting and affirming a request that Mary be driving the Impala now, since it was hers first. You can imagine how I feel about that.


ETA the tweet.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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1 minute ago, BabySpinach said:

I just can't wrap my head around Sam and co. finding, trapping, and expelling the most powerful living being on Earth by episode 2. Whatever they do, it would feel laughably contrived and rushed, not to mention make Michael look like a chump for getting fucked with that easily. It'd also make the season 13 cliffhanger turn out to be just a mild inconvenience.

They still have that magic egg don't they?  Why they never used that again on Lucifer is hilariously bad plot contrivance.  And I'm sure they'll manage to trot it out for AU Michael if they want to end it fast.

I kinda of hope  Dean is actually okay with chilling with Michael.   And it's no slam against Dean.  We don't know what else happens in that scene with that man.  Michael said he was going to save Dean by killing him first and saving his soul which I presumed also meant making sure Dean went to Heaven. So, what if Dean is actually picking at Michael to not kill humans but find out about humanity and trying to help them versus killing them? Maybe Michael's plan is to give everyone what they want thinking they will then worship him and follow him and recruits humans to be his soldiers more than he wants them dead. 

It was said that the angels were actually on humanity's side in the AU world until at some point they turned.  But was it Michael that told the angels to go against humans? Or was it AU Lucifer turning them on humanity? And maybe AU Michael's original goals were not to wipe out humanity but to make them not susceptible to AU Lucifer and that plan went badly?  He said he made mistakes. I mean we dont' know much about what happened over there. Maybe we'll get some flashbacks with Christian Keyes and how he became AU Michael's vessel.

2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I saw Sam Smith retweeting and affirming a request that Mary be driving the Impala now, since it was hers first. You can imagine how I feel about that.

Oh crap. I totally forgot about Mary LOL.

I remember when Mary was ogling Baby in s12 and thinking  she hated that car. Wasn't that a big plot point back in the day?

I think there has to be a reason that so-called sizzle reel (still trying to figure that one out) ends with Dean's voiceover saying 'what if we really could change things?'.  And then Jensen's talk about how Michael might be around longer than we think. I feel like Dean is somehow going to deal/bargain with/use Michael (and vice versa) to actually help them/the world.

8 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Oh crap. I totally forgot about Mary LOL.

I remember when Mary was ogling Baby in s12 and thinking  she hated that car. Wasn't that a big plot point back in the day?

That tweet thread also includes this:

A) Ultimate mom? OMFG. and B) people wonder why Dean fans feel resentful.


  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

They still have that magic egg don't they?  Why they never used that again on Lucifer is hilariously bad plot contrivance.  And I'm sure they'll manage to trot it out for AU Michael if they want to end it fast.

I kinda of hope  Dean is actually okay with chilling with Michael.   And it's no slam against Dean.  We don't know what else happens in that scene with that man.  Michael said he was going to save Dean by killing him first and saving his soul which I presumed also meant making sure Dean went to Heaven. So, what if Dean is actually picking at Michael to not kill humans but find out about humanity and trying to help them versus killing them? Maybe Michael's plan is to give everyone what they want thinking they will then worship him and follow him and recruits humans to be his soldiers more than he wants them dead. 

It was said that the angels were actually on humanity's side in the AU world until at some point they turned.  But was it Michael that told the angels to go against humans? Or was it AU Lucifer turning them on humanity? And maybe AU Michael's original goals were not to wipe out humanity but to make them not susceptible to AU Lucifer and that plan went badly?  He said he made mistakes. I mean we dont' know much about what happened over there. Maybe we'll get some flashbacks with Christian Keyes and how he became AU Michael's vessel.

The magic egg is what I was thinking of, too. Lazy, lazy, lazy! Although then there would be two Michaels in the cage, which is a pretty amusing idea. 

What would be really interesting is if the gang trap Michael and are about to exorcise him when Dean peeks out and tells them to stop, because Michael would just burn out someone else's suboptimal vessel and Dean overall had the best chance of handling him from the inside. 

Expounding on the idea that maybe Dean makes a deal with Michael from within. What if letting Michael go walkabout was part of the original deal? All we heard him say was:



DEAN (To Michael)

If we do this, it's a one-time deal.

I'm in charge. You're the engine, but I'm behind the wheel.



There's nothing there about exiting the building the moment it's done. Nothing about what comes after at all. So if they are flashing back, whose to say there wasn't more to the deal in the first place? A wild-ass guess: Maybe Dean's pissed off exclamation of 'we had a deal' was that he (Michael) was supposed to wait, give him a chance to explain to Sam, etc - but that he would continue to give him a ride as long as he didn't go nuclear on the world? Since there has been canon that a person can eject an angel (via Gadreel) and we're told Dean is aware, then a deal seems like a logical explanation, since he doesn't seem to be fighting him.

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5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I think there has to be a reason that so-called sizzle reel (still trying to figure that one out) ends with Dean's voiceover saying 'what if we really could change things?'.  And then Jensen's talk about how Michael might be around longer than we think. I feel like Dean is somehow going to deal/bargain with/use Michael (and vice versa) to actually help them/the world.

That tweet thread also includes this:

A) Ultimate mom? OMFG. and B) people wonder why Dean fans feel resentful.


I really like this idea. Dean has always had that unique ability to persuade higher beings to come around and see things his way.  Regardless, there should definitely be a followup to the Michael possession. Gathering followers and purifying the world had better not be dropped like a hot potato after the initial threat is over. Imagine if one of those followers ran into Dean later on! Possibilities are, as always, endless.

Ah, that tweet. The good ol' "put Dean in his place for no reason other than it's apparently funny and empowering for another character."

  • Love 4
Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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