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The Chew in the Media, and Ratings and Scheduling

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It makes me sad too. And I'm a little stunned. I like these three a lot.  But I do remember talk about expanding GMA back when Michael left Kelly & Michael for GMA but that was related to that show, not any other ABC programming.

This was comfort programming to me and it will leave a hole.

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I'm disappointed to.  This is the only daytime show I DVR-ed.  I'll miss seeing these people on my screen together.  (I'm sure they'll all be back on TV if they want to, just not together).  Does GMA need a 3rd hour?  Really?  I'd rather local news, if anything.  This show was on at 12n after all, for me.  And for Eastern time zone, does a morning show (GMA) really need to air until 2pm?  What? 

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So sad about the cancellation.  I don't have the opportunity to watch everyday, but the Chew crew was always a happy sight when I did.  Their personalities were a nice blend, and I love the recipe offerings - possibly the best of all the cooking shows on TV.  They'll be missed.

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I think the contracts must've been up for Carla, Clinton and Michael and they chose not to return.  It makes no sense to add another hour of GMA especially when Lara and Amy are leaving for the most part.  Who's going to host?  Strahan?  I doubt Robin and George want to stay on a third hour.  The Chew has been "off" since Mario left, they no longer booked "celebrities" that often once he left.  I'm surprised they didn't announce a new co host vs. a cancellation.  I would guess there aren't many celebrity chefs who want a "day" job as well.

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30 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

think the contracts must've been up for Carla, Clinton and Michael and they chose not to return. 

I doubt it. Just yesterday they were talking about next season. 

The article said they will name the new hosts during the summer which makes it seem that his might have been a late decision.

The reason to expand GMA to a third hour is so they don’t give up an hour to the affiliates. This is the easiest and cheapest way to do it.

Edited by biakbiak
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I am curious because the article says that they will have new eps through September but they are usually off during the summer even if the show repackages previous episode into different theme shows.

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22 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Still very curious about  Daphne's abrupt departure

Her family moved to Miami, for her husband’s job. She flies back to NYC every few weeks to do guest spots on other shows. 

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I get the feeling that, despite her husband's job, Daphne was let go from The Chew (as opposed to choosing to leave).  I think she may have wanted to cut back her workload and not appear on the show as often, for sure, but I don't think the wanted to completely leave.    I think that ABC figured that they would let her go instead of working around her schedule.    I mean... let's face it.  Daphne has been a guest on The Kitchen (recently) and yet she hasn't gone back to The Chew -- a show where many people in America became aware of her in the first place -- to visit her friends and former co-hosts, and promote whatever she needed to promote, even though the audience would probably welcome an appearance by her.   That implies to me that she might have parted ways with ABC on a sour note.    We will probably never know the full story behind her departure, but that is just my personal belief.

In any case, I hope that Clinton, Carla and Michael are able to shoot some proper "goodbye" episodes before the show ends, and I hope that Daphne will be able to appear then.   

I'm really disappointed and sad that the show is being cancelled.   I wish ABC had kept it for one more season, just to kind of play around with different guest co-hosts when any of the regulars needed time off.   I guess they didn't feel that it was worth it.    But, like Irlandesa said, this was comfort TV for me too, and I really liked the 3 hosts.    I usually did not watch the show when it aired at noon, but would record it and watch later,  or watch on ABC's website.   But I stuck with it from 2011 on until now.  Meanwhile, I stopped watching Rachael Ray's show long ago, stopped watching Dr. Oz, and stopped watching every other daytime show I used to watch (including The View), while continuing to watch The Chew.   The last thing I need in daytime TV is an extra hour of Good Morning America, which I have not regularly watched in at least 15 years.

It would be great if another network could pick up the show (even as a once-per-week installment instead of every day), but I suspect that the hosts are ready to move on.

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9 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

would be great if another network could pick up the show (even as a once-per-week installment instead of every day), but I suspect that the hosts are ready to move on.

It's owned by ABC so that isn't going to happen. 

Here is an article with all their reactions and they seemed surprised and disappointed. 

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20 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

It's owned by ABC so that isn't going to happen. 

Here is an article with all their reactions and they seemed surprised and disappointed. 

I wasn't expecting it to happen.   Just thinking aloud (or in print).   Other series have been picked up by different networks after cancellations, so it was a fun, albeit fleeting, thought.

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12 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

I wasn't expecting it to happen.   Just thinking aloud (or in print).   Other series have been picked up by different networks after cancellations, so it was a fun, albeit fleeting, thought.


In those situations the network that cancelled the show didn’t own the show, it was either produced by an independent studio or in the cases of the big examples like JAG, Scrubs and most recently Brooklyn 99 produced by the studio of the network that ended up picking it up. 

In another thread I mentioned I could see Clinton being in the running for cohost if the third hour of GMA because he is the most versatile of the three.

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27 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

In those situations the network that cancelled the show didn’t own the show, it was either produced by an independent studio or in the cases of the big examples like JAG, Scrubs and most recently Brooklyn 99 produced by the studio of the network that ended up picking it up. 

In another thread I mentioned I could see Clinton being in the running for cohost if the third hour of GMA because he is the most versatile of the three.

Yes.  That is absolutely true.   He won't be stuck in that "food personality" mode.   He can easily co-host  and talk about a variety of things on other shows.  

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Not really getting how this extra hour of GMA is going to work. On NBC, the Today show has four consecutive hours (in most markets.) But many ABC affiliates carry "Live With Kelly and Ryan" (which is not an ABC network show) after GMA, so if they tack on another hour of GMA, it's going to have to follow "Live," and "The View," right? And therefore the three hours of GMA will be broken up? There's also the weird issue that currently "The View" starts at 11AM in the east, but at 10AM in the west. 

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58 minutes ago, J-Man said:

Not really getting how this extra hour of GMA is going to work. On NBC, the Today show has four consecutive hours (in most markets.) But many ABC affiliates carry "Live With Kelly and Ryan" (which is not an ABC network show) after GMA, so if they tack on another hour of GMA, it's going to have to follow "Live," and "The View," right? And therefore the three hours of GMA will be broken up? There's also the weird issue that currently "The View" starts at 11AM in the east, but at 10AM in the west. 

As I said upthread (at least I think it was in this thread), they already had a third-hour of GMA once, Good Afternoon America, which ran at 2PM Eastern for 2 months in the summer of 2012, between the cancellation of The Revolution & General Hospital's permanent move to 2PM Eastern. It was hosted by Lara Spencer & Josh Elliott, but it wasn't live, like the 7-9AM Eastern hours of the show are; it was taped right after the original 2 hours & aired at 2PM. 

Live with Kelly and Ryan isn't an ABC network show, no; but it's syndicated/produced through ABC/Disney, which still makes it an ABC-owned show even if it airs on local stations with network affiliations other than ABC, or no network affiliation at all. It looks like GMA's interested in that 1PM Eastern hour, for the afternoon show, which moves it up an hour from its 2012 timeslot. So, yes, the first 2 hours & the 3rd will probably be broken up again. Which doesn't necessarily mean a lot in the long run.

Yes, The View airs (on the US Mainland, anyway) in the East/Midwest at 11AM, & 10AM in the Mountain/Pacific Time Zones. But TV shows in the Pacific Time Zone always air an hour earlier than in the East/Midwest; the stuff, like awards shows, that airs live in the East either airs live all across the country (like the last few eps of American Idol this season, some of the eps of SNL last season, I think at least some live sporting events, & Special Reports on Breaking News stories... to name a few), or it airs on a tape delayed basis, so the broadcast airs, like, during normal primetime hours for each coast.

It isn't really a "weird" issue that The View airs at 11AM Eastern & 10AM Pacific. Like I said, the Pacific Time Zone runs everything, except maybe the early morning, 7-9AM Eastern news/talk shows (which are aired on a tape delay), an hour earlier in their time zone than we get it in ours. And other shows like The View & The Talk, which normally air live except on legal holidays, when all the hosts are on vacation simultaneously, Fridays (for the most part), & random other days, air tape delayed in the Pacific Time Zone. So it doesn't really matter that The View airs at 11 Eastern & 10 Pacific. That's the way it was scheduled.

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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

It's supposedly going to air in the chew's time slot.

Which is why I think it’s going to fail. The expansion of the Today Show is helped because people just leave it on. Many people set the DVR for The Chew because it’s different than other morning/daytime shows. Tuning out if you don’t like Kelly and Ryan/The View and wanting to go back is putting huge amounts of pressure on the hosts to draw you back in and make you chose it again which seems insane to me.

The Chew succeeded because of the chemistry of the hosts and it was different, they launched a show with Tim Gunn and others at the same time that crashed and burned which seems to be a more likely outcome for this random floating hour of GMA.

Edited by biakbiak
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I think it was a combo of bad ratings and Mario,  It wouldn't surprise me if more comes out about Mario and BTS at The Chew.  The timing kind of speaks for itself.  I feel bad for cast and crew who didn't do anything wrong and got caught up in this mess.

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4 hours ago, break21 said:

I think it was a combo of bad ratings and Mario,  It wouldn't surprise me if more comes out about Mario and BTS at The Chew.  The timing kind of speaks for itself.  I feel bad for cast and crew who didn't do anything wrong and got caught up in this mess.

Agreed.  The timing is sort of telling.     If more news is going to come out about BTS issues with Mario at The Chew and ABC knows it's coming or fears that it's coming, ABC would want to preemptively strike and yank it off the air before another season starts.     The controversy surrounding the show would be too much for them to want to deal with, and too much for Clinton, Carla and Michael to have to deal with -- especially if ratings were already not where they wanted them to be.

I saw someone on Carla's Instagram page refer to June 14th in a comment,  and I am wondering if that is their final day of taping new shows (to be shown throughout the rest of June and July), or if that is the date of a final live goodbye show.  Whatever it is, it's not far away.  They don't have much time left if that is the last day of doing anything new for the show.


Also interesting (to me), timing-wise, is that, from what I can tell, Mario's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages have just recently been deleted or hidden.    They vanished -- and I know it is pretty recent, as I had been periodically checking in on Mario's pages to see what people were saying, or to see if a spokesperson for Mario ever posted anything, etc.  I had just checked his Instagram page within the last few weeks and it was still there, and new comments were still rolling in.     But now... everything is gone, from what I can tell.   Mario left those pages up all this time, since the news broke last year.  People were understandably angry and lashing out at him on his pages, and then eventually lashing out at each other, saying horrible things, and Mario was not there to interact with them and respond.   And yet... the pages were still there, although not updated with any new posts from Mario or anyone in his camp, obviously.  I assumed that Mario had just taken a social media break and didn't want to see what was being said to and about him.

So it's interesting that now, all of a sudden, when things are heating up even more for Mario and The Chew is ending, his social media pages finally disappear.  I cam see why he would want to/have to close them, especially if even more bad news is about to be revealed to the world, but I am just surprised he didn't shut down the pages (or have someone do it for him) months ago.

Edited by TVFan17
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So sad about it, although not surprised.  Really enjoyed this show.  One of the few that I bother to tape.  I learned so much and just enjoyed the break from all the bad news and scary stuff that seems to be everywhere right now.  I thank them all and wish them well.  Hope the cast and crew keep going strong in whatever they do next.

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I need Carrie Underwood to ask Jesus to take the wheel and save us from another hour of GMA.  ABC just lost any daytime viewing I was recording or watching on their network.   I really liked The Chew because it wasn't about the news, it was simple fun and food.  

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It was also a lot more watchable after Batali left.

6 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

I saw someone on Carla's Instagram page refer to June 14th in a comment,  and I am wondering if that is their final day of taping new shows (to be shown throughout the rest of June and July), or if that is the date of a final live goodbye show.  Whatever it is, it's not far away.  They don't have much time left if that is the last day of doing anything new for the show.

On the show the three explained that June 14th is the last taping day - and invited everyone to tune in, joking how lit they already were today - and that the new summer episodes were filmed earlier. Also next week is a pre-planned hiatus for Memorial Day weekend.

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12 minutes ago, halopub said:

It was also a lot more watchable after Batali left.

On the show the three explained that June 14th is the last taping day - and invited everyone to tune in, joking how lit they already were today - and that the new summer episodes were filmed earlier. Also next week is a pre-planned hiatus for Memorial Day weekend.

They pre-tape episodes to run during the summer.  

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2 hours ago, halopub said:

It was also a lot more watchable after Batali left.

On the show the three explained that June 14th is the last taping day - and invited everyone to tune in, joking how lit they already were today - and that the new summer episodes were filmed earlier. Also next week is a pre-planned hiatus for Memorial Day weekend.

I saw it.   This was a rare occasion when I actually watched The Chew at noon instead of waiting until later tonight or tomorrow.     I posted the comment about June 14th (referenced by someone on Carla's Instagram page) before the episode had aired here on the West Coast, and I saw the comment last night -- so I was not sure what the actual significance of that date was at that point,   But I watched the episode at noon today and got the answer.  

In some years, it seems like they have pre-taped more new episodes to air throughout summer than in other years, and those have stretched out into August, and in other years the new episodes have ended in the first half of July.   So it will be interesting to see exactly how many fully new episodes they pre-tape for the summer, and how many of them just have new intro segments and content we've already seen.

Edited by TVFan17
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21 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

. But TV shows in the Pacific Time Zone always air an hour earlier than in the East/Midwest; the stuff, like awards shows, that airs live in the East either airs live all across the country (like the last few eps of American Idol this season, some of the eps of SNL last season, I think at least some live sporting events, & Special Reports on Breaking News stories... to name a few), or it airs on a tape delayed basis, so the broadcast airs, like, during normal primetime hours for each coast.

That's true of daytime programming, but prime time in the Pacific Time Zone is the same as it is in the east: 8PM-11PM. 

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I just heard the news - were the ratings that bad?  I can't believe they'd be any worse than "The Rachael Ray Show".  I'm sure the Batali thing must have had something to do with it.

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3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I just heard the news - were the ratings that bad?  I can't believe they'd be any worse than "The Rachael Ray Show".  I'm sure the Batali thing must have had something to do with it.

In a few categories they were dead last so yes the ratings were that bad. 

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I was going to post something long and bitter about ABC's cancellation hammer but I have decided not to.  I am watching Thursdays episode now, and like Clinton says, live your life with love, awe, and gratitude.  I'm glad I had this show for the last 7 years - IMO it was and is the best show on daytime TV.  No screaming harpies, no fighting over politics, just really good friends cooking good food and laughing over crafts.  I was never able to watch it live because of work but DVR'd it every day and I will miss relaxing with it after a long day (sometimes long week) at work.

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While the ratings may have dipped somewhat for The Chew, relative to what they were at one time, I think that the real/primary reason ABC gave up on The Chew is because of the Mario ordeal and whatever dreadful new info might be coming out in the near future.   I think that whole situation put the nail in the coffin and made ABC want to give up.    The investigation is intensifying, and they just didn't want to have to deal with the stigma associated with him then bleeding into The Chew.    They wanted to get out from under the dark cloud.  ABC has had many other daytime shows with declining ratings over the years, and they still hung on to them for a very long time, or are still hanging on to them.   But they want to get rid of The Chew because it is now associated with all of the unpleasant things one of the hosts did, even IF he didn't do any of them while on the show (which probably remains to be seen).

The 3 hosts have a great attitude about it on social media and on the show.   It's admirable.    They have to, though.    They have to move forward and stay positive and sane!   They are not going to say what they're really thinking about ABC on a public forum, when they still have a couple of weeks of taping the show to do, and when at least Carla and Clinton will be seeking new work (Michael is busy enough to where he probably does not need anymore jobs).     But I'm sure they have some interesting opinions and thoughts about how everything was handled by ABC post-Mario.


I think it was someone on Page Six (the TV series) who said, much like Wendy Williams was saying, that ABC should have given The Chew more time (at least one more full season) to let the dust settle after Mario's departure, to try to get their bearings, try some new things, and maybe win back some of the viewers who left.    But it really seems like ABC just wanted to be done with it in the face of the Mario stuff.

Over the last few days, I have seen an onslaught of angry and upset posts from frustrated viewers all across many pages on social media -- not just The Chew's Facebook and Instagram pages, but also the main ABC social media pages, the Twitter/Facebook/Instagram pages of Clinton, Carla and Michael, etc.     A lot of people are rallying for another network to pick up the show (because I think they don't realize that ABC owns it).   People feel as though they are losing friends and family.    I think that ABC underestimates what the show means to viewers.

While another network will not be able to legally pick up The Chew under that current title, I do wonder if any other networks will step up to the plate and try to get Carla, Clinton and Michael in a new show with the same sort of concept, but with some obvious changes for legal reasons, and maybe an extra host.   I think that if any other network creates a show for them, it probably won't happen this year.   It would probably take some time to get it together, and would more than likely happen in another year or so.

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9 hours ago, Nessie said:

I was going to post something long and bitter about ABC's cancellation hammer but I have decided not to.  I am watching Thursdays episode now, and like Clinton says, live your life with love, awe, and gratitude.  I'm glad I had this show for the last 7 years - IMO it was and is the best show on daytime TV.  No screaming harpies, no fighting over politics, just really good friends cooking good food and laughing over crafts.  I was never able to watch it live because of work but DVR'd it every day and I will miss relaxing with it after a long day (sometimes long week) at work.

I liked and knew all the hosts beforehand separately but together I felt like they were just too many loud extroverts yelling at the same time, especially Michael Symon.  It's bad enough that I watch Jeff Mauro and Sunny Anderson do it on "The Kitchen" but at least that's only once a week.

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One funny thing about this cancellation (which, otherwise, bums me out) is that two groups of people have emerged in the middle of all of  the fans who are championing to save The Chew,   These 2 groups have provided some comic relief across social media.  They are:

1.   The bitter All My Children/One Life to Live fans who have held a grudge against The Chew and wished for its demise since 2011, after ABC cancelled their soaps and put The Chew on in one of those formerly occupied hours.    Not all of the soap fans share that mindset, of course, but some of them do -- and I have seen the recent comments!!!;   These specific people have blamed The Chew for the fact that they lost their soaps, and they have prayed for The Chew to crumble  and get cancelled all this time.   Now, personally, while I can totally understand being upset to lose shows that had been on the air as long as AMC and OLTL had been, I think it's irrational  to blame The Chew for it, when that show/that cast had nothing to do with the cancellations.   ABC -- the network -- is the one to blame.   ABC cancelled the 2 shows, and simply chose to put something else on for those 2 hours, which could have been any show or any repeat of anything already at their disposal.  And they could have changed the time slots for the soaps again if they wanted to keep them, but they did not.      Cancelling two long-running, beloved daytime series was probably not an easy decision to make, as they had been on the air for soooooooooo many years, and a lot of viewers had grown up with them.   ABC knew the backlash would be enormous, which it was for a while, and they did it anyway.

I doubt that cancelling AMC and OLTL was a decision that was taken lightly by the network, and it certainly was not a decision that the people working on The Chew could control.      And also... cancelling The Chew now, 7 years later, does not mean that ABC is going to bring AMC and OLTL back.   It's not a trade-off.    But there are people who are now rejoicing because they think that's what is going to happen;  and...

2.   The people who hate The View.    In all of the complaints and pleas to save The Chew that I have seen on different social media pages, I have also seen many, many comments from people saying things like "If you have to cancel something, cancel The View!  The View is terrible!!"   lol     I stopped watching The View long ago, so I have lost track of who is on the panel now (alongside Whoopi), and I don't even watch the show if a guest I like is on it anymore, so I don't care whether it stays or goes.  But there are obviously viewers who like The View, and it's not The View's fault that The Chew is being cancelled.  They are two separate shows, and one show does not control the other show's fate.    It's not as though ABC was saying to their collective audience, "Folks... we need to cancel one of our daytime series.  Which one should we cancel?  The View or The Chew?  You decide!!"    They are not asking for our opinions, clearly, and they are going to do what they want to do.   They are well aware that they could have cancelled The View, but they don't want to (The View doesn't have the Mario Batali connection, for one thing).   So, it's pointless to tell them "cancel The View instead of The Chew" because they would have already done that if they wanted to do it.   They've probably come close to cancelling The View more than once over the years, and then stepped back from the brink of doing it.    

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39 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

1.   The bitter All My Children/One Life to Live fans who have held a grudge against The Chew and wished for its demise since 2011, after ABC cancelled their soaps and put The Chew on in one of those formerly occupied hours.    Not all of the soap fans share that mindset, of course, but some of them do -- and I have seen the recent comments!!!;   These specific people have blamed The Chew for the fact that they lost their soaps, and they have prayed for The Chew to crumble  and get cancelled all this time.   Now, personally, while I can totally understand being upset to lose shows that had been on the air as long as AMC and OLTL had been, I think it's irrational  to blame The Chew for it, when that show/that cast had nothing to do with the cancellations.   ABC -- the network -- is the one to blame.   ABC cancelled the 2 shows, and simply chose to put something else on for those 2 hours, which could have been any show or any repeat of anything already at their disposal.  And they could have changed the time slots for the soaps again if they wanted to keep them, but they did not.      Cancelling two long-running, beloved daytime series was probably not an easy decision to make, as they had been on the air for soooooooooo many years, and a lot of viewers had grown up with them.   ABC knew the backlash would be enormous, which it was for a while, and they did it anyway.

My mother fell into this first group.  She refused to watch The Chew for the longest time because she had watched both soaps since 1985 when we returned to the US from Europe (I don't think she watched them the first time she lived here in the 60's and 70's except when she had newborns/very small children). 

I don't think she blames The Chew anymore, but she never watched it to punish ABC.

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I don't know if Daphne is spending most of her time in Florida these days, but she is in New York for at least one day next week -- Monday, June 11th -- for the Consumer Discovery Show.   And... Clinton said that their last day & date show (taped the day before airing or the same day as airing) on The Chew would be 6/14 or 6/15.   Could Daphne possibly drop in for a surprise appearance to say goodbye?   I wonder.

As for the shows that are pre-taped to air "in the summer" -- I read another article that said the last of those would air on June 28th, only two weeks after the final day & date show.    Everything that airs after 6/28 and up to the start of September will apparently be a repeat.  So, essentially, at the end of next week we will see the last of the current/not-quite-live-but-sort-of-live shows, and by the end of this month we will see the last of all previously unseen episodes.  Very sad.


Edited to add:  I wish that Home & Family -- the daily 2-hour lifestyle show on the Hallmark Channel -- would bring in Clinton or Carla as a co-host.  H&F just lost one of their main hosts, and that show could use a huge boost of energy and humor.   Plus, there is cooking and crafting every day.   But H&F films in Los Angeles, which would be a problem for any of The Chew's newly unemployed cast members.  Not to mention the fact that I'm sure Crown Media/Hallmark does not pay as much as Disney/ABC paid.  And also, I'm not sure if the viewers of H&F would appreciate the lively personalities and sometimes slightly raunchy humor of Clinton or Carla.  They have other notable food personalities on H&F a lot, like Sunny Anderson, Curtis Stone and Geoffrey Zakarian, but guests are different than hosts, and those segments are very tame.   H&F is not good with spontaneous funny moments like The Chew is.

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31 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

don't know if Daphne is spending most of her time in Florida these days, but she is in New York for at least one day next week -

Daphne lives full time in Florida but every few weeks flies to NY to record some shows. This week the entire family is in the Tri-state area because it was her and her husbands 10 year college reunion at Princeton.

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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Daphne lives full time in Florida but every few weeks flies to NY to record some shows. This week the entire family is in the Tri-state area because it was her and her husbands 10 year college reunion at Princeton.

I've seen that.  I've followed her on Instagram and elsewhere for a long time.  I saw the recent picture at Disney World and all of that. That's how I knew she would be in New York next week.  But photos don't always get posted in real time -- sometimes people post photos from their trips to Italy (and tag Italy as the location) when they're back in Los Angeles, for example, and their followers ask them if they are in Italy at that moment.   So it's not always clear to me where Daphne is at any given moment, week to week.   She gave a specific date that she will be in New York, so that was clear.

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4 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

So it's not always clear to me where Daphne is at any given moment, week to week.  

She does instastories several times a day so it is actually very easy to tell where she is at any given moment.

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3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

She does instastories several times a day so it is actually very easy to tell where she is at any given moment.

I don't watch Daphne's InstaStories.  I look at what is on my Instagram feed, or I go directly to the pages of people I follow to see if I missed something.  I only bother with a handful of people's Stories, even though I follow many people on Instagram, and Daphne's are not included in that group most of the time.     There are way too many Stories from people I follow, and it can be a pain to try to hunt down one person in that long list if their name is not right at the top of the Stories.

So, as I said before, it is not always clear to me where Daphne is at any given moment -- just based on still photos alone, as those can be posted after the fact.

Anyway, I don't want to get sidetracked.   My original point was that -- regardless of where she is most of the time -- she will be in New York next week and I wonder if she might make a surprise appearance.  That's it.   It will be interesting to see what happens. 

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18 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

As for the shows that are pre-taped to air "in the summer" -- I read another article that said the last of those would air on June 28th, only two weeks after the final day & date show.    Everything that airs after 6/28 and up to the start of September will apparently be a repeat. 

They clarified this today.  It's going to be similar to what they've done in the past.  Their last tape day is the 14th with their "goodbye" show airing on the 15th.  Then are the other shows they taped which is probably what the article was talking about.  But then they have repackaged shows which they've done in the past.  They usually tape one or two new segments and mix it in with bits from other shows.  These are interesting because outfits start to change.  August will probably be repeats. 

I'm still not happy.

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2 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

They clarified this today.  It's going to be similar to what they've done in the past.  Their last tape day is the 14th with their "goodbye" show airing on the 15th.  Then are the other shows they taped which is probably what the article was talking about.  But then they have repackaged shows which they've done in the past.  They usually tape one or two new segments and mix it in with bits from other shows.  These are interesting because outfits start to change.  August will probably be repeats. 

I'm still not happy.

I watched it today.   I was thinking the same thing -- the shows that air during the summer (post-June 28th) might have those random new segments or new opening chats at the table tacked on, and then they're suddenly wearing different clothes or Carla has a different hairstyle within the same episode.   lol   My DVR always records those shows as new, even if 95% of the episodes consist of content we've already seen.   I guess one new segment is new enough for the DVR.

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Clinton was live on Facebook this morning -- not in video form, but he was answering a LOT of questions in a thread.   He said he would "...answer as truthfully as good taste and contractual obligations allow" (meaning there were some ABC-specific things he could not get into, and also probably no heavy Mario-related talk).

Since Clinton had to essentially keep answering the same questions over and over, in different ways, I will try to sum up and paraphrase the key points that were made (in no specific order):

  • Clinton was just out in Los Angeles, taking meetings about different potential jobs;
  • He will not appear on Trading Spaces again, and will only decorate/design for people who appreciate and want it;
  • He is open to doing a new, fresh, modern version of a makeover show, but he is not interested in rebooting What Not to Wear;
  • He, Michael and Carla text each other all the time, and their friendship is 100% real;
  • He does not keep in touch with Daphne or Mario (this kind of surprises me, as I thought that he and Daphne were friends at one point -- I guess not!);
  • He said that Daphne was not mentioned on the Chew finale because she could not be mentioned without mentioning Mario too (someone else here in this Chew section of the forum said that very same thing!), and he said Daphne had been gone for a year at the time of the finale;
  • He did not know the extent of Mario's behavior;
  • He doesn't really know why ABC cancelled The Chew (which, to me, implies that he does not fully believe it was low ratings alone), but he thinks that the 60 Minutes piece on Mario did not help anything;
  • When asked if The Chew could be "moved" to another network, Clinton said something along the lines of "You can't move what you don't own" (meaning that ABC owns the show);
  • Clinton reiterated what he  said on The Chew -- that he really didn't realize how much viewers loved him/The Chew until the cancellation;
  • He said that, while the chances are slim, there IS a small "glimmer" of hope for The Chew (in a new version, I suppose) on another network -- he said that someone IS shopping it around, but he "doesn't know if anyone is buying it" (yet);
  • He said it is unlikely that ABC will change its mind, as he has never known of any network execs to change their minds on anything;
  • He doesn't want anyone to boycott ABC on The Chew's behalf;
  • If nothing happens with another network, he is willing to accept that The Chew cannot be saved in any way and is over, but will remember the fun they had;
  • He said he is open to different formats and topics/subject matter (on a totally new show), but is hopeful that he, Carla and Michael can work together again in some way, although it's really up to the discretion of a new network;
  • He is open to doing Chew-inspired holiday specials with Michael and Carla, but he is not willing to pay millions of dollars to make them -- someone else would have to pay!;
  • He is considering many different projects, including another book and a possible YouTube series featuring drinking and crafting;
  • He is going to France for one week (maybe he is going to craft in France like Carla just did??). and
  • In an attempt to deter the chipmunks, he did not grow any vegetables this year.   Only flowers.

Here is the link to the entire thread with all of Clinton's replies -- https://www.facebook.com/Clintonkellyofficial/photos/a.556678817718989.1073741826.122930177760524/1713191935400999/?type=3&theater

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Thank you for  the summary of Clinton's Facebook chat! I saw that he was doing that but did not have the patience to finish reading it as it was going. I really appreciate your highlights reel!

Edited by jcbrown
to make it more clear what I was responding to
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Thank you very much.  I'm not totally surprised that he doesn't keep in touch with Daphne.  Sometimes you keep in touch with people from work.  Other times you don't beyond maybe following each other on Facebook.  Carla, Michael and Clinton are all around the same age, married and have no children at home.  They also went the whole Mario thing together which could have bonded them in a unique way.

Edited by Irlandesa
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