ChiCricket August 29, 2017 Share August 29, 2017 On 8/27/2017 at 9:00 PM, slasherboy said: What does Whistle-nut mean? Yeah,I get that it's his rodeo clown name, but WHY did he use that name? Did a bull gore one of his testicles and now it whistles in the wind? (Inquiring minds want to know) :) 1 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo August 29, 2017 Share August 29, 2017 I loved last night. (Ducking the tomatoes) Paul made me LOL several times and the last bumper of him dancing in the tutu! Could. Not. Stop. Laughing. LOL and Josh and the teeth brushing also. Especially with Dad Kevin yelling JOSH Go to bed!!!! Funny as hell. Raven is just......What's your GPA? Dance and Business. Good God. And a wrist surgery when you're hanging onto something is very painful. I've had wrist surgery and I have little strength in that wrist from nerve damage. So what the hell a pacemaker had to do with that is beyond me. These people are really dumber than dirt. Paul's going to win and they're all going to be happy! Do they think they ALL win if the "get to the end"? Dummies. for the four hundredth time--I love Kevin! I don't remember anyone ever (on any comp show) of his age, staying so long. I'm older than he is and I would have been OUT long ago. Go Kevin!!! Whistle Nut needs his grubby hands to himself. You got a pregnant wife at home dude. Show her some respect! I'd be madder than hell if that was me! 3 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 29, 2017 Share August 29, 2017 10 hours ago, ChiCricket said: Yeah,I get that it's his rodeo clown name, but WHY did he use that name? Knowing what the term means, I'd suggest it was already his nickname. 1 hour ago, eurekagirl mOo said: Raven is just......What's your GPA? Dance and Business. Good God I think she was too busy talking about herself to hear the question. 2 Link to comment
HurricaneVal August 29, 2017 Share August 29, 2017 Sooooo...... We're not going to get any footage inside the jury house? That kind of sucks. I like the people in the jury house better than the people still in the BB house. That's gonna change on Thursday though. 3 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 (edited) On 8/28/2017 at 1:53 PM, Mumbles said: Nothing epitomized this season more than when Jason and Alex kept playing the comp and the other ones were whining for them to finish so they could go in and eat pizza. Fuck Matt, fuck him with a rusty spoon. This useless lump of muscle draped in a revolting, ripped up tank top has the fucking nerve to FINALLY wake up and say something when others are trying to play the game?? Granted, it seemed odd that a tight twosome were in a heated battle for HoH, but, uh, that's what you're supposed to do!!!! Everyone should be fighting for power and safety! As much as I loathe Alex and am uncomfortable with aspects of Jason, I loved that they continued to COMPETE against each other. Hey, maybe one really wants the private room, the treats, and the power. (Well, okay, not the last so much, as they immediately cede it to de facto monarch Paul.) For Matt to be incredulous and whinging at people playing in one of the only two fucking notable events of each week made my head explode. (And that's considered an "endurance" challenge? Coulda knocked me over with a feather when they showed the elapsed time as a whopping 1 hour 1 minute. ) Aw, your cum dumpster spooge receptacle sassy showmance is a little chilly? So you can go inside and eat fucking DiGiorno? Clip your nails? Preen your beard? Continue your juvenile and boring love affair with fucking cereal? Ninety-seven percent of the time spent in this house is mind-numbingly repetitive and soul-destroying; the HoH and veto comps are the basically the only things that enliven the week. God forbid some people actually want to be competitive and play. Please let them vote out this moldy turd on Thursday. Edited August 30, 2017 by Dewey Decimate 10 Link to comment
North of Eden August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 41 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said: Fuck Matt, fuck him with a rusty spoon. This useless lump of muscle draped in a revolting, ripped up tank top has the fucking nerve to FINALLY wake up a say something when others are trying to play the game?? Granted, it seemed odd that a tight twosome were in a heated battle for HoH, but, uh, that's what you're supposed to do!!!! Everyone should be fighting for power and safety! As much as I loathe Alex and am uncomfortable with aspects of Jason, I loved that they continued to COMPETE against each other. Hey, maybe one really wants the private room, the treats, and the power. (Well, okay, not the last so much, as they immediately cede it to de facto monarch Paul.) For Matt to be incredulous and whinging at people playing in one of the only two fucking notable events of each week made my head explode. (And that's considered an "endurance" challenge? Coulda knocked me over with a feather when they showed the elapsed time as a whopping 1 hour 1 minute. ) Aw, your cum dumpster spooge receptacle sassy showmance is a little chilly? So you can go inside and eat fucking DiGiorno? Clip your nails? Preen your beard? Continue your juvenile and boring love affair with fucking cereal? Ninety-seven percent of the time spent in this house is mind-numbingly repetitive and soul-destroying; the HoH and veto comps are the basically the only things that enliven the week. God forbid some people actually want to be competitive and play. Please let them vote out this moldy turd on Thursday. That....rant....was....awesome Dewy Decimate and 100% accurate!! 2 Link to comment
jumper sage August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 23 hours ago, ChiCricket said: Yeah,I get that it's his rodeo clown name, but WHY did he use that name? Did a bull gore one of his testicles and now it whistles in the wind? (Inquiring minds want to know) :) You owe me one mouthful of Mountain Dew. 10 hours ago, HurricaneVal said: Sooooo...... We're not going to get any footage inside the jury house? That kind of sucks. I like the people in the jury house better than the people still in the BB house. That's gonna change on Thursday though. I was thinking the same thing. @southpaw - so agree with you. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 10 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: Fuck Matt, fuck him with a rusty spoon. This useless lump of muscle draped in a revolting, ripped up tank top has the fucking nerve to FINALLY wake up and say something when others are trying to play the game?? Granted, it seemed odd that a tight twosome were in a heated battle for HoH, but, uh, that's what you're supposed to do!!!! Everyone should be fighting for power and safety! As much as I loathe Alex and am uncomfortable with aspects of Jason, I loved that they continued to COMPETE against each other. Hey, maybe one really wants the private room, the treats, and the power. I would be okay with all of this, except I think the only reason they continued to battled it out was to give the IMPRESSION that they're not as tight as they really are. After all, that's what Alex said in her DR. THAT is the part that I (and perhaps Matt) found so ridiculous. If you're battling because you want that room - cool. But don't put on this charade to try and make everyone think there's some loose links in your bond; because we ain't falling for it. Link to comment
Pondlass1 August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 11 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: when they showed the elapsed time as a whopping 1 hour 1 minute. I know right?! Sorry to keep bringing up Survivor but those guys are starved, filthy, sleep deprived and they FIGHT to win those endurance contests. They often go on for hours. I've never watched BB on a regular basis except for this year and last - but I do remember a contest from years ago where the HGs were in like this glass enclosure and could not take their hand from the handle and the space was filled with the stench of rotting fish and flies. It was gruesome, but they hung on. We also never hear much about the 'have nots' this season? I don't even know who they are each week??? I guess I want some suffering for the prize. 1 Link to comment
Jillibean August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 On 8/28/2017 at 5:19 PM, LoneHaranguer said: You're overstating the requirements. They'll still take a GMAT or LSAT for example, even though they won't take a high school SAT score since they started grading those on a curve. You can keep taking both, with the GMAT more permissive as to how often. Having said that, some people test well for reasons that have nothing to do with being smart. If you go around trying to impress people by throwing out big words, you'll probably have an edge. Or maybe you like word problems. The tests only correlate with intelligence; they're not proof (but are better than nothing for those in position to play the odds, like a college). And yet, as someone who regularly administers IQ tests, I am hard-pressed to believe that Raven could achieve a high enough score on any of these measures to gain membership to Mensa, even on repeated attempts. Though I can't imagine how she would have the time/money to try multiple times anyway, given her multitude of devastating illnesses and injuries that have placed her 200 thousand dollars in debt. Not suggesting people don't end up in Mensa for reasons other than actually being a genius, but...Raven? On the flip side, I went to a high school for gifted students. I imagine every single person in my graduating class would qualify for Mensa, and most already have a test score proving it. And yet, I don't know anyone personally who has joined it. 3 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 On 8/28/2017 at 8:44 AM, ghoulina said: If she TRULY wanted to play, SHE'D be the one with relationships all across the house, not Paul. Using Paul as a shield is a strategy that has worked well for her. Why change it up now? Remember, Alex thinks she has a secret final 2 deal with Paul. I admit that some of these people aren't the brightest, but I truly believe that Paul is in such a great position because he's so good at reading/convincing people, not because the others are stupid. He's managed to convince every couple he's on their side, and done a damn good job of it, so why would any of them risk screwing up what they think is a great alliance by going to another couple and saying "Hey, is Paul secretly in your alliance too?" On 8/28/2017 at 10:52 AM, Ananayel said: Paul can't get it because he's gotten too many advantages/interference to count as a legit win Paul has literally had one advantage (as did Jessica and Cody and Christmas) and that expired after the first 3 weeks. He's made it through the past 6 weeks purely on good gameplay. 3 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 50 minutes ago, Jillibean said: Not suggesting people don't end up in Mensa for reasons other than actually being a genius, but...Raven? I once had the same reaction when a friend told me a mutual acquaintance had joined. Out of curiosity, I went to one of their testing sessions; one test said top 1%, but the other was a few percent lower. I think Raven's claim is plausible, but doesn't mean much. Link to comment
Ananayel August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 30 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said: Paul has literally had one advantage (as did Jessica and Cody and Christmas) and that expired after the first 3 weeks. He's made it through the past 6 weeks purely on good gameplay. He was the only vet cast, thereby virtually guaranteeing there wouldn't be an opposing faction. it wouldn't have been so egregious if they had brought back someone else as well to generate some actual gameplay and conflict. Production had to know Paul would get the first temptation, as the only known quantity in the house. Spoiler He let slip on the feeds that the apple taken by Josh was intended for him. He was given Friendship Bracelets to make people kiss his backside and beg for his favor to get safety. Some of the comps they chose for this season are comps he's already participated in, even though they had the roster of OTT comps to choose from. To me, that's pretty interfere-y. 5 Link to comment
Nashville August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 3 hours ago, Jillibean said: And yet, as someone who regularly administers IQ tests, I am hard-pressed to believe that Raven could achieve a high enough score on any of these measures to gain membership to Mensa, even on repeated attempts. Though I can't imagine how she would have the time/money to try multiple times anyway, given her multitude of devastating illnesses and injuries that have placed her 200 thousand dollars in debt. Maybe there's a special gut-pacer fee waiver...? :) 3 hours ago, Jillibean said: Not suggesting people don't end up in Mensa for reasons other than actually being a genius, but...Raven? This sentence is perfect. 2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: Paul has literally had one advantage (as did Jessica and Cody and Christmas) and that expired after the first 3 weeks. He's made it through the past 6 weeks purely on good gameplay. Paul literally had two advantages granted him in the first week: The Friendship bracelets. These immediately established a precedent of kissing Paul's ass to get further in the game. The Pendant of Ass Protection. This PAP - a virtual gimme for Paul insofar as (a) it was awarded by viewing public vote and (b) Paul as the sole returning vet was the only person in the House with an established viewing public following - offered a threefold advantage. First: it again offered up Paul as a strategically advantageous ally, as the sole HG guaranteed to remain in the House for three weeks. Second: it meant Paul would have three weeks of voting on evictions without fear of reprisal. Third (and IMHO most importantly): the PAP gave Paul three weeks to observe and work on relationship-building without distraction during the most active and solid alliance-forming phase of the season - the initial weeks - when every other HG has to split their attentions between doing the same thing while keeping their ass off the Block. All these Production-granted advantages gave Paul the rough equivalent of an extra 1-1/2 weeks of strategic development time over every other HG - and to give that to a single vet among newbies was the equivalent of putting a lion in a cage with a bunch of bunnies, then giving the lion a head start. :P 4 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 (edited) I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I think him being the only vet made him an instant target. (As evidenced by Cody immediately going after him even though they were in an alliance together.) Edited August 30, 2017 by Rachel RSL 2 Link to comment
ghoulina August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 5 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: Using Paul as a shield is a strategy that has worked well for her. Why change it up now? Remember, Alex thinks she has a secret final 2 deal with Paul. That's the whole point. She THINKS she has a final 3 with him. So do two other groups. He's using her, not the other way around. Alex either won't make it to the end, or she won't win. Not with Paul still in the game, which she hasn't once considered changing. Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 30, 2017 Share August 30, 2017 Yes, I know. I pretty much said all of that in my post. Paul has done an excellent job convincing the pairs he's with them all so they think they have no reason to question him - which is why they aren't going up to other couples, they don't want to risk exposing what they think is their secret alliance. That's how good Paul has been at this. 2 Link to comment
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