marsha August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 Quote Clearly, they were not intending to even stand for him. So he did what he did. I don't fault him for that. I prefer it to all the fake hugging. I've watched BB since Season One and, like another poster said up thread, maybe I'm just getting either too old or just tired of it. Usually I can find one or two hamsters to root for but there are none, not one, this season. I guess it was just that I disliked Cody the most and still do. I agree that all the fake hugging involved in the show (after nominations, after veto, getting voted out) has always been ridiculous. Did I mention I think that Cody is a douche? 1 Link to comment
LGGirl August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 Josh cannot go too soon for me then Paul. Jason and his rambling HOH speech lame. No Jason. The house isn't going to decide who leaves, Paul will. Obviously they were trying to throw the HOH comp to Paul. Cody walking on the table is one of the best BB moments. Can't wait till Mark leaves so they can start picking off each other. Unless Derrick goes into the house to break the spell Paul has on his sheep, then I don't want to see him. 4 Link to comment
Suzysite August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 (edited) 4 hours ago, watch2much said: If you look at the video of Cody walking on the table...he did it because Paul and maybe someone else had their legs up on the table. Clearly, they were not intending to even stand for him. So he did what he did. I don't fault him for that. I prefer it to all the fake hugging. If it weren't for live TV I wouldn't put it past stinking Alex to throw a leg out and try to trip him. She did it to Jason and he's supposedly her friend. Edited August 18, 2017 by Suzysite Cleaned up the meanness just a tad 3 Link to comment
ghoulina August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 2 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said: Even though Elena went out the door within the hour, the producers aren't going to send her into the Jury House until they're sure they have all of the footage they need of Cody being by himself. He'll probably have at least a few hours, if not a day or two of solitude. I don't think Elena is the worst person to be in the house with him either. From what I saw, they were friendly enough. But I still think his reply to Julie was golden. 1 hour ago, MMLEsq said: I think some of them are going to be in for a shock when they hear what Zingbot has to say about them Oh man, thank you for reminding about Zingbot. That will give me something to watch for after Mark is inevitably booted. 21 minutes ago, Suzysite said: If it weren't for live TV I wouldn't put it past stinking Alex to throw a leg out and try to trip him. She did it to Jason and he's supposedly her friend. Evil little pig. She thinks she's so funny and cute; I can't stand her. 5 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 1 hour ago, lunastartron said: The other houseguests did not just engage in "banging pots." Paul specifically stated that their organized, systematic, and weeks-long harassment of Cody was intended to provoke physical violence. Aside from Mark and Elena, the cast at variously times attacked Cody for his armed forces service; suggested that he was not, in fact, a veteran; formulated paradigms in which he was at fault for any aspersions they cast on the military; contradictoriy explicitly stated that his armed conflict background was exploitable and would make it easier to elicit a physical reaction from him in order to get him ejected from the game; asserted that he was lying about the death of his brother; fabricated all of his war experiences from movies; made up his daughter and yet conversely was a bad parent of whom said daughter would be ashamed; contended he brought dishonor upon the Marines and Iowa; and disparaged him for having the temerity to even read the Bible. All of which are profoundly personal and sensitive elements of Cody's foundational identity. Sorry, Luna, I missed this earlier & didn't want to leave it unanswered. Here's my thing. I don't condone the behaviors in the house. Much of it is petty, childish, annoying & gross, and it amazes me that people act that way in public, much less on television. On the other hand, with rare exception (Megan, for instance), I don't see the recipients of that bad behavior as victims. They're adults who asked to be part of this experience. They're in a safe, monitored environment and not in danger of physical harm, They aren't entitled to have people believe their life stories or offer them unreciprocated respect and civility. I feel that from the beginning Cody was disdainful of a lot of the HG's, and brought the wrath of the house on himself. I don't see him or Jess as victims, even if I dislike the behavior of the others. Case in point: Raven's infamous screaming/woofing/flipping off... ugly behavior but not victimization because she was reacting to Jodica's insult that they were nothing more than Paul's dogs. I can't really separate the cause from the effect - even if I hate both. I think my mileage has varied so much that I'm out of gas and stranded on the side of the road while everyone else is getting fro-yo at the RaceTrac! 5 Link to comment
JudyObscure August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 6 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said: Banging pots is silly, but way less offensive to me than telling people they're fat & stupid, and calling them by someone else's name because... I guess because all unpretty people are on the same level of useless/worthless. I didn't start watching until after Megan was gone. Was Cody talking to Megan like this? Sorry to be so off topic but I haven't been able to find any info about her except for a video on YouTube about the "Panda," misunderstanding. Link to comment
marsha August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 You know, ultimately,as always we can thank The Grand Phooba of BB, Allison Grodner for pretty much wrecking this season from the start with bringing back Paul. Honestly, this season didn't have a chance. 3 Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 5 hours ago, illini1959 said: I'd like to know the answer to that, too! You and Elena both. :D Elena's PDEM* when she was first OTB for Eviction Night basically consisted of a kind of evolutionary twist on Dominique's PDEM before being evicted. I think two things happened last night: Elena intended to deliver a second, more expanded evolution of her first PDEM. 0.2 seconds after starting, Elena totally, absolutely blanked. Every single solitary syllable Elena had ever thought to say vanished into the ether, nevermore to be seen again. Unfortunately for all, Elena is standing in front of a live TV camera. we get treated to ~ 30 seconds of Elena-babble as she desperately tries (and fails) to reconstruct on-the-fly her magnificent speech from its Pyrrhic ashes. Too bad, actually. I have no doubt whatsoever We The Audience would have been captivated by Elena's sinuous, sensuous weaving of her tapestry of prose; that we and the other HGs would have been alternately astounded and humbled by her effortless, flawless interpretations of the vagaries of BB in particular, and the human condition in general; that by the end of the speech everybody HG and audience alike would have been in our feet in thunderous applause, with the Great Paul Hizzownself loudly proclaiming the show should end here and now with Elena selected the winner by acclamation; that international broadcasts would result in the immediate cessation of hostilities in the Middle East, hunger and poverty would become no more than vague memories esconced in musty history tomes, and if cancer itself were not immediately cured then at least the world would be feeed from the horrendous scourge upon mankind that is gout. Too bad Elena forgot THAT speech, though. What we got was a total vowel movement. * PDEM = Please-Don't-Evict-Me speech; i.e., the last-ditch speech/plea final Block noms make before the eviction vote. 3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said: Even though Elena went out the door within the hour, the producers aren't going to send her into the Jury House until they're sure they have all of the footage they need of Cody being by himself. He'll probably have at least a few hours, if not a day or two of solitude. IIRC when the DE evictees are also the first two Jurors, Production will park DE Evictee #2 in a hotel room for a night or two - at least until they get all their establishing shots of DE Evictee #1 / Juror #1 languishing in the isolation of their JH-based Fortress of Solitude. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said: Well, Jess didn't ostracize Alex because of her ethnicity, from what I gathered. Yes, it was wrong to keep calling her Pao-Pao and it could definitely be misconstrued as that. I just think that she just didn't like Cody liking Alex and that was the cause of her hatred and name-calling, rather than because Alex is Asian. Oh, no doubt Jessica's animosity toward Alex was based on jealousy rather than racism; Jessica's attempts to cast jealousy-inspired aspersions on Alex, however, did wander into suspiciously racist territory. Still no bueno. 3 Link to comment
MV007 August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 1 hour ago, GeorgiaRai said: Sorry, Luna, I missed this earlier & didn't want to leave it unanswered. Here's my thing. I don't condone the behaviors in the house. Much of it is petty, childish, annoying & gross, and it amazes me that people act that way in public, much less on television. On the other hand, with rare exception (Megan, for instance), I don't see the recipients of that bad behavior as victims. They're adults who asked to be part of this experience. They're in a safe, monitored environment and not in danger of physical harm, They aren't entitled to have people believe their life stories or offer them unreciprocated respect and civility. I feel that from the beginning Cody was disdainful of a lot of the HG's, and brought the wrath of the house on himself. I don't see him or Jess as victims, even if I dislike the behavior of the others. Case in point: Raven's infamous screaming/woofing/flipping off... ugly behavior but not victimization because she was reacting to Jodica's insult that they were nothing more than Paul's dogs. I can't really separate the cause from the effect - even if I hate both. I think my mileage has varied so much that I'm out of gas and stranded on the side of the road while everyone else is getting fro-yo at the RaceTrac! Honestly, I think you just look at it from a different perspective. It's purely down to Cody for you. You focus on Cody whereas other people, myself included, focus on the group. As you've kind of said before, nobody is right or wrong here its just an opinion. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 11 minutes ago, MV007 said: Honestly, I think you just look at it from a different perspective. It's purely down to Cody for you. You focus on Cody whereas other people, myself included, focus on the group. As you've kind of said before, nobody is right or wrong here its just an opinion. I agree with this. I actually grew to like Cody, but he certainly has his flaws and did bring some of this on himself. To a point. But when there is just one (or 2) person and EVERY other person in the house is going after you, that just feels so off-kilter, not matter who you are. I saw plenty of times when Cody DID keep his cool, when he and Jessica did the right thing by trying to walk away. And Paul would "rally the troops" and encourage everyone to follow them, yell at them, bang pots and pans, etc. I guess I just hate few things more than herd mentality behavior, so it really really bothers me. If it was JUST Paul and Cody or Alex and Jessica having an argument, okay. But it always seems like such a pile on. It's gross. 14 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 1 hour ago, MV007 said: Honestly, I think you just look at it from a different perspective. It's purely down to Cody for you. You focus on Cody whereas other people, myself included, focus on the group. As you've kind of said before, nobody is right or wrong here its just an opinion. I don't feel I'm singling out Cody & Jess. I think they've all had awful moments and done unnecessary obnoxious things. Its just, as I said, I feel that with the others, there are times of normal, friendly interaction that - to me - weren't apparent between Jodica & the rest. But yeah, definitely different perspectives! 1 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 Here's a newbie question for all you vets: Has the show ever been focused on how people get along & adapt in extreme (no pun intended) circumstances? I think that's what I always expect when I watch, but there is very little insight into how people so socially, economically & culturally diverse mesh and get along. Is it always just about who will be evicted next? Does that question even make sense? lol Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 5 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said: Here's a newbie question for all you vets: Has the show ever been focused on how people get along & adapt in extreme (no pun intended) circumstances? I think that's what I always expect when I watch, but there is very little insight into how people so socially, economically & culturally diverse mesh and get along. Is it always just about who will be evicted next? Does that question even make sense? lol If you're talking about societal bonding and social evolution, I think that would be more Survivor 's forte than Big Brother. BB's focus, frankly, has always been along the lines of social devolution than evolution; take a bunch of strangers from disparate socioeconomic backgrounds, lock them all up together in a House wher they can't escape from each other more than a few minutes at a shot, give them a reason to compete and conspire against each other - then sit back for a couple months or so and watch how naked greed and personal prejudices dissolve all the social niceties. :) 2 Link to comment
mojoween August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 I don't understand how Josh hasn't been stabbed in the throat yet. Still liking Paul, I haven't turned on him yet. I mean, he can tell people what to do all he wants, it's not his fault that they do it. If they are too scared to disagree with him that's on them. And I personally think Alex and Josh are way more annoying. I like the Cody who talked to Julie. Too bad that guy didn't come to play. It still amuses me that Julie tells Christmas to hurry up. 3 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 28 minutes ago, Nashville said: If you're talking about societal bonding and social evolution, I think that would be more Survivor 's forte than Big Brother. BB's focus, frankly, has always been along the lines of social devolution than evolution; take a bunch of strangers from disparate socioeconomic backgrounds, lock them all up together in a House wher they can't escape from each other more than a few minutes at a shot, give them a reason to compete and conspire against each other - then sit back for a couple months or so and watch how naked greed and personal prejudices dissolve all the social niceties. :) Ha - perfect description! I actually was going to say "along the lines of Survivor", so knowing they're purposely different types of shows makes sense. I need to adjust (as in, lower) my expectations of the House Guests overall and just enjoy the journey down the highway to hell. 2 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 19, 2017 Share August 19, 2017 Changing topics for a second, have we discussed the most awkward part of Elena's exit interview yet? Paraphrasing here: Julie: Do you even like Mark? Elena: No. They used a lot more words but that was basically the conversation. Poor Mark. 1 Link to comment
CertainJewel August 19, 2017 Share August 19, 2017 Megan was the smartest she got out. Good for her. I think the problem was an infection...paul. At least I hope they are not all REALLY this despicable. 3 Link to comment
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