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I am here for this! 

As always, I think pretty much everyone is delightfully awful, although self-designated "post-stirrer" Luke is just plain awful. He seems like he's drunk all of the time. AK and his "chicken idol" isn't much better.

I don't mind the grandfather. 

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I am watching and enjoying.  Love any Survivor.  Don't like Luke though.  He is behaving like a 12 year old imo and not respecting the game, creating chaos for the sake of chaos, taking a spot away from someone wanted to play seriously.

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Luke seems to be modelling his gameplay on Russell Hantz's chaos theory with a dash of Tony  V's spy shack thrown in, making him doubly annoying  [though his tactile friendship with Jericho is kind of sweet]. 

AK and Sam are also annoying. I'm sure there will be others when everybody in this huge cast gets some facetime. 

I'm disappointed Henry's yoga teacher ruse seems to have gone nowhere; surely Sarah would have requested a session in that stressful first week?

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Luke and his spy shack went nowhere so far. Maybe there is a payoff later on.

Too funny that Henry tried to throw the challenge and was unsuccessful. I hope no one noticed, I like him and Jacqui, at least so far. Sam is very annoying, she needs to chill. She and Mark are violating Survivor 101, don't be such a noticeable couple!

still don't know some of the players, can't tell some of the women apart and can't remember who various guys are either. Does make it obvious who will get votes when they have 2 or 3 confessionals in the episode though. Like Kate and Tessa, I had no idea who they were. But there are 24 players and 55 days. Probably didn't know Kristy at this point last year.

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13 hours ago, Nozycat said:

Don't like Luke though.  He is behaving like a 12 year old imo and not respecting the game, creating chaos for the sake of chaos, taking a spot away from someone wanted to play seriously.

I'm fine with people playing however they want to play, I just can't stand how clever he thinks he is, even while everyone around him is wise to his dumbass antics. There was always a self-assigned "pot stirrer" on Australian Big Brother and they always thought they were the smartest person in the room.

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This is the first Australian Survivor I've managed to watch since its reboot (the less said about the half-arsed first attempt about 15 years ago the better) and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Luke's contrived batshittery grates on me, he's much more bearable when he's not talking up his perceived genius.

Did anyone realise that Mark W spent 16 years in the armed forces and was in special ops? Wow! Never heard THAT before! I really don't think they've mentioned that often enough.

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Yay! Just got caught up. Love AU, NZ and SA Survivor. Not as many "models" casted and more old school. Plus 3 nights a week gives you a lot more time to get to know people and see more strategy talk and camp life. I was surprised Jarred went to bat for AK, but he deserves another chance since the poker dude could not even find the idol WITH the clue. ...but he'll probably prove too much of a "player" to stick around. 

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Aw man, Tarzan was the only one I liked. If they weren't winning immunity challenges before, they're really not going to win them now. 

1 hour ago, molshoop said:

I'm sorry to see Tarzan go. Did Tessa vote for him?  I only saw one vote for Lachlan.

Tessa was the only one who voted for Lockie. Tarzan and AK both voted for Tessa... I'm unsure why. I guess so if there'd been a draw it wouldn't have been obvious they knew she had the idol? I guess AK must have tipped them off. Seems stupid of him in the long run, but I guess he saw it as a way to prove his loyalty.

I'm not a Christian, so maybe I've got it wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can't just set aside the teachings and such just because you're on Survivor? Is there a "get out of hell free" card for reality television? St. Peter's like, "Oh, you were a Real Housewife? Well I'll just cross everything out then!"

Meantime, I think Jericho will come to regret showing Luke the entire jar and where he keeps it. What's to stop Luke stealing them all now and using them to bribe other people? 

Edited by retrograde
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Tarzan should have slipped the idol to Tessa on the down low, as the tribe [at that stage] had declared they were voting en masse for her, so her single vote could have booted Lockie. It seems strategy wasn't Tarzan's strong point. 

I got tired of hearing about Jericho's cookies looooong before the editors did. 

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Tarzan really shot himself in the foot didn't he, not very smart.  And I get annoyed when people talk about themselves in the third person.

Yeah, nice to be able to choose when to apply your Christian morals and when not /sarcasm.  Not the way it works.  And I not only got sick of Jericho's cookies fast but also his delusions - he can go any time now afaic.

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I liked Tarzan, but he was an idiot to tell AK. And there was no need. If he had just blind-sided Locky, he'd be gone and then Tarzan/doctor chick could have teamed up with AK/Jarrod/Ziggy the next day. They only have to last until a tribe shuffle, which I'm sure they will do to avoid the boredom of a Pagonging. 

They are reporting not good ratings. Looks like it has been dropped down to 2 night a week versus 3! :( I hope it doesn't get canceled. 

Edited by TVbitch
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17 hours ago, retrograde said:

I'm not a Christian, so maybe I've got it wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can't just set aside the teachings and such just because you're on Survivor? Is there a "get out of hell free" card for reality television? St. Peter's like, "Oh, you were a Real Housewife? Well I'll just cross everything out then!"

Not a theologian either, but, I'd feel God would give a pass if you, for example, stole bases in baseball. So, who knows where the line is? ;)

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I feel like last season they did much better at my knowing the whole cast instead of just a few people from early on.  I remember being impressed by that and thinking how they did that so much better than the US version.  Did we really need to see so much of cookiegate?  We could have gotten to know some other cast members instead.

No wonder Jericho and Luke are friends - they are both 12.

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WTF - they ate all those cookies in a few days?! After Jericho's seemingly endless monologues about how he was going to use them to build an empire, he and Luke just gutsed them down instead? What morons. Those could've lasted the entire game if they'd been smart. 

Glad to see Lockie's stranglehold ending. I think I'm coming around on AK - he's the only wannabe strategist who can actually walk the walk. 

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Asaga might be the dullest tribe in the history of the game if the only thing worth covering over two episodes is those freakin' cookies. What happened to Sam"s paranoia and Henry's willingness to throw challenges to be rid of her? I'd even settle for more of Sam and Mark's lopsided showmance. 

Judging from Aimee's exit speech we lost some primo bogan TV gold before we ever really knew her. 

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That was a great tribal, as soon as that second vote was for AK the deal was sealed and you could just sit back and watch the reactions as it all unfolded.


Watching how Jarrad allowed Peter to bring up Aimee's name, and how he walked him down the path, was true beauty. That's a very sweet subtle game right there.

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On 8/7/2017 at 2:47 PM, TVbitch said:

I liked Tarzan, but he was an idiot to tell AK. And there was no need. If he had just blind-sided Locky, he'd be gone and then Tarzan/doctor chick could have teamed up with AK/Jarrod/Ziggy the next day. 

Tarzan also doesn't apparently know how to add. He seemed to think that voting for his ally, a vote which would be discounted by the immunity he gave her was somehow a better plan than voting for their mutual target.

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Um, Henry shoud have brushed up on some actual yoga moves before the show. 

Yeah, wtf - I assumed he was posing as a yoga instructor because he actually does yoga. If he wanted to invent a non-threatening job, just say you're a software developer or an office manager or something.

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I think he is trying to come of as a "no-collar" free spirit type who isn't that into strategy or complex thinking or winning. (The no-collars are a thing on US Survivor.) He should have said he was a surfer. Same vibe but they wouldn't have any way to test him out!

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That makes sense. Still. I can think of a dozen alternatives they couldn't have tested him on. Yoga is so popular, he had to know half of the people there would've done it before. 

Edited by retrograde
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"That's just stretching" made me laugh out loud. 

All that time wasted on Asaga's cookies in previous episodes would have been better spent showing us tribe loyalties - I was surprised by how totally Henry had everybody on side. 

I loved how Mark's heroic military edit switched so quickly to potential psychopath. I guess it's a fine line...

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On 8/7/2017 at 5:06 PM, Nozycat said:

I feel like last season they did much better at my knowing the whole cast instead of just a few people from early on.  I remember being impressed by that and thinking how they did that so much better than the US version.  Did we really need to see so much of cookiegate?  We could have gotten to know some other cast members instead.

No wonder Jericho and Luke are friends - they are both 12.

And they are two of the most annoying players in the game.  Sheesh!

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And they are two of the most annoying players in the game.  Sheesh

Yes super annoying.

Henry's lie about being a yoga teacher is so stupid.  And I don't like his whole demeanor, don't believe his story that he is really the most kindest, gentlest whatever in 'real' life.  I am disappointed he got his way although not crying any tears over Sam going.

Have Tara and Lochie never watched Survivor?  It's just when you feel the most secure that things regularly get upended.  And I never get people saying 'this is much harder than I thought' - it looks so hard to me.

Edited by Nozycat
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9 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

I loved how Mark's heroic military edit switched so quickly to potential psychopath. I guess it's a fine line...

Oh good God yes. It may have been the edit, but he was making my skin crawl, it was that creepy.


I'm glad we've finally moved on from those bloody cookies, though the anti-climactic caught-in-a-rip sub-plot threatened to take their place for a moment (yes Luke dear, you're a hero, keep telling yourself that).

People chucking a tantrum because the vote didn't go how they wanted always amuse me. As if you weren't planning to do exactly the same to someone else, Tara, so get over your sense of entitlement and suck it up.

Edited by Rachel72
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Ben speaks! And turns out to be quite intelligent! He profiled that idiot Luke perfectly. 

Is is there any reason why the opposition in the Sumo Mud Wrestling Challenge can't be switched after the first round? The same match-ups in round two just repeated the earlier results. Zzzz.

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11 hours ago, Rachel72 said:

People chucking a tantrum because the vote didn't go how they wanted always amuse me. As if you weren't planning to do exactly the same to someone else, Tara, so get over your sense of entitlement and suck it up.

Yes and saying another person is only playing for themselves when they are doing the same thing - Tara.

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So aggravating to hear people bitch and moan about other people doing exactly what they would do in the same situation. 

Bye Mark and your vengeance quest. Stfu Tara.

I was very surprised to hear Henry comparing himself so poorly against Mark ? 

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Ummm. WTF. We had to watch episodes of Luke and Jericho being snuggle buddies, BFF's and bonding over the stupid cookie jar, and now they vehemently vote against each other and we don't see anything about how that came about?! 

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Ummm. WTF. We had to watch episodes of Luke and Jericho being snuggle buddies, BFF's and bonding over the stupid cookie jar, and now they vehemently vote against each other and we don't see anything about how that came about?! 

Did I miss something?  I thought they both voted for Jacqui.  And boo, hiss! to Asaga for voting off the only eye candy on that tribe!

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I'm so happy to see Tara go.  I don't like feeling so negatively about someone I don't really know, but she irritated

me from her first taking head.  By this time I usually have several people I'd like to see win.  I don't even know

which tribe to route for.

I loved last season.  I rank it as one of my top ten.  This time I'm getting bored. 

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But Tara isn't gone -- she's just been moved to Asaga. 

I never get people like AK who do absolutely nothing to help out around the camp. Like sure, he's going to be a target just through his game playing, but he's making it easier for his opponents to flip his allies by being a layabout. 

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Yeah, it's a tribe swap, not a double boot. It's just that, as punishment for losing the challenge, Samatau didn't know what was happening beforehand, while tonight Asaga will know what's going on and can work out what's best for them as a tribe.

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