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S06.E14: Kelsie & Brandon

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Southern sweetheart Kelsie is madly in love with her online Romeo, Brandon. But after years of endless excuses of why he cannot meet up, Kelsie recruits Nev and Max to go deep in the heart of Texas to find who Brandon really is.

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- 50 shades of red flags in the first 30 seconds.

- I seriously thought Max was going to kidnap the dog. I died laughing seeing it splayed out on his lap during the first meeting.

- Legit Facebook page and legit friends. Shocking.

- Max is so done with everything.

- S h a d y!!!!!

- Holy crap he's real and they're real. Amazing.

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-I think I'd rather have an hour of watching Nev and Max mini-golf.

-She didn't think he might have been at Mud Fest the whole time until now? Plus she's sure that his smile that she's never seen in real life is her favorite smile ever. Already hate her dippy attitude.

-Sketchy ass reception problem. Not like the bro would reveal if his friend is cheating anyways.

-Biker kid. Stay in your Layne.

-On a more interesting show, they'd be able to edit out weather delays. But that's the bulk of the suspense.

-This blow-off is melodious pay-off to my ears. What a douche-cano. He had extra time to make up a more creative excuse too. Pitiful.

-He didn't even need another vehicle. That's what they were telling him. Jackass has amazing communication skills.

-Guess I should've figured with how much they stretched that out that the guy wouldn't need to explain his appearance. I don't like artificial stunt episodes, but come on. Shorter episode count, Catfish. PLEASE.

-Eff the universe's side.

-4-Wheelers 4Ever.

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I thought it was reminiscent of the catfish episode where the girl wasn't sure if "Derek" was really who he said he was.

Nev had the exact same excitement upon finding out it was really him.

I thought "redneck romeo" looked like Matthew Mcconaughey if he never tried acting lol.

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The last one a remember where it really was the guy, ( I think they meet on a beach) he just wasn't that into her and that was why he was so flaky. This one seems legit just not very resourceful? Like Max said it's been years and they are taking moving together. Get a greyhound ticket if you have to.

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Brandon is flakier than burnt spanakopita, but I guess we're supposed to be grateful on Kelsie's behalf that he was indeed the guy in the pictures.

I hope she is cool with moving to Missouri, because one thing Brandon and his truck have in common is being perpetually broke. 

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He looked much better when they first met then in the Skype call when he had cut his hair really short again!

So did anyone else but me suspect that it may have been a bit of a set-up?  Like, Kelsie and Brandon kinda arranged things beforehand and really just wanted to meet in person and pulled a fast one on Nev and Max and the producers?

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Every time they showed a picture that Kelsie sent to Brandon, I just kept thinking what a master of filters and angles she was. It also gave me hope that we would have a plot twist where Brandon decides she's not as cute as her pictures and drive away in his crappy truck. 

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Here's Kelsie's facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/kelsie.forester  if anyone is interested in stalking to see if she and Brandon are together. Here's Brandon's profile https://www.facebook.com/davis65721

His relationship status says single and Kelsie has herself as in a relationship with a guy named Aubrey. 

They are still facebook friends but neither has any pictures or anything of the other on their page. 

Edited by saratothej
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Hi guys. I decided to make a whole account here to make this post.

Kelsie's son Layne is in my summer camp program and he is a sweet kid. Honestly he is one of my favorites. That kid cannot keep a secret. 

When I asked him about his mom and Brandon he said "It didn't work. I don't know why."

He also said that the show cut quite a lot, the thing he was most upset about is the comment about Katie being their only family because apparently she said much more.

Kelsie is a great mom, very dedicated to her son and I think that might be why it didn't work out. He is her priority.

Edited by larziepan
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I was Team Max the whole way, even after they met and it really was Brandon. Something just seemed so off...I was not convinced that the situation was real. I think this was fixed so the show could feature a "happy ending," but I don't believe for one second there was one.

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I was #teammax all episode. The meeting at the beach was weird , Brandon barely acknowledged her and I thought maybe her MySpace angles hid that bit of extra junk she had in her trunk and he wasn't into it.  Kelsie wasted 3 of her prime time years on this guy , glad to hear she's in a relationship- hope it's face to face not online again. Ladies, if he won't FaceTime or Skype  or meet within a reasonable amount of time .... MOVE ON !!!!!!!

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The best she could hope for would be a long distance text relationship with that guy, because the reality of an in-person relationship would mean tying herself to a completely brokeass washout of a guy that's had a broken beater truck for multiple years with no plan to fix it. That's totally the horse you wanna tie your (and your son's) cart to. Just go back to trading texts and find a guy that's got the sense god gave a bullfrog, or whatever folksy saying people in Texas use.

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